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Who is Not a Good Candidate for Ketamine Therapy? Essential Facts to Know

Ketamine Therapy has emerged as a potential treatment for various mental health conditions, especially for those individuals who have not responded to traditional treatments such as therapy and antidepressant medications. However, not everyone may be an ideal candidate for this innovative therapy. In these introductory paragraphs, we’ll discuss some factors that might make someone unsuitable for Ketamine Therapy.

Some individuals may not be suitable candidates for ketamine therapy due to a history of substance abuse, cardiovascular issues, or specific medications they are taking. It is important to recognize the risks associated with ketamine therapy, as such treatment could negatively affect vulnerable individuals. Clinicians will carefully evaluate patient suitability to ensure the best course of action for their mental health needs.

Key Takeaways

  • Ketamine therapy is a novel approach to treating mental health conditions in those unresponsive to traditional treatments.
  • History of substance abuse, cardiovascular problems, or certain medications may render some individuals unsuitable for ketamine therapy.
  • Evaluating patient suitability is crucial for ensuring the safe and effective implementation of ketamine therapy.

What is Ketamine Therapy?

Ketamine therapy is a newer treatment option for individuals struggling with various mental health conditions, such as depression. It involves administering low doses of ketamine, either through intravenous or intramuscular injections, to help alleviate symptoms.

One form of ketamine approved for treatment-resistant depression is esketamine, found in the nasal spray Spravato. This approval paved the way for further exploration of ketamine as a potential treatment for mental health issues.

The benefits of ketamine therapy are numerous, and some individuals have experienced breakthroughs in their mental health thanks to the rapid relief it can offer. When traditional methods, such as medication and psychotherapy, don’t seem to help, this alternative approach may be worth considering.

Ketamine therapy, when properly administered and supervised, has shown promising results in providing short-term relief from symptoms associated with various mental health conditions. However, it’s important to remember that this treatment isn’t a cure-all and should be used with other therapies to manage your overall mental health better.

Remember that ketamine therapy may not be suitable for everyone, so it’s crucial to consult with your healthcare provider to determine if it’s a good fit for you.

Understanding Mental Health Conditions

Mental health conditions encompass many disorders that can affect your mood, thoughts, and behavior. Some common mental health conditions include depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and schizoaffective disorder. It’s important to understand that each condition is unique and may require different treatment approaches.

Depression refers to a persistent feeling of sadness, hopelessness, and a loss of interest in daily activities. Major depression is a more severe form of depression that can significantly impact your quality of life. Treatment-resistant depression refers to cases where traditional treatments, such as therapy or antidepressant medications, don’t adequately relieve symptoms.

Anxiety is characterized by excessive worry, fear, or nervousness about everyday situations. It can lead to physical symptoms like rapid heartbeat, fatigue, headaches, or muscle tension.

PTSD is a mental health disorder after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event, like a natural disaster, combat, or physical assault. Symptoms include flashbacks, nightmares, and emotional numbness.

OCD involves recurrent and persistent thoughts(obsessions) and behaviors (compulsions) that an individual feels compelled to perform to lessen their anxiety.

Bipolar disorder is characterized by extreme mood swings, ranging from manic highs to depressive lows.

Schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder are severe mental health conditions characterized by hallucinations, delusions, disorganized speech or behavior, and negative symptoms like reduced emotional expression or motivation.

When it comes to ketamine therapy, not every person with mental health conditions will be a good candidate. Research has shown that ketamine may be most suitable for those with depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD, and chronic pain who have not responded to traditional treatments. Working with a healthcare professional is crucial to determine if ketamine therapy is the right approach for your specific condition and circumstances. Remember, a well-informed decision can help you find the best treatment plan for managing your mental health challenges.

The Ketamine Therapy Process

Before considering ketamine therapy, it’s essential to understand the process and determine whether you’re a suitable candidate. First, consult with your healthcare provider or a medical professional specializing in mental health. Discuss your current diagnoses, medication options, and whether ketamine has potential benefits for your situation.

The consultation is crucial since certain factors might make you ineligible for ketamine therapy. For example, individuals with uncontrolled high blood pressure might be at risk for complications, as ketamine can cause a temporary increase in blood pressure.

