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How to soothe aching feet after work?


So many people have those tired and aching feet at the end of a long day at work and can not wait to kick off their shoes at home and get off their feet. There is no need to go through that and there are things that can be done about it. You may work on a factory floor with hard concrete that is tough on the feet. Your job may require you to wear dress shoes that are not the best for being up on your feet all day.

What can be done for the tired aching feet?

The first approach to deal with those aching feet after work is to prevent it. That might mean that you can change your shoe to more supportive and better fitting shoes. It is surprising how many people who work all day on their feet are wearing a good pair of shoes that are made for running. These types of shoes are supportive and have good cushioning.

Probably the best short term method to deal with aching feet from standing all day is to get some foot supports. This could vary from fully custom made foot orthotic devices from a podiatrist to a simple over-the-counter foot support. You might like to start with these arch supports that can be cut down to fit most shoes. If there is a lot of pain in the ball of the foot as well, you might like to add a metatarsal pad to that arch support. We have instructions on how to place the metatarsal pad. If you can not fit an arch support into the shoes that you have to wear for work, then get bigger shoes or consider using the instant arches.

When you get home, you might want to put on the Archies footwear as your feet can stretch out and they have a super comfortable arch support built into them. Almost everyone who tries on a pair of these, buys them. The PediRoller is also a great simple device to roll your feet over to relieve the aching.

Over the longer term there are exercises that you can do to strengthen the foot muscles and make the joints more flexible that will help prevent those aching and tired feet after work.

If these measure don’t help, you may need to see a podiatrist to get a specific diagnosis as treatment may need to be directed at that rather than having a non-specific foot ache that the above measures will help with. products to soothe aching feet after work:

  • Archies Thongs

    $39.95 Select options
  • Cushioning Heel Cups (2 Sets)

    $18.00 Add to cart
  • Instant Arch Supports

    $22.00 Add to cart
  • Metatarsal Dome Pads

    $13.95 Select options
  • PediRoller

    $24.00 Add to cart
  • Simple Arch Supports

    $25.00 Select options

This post first appeared on, please read the originial post: here

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How to soothe aching feet after work?
