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This blog is about delicious and healthy food. About proper nutrition, about the vitamins contained in foods, as well as how to exercise fitness and sports properly, what exercises and which muscle group should be done and how, how to lose weight, or how to gain body weight. Everything in an understandable form.
  Table of Contents:ISU Congress 2024: President Jae Youl Kim Unveils Ambitious Vision 2030 Plan to Transform Ice-Skating SportsKey Highlights from President Kim's SpeechSpecial Gue… Read More
  Table of Contents:Solo Dance constitutes a unique discipline within the realm of figure skating.Key Elements of Solo DanceBenefits of Solo DanceGrowth and PopularityFuture of Solo… Read More
7 Useful Properties Of Grapefruit
  Table of Contents:Grapefruit: 7useful properties for your healthWhat you need to know about grapefruit?Calorie content and nutritional value of grapefruit.1. Grapefruit helps to norm… Read More
 Table of Contents:Yoga for beginners: 10 simple asanas.Yoga for beginners: first steps.Breathing in yoga for beginners.Asanas for beginners.1. Child's pose, "Balasana".2. Dog face down… Read More
 Table of Contents:Sunstroke: how to prevent and get rid of the consequences?What is sunstroke?How is sunstroke different from thermal shock?Symptoms of sunstroke.What to do in case of… Read More
 Table of Contents:Honey: benefits and harms, calories.The chemical composition of honey.What do you need to know about honey?What are the benefits of honey?Honey contraindications.Type… Read More
Content:FUELING YOUR GUT WITH CARBOHYDRATES: An Update on the Science for Competitive Athletes and Weekend Warriors.Practical takeaways for athletes and weekend warriors.References: … Read More
Content:Why tangerines (“Christmas orange”) are good for you: 10 scientific argumentsWhat you need to know about tangerinesWhy are tangerines good for you?Mandarins strengthen th… Read More
KrigorStudio Staff Share Some of Their Hanukkah TraditionsWe have a very diverse staff at KrigorStudio and are grateful that they are willing to give us an intimate look into their personal… Read More
Content:Nutrition in winter: what to change in the usual dietDon't starveThe diet should be variedIncrease caloriesGive preference to protein foodsAdd vegetables and fruitsEat berriesTake ca… Read More
Content:Simple foods rich in zinc. What and how does zinc affect?What and how does zinc affect?How is Zinc useful for athletes?What are the symptoms of zinc deficiency?The causes of zinc def… Read More
Content:9 fitness myths that many still believeExercise will help you lose / gain weightNutritional Supplements Improve Your Athletic PerformanceFructose Kills Your PerformanceLong and Slow… Read More
Content:9 Foods That Really Strengthen ImmunityKefirBroccoliBeansBeef liverFresh gingerGreen teaRaw seedsGarlicChicken bouillon9 Foods That Really Strengthen ImmunityThe lack of beneficial v… Read More
Content:9 reasons to go to the pool, even in cold wintersTraining of the cardiovascular systemMinimum injuriesSwimming relieves muscle tensionSwimming strengthens the respiratory musclesSwim… Read More
Content:9 foods that are high in vitaminsCitrusGingerRosehipCranberrySauerkrautLentilsRadishMushroomsSea buckthorn9 foods that are high in vitaminsIn the cold season, the body often lacks nu… Read More
Content:Traditional symbols of ChristmasHollyChristmas WreathsSanta ClausChristmas StockingsCandy Canes MistletoePoinsettiasThe Gingerbread manChristmas presentsChristmas treesChristmas bell… Read More
Content:Why we overestimate our strength and what to do about itWe compare ourselves to othersWe associate self-love with achievementWe do not know how to manage time and prioritizeWe cannot… Read More
Content:Honey, agave syrup, monk fruit and 5 more very sweet natural foodsSugarCoconut sugarCane sugarErythritolSteviaMonk Fruit (Arhat)Agave syrupHoneyHoney, agave syrup, monk fruit and 5 m… Read More
Content:How is vitamin D beneficial?What is vitamin D and why is it needed?What Causes Vitamin D Deficiency?How the sun helps the production of vitamin D?How to get vitamin D from food?How t… Read More
Content:How sports makes us smarter and why we shouldn't quit sports in quarantine?Immediate positive effect after trainingExercise improves concentrationPhysical education and sports - Work… Read More
What foods contain vitamin D and how can you make up for it?Vitamin D is the only nutrient that the body makes using sunlight. But its deficiency can also be replenished with diet.Vitamin D… Read More
7 sports activities for those who don't like runningDoctors and athletes claim that running is a universal aerobic exercise. But what if you don't like running or don't want to run? There ar… Read More
Content:Which side to wear a medical mask and how to wear it correctly?When should you wear masks?How to put on, use, take off and dispose of a mask?Which side to wear a medical ma… Read More