Medical staff will closely monitor you during the treatment to ensure your safety and effectiveness. Ketamine has shown promising results in clinical trials for treatment-resistant depression and specific mental health disorders, but it’s important to remember that each person responds differently.

While ketamine therapy typically involves multiple sessions, ongoing psychotherapy, and other medication options are often recommended to complement the treatment. Maintaining an open line of communication with your healthcare provider is essential, updating them on your progress and discussing any necessary adjustments.

Remember, the ketamine therapy process should be tailored to your unique needs and circumstances. By consulting with a medical professional and following their guidance, you can decide whether ketamine therapy is right for you.

Potential Side-Effects of Ketamine Therapy

Ketamine therapy, while it can be effective for some individuals suffering from treatment-resistant depression or chronic pain, does have the potential for various side effects. When considering this therapy, knowing about these possible adverse reactions is essential.

During or immediately after ketamine therapy, you may experience some physical and mental side effects, such as:

  • Nausea: Feeling queasy or experiencing an upset stomach is a common physical reaction to ketamine.
  • Vomiting: Sometimes, your nausea may lead to vomiting during or after the treatment.
  • Dizziness: You might feel lightheaded or unstable on your feet, which could be disorienting.
  • Confusion: Ketamine can impair your thinking, leading to a temporary state of confusion or disorientation.
  • Hallucinations: Altered perceptions, such as visual or auditory hallucinations, are possible side effects due to ketamine’s dissociative properties.

It’s important to remember that not everyone will experience every side effect, and some individuals might not have any adverse reactions. However, knowing these potential side effects can help you decide whether ketamine therapy is right for you.

Aside from the short-term effects listed above, additional risks should be considered when evaluating ketamine as a treatment option. Long-term use or repeated exposure to the drug may lead to:

  • Dependency: A psychological or physical dependence on ketamine is possible, increasing the risk of addiction.
  • Increased tolerance: Over time and repeated use, your body may adapt to ketamine, requiring higher doses to achieve the same therapeutic effects.
  • Cognitive impairments: Extended use of ketamine can result in memory, attention, and learning difficulties.

In conclusion, before deciding on ketamine therapy, it’s crucial to consider the potential side effects and risks involved. Consult your healthcare provider and discuss your concerns to make the best decision for your mental and physical well-being.

Who May Not Be Suitable for Ketamine Therapy

Ketamine therapy has shown promise in treating various mental health issues but is unsuitable for everyone. Certain factors can increase the risk of complications or reduce the effectiveness of the treatment. Here are several instances where you might not be a good candidate for ketamine therapy:

  • Uncontrolled high blood pressure: If you have poorly managed hypertension, ketamine therapy may exacerbate the issue. It’s important to stabilize your high blood pressure before considering this treatment.
  • History of substance abuse or addiction: Ketamine has the potential for abuse and addiction. If you have a history of substance dependency, it could increase the risk of relapse or developing a new addiction.
  • Psychosis, mania, or delusions: Ketamine may induce manic episodes or exacerbate psychosis and delusions, particularly in individuals with a history of bipolar disorder or schizophrenia.
  • Liver or kidney disease: This therapy is metabolized by the liver and excreted by the kidneys. If you have pre-existing liver or kidney issues, you might be unsafe to undergo ketamine treatment.
  • Age restrictions: Although there isn’t a specific age limit for ketamine therapy, its use in pediatric, geriatric, and other vulnerable populations should be carefully considered and closely monitored by healthcare professionals.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding: The safety of ketamine therapy during pregnancy and breastfeeding has not been well-established. Avoiding this treatment if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding is generally advised.

Remember that these factors don’t automatically disqualify you from receiving ketamine therapy. It’s crucial to discuss your medical history and current health status with a qualified healthcare professional, who will determine if this treatment is appropriate for you. Remember, it’s crucial to prioritize your safety and well-being when deciding on any mental health treatment.

Mental Health Medications and Ketamine

You might be wondering how ketamine therapy interacts with other mental health medications you may be taking. Knowing these interactions is essential to determine if you’re a good candidate for ketamine therapy.

