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Best Natural Remedies for Acidity

Tags: floor arm leg

Best Natural Remedies for Acidity | Natural remedies for acidity is better for health, despite the other remedies process because in natural remedies site effects are much less than the other remedies, here in this articles we are going to discuss about acidity’s symptoms, cause, remedies and diet.


  • Indigestion
  • Want of Energy
  • Belching bitter or sour burning of chest or throat
  • Insipid tongue etc is the symptoms of acidity.


Oxygen, when being burnt in the digestive process, turns into carbonic acid gas. There are innumerable gastric glands by the side of blood vessels throughout the alimentary system. These glands are motivated with carbonic acid gas, when good comes down in the stomach these glands grow active and there is profuse secretion of digestive juices therefore this juice is acid.
When food is taken with poor or no appetite, these glands are forced to overwork with the chemical help of these secretions, the food that cannot be assimilated, passes to the duodenum and small intestines and burning starts up and the pancreatic juices play the main role here.

Natural Remedies:


Sahaj Bastikriya (Easy Method of Evacuation):

Method- Performance of Sahaj Bastikriya should necessarily be done directly after waking up from sleep in the morning. If you have chronic constipation mix up 2 ounces of lemon juice and 1 ounces of common salt with above 2 pints of tepid water and drink it up; directly here after lie flat on back and perform  the following  1st four asana-

Vipareeta kanani mudra (Reverse performing position) -3 minutes:


  • The base position is resting prostrate with hands to the sides. 
  • Breathe in profoundly and hold the breath inside. Bring the advantages to the correct point from the Floor while keeping the knees expanded. Check how the mid-region gets occupied with the procedure. Keep breathing regularly. 
  • Presently breathe in profoundly and keeping in mind that holding the breath, contract the stomach area all the more firmly while lifting the spine off the floor. Carry the hands to help the middle nearby the sacrum bone, the level space that you feel under the lower back and place the middle at a 45 degree edge from the floor. Legs will move parallel to the floor over and behind the head. Adjust to this position. The key purpose of mindfulness is guts which is the focal pivot of structure the asana from here. 
  • As you get settled, keep breathing and expand the hips and carry the legs to a 45 degree rise with pelvic being the base. Hands will be bear weight of the body alongside the stomach area so you may encounter it in your wrists and elbows. 
  • Remain in the stance for least 30 seconds while breathing profoundly through stomach. You will feel your stomach here. 
  • Turning out, flex the hips cutting the legs down and in a controlled way put the middle down on the floor with an organized exertion of hands and stomach area. 
  • Check your breath and loosen up the stomach area.

Mayurasana (Peacock Pose) - 3-4 times:

  • Start by sitting on your heels. Ensure your knees are wide separated. 
  • Spot your hands on the floor, and let your fingers point towards your body. Tenderly twist your elbows and press them towards your midriff. 
  • You should keep your tummy firm. To do this, drop your head on the floor, and stir up the quality in your stomach. 
  • Extend your legs, to such an extent that your knees are straight, and the upper pieces of your feet are confronting the floor. 
  • Your shoulder bones must be firm and pushed into your back. Fix your bum and raise your head. Set your look forward. 
  • Move your body weight forward and lift your legs off the floor. Your body must be lifted with the weight on the hands. It ought to be parallel to the floor. 
  • Hold the posture for around 10 seconds at first. With training, you ought to have the option to hold it for as long as one moment. 
  • To discharge, drop your head and feet on the ground. Unwind.

Shalabhasana(Locust Pose)-5-6 times:

  • Lie on your tummy, with the jaw on the floor, legs together and arms nearby the body, 45 degrees from the sides, with the palms down. 
  • Draw up the knee tops, crush the thighs and rear end, connect with Mula Bandha, and press the pubic bone down into the floor. 
  • Breathe in and lift the legs, head, chest, and arms off of the floor. Connect through the fingers, toes and crown of the head. Keep the neck in accordance with the spine. 
  • Drop the shoulders down and back and press the chest forward. Keep the legs, posterior, and mula bandha solid, and hold the pubic bone pushing down into the floor. 
  • Inhale and hold for 2-6 breaths. 
  • To discharge: breathe out and gradually bring down the chest, head, arms and legs to the floor. Turn the head to the other side; slide the arms close by your body and rest. Shake the hips from side to side to discharge any pressure in the low back.