Content:The benefits of omega-3 fish oil for sports and fitness.Accelerating muscle recoveryIncreased muscle gain - increased protein synthesisIncreased reaction speed and brain healthReduci… Read More
Content:7 reasons why drastic weight loss is dangerousReason # 1. Decreased immunity.Reason # 2. Reproductive system failure.Reason # 3. Mood swings.Reason # 4. Loose skin and wrinkles.Reaso… Read More
Content:What foods contain vitamin A and how to make up for its deficiency?Types of vitamin AWhat foods contain vitamin A?How best to take vitamin A?How do I determine vitamin A deficiency i… Read More
Why sleep in total darkness?There are good reasons to hang blackout curtains at home, turn off the lights at night, and not read on your tablet before bed. Sleeping in complete darkness keep… Read More
Content:Nordic walking, benefits and harms.What is Nordic Walking?What muscles work during Nordic Walking?What are the benefits of Nordic walking?What is the harm of Nordic walking?Who is no… Read More
9 facts about olive oil that may surprise youThe production of olive oil dates back to 3000 BC, and the most common was among the ancient Greeks, Romans and Phoenicians, who actively traded… Read More
You Are Losing Muscle, Not Fat
5 Signs You Are Losing Muscle, Not FatA beautiful body should be slim, but not emaciated. Muscles are called upon to create the desired relief - not overdeveloped, but in good shape. Therefo… Read More
The Benefits And Harms Of Protein Bars
The benefits and harms of protein barsModern man runs day after day without sparing his legs. Work, vanity, household chores and other worries deprive us of energy, so the body needs an addi… Read More
How Many Hours A Day Should You Sleep?
How many hours a day should you sleep?Did you know that you need to sleep a certain number of hours a day depending on your age? It is very important. After all, a lack of sleep can lead to… Read More
Melon After Training And Its Benefits
Melon after training and its benefitsMelon is considered one of the most beneficial fruits for the human body. It contains many vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber - an indispensable nut… Read More
The Benefits Of A Morning Run
The benefits of a morning runRunning is one of the oldest body workouts. It has been used since ancient times to train soldiers and was one of the first sports included in the ancient Olympi… Read More
What Are The Benefits Of Avocados?
What are the benefits of avocados?Avocado fruit: how can it benefit you? Avocado is a fruit with a dark green peel and oily flesh that is greenish or yellow in color. Recently, it has enjoye… Read More
7 Benefits Of Jumping Rope
7 benefits of jumping ropeThe jump rope is the perfect training accessory. It is compact, affordable, and appropriate for all ages and levels of athlete training. You can jump rope at home… Read More
5 Best Sources Of Fast Carbs.
Content:5 best sources of fast carbsWhite ricePotatoesBananasRice cakesProtein pancakesWhat to do if you don't feel like eating after exercise?Finally 5 best sources of fast carbsPost… Read More
Beets Are Natural Doping For An Athlete
Content:Beets are natural doping for an athleteNutritional value, beet composition, and calories.Useful properties of beets for sports and fitness.The benefits of beets for weight loss.Aerob… Read More
How to deal with autumn apathy?A lot of people perceive the autumn blues as something fictional, but they're not. Autumn is one of the most difficult emotional seasons for a person- this fee… Read More
9 EASY WAYS TO MOVE DURING THE DAYDue to the coronavirus pandemic, many people continue to work remotely, and therefore, don’t participate in group classes, avoid gatherings with frien… Read More
10 FOODS TO BOOST ENDURANCEDuring winter, it is very important for us to constantly recharge, due to shortened days and the lack of vitamin D, we often feel tired and overworked in the morni… Read More
 Content:12 MYTHS ABOUT STRETCHINGMyth: Stretching Prevents InjuryMyth: Those with good flexibility don't need to stretch.Myth: Stretching is good for everyone.Myth: Stretching lengthen… Read More
Content:9 foods high in magnesiumSesame seedNutsBuckwheatLegumesSunflower seedsBranGreensSeaweedDried fruits9 foods high in magnesiumIn this article, we'll take a look at 9 foods high in mag… Read More
Content:How to perform push ups properly?A basic explanation of floor push upsLightweight push-ups.Weighted push-ups.How many push-ups to do? How to perform push ups properly?Push-ups are o… Read More
Content:Which is best for strengthening your legs and buttocks - squats or lungesArguments in favor of lunges.Arguments for squatting.To sum up briefly.Which is best for strengthening your l… Read More
6 foods to eat after exercise(and also, how to properly restore energy after training) I must say right away that hunger after training is normal. You don't have to fight yourself and starve… Read More

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