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Episode 87 with Farrah Jawad [Vitamin D]


In this episode we were joined by Dr Farrah Jawad who is a Consultant in Musculoskeletal, Sport & Exercise Medicine at Pure Sports Medicine in London (and within the NHS), has worked extensively in elite sport, and has undertaken research at the Royal Ballet looking at seasonal variation in Vitamin D levels among its dancers. We talked about how important Vitamin D is, how common insufficiency is, where we can source Vitamin D, and its link with foot and ankle pathology.

Audio Podcast of Episode 87:

(download all episodes as podcasts here)

About Farrah Jawad:
Dr Farrah Jawad is a Consultant in Sport, Exercise & Musculoskeletal Medicine at Pure Sports Medicine.
Connect with Farrah on Twitter

Threads on Podiatry Arena on Vitamin D:
Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency in Patients with Foot and Ankle Injuries
Vitamin D supplementation and diabetic foot ulcers
Growing pains and vitamin D supplementation

This post first appeared on PodChatLive, please read the originial post: here

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Episode 87 with Farrah Jawad [Vitamin D]
