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My Fitness Blog Blog

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This is an alternative fitness blog, taking on exercises, nutrition, and current affairs from a different approach.
A study has linked excess soy consumption to low sperm count in men. Soy is a powerful phytoestrogen that has found its way into the average American’s diet. As soy is a versatile high… Read More
Forget the processed freezer-burned bags of chicken tenders. This recipe takes only 30-45 minutes from start to finish, can be scaled up or down as needed, and is far healthier and tastier t… Read More
For a protein-packed stew, check out this Irish classic. Lamb is a nice alternative to beef and has a unique flavor. The lamb in this stew gets a pot roast treatment and comes out tender and… Read More
When made properly, ice cream can be one of the best healthy bulk foods to eat. Egg yolk, cream, milk, and honey are all you need to make the best ice cream you’ve ever tasted. This re… Read More
As a departure from my typical recipes, I will be sharing my results of a several month experiment with passive hydroponics. This method is good for growing greens and small herbs in restric… Read More
For a simple weeknight low-fat taco meat, turn to poached chicken breast. Not only is this recipe easy to scale up, but it makes fantastic leftovers. Serve with refried beans, rice, or any o… Read More
Chicken cutlets, chicken tenders…whatever you prefer to call them, here’s a fairly guilt-free method for making them. Since good cooking fat is expensive, I’m showcasing a… Read More
“Porridge” was the best large-scale category I could come up with for these. If you’re in the UK or in another country where the word “porridge” has a specific… Read More
I haven’t written on many side dish recipes, so for this article I’ll provide a hearty, seasonal side dish of spaghetti squash with chickpeas (garbanzo beans). This is good hot… Read More
Are you worried about your tummy tuck cost? In this article we will answer your concerns in depth to help you decide what you should do. What is a tummy tuck A tummy tuck, sometimes referred… Read More
Vaping has become increasing popular in recent years. Nicotine is a well-known appetite suppressant that can help you lose weight. But can the common practice of vaping help you keep off the… Read More
This week’s recipe will be my tuna salad recipe. Protein-packed, filling, and delicious, tuna salad is easy to make and portable for lunch or a quick dinner. You can choose to eat it s… Read More
Introduction I promised in the article on headache remedies to discuss eleuthero, or Siberian ginseng, in its own article. The botanical name for Siberian ginseng is Elutherococcus senticosu… Read More
Everyone gets headaches once in a while. They range from mild to severe, occasional to chronic. This article will discuss a few types of headaches and possible natural remedies. Pain is a si… Read More
Make Your Own Probiotic Sauerkraut
Do you like grilled bratwurst? Reuben sandwiches? Pierogi? All of these dishes beg for a good pile of sauerkraut to accompany them. When you’ve eaten properly fermented sauerkraut, you… Read More
Are you having trouble with good sleep? There always seem to be different opinions on what to do to help with it depending on who you ask. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing–poor… Read More
Here is Part 2 of an expanded glossary of herbal actions. You can find Part 1 here. Carminative Definition herb or drug that eases discomfort caused by gas or flatulence Commonly Used Read More
The readers of this site do not need to be convinced that their health belongs in their hands and theirs alone. Bestowed degrees, white coats, and alphabets following one’s name are no… Read More
Every so often, I think one should step back and simply enjoy something for its own sake. Food should ultimately be enjoyed because it’s beautiful, not because it helps your gains or… Read More

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