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Vaccination safety


Vaccines are not free from side effects, or “adverse effects,” but most are very rare
or very mild—for example, a sore arm or low-grade fever—and they go away within
a few days. More serious side effects, like allergic reactions, are rare. Studies have
shown a small increased risk for febrile seizures among children during the first to
second week after the first vaccination with measles, mumps, rubella (MMR), and
varicella (MMRV) vaccine, and not after the acellular pertussis vaccine, DTaP, or
after varicella (chickenpox) vaccine.

It should be kept in mind that brief febrile seizures can happen with any condition
that causes a fever, and they do not cause any permanent neurological damage. Up
to 5% of young children will have at least one febrile seizure, usually associated
with getting sick. Causes include common childhood illnesses like colds, the flu,
an ear infection, or roseola. Getting a child vaccinated as soon as recommended
prevents many more febrile seizures than are caused by vaccination because vaccination
protects young children against measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, influenza,
pneumococcal infections, and other diseases that can cause fever and febrile

Some adverse health problems following vaccination may be due to coincidence—
not the vaccine. Based on flawed research, it has been claimed that autism was
caused by vaccination. Although this link has been disproved, some people, including
some celebrities, still promote this misinformation. Parents who refuse
vaccination for their children leave them at risk of serious illness and even death.

What to do if someone has a reaction to a vaccine
If a reaction to a vaccine occurs: Call a doctor. If the reaction is severe, call and take
the person to a doctor or hospital emergency department immediately. Tell your
doctor what happened, when it happened, and when the vaccination was given. Ask
your doctor, nurse, or health department to file a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting
System (VAERS) form or call VAERS yourself at 1-800-822-7967.

The Food and Drug Administration requires that vaccines be tested for safety before
they enter the market, and their performance is continually evaluated to identify
any risks that might appear over time. Under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury
Act of 1986, Congress established the National Vaccine Injury Compensation
Program (VICP) to provide compensation to people injured by vaccines. Anyone
who thinks they or a family member, often a child, has been injured can file a claim.

This blog presents opinions and ideas and is intended to provide helpful general information. I am not engaged in rendering advice or services to the individual reader. The ideas, procedures and suggestions in that are presented are not in any way a substitute for the advice and care of the reader’s own physician or other medical professional based on the reader’s own individual conditions, symptoms or concerns. If the reader needs personal medical, health, dietary, exercise or other assistance or advice the reader should consult a physician and/or other qualified health professionals. The author specifically disclaims all responsibility for any injury, damage or loss that the reader may incur as a direct or indirect consequence of following any directions or suggestions given in this blog or participating in any programs described in this blog or in the book, The Building Blocks of Health––How to Optimize Your Health with a Lifestyle Checklist (available in print or downloaded at Amazon, Apple, Barnes and Noble and elsewhere). Copyright 2021 by J. Joseph Speidel.

This post first appeared on The Building Blocks Of Health, please read the originial post: here

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Vaccination safety
