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How to Adjust Sleeping Patterns for Night Shifts

The “typical” work schedule has been shifted drastically as of late. More companies are allowing more flexible hours, allowing their employees to work remote, or are experimenting with shorter work weeks.  Though there is turbulence, it is still the most common for full-time employees to work their hours between 7AM and 5PM.

That may be a typical shift for day-time workers, but what about night shift workers?  There are many professions that require working overnight. According to UCLA Health [I] This is because working throughout the night promotes poor sleep habits that cause employees to skimp out on their rest.

Sleep deprivation can have many negative effects on the body, so it is important to make rest a priority if you are someone who works these hours.  We gathered some useful information and tips on how you can create sleep habits that keeps you healthy and energized during those late nights.

Keep a Sleep Schedule

Maintaining a regular sleep schedule is key when you’re trying to determine how to sleep for a night shifts. That means you should sleep at the same time even on your days off. Though that might not sound practical, it will reduce the stress your body will experience during workdays.

Having a set sleep schedule will help your body get accustomed to sleeping during the day. That is because consistently going to bed at the same time helps adjust the body’s internal clock. Your circadian rhythm makes you feel tired at night and alert during the day. As the sun goes down, darkness triggers production of melatonin and other hormones that keep you on a diurnal schedule.

Getting your body to adapt to a nocturnal schedule is hard and takes time. You can’t make this change overnight.

Going against your body’s natural tendencies is difficult, but it can get easier when you are consistent. If you continually work night shifts, try to keep the same sleep schedule all week.

Keeping a sleep journal is helpful for identifying any setbacks in your routine. You can use this as a helpful reference to see why you feel more sluggish on some days and make changes accordingly.

How to Plan Your Schedule

You should also consider what your schedule will look like when you’re considering how to sleep for night shifts.

Planning out a schedule for late shifts can feel strange. There is more flexibility with what part of the day is reserved for sleeping. Some people like to plan their schedule so that they wake up right before work. Others may prefer to come home and go straight to bed. The best schedule is one that you can stick to.

The most important thing to consider when planning a sleep schedule is how many hours you are dedicating to sleep. Most healthy adults should get 7 to 9 hours of sleep every day/night. Getting less than 6 hours of sleep can be detrimental to your health and performance. Be sure to calculate how many hours of rest you will get before setting a bedtime.

Another factor is when there is the least amount of sunlight. Out of the remainder of your day, reserve the hours with the least daylight for sleeping. For example, if you work from 5PM to 3AM, sleeping right after work will give you several hours of early morning darkness.

Changes are, you’ll still be sleeping during the daylight for at least a couple of hours. Getting blackout curtains or a sleep mask can help you out there. If you’re in the market for a sleeping mask, check out this list of our favorites.

How to Manage Rotating Schedules

Figuring out how to sleep for night shifts can be easier if you are working them consistently. You adjust your schedule once and stick with it.

However, many people who work night shifts only work these hours on occasion. Nurses, doctors, firefighters, and many other professions may require a split between working during the day and working overnight. This poses a new challenge to the body because they are unable to maintain a consistent sleep schedule.

The best way to approach this is by using gradual transitions. Slowly alter your sleep habits the days before and after the overnight shifts. Alter the time you go to bed and wake up by 1 or 2 hours each night until you reach your new schedule.

For example, imagine you are going to start your 11PM – 7AM shift in a few days. You typically go to bed at 11PM and you’d prefer to go straight to bed after your shift.  On the first transition day, go to bed at midnight. The next day, tuck yourself in at 2AM, then 4AM, then 6 AM. Keep this up until you hit your new 8AM bedtime. 

This is not an easy technique for some people. It may feel impractical depending on how you want to spend your days off. However, working a gradual change into your routine can significantly reduce the stress on the body.

Tips For Surviving Night Shifts

Two major challenges come from working the night shift. Trying to sleep during the day and trying to stay awake throughout the night! Both are important to conquer when learning how to sleep for night shifts.

