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Yoga for Eating Disorders treatment – How to get rid of it

Want to get rid of eating disorders? Practice yoga

The number of health problems present among the common people is quite high when compared to the previous generation. And the reason for this is that the people in this generation have completely changed their food habits and their way of living. The increased stress and anxiety are also the reasons for such problems. When it comes to health disorders, one of the most common ones is the eating disorder. The first step
towards treatment is diagnosis. And the best method of treatment is through yoga.

Are you a person with eating disorders?

Answering this question is the most important thing. But the problem is that the process of answering is a tricky one. The basic explanation about the disease is that the person would consume either excess food or inadequate food. Both of these are not favorable and on the long run, the person's health would be affected. He or she would also be under a lot of stress about the condition of his or her body, its weight, and shape.
The 3 most common types of eating disorders are bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, and anorexia nervosa. Bulimia nervosa is a state in which the patient would eat excess amounts of food and then he or she would try to expel the excess amount that he or she has consumed through vomiting, overexerting the body, etc. Anorexia nervosa is a situation in which the person would not consume the adequate amount of food and the reason is that he or she would be under the constant fear of becoming overweight. Binge eating is a situation in which the person would frequently lose control when he or she starts eating. Unlike the bulimia nervosa, the patient would not try to get rid of the excess food that is consumed through vomiting or any other such activities. Obesity and cardiovascular diseases are the results.

Treating eating disorders

There are various kinds of treatment methods when it comes to eating disorders. But the best method is the one that does not have any kinds of side effects and also is quite effective. And under these criterions, one of the best treatment methods is yoga. The major advantage of practicing yoga is that it can be taken as a second treatment for the problem. This means that other treatments like medications can also be continued without any problem. When it comes to the cost, yoga is quite reasonable. The only thing is that you would have to find a suitable yoga teacher and a yoga studio for practicing the asana.
Yoga is beyond a few poses and breathing exercises. It is a way of life. If you are a person who is practicing yoga under a teacher then the teacher would be able to guide you to the values of yoga. This would help you to get rid of the stress and anxiety associated with eating disorders. Also, you would be able to find happiness in the small things that you do. The people usually fall into eating disorders because they have a negative image of their own body. Yoga would be quite helpful in erasing this image from their minds. Here are some Yoga poses that will  boost up the process of Eating Disorder Recovery.

Pranayama Exercise

When it comes to yoga, the best thing is that you would be able to relax for long periods of time. And one method for relaxing in yoga is to practice the pranayama. This should be done by sitting on a flat seat and with your legs crossed. The next thing is to sit with your back straight and breathe in and out slowly. Make sure that you use only your noses for the breathing process and not your mouth. Also, make sure that your concentration is fixed on the breathing and hence it would be better to do the pranayama during early morning so that the distractions would be less. This process should be repeated for a few times each day. The results would be increased concentration, reduction in stress and anxiety, etc. After days of practice, you would be able to do the pranayama in almost any place. No kind of distraction or sound would be able to affect your concentration on the breathing. In fact, pranayama would help you to gain self-control when it comes to consuming food items.

Halasana’ Pose

This is called the plow pose in the common tongue. The major advantage of practicing this asana is that the digestive processes would be smoothened. Also, the person would be able to get rid of eating disorders.
The first step is to lie on your back, on a flat place. And then lift both your legs until they reach over the stomach region. Keep moving the legs and try to touch the floor or the yoga mat just outside the shoulders. This might seem difficult but with practice, it can be mastered quite easily. Now stay in this position for about 10 minutes. This asana can be repeated for a few times for the best results.


The major advantage of the dhanurasana is that it would increase the oxygenation of the body. Also, the asana would be helpful to those who suffer from back problems. People with eating disorders too would benefit from this asana. In the common tongue, it is called the bow pose.
The first step is to lie down with the back facing up. Now start bending your legs from the knees and bring as much closer as possible to the thighs. Now use your hands to hold the toes of the two legs. Once this is completed, raise your entire body up. Make sure that you pull the legs towards the face. Look in the forward direction and make sure that you are stretched. Hold the pose and repeat the process for a few times.


This post first appeared on Ayurveda For Everyday Life, please read the originial post: here

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Yoga for Eating Disorders treatment – How to get rid of it


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