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Depression Is Not My Boss Blog

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For almost 60 years, I lied to myself about having depression. Now I face it and blog about mental health topics including; coping statements, unhelpful thinking, core emotions, self-care, and more. If you or someone, you know needs help, call 1-800-273-8255 for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. You can also text HOME to 741-741 for free, 24-hour support from the Crisis Text Line.
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash Even when things are going pretty well, I sense my depression hanging around. It’s not badgering me. I don’t feel my depression watching my ever… Read More
Photo by Sean Oulashin on Unsplash I just realized that my depression is not on the job. Is depression taking a holiday? When my Peer Advocate called for my weekly checkup today, I had to re… Read More
Photo by Wonderlane on Unsplash On my to-do list for weeks has been, “clean office.” Clean office has often been added to my list as an afterthought. This task has gotten much le… Read More
Photo by Daniel Schludi on Unsplash Because my mom Is 97 and has covid, I’m feeling a lot of stress. It is clear that I am not clear about what is next, or what I should be doing next… Read More
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash How to Push Rock Up Hill, it’s not a good thing when the best reference you can find is on Wikipedia. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia For othe… Read More
Photo by Nik on Unsplash Yesterday I read an article whose theme was “I am just not good enough.” This piqued my curiosity, as I have been wondering if I am just not good enough… Read More
Photo by Kristina Tripkovic on Unsplash Is depression remission even a thing? And what makes me think that I am not doing ok with my depression? Do I really have a lot of questions about whe… Read More
Photo by Jonathan Knepper on Unsplash Today is a federal holiday. It is MLK day and everything federal is closed. A lot of businesses, well at least the home offices of these businesses, are… Read More
I’ve had four or five days of positiveness. I’m not sure that is a word, but it’s how I have been feeling.  Even yesterday, at work, I had the feeling that everything… Read More
What would I do? How would I think? What would I spend my time doing? Firstly, I need to factor in my diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder with suicidal ideation. Figuring out how to manag… Read More
Photo by Kayla Warner on Unsplash Another post about my lifelong struggle to face major depressive disorder (concealed depression) They say you always remember your first time. Well with my… Read More
Many years ago, on Memorial Day, our children would march in the local parade in New Jersey. The weather was always suspect. The kids would be wearing their soccer or band uniforms, or the o… Read More
Should it just be the facts, or can I add how I am feeling? After all, it has been nearly 4 years since I was in 5 East. Almost 4 years since I faced my depression and said out loud, “… Read More
It seemed like such a good idea when my psychiatrist and I discussed it. Reducing my daily Wellbutrin from 450 mg. to 300 mg. seemed like a no-brainer. After all, winter has been mild, and t… Read More
I wish I could say yes to joy, to being happier. There are many emotions I am familiar with, but joy and happiness are rarely one of them. OK is the operative word. If someone asks how I am… Read More

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Depression is Not my Boss
