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The Best Online Yoga Teacher Training in 2020/2021

So you want to make this the year that you become a qualified yoga teacher? Then you’ll need to know your options for the best online yoga teacher training offerings of 2020/2021. Not sure whether you are looking to teach students in the future or simply wish to deepen your own practice? Either way, studying your YTT online is a unique experience to learn more about this holistic way of life. As a young business model, you may find online study much more affordable than in-person schools. Plus, the organisers are putting a lot of effort into making this a thoroughly rewarding and engaging experience for all students. 

What’s more, if you have been contemplating this for some time then the timing couldn’t be better for getting your online yoga teacher certification. That’s because, until the end of 2020, the Yoga Alliance is granting approved Registered Yoga Schools the option to offer in-contact hours through virtual learning. So if you want to become a Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance, this is your opportunity. Scroll down to read more about this movement before we get to the crux of this article.

To help you on your way, we’ve rounded up 10 of the best yoga instructor courses online. Most are 200-hour courses aimed at as-yet unqualified teachers. However, we’ve also included a couple of options for qualified yoga teachers seeking Continuing Education opportunities. 

But first, let’s tackle a few thoughts that might be on your mind. 

Can you teach yoga with an online certificate?

You can indeed; your online yoga teacher certification makes you a certified yoga instructor. Once you have achieved your 200-hour certificate you can seek work teaching at a studio or set yourself up as a freelance yoga teacher. You can read our full guide on how to become a yoga teacher and launch your journey.

One caveat before you begin is the situation with Yoga Alliance. When you study in-person you can opt to do so at a Yoga Alliance accredited school – officially known as a Registered Yoga School (RYS). If you chose to get certified at an RYS then you may choose to become a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT). This means heading over to the Yoga Alliance website and paying the necessary fee online. 

Under usual circumstances, any online yoga instructor training does not qualify you to seek RYT status. However, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Yoga Alliance is accepting registration from those who qualify online. But – you’ll need to be quick. This is only in place until 31 December 2020. So if you want to start 2021 as a qualified RYT – now is your golden opportunity!

You will need to familiarise yourself with the rules and regulations to ensure your certification remains valid.  For example, in order to continue growing as a teacher, all (RYT) must complete 30 hours of Continuing Education every 3 years. Remember, it is not mandatory to register with Yoga Alliance – even if you study at an RYS. You should consider the pros and cons of becoming a RYT prior to studying your training course and how it impacts your intentions. Some schools only hire RYTs whilst others don’t expect it. As Yoga Alliance is a North American organisation, this might be more relevant to US citizens. 

Can you do online yoga instructor training as a beginner?

Many of the courses we’ve scouted and shared below do accept beginners. However, more specialised programmes will ask for some experience. In terms of Continuing Education for yoga teachers, you will need to already be a qualified yoga teacher before you tackle advanced yoga instructor courses online.

If you are still new and finding your feet with yoga, you may benefit from our piece on at-home yoga workouts. In addition to sharing our favourite yoga workouts to do at home, we’ve shared some safety tips for solo practice at home. 

10 Best Online Yoga Teacher Training Courses in 2020/2021

We’ve collated the X best online YTT courses that you can enrol in this year. These range from your classic 200-hour yoga teacher training that makes you an official, qualified yoga teacher. We have also included a few opportunities to expand your horizons with advanced study. All of these are fully certified online Yoga Teacher Training Courses. They are taught by experienced teachers from around the world, who live-stream their yoga classes to you in your living room. 

Please note – pay attention to the timezone of the organiser and note the local time of the classes. You’ll need to choose the best schedule to suit your own. Additionally, the images shown below are not of the online courses. These are from previous classes at the retreat. 

Complete the 200 hours, get certified and nurture your own yogic lifestyle – here are the best online yoga teacher training programmes. 

1. 28 Day 200-hour Online Meditation and Yoga Teacher Training

This 200-hour online yoga instructor training is a total immersion into the science of meditation and traditional Tantric Hatha yoga. The programme includes over 90 lectures and practices, plus live online support to help you evolve your practice and your life. In addition to the pre-recorded sessions, you will have daily synchronised meditation sessions. Furthermore, there are many live Q&As, and one-to-one meetings to strengthen your connection and transmission.

As suggested by the school, expect a daily flow of activities for 6 days of each week for 4 weeks. You need to complete a live cycle of 4 weeks; however, all pre-recorded teachings can be completed in your own pace. You can come to a mutually agreed upon time-frame with the instructors. 