While ketamine has shown promise in treating mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD, and chronic pain, it may not suit everyone. If you’re already taking certain medications, there might be potential risks or reduced effectiveness in combining them with ketamine.

  • Antidepressants: Although ketamine therapy has proven effective in treating depression, especially in those who haven’t responded well to traditional treatments, it’s crucial to discuss with your healthcare provider before starting ketamine therapy. This is because combining ketamine with some antidepressants, such as SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), might lead to a phenomenon known as “serotonin syndrome,” which could be life-threatening.
  • Benzodiazepines: Benzodiazepines are another class of medications commonly used to treat anxiety disorders. However, the combination of benzodiazepines and ketamine might reduce the effectiveness of ketamine therapy. Various studies have suggested that benzodiazepines might diminish ketamine’s antidepressant and anti-anxiety effects in some individuals.

When considering whether ketamine therapy is right for you, you must be transparent with your healthcare provider about your current medications. They can help you understand and assess any potential risks or interactions with ketamine therapy. Remember, your safety and well-being should always be the top priority.

Ketamine Therapy and Physical Health Concerns

Ketamine therapy has been gaining traction as a promising treatment for various conditions like depression, chronic pain, and PTSD. However, it’s essential to consider your physical health before jumping into this treatment. Some individuals might face potential hazards due to specific health concerns and conditions.

First, if you have a history of substance abuse, ketamine therapy might not be a suitable option for you. The risk of addiction can make the treatment more dangerous than beneficial. It’s crucial to discuss your history with your healthcare provider to determine if this treatment is a safe choice.

Secondly, if you have cardiovascular issues, ketamine therapy may pose risks. The treatment can increase heart rate and blood pressure, so people with pre-existing heart conditions must be cautious. Consult your doctor to evaluate your cardiovascular health and the potential impact of ketamine therapy.

Additionally, allergies and medication interactions can be a concern. If you are allergic to ketamine or any related compounds, you should avoid this therapy. Moreover, ketamine can interact with certain medications, so you must inform your healthcare provider about any drugs you take.

For individuals experiencing chronic pain, evaluate the severity and nature of the condition with your doctor. Although ketamine therapy has shown promise in treating chronic pain, not all cases are suitable. A thorough evaluation by a healthcare professional will help determine the best course of action.

Lastly, if you have glaucoma, ketamine can increase pressure within your eyes and exacerbate the condition, so it’s necessary to consult your eye specialist before exploring ketamine therapy.

In conclusion, while ketamine therapy holds promise for various mental health and pain conditions, physical health concerns must be considered. Always consult with healthcare professionals to ensure that this treatment is the right fit for your unique circumstances.

Insurance and Ketamine Therapy

When considering Ketamine therapy for treatment-resistant depression, it’s important to understand how insurance coverage plays a role. This section will provide a brief overview of insurance coverage for Ketamine therapy.

First, it’s important to note that insurance coverage varies greatly depending on the specific treatment and the individual’s insurance plan. It’s essential to check with your insurance provider directly for accurate information on coverage for Ketamine therapy. Some insurance companies may cover a portion of the costs, while others might not provide any coverage at all.

Another factor to consider is that, in many cases, Ketamine therapy is considered an off-label or an investigational treatment. Off-label treatments are those not specifically approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for a certain condition, like depression. Insurance companies tend to be less likely to cover off-label treatments.

However, hope is not lost! Recently, the FDA approved a ketamine-derived nasal spray called esketamine for treatment-resistant depression, which might impact insurance coverage. Since this Ketamine therapy has FDA approval, some insurance companies may be more likely to cover part of the costs.

It’s also important to remember that even if your insurance doesn’t cover Ketamine therapy, you still have options. Many treatment providers offer financial assistance programs, sliding scale fees, or payment plans to help you afford the therapy.

Key Takeaway: Insurance coverage for Ketamine therapy can vary, and it’s crucial to check with your insurance provider and explore other financial assistance options if needed.

