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35 Incredible Health, Beauty, and Hair Benefits of Wheatgrass

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Wheatgrass is no longer just for health freaks. Scroll down to learn about the amazing advantages.

It’s not too late to join the wheatgrass craze if you haven’t already. Wheatgrass may seem like the kind of health craze you associate with hipsters, tree huggers, and more or less obsessive health and fitness enthusiasts, but if people are obsessed with it, it’s for good reason: wheatgrass juice is arguably the healthiest food available, and wheatgrass benefits range from increased energy to improved overall health to head-to-toe beauty.

Are you unsure yet? You might reconsider after reading these 35 reasons why you should include wheatgrass in your daily regimen.

Nutritional Analysis of Earthomaya Wheatgrass

The nutritional profile of wheatgrass is impressive. Additionally, wheatgrass includes 98 of the 102 earth elements present in the soil, including phosphate, calcium, iron, magnesium, and potassium as well as crucial enzymes and 19 amino acids. It is an excellent source of chlorophyll, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Vitamins and liver enzymes abound in wheatgrass as well.

Chlorophyll, a phytochemical that gives dark leafy greens their color, is the star of wheatgrass’ nutritional makeup. In essence, chlorophyll is the lifeblood of plants. In people, it slows the aging process, curbs appetite, purifies the blood, eliminates odors, and may even help prevent cancer. Wheatgrass is incredibly potent since it contains 70% chlorophyll.

However, it’s not simply what it contains; it’s the quantities that matter. It has these components “in a balanced ratio that is appropriate for the human body,” according to holistic nutritionist Carina Parikh, MScN, MSiMR.

The Best Way to Include Wheatgrass in Your Daily Routine

Don’t undervalue wheatgrass; it has a lot of power. You may feel sick and queasy if you eat too much at one time or another.

Parikh warns that unpleasant side effects including nausea, exhaustion, and headaches may occur if you detox too quickly.

Start with one ounce per day and gradually go to two ounces per day to ease into a wheatgrass regimen.

Always ingest wheatgrass on an empty stomach or along with other fruits and vegetables. It must never drink after eating because doing so will make you feel sick.

Before including wheatgrass in their diets, young children, pregnant women, and the elderly should speak with their doctors.

Benefits of wheatgrass

35 Amazing Benefits of Wheatgrass

The health food wheatgrass is unique. Here are 35 justifications for including wheatgrass in your everyday regimen.

1. Address Skin Conditions

Eczema and psoriasis are two skin conditions that can be treated with wheatgrass. Numerous testimonies of wheatgrass treatments used at home seem to confirm this claim, despite the fact that no clinical trials have been done to date to back it up.

You may use wheatgrass for your skin in a variety of ways. Fill a few holes in an ice cube tray with wheatgrass juice, freeze, and then brush an ice cube across any scars or damaged parts of your skin. As an alternative, add a cup of wheatgrass juice or powder to a warm bath, then immerse your body for at least 30 minutes.

2. Shed Pounds

Wheatgrass can be the solution if you need to lose a few pounds.

Selenium, which is essential for the thyroid gland’s good operation, can be found in wheatgrass. A 2013 study published in Clinical Endocrinology found that selenium supplementation can help normalize erratic thyroid function, even when it’s connected to other problems like autoimmune illnesses.

By taking a wheatgrass shot first thing in the morning, you can keep your thyroid health as it is one of your body’s natural weight-management mechanisms.

3. Reduce Your Appetite

Because wheatgrass contains so many nutrients, your body won’t yearn for other foods to make up for any vitamin or mineral deficiencies. You may find yourself snacking when your body looks for sources of certain common vitamin inadequacies, such as magnesium, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids. Dr. Mike Roussell dismisses the notion that your body will seek for a specific meal when you are short in magnesium, such as almonds, but nutritionist Caroline Pearce points out that studies have connected sugar cravings to calcium and magnesium deficiency.

To avoid overeating throughout the day, take a wheatgrass supplement (or juice shot) every morning on an empty stomach.

4. Cell detoxification

Because it is so nutrient-rich and alkaline, wheatgrass is the ideal supplement for a detox. Nutritionists concur that eating an alkaline diet results in us eating healthier even if it’s still unclear whether alkaline diets may actually change the alkalinity or acidity of your blood.

