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How to Lose Belly Fat In a Week: 10 Easy Tips, Backed by Science

How To Lose Belly Fat In A Week: 10 Easy Tips, Backed By Science

In this article, I’m going to share some simple, but highly effective tips on how to lose belly fat in a week, based on science.

So keep reading to learn how you can get rid of stubborn abdominal fat.

Stubborn belly fat is the worst. Excess weight in the abdominal area is not only uncomfortable, but it’s also unhealthy. 

Belly fat is mostly visceral fat. This type of fat surrounds our internal organs. 

It’s different from excess fat in the hips, arms, and legs which sit beneath the skin.

Visceral fat can increase your risk of developing insulin resistance, high blood pressure, and heart disease (1).

 Although it’s unrealistic to lose stubborn belly fat in one week, there are some changes you can make to help you start. 

Getting rid of abdominal weight takes changes to your diet and exercise routine. 

These take time and should be a lifestyle change. Below are some tips to help you get started.

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How to Lose Belly Fat In a Week

Excess belly fat is linked to various diseases as it’s the type of fat that causes the most harm to your body. In conjunction with working out, cleaning your eating is among the best ways to reduce the belly. Read the tips below on how to lose belly fat in a week.

Foods to Eat to Reduce Belly Fat

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as fat-burning foods. Certain foods can help to better regulate weight. 

Adding in more of the foods listed below can help to reduce fat loss and cut down on that stubborn visceral fat. 

1. Lean Protein

Incorporating more lean protein into your diet can help you reduce your saturated fat intake. 

This can help cut down on calories. Swap out fatty meats for leaner options. For example, swap hamburgers, fried chicken, sausage, and bacon for skinless chicken breast, ground turkey, and fish. 

The protein in these foods helps you to feel full sooner after a meal which helps to prevent overeating. 

These foods are also a lot lower in calories than their fattier counterparts. This can make a big difference in the number of calories you are consuming in a day. 

These options also support heart health and can reduce the risk of developing heart disease (2).

2. Fruits and Vegetables

It’s recommended to get in at least 5-7 servings of fruits and vegetables each day. 

Fruits and veggies are low in calories but high in nutrients. They are also loaded with fiber that can help you to maintain a healthy weight. 

Aim to incorporate a fruit or a vegetable at every meal and snack to boost fat loss (3).

3. Whole Grains

Like protein, you want to swap out some of your carbs, specifically refined carbohydrates. 

Replace white bread, white rice, chips, baked goods, and other highly processed carbs with whole grains instead. 

Whole grains contain higher amounts of nutrients, including fiber, which can help keep you fuller during meals. 

Good sources of whole grains include whole-grain bread, brown rice, quinoa, barley, and bulgur (4).

4. Water

Water is often forgotten about when it comes to fat loss but it’s a very important part of it. 

It’s common to mistake thirst for hunger. Making sure to drink enough water can help to avoid unnecessary snacking and reduce caloric intake. 

The current recommendation for water intake per the National Academy of Medicine is between 9 to 13 cups per day. 

Those who live in hot climates are who are very physically active may need more (5).

Food to Avoid to Reduce Belly Fat In a Week

Although there are no fat-burning foods, there are foods that contribute to excess weight. Below are some foods to avoid or limit to moderation while working to lose belly fat.

5. Sugar

The biggest contributor to excess weight in our mid-section is sugar. High amounts of added sugars are found in highly processed foods. 

This includes chips, cakes, cookies, crackers, sodas, and other sugar-sweetened beverages. 

Next time you have a sweet tooth, swap these out for more nutritious options, such as fruit, low-sugar yogurt, or nuts.

6. Alcohol

Studies have found an association between alcohol intake and increased visceral fat. Many alcoholic beverages contain a lot of carbohydrates and added sugars which can lead to weight gain. 

Instead, swap these out for sparkling or seltzer water. The current recommendation for alcohol intake is limited to 2 drinks or less a day for men and 1 drink a day or less for women. 

One drink is equal to a 5-ounce glass of wine, a 12-ounce glass of beer, 8 ounces of malt liquor, and 1.5-ounces hard alcohol (6, 7).

7. High-Fat Foods

The type of fat you choose makes a difference. Swap out high-fat foods such as chips, fried foods, butter, red meat, etc. 

for healthy fats such as salmon, avocado, nuts, seeds, and more. These foods contain more mono and polyunsaturated fats versus saturated fats. 

Unsaturated fats are beneficial for heart health whereas saturated fats should be eaten in moderation. These fats are associated with an increased risk of heart disease (8).

The Best Exercises to Lose Belly Fat In a Week

Aside from diet, the amount of movement you get in can depict your fat loss. Those who are more sedentary will have a harder time reducing visceral fat than those who are active. 

Below are some ways to move to help boost fat loss with movement.

8. HIIT 2-3x a Week

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) exercise has increased in popularity over the years, and for good reason. 

HIIT exercises have been shown to be an efficient way to target fat loss, specifically visceral fat. 

Whether you choose to take part in a group class, follow a specific workout, or create your own, 2-3 days a week of HIIT exercises can make a big difference in your waist circumference over time (9).

9. Cardio 30 Minutes Per Day 5 Days a Week

Cardio exercise is equally as important when it comes to fat loss. Whether you are walking, jogging, swimming, biking, or something in between, aim to move at least 30 minutes 5 days a week. 

10. Strength Training 2x a Week

Strength training exercises don’t burn as many calories as HIIT workouts or cardio exercises. They help to build lean muscle mass. The more muscle you have the more calories you burn at rest. 

It’s recommended to get in at least 2 days of strength training exercises per week. These exercises should work out all the major muscle groups (10).

How to Lose Belly Fat In a Week: The Bottom Line

No one wants to carry extra weight in their belly, especially when they learn about the health risks of visceral fat. The best way to address belly fat is with lifestyle changes. 

To start making a difference in as little as one week, focus on incorporating more nutritious foods. Cutting out processed and high-fat foods from your diet. 

Incorporate more movement into your routine. It may not be glamorous, but research shows it will do the trick if you can stick with it.

The post How to Lose Belly Fat In a Week: 10 Easy Tips, Backed by Science appeared first on Wellness52.

This post first appeared on Keto Diet Rule: Keto Made Simple, Tips, Rules, Diet Plans & Guides, please read the originial post: here

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How to Lose Belly Fat In a Week: 10 Easy Tips, Backed by Science