The Role of Diagnosis in Determining Candidacy

Regarding ketamine therapy, the diagnosis is critical in determining whether you are an appropriate candidate for this treatment. Your mental health condition should be resistant to other treatments, such as medication and talk therapy, to be considered for ketamine therapy. Keep the following points in mind:

  • If you have previously responded well to traditional treatments, ketamine might not be your best choice.
  • Ketamine therapy has proven particularly effective for conditions like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, PTSD, addiction, chronic neuropathic pain, and chronic migraines.
  • If you’re dealing with these mental health issues and haven’t found relief through other methods, you might be a great candidate for ketamine therapy.

However, there are some instances where ketamine therapy might not be suitable:

  • If you have a history of recreational drug use, it’s essential to disclose this information with your healthcare provider honestly. Some drugs, especially those with dissociative properties, could interact adversely with ketamine, making it an unsafe choice for you.
  • Patients with certain medical conditions, such as uncontrolled hypertension or heart disease, may not be good candidates due to the potential risks associated with ketamine.

In conclusion, it’s crucial to work closely with healthcare providers who offer thorough screenings and care throughout the ketamine therapy process. They’ll be able to provide honest feedback about whether or not you are a suitable candidate for treatment.


Efficacy and Outcomes of Ketamine Therapy

Ketamine therapy is popular for severe depression and other mental health disorders. When considering this treatment option, it’s essential to understand how effective it is and what outcomes you can expect.

Ketamine has been shown to reduce depressive symptoms, often within hours to days rapidly. This is much quicker than traditional antidepressants, which usually take weeks to show results. Moreover, it has demonstrated effectiveness in cases where standard medications have failed to provide relief.

While ketamine therapy can be valuable in addressing several mental health conditions, its efficacy also depends on the individual:

  • Quick symptom relief: Those who respond well to ketamine therapy often report significant mood, energy levels, and overall well-being improvements. However, this rapid reduction in symptoms doesn’t happen for everyone, and setting realistic expectations is crucial.
  • Treatment-resistant depression: Patients who have tried and failed to find relief from multiple antidepressants may benefit from ketamine therapy. Research has shown that it’s particularly effective in treatment-resistant cases.
  • Comprehensive approach: Some studies suggest combining ketamine with traditional psychiatric care, including therapy sessions and prescribed medications, can result in better outcomes. Working with a knowledgeable practitioner to tailor your treatment plan accordingly is essential.

However, remember that ketamine therapy might not be ideal for everyone. It’s essential to consult with a mental health professional to determine if this treatment is appropriate for you. Factors such as your medical history, other medications, and the severity of your symptoms can all play a role in determining your suitability for ketamine therapy.

In summary, ketamine therapy can offer promising results in reducing symptoms for patients with severe depression, particularly when other treatments have failed. Remember, the efficacy and outcomes of ketamine therapy will vary from person to person, and seeking professional guidance is the best way to know if this option is worth exploring for your unique situation.

Contraindications of Ketamine Therapy

When considering ketamine therapy as a treatment option for various issues, it’s essential to be aware of the contraindications. Some individuals might not be well-suited for this form of treatment. You should keep the following points in mind when determining whether you are a good candidate for ketamine therapy:

  • Cardiac problems: Individuals with certain cardiac issues should avoid ketamine therapy, as it might exacerbate their condition.
  • Glaucoma: Ketamine therapy might not be suitable for those with glaucoma, given the potential increased pressure in the eyes.
  • Active internal bleeding: If you are experiencing active internal bleeding, ketamine therapy is not a safe option.
  • Allergies: If you are allergic to ketamine or its components, avoid this treatment.

Additionally, there are specific psychological and behavioral factors that might indicate that ketamine therapy is not suitable for you:

  • Schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorders: Ketamine could worsen symptoms for people with these conditions, so it is not advised.
  • Substance abuse or addiction history: Because ketamine can be abused, care teams monitor patients with a history of substance use disorders to ensure the treatment doesn’t trigger relapse.

Remember, it’s crucial to consult your medical team before starting ketamine therapy. They will help you weigh the risks and benefits and decide whether this treatment option suits your situation.