The alkaline diet calls for lots of fruits, vegetables, and water, all of which are healthful and will help you lose weight in a healthy way, according to Dr. Melinda Ratini’s statement to WebMD.

Any way you look at it, switching to a more alkaline diet is a smart choice. Wheatgrass is a fantastic way to boost your cell activity when consumed with other alkaline foods like fruits, veggies, and legumes.

5. Strengthen Immunity

According to Parikh, one of the most well-known advantages of wheatgrass is its capacity to improve the body’s red blood cell count, which makes it a fantastic immune booster.

According to a 2004 study published in the Indian Pediatrics magazine, wheatgrass is such a potent red blood cell booster that it can help patients require fewer transfusions.

Give your immune system a boost when you are particularly prone to the common cold, the flu, and infections.

6. Promote Blood Circulation

Wheatgrass is a fantastic approach to boost circulation because it has the capacity to enhance the amount of oxygen in the blood.

When a 2008 study published in the Internet Journal of Alternative Medicine found that wheatgrass does not significantly raise people’s blood oxygen levels while they are at rest, a subsequent study found that wheatgrass does raise blood oxygen levels when consumed right before exercise.

Take a shot of wheatgrass before starting your usual exercise routine to take advantage of this effect.

7. Boost Absorption

Introduce wheatgrass to your daily routine as a substitute for antacids to treat heartburn or indigestion.

According to Dr. Marc Micozzi, wheatgrass includes a number of components that can improve digestion, including a significant amount of fiber and B complex vitamins, which improve the function of the digestive system’s muscles.

According to him, “B complex vitamins generally assist in moving energy from food into the tissue cells, where it is needed.” Wheatgrass includes both thiamine and riboflavin, two nutrients that are essential for the digestion of carbohydrates and the production of energy.

8. Handle arthritis

According to medical professionals, wheatgrass can effectively treat arthritis. According to a 2012 study published in the International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research, patients with rheumatoid arthritis who ate a raw, lactobacilli-rich diet reported fewer symptoms. Nearly half of these benefits were attributable to increased intake of fermented wheat beverages, wheatgrass beverages, fiber, and iron.

Wheatgrass may be particularly beneficial in these situations because chlorophyll is known to combat inflammation, which is linked to joint pain.

9. Lessen Tiredness

Your body is probably sleep-deprived and battling with a compromised immune system when you feel tired.

Chlorophyll helps your body’s cells and tissues receive more oxygen, which promotes cell regeneration, which heals your body and lessens sensations of exhaustion. It also strengthens your immune system.

According to Ellen Tart-Jensen, Ph.D., D.Sc., chlorophyll is also naturally restorative for the adrenal glands. For those who have chronic exhaustion, stimulating the adrenal system is essential.

10. Remove Body Odor

Since the 1950s, wheatgrass has been thought to have characteristics that naturally reduce body odor. It has been suggested that regular intake or application of wheatgrass can aid in reducing body odor.

According to Kevin Wilson, ND, body odor can be a sign of poor digestion or poor gut health. While studies have not yet confirmed a direct link between the consumption of wheatgrass and decreased body odor, studies have shown that body odor is worse in those who are not consuming enough fiber.

According to his article for BottomLineInc, “Specially bad-smelling perspiration may be caused by issues digesting dietary lipids (creating a rancid odor) or a magnesium deficit (generating a locker-room scent). Fortunately, wheatgrass benefits on both counts.

11. Manage Skin Injuries

Wheatgrass juice can treat skin wounds and hasten their recovery by regenerating cells. According to a 2014 study published in the Journal of Science and Healing Outcomes, wheatgrass applied topically can be so potent that it can lessen plantar lesions in leprosy patients.

When applying wheatgrass topically, apply the juice with a cotton ball, let it sit for a few minutes, then rinse and pat the skin dry with a towel.

12. Protect teeth from decay

When consumed, wheatgrass’ natural antibacterial and antimicrobial characteristics help improve oral health, lower the incidence of cavities, and reduce gum inflammation.

This is due to the chlorophyll in wheatgrass, which, in a 2007 study published in Revista Sul-Brasileira de Odontologia, was found to have such potent antimicrobial properties that it was shown to have effects on treating candida Albicans. This suggests that wheatgrass may also be used to treat oral thrush.

13. Purify Your Liver

The benefits of wheatgrass for the liver are arguably its best-known features.