A highlight of this course is the 3-day silent meditation and yoga immersion which takes place during the third week of study. Perfect for any yogis who want to make your practice more spiritual and meditative.


  • Certification upon completion
  • Live Q&A sessions
  • One-to-one meetings with yoga instructors 
  • Access to a closed community Facebook group and sharing circles
  • Course material access during the course duration (plus 1 additional week for review and self-study)
  • 90+ high-quality videos

Certification by the Yoga Alliance: Yes

School: Rasa Lila by Dijan

Location of school: Bali, Indonesia 

Price: $750 USD

Click here to book

2. Awaken the Teacher Within: 200-Hour Online Yoga Teacher Training with Noah Mazé and Rocky Heron

Following a methodical step-by-step approach to learning, this course will enable you to become a confident yoga teacher. The Mazé Method programme combines detailed alignment knowledge and intelligent asana sequencing with Vinyasa theory.  Submerging you in all things yoga, this course will spark an ever-growing love of learning, propel your personal transformation, and engage your leadership skills.

Although this online YTT  is currently underway, enrollment is still ongoing. Although we advise prospective students to sign up as soon as possible. This way you can take advantage of the current discount! As most of the content is pre-recorded videos, you can 98% of the course in your own time before the official graduation ceremony in December.


  • A comprehensive digital teacher’s manual 
  • Worksheets, templates, articles, learning resources and suggestions for further study
  • Regular assignments and quizzes to keep your learning on track
  • Two final teaching assignments to ensure you are equipped and prepared to teach classes
  • Live contact hours and Q&As with Noah Mazé and Rocky Heron
  • Homework and assignment oversight sessions with Nichol Chase
  • A community platform where you can connect with your peers and mentors 

Certification by the Yoga Alliance: Yes (before 31 December 2020)

School: The Mazé Method

Location of school: California, USA 

Price: $1,999

Click here to book

3. Self-paced 200-hour online multi-style yoga teacher training

This 200-hour online YTT welcomes yogis of all abilities – beginners, too. You will study predominantly Hatha yoga as well as other conventional styles including Ashtanga, Yin and Restorative. Other modules include the subtle body (chakras, nadis, koshas) as well as mantras, history, philosophy and anatomy. 

From your starting date, you have 90 days in which to complete your study. The course is designed to be studied over 28 days of practice. Although the timing is entirely up to you, a recommended schedule as per the retreat is as follows:

  • 08:00 Asana, pranayama, bandhas, and kriyas 
  • 09:30 Breakfast break
  • 10:30 Philosophy, anatomy, and meditation
  • 12:00 Lunch break / personal time
  • 15:00 Meditation and teaching methodology
  • 16:30 Asana, pranayama, bandhas, and kriyas class
  • 18:00 Conclude


  • 25 online contact hours for 28 days
  • 7.5 non-contact hours per day for self-study
  • 4 online yoga sessions per day
  • You can accomplish the course within 90 days from your start date
  • PDF manual
  • Daily online classes
  • Q&A sessions with the teachers
  • Access to a private Facebook group

Certification by the Yoga Alliance: Yes (before 31 December 2020)

Location of school: Thailand 

School: Wonderland Healing School (in association with Nirodha Yoga School)

Price: $488 USD

Click here to book

4. 20-hour self-paced Restorative Yoga Teacher Training

If you are already a qualified yoga teacher, then this is an option for you to expand your portfolio and learn some new skills. This short online course teaches you all you need to know to teach Restorative yoga. You will learn how to work with your nervous system and breath to decelerate and slow down. In turn, you will discover how to pass on these skills to your students. 

Restorative yoga is a soothing, nurturing, and slow-paced practice that promotes the healing effects of rest. Usually, the practice incorporates the use of supportive props such as blankets, blocks and resistance bands. This style is especially helpful for anyone who experiences insomnia, depression, stress, low back pain, anxiety, and other conditions. 

After completing this online YTT you are qualified to teach Restorative yoga to all ages. Alternatively, you can integrate Restorative techniques into your usual classes – which may be lucrative in the current climate. If you are a 200-hour Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance, you will gain 20 Continuing Education credits upon completion. 