Bhujangasana(Cobra Pose)- 4 times

  • Falsehood level on your stomach. Spot your hands as an afterthought and guarantee that your toes contact one another. 
  • At that point, move your hands to the front, ensuring they are at the shoulder level, and spot your palms on the floor. 
  • Presently, setting your body's weight on your palms, breathe in and raise your head and trunk. Note that your arms ought to be bowed at your elbows at this stage. 
  • You have to curve your neck in reverse trying to reproduce the cobra with the raised hood. However, ensure your shoulder bones are firm, and your shoulders are away from your ears. 
  • Press your hips, thighs, and feet to the floor. 
  • Hold the asana for around 15 to 30 seconds while breathing regularly. Feel your stomach squeezed against the floor. With training, you ought to have the option to hold the asana for as long as two minutes. 
  • To discharge the posture, gradually take your hands back to the sides. Lay your head on the ground by getting your temple contact with the floor. Spot your hands under your head. At that point, gradually lay your head on one side and relax.

Ardha Chakrasana( Standing backward bend)-2 times

  • Stand straight with feet together and arms close by the body. 
  • Equalization your weight similarly on the two feet 
  • Taking in, broaden your arms overhead, palms confronting one another. 
  • Breathing out, delicately twist in reverse driving the pelvis forward, keeping the arms in accordance with the ears, elbows and knees straight, head up, and lifting your chest towards the roof. 
  • Hold. Taking in, return up. 
  • Breathing out, cut the arms down and unwind.

Pada-hastasana (Hand Under Foot Pose)- 3 times:

  • Stand erect with your feet 3-4 feet separated, adjusted and immovably grounded. Inhale delicate full breaths. 
  • Breathe in; protract the spine, extend arms overhead. 
  • Breathe out; twist forward from the hip joints, keeping the spine straight. 
  • Spot hands on the floor, under the shoulders. Breathe in, breathe out delicate full breaths. 
  • Lifting the hips up, twist further as you breath out to get the head toward the floor between the hands. 
  • Separate the thighs. In the event that you are steady, you can isolate your feet further separated, keeping up the parity and immovability. 
  • Breathing out, press your hands immovably on the floor to develop the curve. In the event that your hands arrive at the feet, get hold of your huge toes and dismantle on them to get a more profound twist. 
  • Breathe in, extend the arms to the front and lift up gradually. 
  • Breathe out; carry the arms to the sides.

A strong motion is expected in course of the next five minutes. It is a very good and harmless process to cure acidity/constipation.

Sahaj Agnisara- 50 Times


Place your hands on both sides of the hip- placing the thumbs above the hip bones but below the last rib, and the fingers on the navel; now the thumbs shall remain fixed but other fingers must exert pressure on the navel so as to attach it with the spine behind; release the pressure soon after it; repeat this process for at least 30-40 times.
Initially a little pain during the pressure may be the experience and as such, primarily the pressure may be limited to a rather comfortable extent and gradually the limit will reach the final definitely. For fatty people-it will be nearly impossible to fix the navel with the spine, they will therefore, only try to do so.

Agnisara Dhouti No.1 - 10 Times


With inhalation try to draw in the navel with the lower abdomen towards the spine as far as possible after inhalation is complete, relax the tension with exhalation.

Agnisara Dhouti No.2 - 4 Times


Breath out completely and hold our breath; the naval region should be pulled in and out so as to attach it to the back and that in as many repetitions as possible during the holding our breath. When inhalation becomes a dire necessity, inhale and relax the abdomen, repeat the process 4 times.

Bhraman Pranayama (Breathing exercise on walking):


Take outing in the morning and evening through selected routes that are free from dust and smoke; women folk and others unable to get about, may practice it in an open space a terrace just loitering for some time. The body must keep straight while walking. Inhalation should be slow steady and deep in rhythm with the steps mentally counting 1, 2, and 3,4,5,6, obviously for emptying the stomach also. The beginners particularly the sick and well people,  if necessary may inhale and exhale at equal number of rhythmical steps. All difficulties will vanish in the next week.


Bhraman Pranayama (Breathing exercise on walking):


Take outing in the morning and evening through selected routes that are free from dust and smoke; women folk and others unable to get about, may practice it in an open space a terrace just loitering for some time. The body must keep straight while walking. Inhalation should be slow steady and deep in rhythm with the steps mentally counting 1, 2, and 3,4,5,6, obviously for emptying the stomach also. The beginners particularly the sick and well people,  if necessary may inhale and exhale at equal number of rhythmical steps. All difficulties will vanish in the next week.