With its cleansing qualities, minerals, and enzymes, wheatgrass is able to rebuild and renew the liver, which the body uses to metabolise what it consumes. Wheatgrass eating may even shield the liver from the damaging effects of alcohol, according to a 2014 study published in the Journal of Membrane Biology.

14. Handle Sunburn

According to a 1945 study, wheatgrass can speed up the healing of burnt skin in the same way that it can repair wounds. The abundance of anecdotal evidence surrounding this use of wheatgrass, along with its established anti-inflammatory advantages, gives us optimism that wheatgrass’s qualities extend this far, even though more current scientific investigations have not yet been undertaken.

Apply some wheatgrass juice with a cotton ball to the skin, let it sit for a few minutes, then rinse. Dry the area with a towel.

15. Keep Lipid Levels Stable

Wheatgrass is an excellent strategy for controlling high cholesterol since it lowers lipid levels. According to a 2011 study published in Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica, wheatgrass can help lower cholesterol levels by lowering hyperlipidemia in rats.

16. Nose congestion that is clear

Wheatgrass can be a fantastic aid for clearing congestion because it boosts immunity and decreases inflammation.

Some people claim that snorting wheatgrass juice would clear your sinuses by drawing out toxins and breaking up mucus, but we don’t advise it. Fortunately, consuming wheatgrass can provide you with these advantages just as effortlessly.

17. Eliminate Acne

A wheatgrass is a fantastic tool for reducing acne and sporadic breakouts due to its antibacterial properties and capacity to reduce chronic inflammation.

18. Cancer prevention

Wheatgrass’s blood oxygenating properties are what give it its anti-cancer properties; as cancer flourishes in low oxygen environments, wheatgrass may help prevent cancer in this way.

Wheatgrass also possesses enzymes that combat carcinogens and lessen the harmful burden of radiation, pollution, and heavy metals, according to Parikh.

Just keep in mind that since activity activates wheatgrass’ potential to oxygenate the blood, take your wheatgrass shots after your preferred workout.

19. Avoid Catching a Cold

By boosting immunity and ensuring that your body is receiving all the vitamins it needs, wheatgrass supplements can help you avoid catching colds.

If you don’t want to take wheatgrass supplements all year round, concentrate on the colder months when your risk of getting the common cold is substantially higher.

Treatment for a Hangover

Wheatgrass might be a terrific way to start the morning after because it contains a lot of alkalinity, which may counteract the acidity brought on by drinking alcohol.

However, it’s never a bad idea to add extra vitamins and minerals to your regimen after a night of drinking, even if you’re not sure you can affect the alkalinity of your blood.

21. Elevate Your Mood

Numerous techniques exist for wheatgrass to elevate your mood.

It not only strengthens the adrenal system because of the presence of magnesium and vitamin K, which enables your body to better handle stress, but it is also high in iron, according to a 2014 literature review published in the Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology and Innovation. According to the Mayo Clinic, an iron deficiency can lead to weariness, which can affect mood and make you feel blah and uninspired.

22. Relieve Stress

Because wheatgrass helps to strengthen the adrenal system, it also helps you handle stress. The vitamins in wheatgrass are excellent in assisting you in overcoming anxiety and achieving a better state of mental health.

23. Fighting Depression

A 2008 study published in the Indian Journal of Psychiatry addressed a crucial issue that nutritional science frequently ignores: while we frequently highlight the advantages of certain foods for physical health, foods can also enhance mental health, and not simply in terms of your mood.

According to the study, maintaining healthy iron levels is important for those who are depressed, and the iron in wheatgrass can help with this.

24. Enhance the Look of Your Nails

You can get a pretty decent indication of your health just by looking at your nails. Your nails may be weak, have white spots, have a rough texture, be yellow or blue in color, or be weak due to a lack of iron in your diet or poor circulation.

Wheatgrass’ capacity to improve red blood cell health also enhances circulation, enabling blood to reach the tips of your fingers and revitalising nails that would otherwise be lifeless.

25. Reduce Period Pains

According to a 1981 research published in the American Journal of Clinical nutrition, malnutrition or vitamin and mineral deficiencies, notably of magnesium and niacin, can cause irregular and painful menstrual periods.

The wealth of vitamins in wheatgrass fill in any nutritional gaps in your diet, making it easier for you to endure that time of the month.