Impact of Medical History on Treatment Suitability

When considering ketamine therapy, it’s important to evaluate how your medical history might affect your suitability for this treatment. Certain medical conditions may make you an unsuitable candidate for ketamine therapy. Your medical team will help you determine the best course of action based on your circumstances.

First, let’s talk about substance abuse. If you have a history of active substance abuse, you might not be safe to undergo ketamine therapy. Addiction and previous substance use issues can lead to potential risks and complications when introducing a new treatment such as ketamine.

Other medical conditions to be cautious about include:

  • Uncontrolled seizures
  • Acute liver or kidney disease
  • History of stroke
  • Pregnant individuals
  • People with uncontrolled hypertension
  • Those with acute or unstable cardiovascular disease

If any of these conditions apply to you, it’s important to consult with your healthcare provider before starting ketamine therapy. They can help assess your risk factors and determine if it’s safe and appropriate for you to proceed with this treatment option.

If you’re deemed not suitable for ketamine therapy due to any of these medical conditions, don’t fret! Your medical team is dedicated to working with you to find alternative treatment options that may be better suited to your particular needs. It’s important to remember that one size does not fit all when it comes to mental health treatments, and there are many different approaches to consider.

Open communication with your healthcare provider is essential in determining the best course of action for your mental health journey. By making them aware of your medical history and working closely with them, you’ll be better positioned to find the most effective treatment.

Navigating New Frontiers: How to Decide if Ketamine Therapy Right for You?

Ketamine therapy is like the avant-garde artist of mental health treatments—it’s unconventional and increasingly gaining attention, particularly for those who haven’t found relief through traditional methods like medication and psychotherapy. However, as with any treatment, it’s not one-size-fits-all. So, how can you determine if ketamine therapy might be your best option?

Evaluate Your Medical History

Before diving into ketamine therapy, medical professionals usually thoroughly assess your medical history. Certain pre-existing conditions or lifestyle factors could make ketamine therapy unsuitable. These include:

  • Substance Abuse: A history of substance abuse could complicate your treatment, potentially making ketamine less effective or even hazardous.
  • Cardiovascular Issues: People with certain heart problems may face higher risks with ketamine therapy.
  • Current Medications: Some medications could interact negatively with ketamine, rendering the treatment ineffective or risky.

Understand the Risks and Side Effects

Being well-informed about the possible risks and side effects associated with ketamine therapy is vital. This could range from nausea to more serious complications like hallucinations or increased blood pressure.

Consult Your Medical Team

Your primary healthcare provider and mental health professionals should be involved in any decision about starting a new form of treatment. They can provide insights tailored specifically to your health profile.

Assess the Severity of Your Condition

Ketamine therapy is often considered for individuals who haven’t responded well to traditional treatments. If you’ve tried multiple avenues without success, this could signal that a more novel approach like ketamine therapy, might be worth exploring.

Accessibility and Affordability

Ketamine therapy can be expensive and is often not covered by insurance. The treatment logistics, including repeated clinic visits, can also influence your decision.

JustAnswer: Your Immediate Resource

If you’re contemplating ketamine therapy but still have unanswered questions or concerns, remember that we have an arrangement with JustAnswer. You can chat live with a real psychologist to help identify if ketamine therapy is viable for you and advise on the next steps for your mental health journey.

Deciding on any form of therapy, especially as groundbreaking as ketamine, can be complex and deeply personal. It’s vital to approach this decision with thorough research, comprehensive medical advice, and honest introspection.

Frequently Asked Questions

What conditions can disqualify someone from ketamine therapy?

Several conditions might make you ineligible for ketamine therapy, including but not limited to:

  • Psychotic conditions
  • Heart conditions
  • Uncontrolled high blood pressure
  • Liver or kidney disease
  • Bladder problems

It’s important to consult your healthcare provider to determine if your condition disqualifies you from ketamine therapy.

Are there any health risks that might make ketamine therapy unsafe?

Some health risks that might make ketamine therapy unsafe for you include:

  • Severe liver or kidney dysfunction
  • Uncontrolled hypertension
  • A history of adverse reactions to ketamine or related medications
  • Active substance abuse

Discuss your health history with your doctor to determine whether ketamine therapy is a safe option for you.