  • The full theory behind the nature of Restorative yoga 
  • 2 videos led classes with demonstrations
  • 3 self-practice classes
  • How to use studio props and alternatives for home-based practices
  • Guided meditation sessions
  • Pranayama techniques
  • Lifetime access to all of the material, including any content added in the future

Certification by the Yoga Alliance: Yes (before 31 December 2020)

School: Yoga Bliss

Location of school: Bali, Indonesia

Price: $207 USD

Click here to book

5. Self-paced 200-hour low-cost online yoga teacher training

Incorporating the styles of Hatha, Vinyasa and Ashtanga, this online yoga instructor training welcomes beginner yogis as well as advanced. Although, some previous experience is preferred. You will cover all the essentials of a 200-hour yoga teacher training including meditation, pranayama and chanting. You will develop confidence in your own practice and learn how to guide your own yoga and meditation classes.

The course is available to complete within 1, 2 or 3 months to suit your own schedule. Contact hours are flexible so you can discuss the timings of these once you are signed up. Most content is prerecorded and you can begin your studies 48 hours after enrollment. 

Hablas español? This course is available in Spanish as well as English. 


  • 20 contact hours (including your live final exam)
  • 180 non-contact hours for self-study
  • 10 online yoga sessions (held over Whats App)
  • Bilingual instructions and sessions: English and Spanish

Certification by the Yoga Alliance: Yes (before 31 December 2020)

School: Spirit Sadhana Low-Cost Yoga Teaching 

Location of school: Spain

Price: $671 USD

Click here to book

6. 22-day 200-hour online yoga teacher training for aspiring lifestyle entrepreneurs

Do you want to be the next Adriene Mishler? If you’re passionate about turning your love of yoga into a lifestyle, then this course is for you.

As well as covering the 200-hour yoga teacher training modules, you receive access to a 12-week entrepreneurship course. This will equip you with top-notch advice about setting up and running your own yoga business whether online or offline. Of course, all yoga instructor courses online do instruct you about launching your career as a yoga teacher. But this one is specifically geared towards those of you who want to throw your might into it. As you know, completing a yoga teacher training doesn’t mean you necessarily have to become a yoga teacher. 

The styles of yoga practices during the course are Hatha and Restorative. In addition to the typical modules of yogic history of yoga and anatomy, you will delve into traditional Chinese medicine, Thai massage and study the psychology of yoga.

Topics covered in the entrepreneurial course include:

  • Finding your unique gift and purpose
  • Do what you love and the money will follow
  • Creating your future vision
  • Your target monthly income
  • Branding and marketing
  • Launching your lifestyle brand


  • 20-hour online yoga foundations course to prepare yourself for the practice foundations
  • Kaya yoga manual and workbooks
  • A full 20-hour foundational anatomy course delivered by anatomy guru and yoga school owner Marylene Henry
  • Live streams (also recorded)
  • Recorded videos and audios
  • Kaya’s full online 12-week entrepreneurship course

Certification by the Yoga Alliance: Yes (before 31 December 2020)

School: Kaya Yoga Therapy 

Location of school: Dubai, UAE

Price: $1,497 USD

Click here to book

7. Self-paced 300-hour online yoga teacher training with Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin, Aerial and Acro Yoga

This comprehensive online YTT earns you the status of an advanced yoga teacher training. Plus, upon completion, you receive a credit to attend future study in person in either Thailand or Bali. That’s the perfect excuse to book a tropical yoga holiday in the future!

In your own time, you will study Hatha, Vinyasa, sun salutations, meditation techniques and pranayama practice. Each pose is analysed on a daily basis to ensure you are correctly aligned. Additional workshops in aerial and acro yoga. You will also learn about working with prenatal injuries.

ULU Yoga usually schedules two live zoom classes a day between 11 a.m. and 9 p.m. (Thailand time – do note the time difference). However, all classes are recorded so you can catch up later if you miss any. These online yoga classes are a combination of Q&A time, lectures and workshops from the retreat teachers, and asana and meditation practice.


  • 150 contact hours over daily live-streamed Zoom classes
  • 150 non-contact hours via post stream and video modules 
  • Daily traditional Hatha and Vinyasa yoga classes, meditation, anatomy, and philosophy classes
  • Tuition credit to attend future ULU Yoga courses once online yoga teacher certification
  • Optional bonus co Aerial, Acro, and SUP workshops

Certification by the Yoga Alliance: Yes (before 31 December 2020)

School: ULU Yoga

Location of school: Thailand

Price: $599 USD

Click here to book

8. Self-paced 200-hour certified Online Yoga Teacher Training with One Yoga

This offering from One Yoga is one of the most flexible options on the market that we’ve found, in terms of completion. Running as an ongoing program, you are welcome to enrol at any time. Once you are signed up, you may complete this course in as little as 4 weeks to a maximum of 12 months. 