26. Treat Inflammation of the Bowel

In addition to its broad anti-inflammatory properties, wheatgrass has also been shown to combat intestinal inflammation associated with a number of disorders, including Crohn’s and IBS.

27. Neutralize Infections

Wheatgrass contains chlorophyll, which aids in balancing the body and warding against bacterial diseases. It accomplishes this in a number of ways, including by reducing generalized inflammation, boosting your body’s natural defenses, and having antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. When these characteristics are combined, wheatgrass is highly effective at battling a variety of illnesses.

28. Slow aging

According to a 2006 study published in Phytotherapy Research, wheatgrass’s amino acid chains and antioxidants can aid in the repair of damaged DNA and lessen the impact of free radicals, which disrupt these vital components of our cells.

Supplementing with wheatgrass is an excellent approach to prevent these and other associated problems caused by damaged DNA, which can wreak havoc on your body and lead to sterility, genetic abnormalities, and abnormal or accelerated aging.

29. Fighting Radiation

In one trial, using wheatgrass extract topically to treat acute radiation-induced skin responses was successful. In fact, research done by the U.S. Army revealed that guinea pigs given a diet high in chlorophyll after being exposed to radiation died at a rate that was half that of the control group.

From our iPhones to our iPads, we are constantly exposed to radiation, and wheatgrass can help counteract overexposure.

30. Maintain Blood Sugar Stability

In a 2016 study published in Toxicology and Industrial Health, wheatgrass was found to be an effective anti-hyperglycemic drug.

According to the study, wheatgrass may help people with diabetes and other hyperglycemic conditions. It is therefore a suitable supplement for people who have diabetes or are attempting to lower their blood sugar levels.

31. Feed Your Mind

Wheatgrass contains chlorophyll, which provides the body with oxygen by improving the health of red blood cells. Numerous bodily functions depend on oxygen, particularly those involving the brain, which consumes 25% of the body’s oxygen supply. Wheatgrass is actually food for the brain.

33. Remove Dandruff

A dry, unbalanced scalp is ideal for dandruff growth. A lot of people agree that using wheatgrass as a rinse for hair can help to balance the pH of your scalp and ultimately repair it, and wheatgrass’s ability to improve other skin conditions makes this home remedy worthwhile to try even though no clinical studies have demonstrated that it can treat this issue.

34. Boost Fertility

Get a shot of wheatgrass into your husband’s morning meal if you’re trying for a baby.

According to Dr. Yasuo Hotta, a researcher at the University of California, San Diego, wheatgrass includes P4D1, a substance that affects sperm cells and DNA, ultimately boosting fertility.

35. Improve Your Palate’s Discernibility

You can wean yourself off bad, nutritionally-deficient diets by including nutrient-dense foods like wheatgrass in your diet. Wheatgrass prevents you from craving foods high in sugar, fat, and preservatives by balancing your body’s pH and meeting your nutritional needs, not to mention helping you form a healthy habit. This, in turn, trains your taste buds to begin craving healthier foods and to more fully appreciate subtle flavors.

101 Wheatgrass

The common wheat plant, Triticum aestivum, a subspecies of the family Poaceae, produces wheatgrass, as its name suggests, which is a young grass.

Although it can be grown outside, wheatgrass is usually grown indoors on trays with potting soil. In what is referred to as the “jointing stage,” the leaves gradually split as they enlarge. The wheatgrass is at its most nutritious value at this time, and the blades can be removed to encourage the growth of further leaves. The crop is often completed as the second round reaches the point of splitting, while a third round is occasionally conceivable.

Because wheatgrass juice is frequently equated to grass in taste, some people are unable to try it, while being aware of all the health benefits.

Fortunately, there is an alternative to closing your nose and drinking wheatgrass juice for people who find it difficult to do so. There are numerous variations of wheatgrass.

Available wheatgrass products include powders, capsules, and tablets that have been dehydrated or frozen-dried. Although these things are undoubtedly simpler to use, it is always preferable to use fresh goods. You can either buy it from stores or cultivate it yourself.

In an airtight container, cut wheatgrass can keep for seven to eight days in the refrigerator. For the greatest health advantages, juice it right before drinking (keep scrolling to see our recipe for improved wheatgrass smoothie).

Wheatgrass has 35 health advantages.

Benefits of Wheatgrass Through the Ages

Ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations consumed wheatgrass about 5,000 years ago. The leafy blades of wheatgrass were revered by the Egyptians for their medicinal properties.

