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Episode 95 with Lauren Welte [Windlass Mechanism]


In this episode we were joined with Dr Lauren Welte who is a postdoc fellow at Queens University in Canada, and completed her PhD in Mechanical Engineering, where she heavily focused on the function of the human foot. She shared with us what the Windlass Mechanism is (and the reverse Windlass Mechanism), a contemporary understanding of it Vs some traditional beliefs about it, what we still do not know about it (and future work planned to investigate it). We attempted to discuss some more applicable/clinical considerations, such as the Jacks test, the influence of footwear/foot orthoses and its (alleged) link with pathology.

Audio Podcast of Episode 95:

(download all episodes as podcasts here)

Follow Lauren on Twitter:

The Windlass Mechanism of the Foot (Craig’s blog post)
Windlass mechanism threads (Podiatry Arena)

This post first appeared on PodChatLive, please read the originial post: here

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Episode 95 with Lauren Welte [Windlass Mechanism]