Some people have no issue adapting to this schedule. Other people may struggle greatly with both sides of this schedule. If you resonate with the latter, we have some tips to help you get through your next night shift.

Tips for Sleeping During The Day For Night Shifts

  • Invest in Your Bedroom – A bedroom that is suitable for sleeping at any time of day can be incredibly valuable. Have a comfortable mattress, keep the temperature cool, and – most importantly for shift workers – install blackout curtains. Sunlight will be the biggest pain when you take on a nocturnal schedule. If you cannot find blackout curtains, try a sleeping mask . 
  • Ask Your Roommates To Be Quiet – Soundproofing your bedroom can be expensive. However, loud noises and voices can prevent you from getting good quality rest. If you live with family members or roommates, ask them to keep it down during the day.
  • Avoid Caffeine at the End of Your Shift – Coffee, tea and energy drinks may be your go-to throughout your shift. Unfortunately, drinking these within six hours of your bedtime will keep you from having good sleep. Keep an eye on the clock before you grab another caffeinated beverage.
  • Have a Before-Bed Habit – It’s easier to adjust to a new way of sleeping if you give yourself a before bed routine. This will eventually act as a trigger for you to feel sleepy if your brain associates it with bedtime. Have a soothing beverage like
  •  as you unwind, take a warm bath, or read a book.
  • Limit Sleep Aids – Sleeping pills can be helpful for occasional sleepless nights, but they shouldn’t be used as a crutch throughout your nightshift stint. Using sleep aids regularly can cause you to develop a dependency, which leads to more severe issues down the road. Try other natural methods, such as CBD, for falling asleep if you are having a hard time getting rest.Melatonin supplements may also help, but should only be used on occasion.
  • Wear Sunglasses and Avoid Light Before Bed – Light plays a key role in the body’s sleep-wake system. If you are driving home when the sun has already risen, be sure to wear dark sunglasses and close the blinds when you get home. Limiting your exposure to sunlight before bed will help you fall asleep and stay asleep.

Tips for Staying Awake All Night For Night Shifts

  • Eat Healthy Meals and Snacks It may feel strange eating “lunch” at 2AM, but it is important to keep your body fueled with consistent meals. This will keep you from feeling low energy or overeating once you get home. Be sure your meals are healthy and light. When your circadian rhythm is thrown off, your metabolism is also out of whack. This means you are more likely to gain weight from a poor diet. Make sure you’re filling yourself up with healthy, nutrient dense foods throughout the evening.
  • Drink Caffeine The Right Way – Some people come into work with one large mug of coffee that they finish in the first hour of work. Though this can be a boost for the start of the shift, as the caffeine wears off so will your energy. Research shows that consuming small servings of caffeine every hour or two can be more effective than one large dose. [II]So drink a half cup of joe every other hour, but make sure you do not drink any within six hours of bedtime.
  • Get moving – take a short walk when you are feeling drowsy. Activity gets the blood pumping and sends a message to your body that it is not time for rest. If you are unable to go for a walk, try standing up for a few minutes.
  • Have Bright Lights – Be sure you have bright lights on before and during your night shift. This will send messages to the body that it is not time to produce melatonin. A study found that exposure to bright light during night shifts allowed workers to feel more alert throughout their shift. [III]
  • Take a nap – If you are feeling too tired to focus, find 15-20 minutes for a power nap. Short naps can significantly improve alertness and cognitive function.

Working night shifts can be hard on employees mentally and physically. It forces them to go against the body’s natural schedule and can cause them to make drastic changes to their lifestyle. Understanding and preparing the body for this transition can make it less harsh. If you work night or rotating shifts, keep these tips in mind to reduce the strain on your body.

Check out our other tips for keeping a clean, comfortable bedroom as well as tips on how to improve your sleep. Follow us on Twitter or Facebook to be sure you never miss a new article!

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as professional medical or health advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a health concern or medical condition.



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How to Adjust Sleeping Patterns for Night Shifts


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