Your tuition is delivered via recorded videos, live online interactions and various exercises. All classes are recorded and released in the same schedule format as the onsite course. This means you can attend either at the scheduled times or at a later time that better suits you. 

Yoga styles studied encompass Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin, Restorative and Ashtanga. This is great if you are experimenting with your practice and want to master the basics of all techniques. 


  • Unlimited access to the classes 
  • Access to a closed Facebook community group with your fellow students
  • Live Q&A webinars with teachers
  • Support and answer to personal questions via email
  • Personalised feedback on your video recorded practice and teaching
  • The option to complete the course within 4 weeks or 12 months 

Certification by the Yoga Alliance: Yes (before 31 December 2020)

School: One Yoga 

Location of school: Thailand

Price: $1,499 USD

Click here to book

9. 30-day 200-hour Self-paced Online Yoga Teacher Training with 6-hour Ayurveda Massage Course

This heavily discounted online yoga instructor training follows the conventional 200-hour YTT format and focuses on Vinyasa and Ashtanga. Besides the physical practice, tuition enriches you with the transformative power of yoga. You’ll learn how to improve self-care, master mindfulness and dive more deeply into your own psyche. At the same time, you will learn how to share these teachings with your future students should you decide to become an instructor. 

As an added bonus, each of the seven modules includes a component of learning the techniques of Ayurveda massage. This is based on ancient Indian therapy techniques using herbal-infused oils and non-traditional massage strokes.

Tuition is via weekly live Zoom classes with your tutors and fellow students. If you cannot attend any of these, all classes will be recorded for you to watch in your own time. 


  • 180 contact hours
  • 20 non-contact hours
  • 6-hour Ayurveda Massage Therapy Course certificate
  • 20+ sample yoga lesson plans plus meditation and pranayama scripts
  • Yoga teacher manual
  • Lifetime ongoing support from teachers

Certification by the Yoga Alliance: Yes (before 31 December 2020)

School: Bend It Like Buddha Yoga

Location of school: Portugal

Price: $399 USD

Click here to book

10. Self-paced 200-hour Online Yoga Teacher Training with Hatha, Yin, Aerial and Acro Yoga

This 200-hour online YTT provides a remarkably thorough grounding across every aspect of yoga. The self-paced study is designed to be completed within 1-2 months to suit your requirements. Modules include methodology for teaching those with injuries, senior and prenatal yoga classes, mixed levels and trauma release. As you practice your asanas, ULU applies daily analytics to ensure you are upholding the correct form and alignment.

Upon completion of the online course, you receive a credit to attend any ULU Yoga course at their retreats in either Thailand or Bali. Once there, you can build on your skills and practice experimental techniques such as beach yoga, aerial yoga, acro and SUP yoga. To accommodate for online students interested in these techniques, ULU also provides advice about crafting your own aerial yoga tripod at home. 


  • Approximately 133 sessions in total –  90 minutes each
  • 100 contact hours delivered through live-streaming classes
  • 100 non-contact hours post stream and video modules
  • Tuition credit to attend courses in Thailand and Bali
  • Optional bonus content includes Aerial and Acro Yoga workshops
  • Eligible for registration with Yoga Alliance upon completion before December 31, 2020

Certification by the Yoga Alliance: Yes (before 31 December 2020)

School: ULU Yoga

Location of school: Bali, Indonesia

Price: $499 USD

Click here to book

That concludes the best online yoga teacher training programmes available right now until the end of 2020. Whilst all 200-hour online YTTs follow the same principles as advised by the Yoga Alliance, there are some notable differences. This might the focus of each course (for example, the style of yoga or more emphasis on meditation), the delivery of the content or the timeframe for completion. So do browse each suggestion carefully and find the one that is most aligned to your personal intentions.

Don’t forget – if you receive your online yoga teacher certification before 31 December 2020, you can get accredited by the Yoga Alliance. 

The post The Best Online Yoga Teacher Training in 2020/2021 first appeared on YOGA TEACHER LAND.

This post first appeared on Yoga Teacher Land, please read the originial post: here

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The Best Online Yoga Teacher Training in 2020/2021


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