But wheatgrass didn’t become a popular superfood in America until the 1930s. Wheatgrass outperformed other nutrient-dense vegetables like spinach, broccoli, and alfalfa in boosting the health of livestock, according to American agricultural chemist Dr. Charles Schnabel.

One of his most well-known research examined the well-being and egg production of 106 chickens. The hens were unwell and close to death when Schnabel got them. By giving them a combination of freshly cut, young oat grasses and greens, Schnabel helped them regain their health. His efforts paid off on July 31, 1930, when he obtained 126 eggs from 106 hens, an impressive performance given that hens typically only lay one egg per day.

Schnabel, today is known as the “Father of Wheatgrass,” introduced a wheatgrass powder to the market in the 1940s. The most popular multivitamin and mineral supplements in America by the 1950s were cereal grass tablets.

Ann Wigmore, a Lithuanian-American nutritionist and proponent of whole foods, started juicing wheatgrass in the 1950s. According to legend, Wigmore used her wheatgrass-fueled food protocol to transform her hair from dark grey to jet black in her latter years; she even donated some of her hair to be tested, proving that her hair color was entirely natural.

Later, Wigmore founded the Hippocrates Health Institute in Boston, where she instructed thousands of people on the health advantages of wheatgrass and a plant-based diet. She passed away from smoke inhalation at the ripe old age of 84. Many people today credit wheatgrass’ health advantages for her longevity and expect to experience similar results in the future.

Product Suggestions for Wheatgrass

1. 8 Greens

As its name implies, 8 Greens contains a blend of spinach, wheatgrass, kale, spirulina, barley grass, blue-green algae, aloe vera, and chlorella rather than just wheatgrass. In order to consume 8 Greens, dissolve one tablet in a glass of water, let it fizz like Alka Seltzer, and then take a sip. A concentrated concentration of minerals like vitamin C, B5, B6, B12, and zinc can be found in the naturally alkaline combination.

2. Incredible Grass

While many other goods are totally manufactured in a warehouse, this certified organic, whole-leaf wheatgrass powder differs from other brands in that it is field grown and locally dehydrated.

The roots of the firm’s field-grown greens “push deep into the soil of our farm during hard winters, filling our plants with the finest organic nutrients, unlike the tray-grown greens, which rely on grow lights and chemicals,” according to the company.

The business’s “Green Food Blend” also includes barley grass, spirulina, and chlorella in addition to the organic wheatgrass.

With an average price of $1 per serving, Amazing Grass offers one of the finest values when compared to other wheatgrass powders.

3. Green Vitality

Vibrant Health, which also provides mixes for liver health, bone health, and even a digestive health blend featuring a dozen distinct kinds of probiotic bacteria, is the manufacturer of the well-known greens powder known as Green Vibrance.

The ingredients in the Green Vibrant blend include kale, spinach, parsley, wheat, oat, and barley grass that are all certified organic as well as adaptogens like eleuthero. Natural fruit powder antioxidants add a lovely touch to this blend.

4. Pure Synergy

Using only wheatgrass grown on a dedicated 200+ acre organic farm, Pure Synergy is a wheatgrass juice powder that is certified organic. The “first joint” stage of growth, when the plant is at its nutritional zenith, is when wheatgrass is harvested.

5. Naturya

The single-serving sachets of wheatgrass powder from UK-based Naturya are a terrific choice if you prefer your wheatgrass on the go. Additionally, the business offers a Greens Blend made of hemp protein powder, spirulina, chlorella, wheatgrass, and barley grass.

6. Navitas Naturals

When it comes to its superfood goods, Navitas Organics (formerly Navitas Naturals) is founded on solid pillars: the company uses organic, fair-trade, and sustainable ingredients that come from farms that respect traditional agricultural methods and use green business strategies. The company uses freeze-dried wheatgrass from organic farms to make their wheatgrass powder.

With this improved green smoothie, you may experience some of the benefits of wheatgrass.

For an extra health boost to start your day off right, add wheatgrass powder or juice to your morning smoothie. To each serving, simply add one teaspoon of wheatgrass powder or one ounce of wheatgrass juice.

The post 35 Incredible Health, Beauty, and Hair Benefits of Wheatgrass appeared first on sportssamurai.

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35 Incredible Health, Beauty, and Hair Benefits of Wheatgrass


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