Sahaj Agnisara- 50 Times


Place your hands on both sides of the hip- placing the thumbs above the hip bones but below the last rib, and the fingers on the navel; now the thumbs shall remain fixed but other fingers must exert pressure on the navel so as to attach it with the spine behind; release the pressure soon after it; repeat this process for at least 30-40 times.
Initially a little pain during the pressure may be the experience and as such, primarily the pressure may be limited to a rather comfortable extent and gradually the limit will reach the final definitely. For fatty people-it will be nearly impossible to fix the navel with the spine, they will therefore, only try to do so.

Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend) - 4 times

  • Sit erect, with your legs, extended before you. Ensure that your toes are flexed towards you. 
  • Breathe in and raise your arms over your head extend. 
  • Breathe out and twist forward. Feel the crease from your hip joints. Your jawline should move towards your toes. 
  • Stretch out your arms, and let them arrive at the farthest they can, till your toes. However, ensure that you don't extend excessively far. 
  • Breathe in. At that point, lifting your head marginally, lengthen your spine. 
  • Breathe out and move your navel towards your knees. 
  • Rehash this a couple of times. At that point, place your head on your legs, and hold the posture. 
  • Breathe in and return up to the sitting position with your arms extended. 
  • Breathe out and bring down your arms.

Paban Muktasana (Gas Release Pose) - 4 Times

  • Rests in straight position on your back or in prostrate position. 
  • Breathe in and raise your legs at 90 degree 
  • Breathe out, twist your legs and attempt to bring your knees towards your chest. 
  • Catch your knees by interlocking your fingers. 
  • Raise your head and made touch your brow with your knees. 
  • Do typical breathing while at the same time keeping up the posture. 
  • First cut your head down and pursued by your legs. 
  • This is the one round. 
  • Do 3 to 4 rounds.

Yogamudra(Psychic Union Pose) -8 times


  • Sit in padmasana, the lotus present. You may utilize a touch of cushioning or pad under the bottom if necessary to make it progressively agreeable. 
  • Close your eyes and inhale ordinarily. 
  • Bring the hands behind the back and hold the left wrist with the correct hand. (There is another variety for further developed specialists. In this variety, the hands are traversed behind the back. The correct hand snatches the correct foot and the left hand gets the left foot.) 
  • Gradually curve forward and attempt to contact the floor before you with the brow or the nose. Inhale out while bowing forward. In the event that you can't contact the floor, go the extent that it is agreeable with no strain. 
  • In the last position, loosen up the entire body, particularly the shoulders and the back. 
  • In the position, you may inhale profoundly and gradually. Attempt to keep up the situation for couple of minutes. 
  • Gradually come back to the beginning position. Breathe in while coming back to the gazing present. 
  • On the off chance that you are not ready to keep up the last position for long, at that point one may do the procedure multiple times.

Sahaj Pranayama (Simple Breathing Exercise) No.1- 2 Minutes


Lie down flat on back, keep the heels together and the hands straight beside the body; with slow inhalation raise the hands overhead to place them on the ground, then with slow exhalation bring down the hands beside the body. Repeat this method for one minute only now leave out the hands and raise up the right leg straight with inhalation and place it down with slow exhalation, alternate this process with the left leg and repeat for one minute and then rest.

Sahaj Pranayama (Simple Breathing Exercise) No.2- 2 Minutes


Sit on any meditative posture or stand erect, slowly inhale up to the capacity of the lungs, but release the air slowly through the mouth in a steady flow and again inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth as above for 2-3 minute in this way.

Sahaj Pranayama (Simple Breathing Exercise) No.8- 2 Minutes


Protrude the tip of the tongue through the lips to stimulate roughly a bird’s bill; now slowly inhale air through the tip of the tongue, hold it under the throat for 5 seconds and release this air slowly through the nose. It should be practice for at least 2 minutes.
After gaining a little control over the diseases, follow the method of progressive exercises.
Fasting on day in a week or at least one day in a fortnight is very helpful to cure this disease.


  • As long as the pain or temperature continues, nothing but lemon-juice with tepid water should be taken.
  • The patient of acidity have a feeling of appetite because of the over activity of the gastric glands and on this ground they are ordinarily voracious eaters.
  • During acidity no concentrated food (butter, ghee, preserved meat and fish, cheese, eggs etc) should be taken.
  • Fats, rich and hot dishes, cooked pulses much condensed and recipes made with ghee, casein and sweet meats etc should be avoided till complete recovery.

If we follow this steps then without medication we will be able to treat acidity naturally, but acidity patients must not take breakfast.

This post first appeared on Health And Happiness, please read the originial post: here

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Best Natural Remedies for Acidity


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