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Foot Orthotic Information Blog

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An expert in foot orthotics blogs about his views on the issues.
The supination resistance test is something I put a lot of weight on when making foot orthotic decisions. When I first started teaching on the Clinical Biomechanics Boot Camps we did spend a… Read More
The Lunge test is a weightbearing measurement of ankle joint dorsiflexion. I am a big fan of it and there is some research on it. I spend a lot of time on it during the Clinical Biomechanics… Read More
Forefoot supinatus is not a diagnosis, it is a pathomechanical entity as a consequence of abnormal foot function. Forefoot supinatus is a theoretical construct in which the forefoot in inver… Read More
Firstly an abductory twist is a clinical observation and not a diagnosis that necessarily needs to be treated. An abductory twist is that sudden and rapid small amount of abduction that happ… Read More

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Foot Orthotic Information
