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What is a Dental Emergency and How Can You Avoid It?

  • You were having a wonderful day. You woke up with the birds chirping and the sun shining. You had a productive day at the office where your boss appreciated your work and you came home to your loving family. On the way from the living room to the kitchen, you tripped on a toy and now your mouth is bleeding. 

Or, you were in the middle of cooking your favourite dish when all of a sudden, your teeth started hurting and now you’ve been using a cold compress on your jaw for the past forty minutes.

Dental emergencies can be sudden and daunting, leading to long-term effects. They can require expensive or invasive procedures or even a change in lifestyle. They often require urgent attention from a dentist. If you’re looking for emergency dentistry near you, read on to know more about it.

Dental Emergencies

Dental emergencies can be scary and often require urgent attention from a dentist. However, many of these emergencies can be prevented with proper dental hygiene and regular dental check-ups. In this article, we will discuss what constitutes a dental emergency and provide tips on how to avoid them.

What is a dental emergency?

A dental emergency is an urgent circumstance that demands prompt dental care in order to alleviate intense discomfort, halt bleeding, or avert additional harm to the teeth, gums, or oral cavity.

Here are some examples of dental emergencies:

  • Severe toothache: A sudden and intense toothache that doesn’t go away with pain relievers can be a sign of an infection or tooth damage that requires immediate attention.
  • Broken or knocked-out teeth: Accidents, falls, or sports injuries can result in chipped, cracked, or knocked-out teeth, which can cause bleeding and severe pain. Immediately rush to a dentist near you in this situation.
  • Jaw injury: A blow to the jaw can result in chipped or broken teeth or dislocation or fracture, which requires immediate medical attention.
  • Soft tissue injuries: Cuts, bites, or punctures to the tongue, lips, or cheeks can be painful and may require sutures.

How can you avoid dental emergencies?

Prevention is the key to avoiding dental emergencies. Here are some tips on how to maintain good oral health and avoid dental emergencies:

  • Practice good oral hygiene: Make a habit to brush your teeth twice a day with a recommended fluoride toothpaste. Floss daily, and use mouthwash to keep your teeth and gums healthy. If you have children, teach them the importance of good oral hygiene as well. 
  • Wear protective gear: If you are participating in sports or any other activity where there might be a risk of a dental injury, wear a mouthguard to protect your teeth and jaw. Injuries can often lead to broken or chipped teeth. In case you break your teeth, go see an emergency dentist near you immediately.
  • Avoid chewing hard objects: Chewing on ice, hard candy, or pens can crack or chip your teeth. Foods that are hard to chew can be hard on the gums as well. 
  • Avoid sticky foods: Sticky foods like caramel, taffy, and gum can pull out fillings and damage teeth. Foods with excessive sugar or starch can be damaging to your teeth as well. 
  • Visit your dentist regularly: Regular dental check-ups can help detect and treat dental problems before they become emergencies.

No matter when or who it happens to, dental emergencies can be scary and require urgent dental care. While you can take extensive preventative measures, something can still come. If you or your loved ones face any such thing, visit us at The Dentists at Northgate in Edmonton to receive the best emergency dental care. 

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What is a Dental Emergency and How Can You Avoid It?


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