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How To Make The Bad Feelings Go Away Blog

Tips and recommendations that are intended to reduce the negative emotions you experience on a daily basis. Anyone can be happy!
Phenibut is a popular nootropic supplement that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It is known for its calming and anti-anxiety effects, as well as its ability to improve sleep qua… Read More
Have you ever heard of Kratom? It is a plant-based supplement that has been gaining popularity over the last few years due to its potential therapeutic benefits. In this comprehensive guide… Read More
I am almost always giving out at least one of my books for free. I give out a book for free for five days then swap it out for another, rotating regularly until I’ve gone through all o… Read More
My goal here is not to go into great detail on any particular remedy but just to give you an idea of some of the options that are out there and their commonly recommended doses. Always consu… Read More
There could be nothing. It isn’t a logical imperative that anything should exist. It seems, though, that things exist.            … Read More
It is logically untenable to use the Bible to dismiss the existence of God. If you use the Bible as evidence, then you are recognizing it as an authority, but from where or whom does it deri… Read More
Tryptophan is an amino acid that is important for making proteins. The body does not make it, so it must be consumed in the diet. After we eat tryptophan, the body converts some to 5-HTP and… Read More
Both melatonin and serotonin control different things in our bodies, like how hungry we are, how we feel, and how well we sleep. Serotonin is a chemical that sends messages between ne… Read More
            The amount of sleep differs based, first, on age. The general recommendations according to The National Center for Biotechn… Read More
Dear God,             The will to live is independent of other influences. It has no apparent relation to my mood or the state of my… Read More
Kava Kava is an herbal remedy that’s made from the roots of Piper methysticum — a type of plant found in the islands of the Pacific Ocean. Its name literally means “intoxic… Read More
The leaves of lemon balm, Melissa officinalis L (Lamiaceae), are used in Iranian folk medicine for their digestive, carminative, antispasmodic, sedative, analgesic, tonic, and diuretic prope… Read More
Valerian Root
A systematic review of randomized, placebo-controlled trials for valerian root for improving sleep quality examined sixteen studies, which included a total of 1093 patients, and they, overal… Read More
Dinosaur Coloring Book
Paperback$5.99You Earn: 12 pts 1 New from $5.99Just a good ol’ fashioned coloring book filled with ferocious dinosaurs Read More
Pancake Island
When an army of ravenous monsters arrive on Pancake Island and start devouring everything in sight, the citizens know they need a hero. That hero is Roy, a young boy who has always dreamed o… Read More
Very Simple Grammar Explained Simply
Do you struggle with grammar? I know how you feel. But you don’t have to keep struggling. It can actually be simple! I don’t even know any of the fancy words people often use whe… Read More
A Brief History Of Winnie The Pooh
Want to learn more about Winnie the Pooh? Here’s everything you need to know. “Winnie the Pooh had its start thanks to the son of author A.A. Milne. It was really a real-life… Read More
The true story of a boy who endures abuse and neglect and grows up to be a staunch atheist until he encounters Christians who change everything. “It’s fun to hit me. I know th… Read More
Depression: It’s Not Hopeless
Facts About DepressionCognitive DistortionsHow to Support Someone With DepressionWhat Can We Do?Deep BreathingExerciseForce Yourself to Do Something You Normally EnjoyTalk to a Friend or Pro… Read More
Fluoxetine was discovered by Eli Lilly and Company in 1972, and it entered medical use in 1986. In 2019, it was the 20th most commonly prescribed medication in the United States with more th… Read More
Love languages are the ways people show and receive love. When you and your partner use different languages, it can be difficult to communicate your feelings. By learning your partner’… Read More
Caregiver support is critical to the treatment of childhood depression. Although there is no quick fix for depression, caregivers play an important role by maintaining a supportive environme… Read More
Lithium orotate, like zinc or selenium, is a dietary supplement type of lithium that is taken in micro dosages. When most people hear the word "lithium," they immediately think of the bipola… Read More
Magnesium deficiency is common in the United States. Before you go for a supplement, keep in mind that a few servings of magnesium-rich meals each day might enough to satisfy your daily requ… Read More
That concludes the section of the blog known as "Mad, Sad, Tired, or Anxious: How to Make the Bad Feelings Go Away." You can purchase it as a book here. The post The End of a Section appeare… Read More
Adderall is great for fatigue. There are other stimulant options but Adderall is the most popular. The post Medications for Fatigue appeared first on Mad, Sad, Tired or Anxious: How to Make… Read More
I've grouped them together just because I'm showing the same study to support their use. The study showed that these two essential oils could reduce the fatigue of nurses working their shift… Read More
Do you have fatigue that has lasted longer than six months, can't be explained by an underlying medical condition, and worsens with any physical or mental exertion but doesn't get better wit… Read More
Several studies show ashwagandha to be effective with mild fatigue, at the very least. The post Supplements for Fatigue appeared first on Mad, Sad, Tired or Anxious: How to Make the Bad Feel… Read More
Fatigue can be a life-ruining problem to deal with. When you’re drained of all energy and just want to sink into a chair like a brick, like a beached whale, and all you can do in frust… Read More
Fatigue is a common symptom of many things. It's also a common side-effect for medications. Make sure nothing like that is going on, or if it is, that you know about it and are aware that yo… Read More
Medications for anger often target anger indirectly, typically having a calming effect. It's not quite as common to use medications for anger as it is for other issues, such as depression an… Read More
Marshmallow Root is a supplement for anger and is meant to calm and soothe you. Further studies are needed to confirm these speculations. L-tyrosine has the potential to make you more amiabl… Read More
Although it might sometimes feel like your anger “explodes” and comes out of nowhere, this is almost never the case. Anger builds slowly, and if you aren’t paying attention… Read More
Anger triggers are the things that set you off. Knowing your triggers, and being cautious around them, will reduce the likelihood of your anger getting out of control. The post How to Stay C… Read More
In small doses, anger is an appropriate, normal, and healthy emotion. Everyone experiences anger. It helps us stand up for ourselves when we’ve been wronged, and protect our own needs… Read More
That's the phrase I've often heard: anger issues. I don't know know if "anger issues" are commonly thought of as a problem belonging to the psychiatric realm. Are there medications for "ange… Read More
CBD has a lot of claims to its name. Maybe some of them are true. Maybe all of them are true. Whatever the case may be, right now, we're only going to look at claims substantiated by scienti… Read More
Social Anxiety Disorder Screening Test *The following questions are based on the information found in the DSM-5, the diagnostic statistic manual used all over the country.  1. Do… Read More
Anxiety Supplements We will look only at the anxiety supplements which have studies showing they may work.  Ashwagandha The recommended dosage is up to 600mg per day. Study… Read More
What are Panic Attacks? Panic attacks are brief periods of overwhelming fear or anxiety. The intensity of a panic attack goes well beyond normal anxiety, and can include a number of physi… Read More
Safety Behaviors One of the most harmful responses to anxiety is avoidance. When a person avoids the source of their anxiety, they feel relief. However, the next time they face a similar… Read More
Anxiety Coping Skills Deep Breathing – Anxiety Coping Skill Deep breathing is a simple anxiety coping skill technique that’s excellent for managing emotions. Not only is de… Read More

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How to Make the Bad Feelings Go Away