What medications could interfere with ketamine therapy?

There may be some medications that could interfere with the effectiveness of ketamine therapy or cause adverse reactions. Always inform your healthcare provider about all medications you currently take, including prescription and over-the-counter drugs and supplements.

Are there age restrictions for ketamine therapy?

Ketamine therapy is generally not recommended for individuals under 18 without consulting their physician. Pregnant women should also avoid this treatment unless specifically advised by their healthcare provider.

How does a history of substance abuse affect ketamine therapy candidacy?

A history of substance abuse might affect your candidacy for ketamine therapy. It’s essential to be honest with your healthcare provider about any past or current substance abuse, as it may impact the safety and effectiveness of the treatment.

What mental health conditions may not be suitable for ketamine therapy?

While ketamine therapy has shown promise for certain mental health conditions, it might not suit individuals with specific issues like psychotic disorders. Your healthcare provider can help determine if ketamine therapy is appropriate for your mental health condition.

About Jacob Maslow

After surviving the traumatizing events of 9/11, I took it upon myself to heal through helping others. I’m the primary caregiver of my children and understand from first-hand experience the lonely paths you have to walk as a partner and parent when leaving an unhealthy relationship.

We’re all echoing in a dark space that doesn’t have to be this empty, and that’s been my mission since finding solace and recovery in therapy: To help comfort others who are still in shock and at the prime of their struggle.

I came across BetterHelp after searching for this type of community. I wanted to belong to a body of proactive therapists and supportive therapy veterans that allowed me to see other sides of the story.

It was unconventional, and that’s what attracted me most. During my most challenging times, when my ex-wife completely cut me off from my children, I found comfort and clarity through BetterHelp.

Instead of being chained to a strict therapist recommendation, I was in charge of who I felt understood my struggle most. That allowed me to find my true peace, as I was reunited with those who read behind my words and had first-hand experience with my trauma.

Recovery is a choice; with BetterHelp, that choice will be a few clicks away. You can join their couples-oriented platform, for those stuck with family estrangement and toxic relationship patterns.

There are several conditions that might make you ineligible for ketamine therapy, including but not limited to:


  • Psychotic conditions
  • \n

  • Heart conditions
  • \n

  • Uncontrolled high blood pressure
  • \n

  • Liver or kidney disease
  • \n

  • Bladder problems
  • \n


It's important to consult with your healthcare provider to determine if your particular condition disqualifies you from ketamine therapy.

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Are there any health risks that might make ketamine therapy unsafe?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

Some health risks that might make ketamine therapy unsafe for you include:


  • Severe liver or kidney dysfunction
  • \n

  • Uncontrolled hypertension
  • \n

  • A history of adverse reactions to ketamine or related medications
  • \n

  • Active substance abuse
  • \n


Discuss your health history with your doctor to determine whether ketamine therapy is a safe option for you.

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What medications could interfere with ketamine therapy?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

There may be some medications that could interfere with the effectiveness of ketamine therapy or cause adverse reactions. Always inform your healthcare provider about all medications you are currently taking, including prescription and over-the-counter drugs, as well as any supplements.

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Are there age restrictions for ketamine therapy?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

Ketamine therapy is generally not recommended for individuals under the age of 18 without consulting their physician. Pregnant women should also avoid this treatment unless specifically advised by their healthcare provider.

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How does a history of substance abuse affect ketamine therapy candidacy?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

A history of substance abuse might affect your candidacy for ketamine therapy. It's essential to be honest with your healthcare provider about any past or current substance abuse as it may impact the safety and effectiveness of the treatment.

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What mental health conditions may not be suitable for ketamine therapy?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

While ketamine therapy has shown promise for certain mental health conditions, it might not be suitable for individuals with specific issues like psychotic disorders. Your healthcare provider can help determine if ketamine therapy is an appropriate treatment for your specific mental health condition.


This post first appeared on Stress Management - Reviews And Advice, please read the originial post: here

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Who is Not a Good Candidate for Ketamine Therapy? Essential Facts to Know


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