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How to Lose 15 Pounds In a Month: 5 Simple Steps, Backed by Science

How To Lose 15 Pounds In A Month: 5 Simple Steps, Backed By Science

You are ready to lose those 15 pounds but overwhelmed with where to start. You’ve come to the right place!

In this article, we are zeroing in on how to lose 15 pounds in a month. And we keep it simple by only discussing the 5 most crucial steps when it comes to losing those 15 pounds as quickly as possible

These tips were selected because science says they actually work! Let’s dive into how to lose those pesky kilograms…

You can keep your weight loss plan simple by focusing on only 5 things. If you want to narrow the 1000s of weight loss strategies to just 5, they better be the 5 that produce the quickest, most drastic lasting weight loss.

While weight loss happens at different rates for different people, these 5 tips are the keys to dramatic lasting weight loss.

Focus on these 5 weight loss tips, to speed up the weight loss process. 

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How Long Does It Take to Lose 15 Pounds?

But first, how long does it take to lose 15 pounds? Can you lose 15 Pounds in a month?

Although it is not an exact science, approximately three thousand five hundred calories equal 1 pound. 

This means to lose 15 pounds in a month; you would need to have a calorie deficit of 52, 500 calories in one month. That comes to about a 13, 125 calorie deficit per week. 

That means you will need to decrease your calories by 1,875 calories per day. You can have a calorie deficit by eating fewer calories and/or exercising more. 

Below are the 5 best weight loss tips to help you reduce your daily calories and lose substantial lasting weight.

1. Fill half your plate with low-calorie, high-fiber foods

Volume eaters rejoice! Volume eaters (like me) want to eat large portions of food and still lose weight. 

We enjoy the act of eating and want the eating experience to last. You can eat larger portions and still lose weight when your plate is filled with low-calorie foods. 

However, if those low-calorie foods are also high in fiber, you are going to get full faster too. In other words, your eyes may want a big meal, but your stomach may say “enough” on fewer foods when those foods are rich in fiber.  

According to a study in the Journal of Nutrition, fiber is one of the most influential predictors of weight loss (1).

To add quantity and fiber to your meal, try adding your favorite topping to a hefty bed of spinach leaves. 

Or make loaded mashed “potatoes,” but use mashed cauliflowers instead of potatoes. 

Zoodles are another low-calorie, high-fiber option. Next time you want spaghetti, use zoodles (spiralized zucchini) instead of pasta. Then top the zoodles with spaghetti sauce, protein, and vegetables.

2. Eat more protein

Once you have filled much of your plate with low-calorie, high-fiber foods, the next step is to add protein. 

Like fiber, protein is super filling. So, to feel full and satisfied after your meal, you will want to make sure every meal contains some protein. That protein can, however, come from plants or animals. 

Perfect Protein for weight loss includes:

  • Lean chicken
  • Lean turkey
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Beans
  • Yogurt
  • Eggs or egg whites

3. Eat slowly

The major key to weight loss is figuring out how to decrease your calorie intake while still feeling full and satisfied. When you eat low-calorie foods, you get to eat more food while still eating fewer calories. Eating more foods helps you feel full. 

Fiber and protein help you feel full faster as well. The third way to help your body feel full is to eat more slowly. 

When you eat slowly, you get to eat for longer, which… guess what… helps you feel full and satisfied too. 

When you chew for longer, you get to enjoy the flavors and the act of eating for the same amount of time as someone who scarfs down more food in fewer minutes. 

To eat slower, try putting your fork down between bites. Then, chew and swallow your food before you pick up your fork again. 

4. Eat more probiotics

According to a review, 23 out of 27 studies showed that probiotics have the potential to aid in weight loss (2). 

Probiotics are found in foods like:

  • Yogurt
  • Sour Kraut
  • Fermented pickles
  • Kefir
  • Kombucha
  • Kimchi
  • Miso

5. Limit refined carbohydrates.

Unlike whole grains, refined carbohydrates can hinder weight loss and even promote weight gain. These foods are low in fiber and nutrients so they won’t fill you us or keep your hunger at bay. 

Refined Carbohydrates include:

  • Pastries
  • Cookies
  • Sugary sweets
  • White bread
  • Pasta
  • Ultra-processed packaged crackers, chips, cakes, and muffins

Replace Refined Carbohydrates with:

  • Brown rice, Quinoa, or Cauliflower rice
  • Whole grain bread or lettuce wraps
  • Whole grain pasta, konjac noodles, or zoodles


Losing 15 pounds in a month can be difficult, but can be achieved by incorporating 5 weight loss strategies that actually work. But remember, everyone is different. 

People will lose weight at different rates. Some people may lose 15 pounds in less than a month and some people may need more than a month to lose those 15 pounds. 

In summary, the key to weight loss is finding ways to decrease calories without feeling deprived. 

To do this, you can:

  • Keep the amount of food you eat the same by filling your plate with low-calorie foods. 
  • Promote satiety by adding protein and fiber. 
  • Eat slowly so that you get to eat for a longer period. If you slow down, you will get to eat for the same amount of time as you would have if you had eaten a giant meal at a faster pace.  
  • Add weight-loss-promoting foods like probiotics to your diet.
  • Limit refined carbohydrates. Refined carbohydrates promote weight gain and hinder weight loss.

The post How to Lose 15 Pounds In a Month: 5 Simple Steps, Backed by Science appeared first on Wellness52.

This post first appeared on Keto Diet Rule: Keto Made Simple, Tips, Rules, Diet Plans & Guides, please read the originial post: here

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How to Lose 15 Pounds In a Month: 5 Simple Steps, Backed by Science
