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Foot Self Massage with an old Coca Cola Bottle


If you check some older information on foot pain, you might come across some old advice about putting water in a Coca-Cola bottle and freeze it and then roll the foot across it to give the foot a massage. This was great for conditions like plantar fasciitis and those aching tired feet at the end of the day. It was great advice. The only problem is that the Coca Cola company no longer make those old glass bottles with the concave/convex shape that were so good for this:

A recent study has shown that this type of self massage is effective in the treatment of plantar fasciitis. If you can’t get these old Coca Cola bottles, then the more recent alternative is the PediRoller. The PediRoller has the same concave shape that the Coca Cola bottle used to have, so is just as good. It can also be put in the freezer, so can be chilled. It certainly is worth a try and there are the recommended exercises using the PediRoller that can be done regularly.

  • PediRoller

    $24.70 Add to cart

See also:
Recommended Exercises Using the Pediroller
Self Massage for Plantar Fasciitis (Plantar heel pain)
How to soothe aching feet after work?

This iconic shape of the old Coca-Cola bottle has become a part of the brand’s history and heritage. Even though the original designs of the bottle shape has evolved over time, it still remains a recognizable symbol of Coca-Cola’s heritage and legacy. The Coca-Cola company wanted to create a unique brand image, and the bottle played a significant role in that. The distinctive shape certainly became synonymous with Coca-Cola and added to the brand’s identity. They trademarked the contour shape of the bottle in 1977.

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Foot Self Massage with an old Coca Cola Bottle
