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(Video) Science and Practice of Gratitude; 3 Unique Ideas for a Gratitude Journal


Have you noticed that most people find it easier to keep a positive attitude when things are going well? But it is hard in the face of adversity. Do you find it challenging to keep a positive attitude when so much negative is happening around you?

One potent practice that can help you become stronger in the face of adversity and improve your happiness, health, relationships, and many areas of your life is the practice of Gratitude.

Would you like to learn about it? 

I shared this powerful technique and the science behind Gratitude in this program that was broadcasted as episode # 11 of “Healthy and Happy Mind with Dr. Rozina” on 5/25/2020

I am sharing the recording with you so you can also become stronger in the face of adversity and maintain a positive attitude despite adversity. 


Click the link to watch the video:

In this video, you will get answers to questions like: 

  • Why do we need practice like Gratitude?
  • What is the science behind it? 
  • What are the benefits of Gratitude?
  • How to Practice Gratitude?
  • 3 Unique ways to do a Gratitude journal?

 And one of my specials at the end of the program.

You can also text “Joyful” to the number 38470 for the resources shared in this program and reminder texts for the future programs (so you don’t miss them).

Did you watch the video yet? Click here to view now and learn the science and practice of Gratitude.

Please let me know which method of gratitude practice are you going to start, and what changes are you noticing once you practice? Your feedback gives me pleasure and motivation to continue. 

And as you know, my mission is to bring health and happiness to more than a million people. If you think this program can help someone, please share it and join in the mission of transforming stress, preventing depression, and spreading health and happiness. 

Dedicated to your health and happiness, 

Dr. Rozina

P.S: If you want to start your gratitude practice or give the gift of a Gratitude journal, you can get a copy of “Stress to Joy; Guided Gratitude Journal” by clicking here.

P.S: Our next session is about how to improve your sleep better naturally and overcome constant mind chatter. Join me on Saturday, 6/6/2020, at 11 am Pacific Time for our weekly Facebook live. You can access this and previous programs at

I am looking forward to connecting with you soon

The post (Video) Science and Practice of Gratitude; 3 Unique Ideas for a Gratitude Journal appeared first on Dr. Rozina.

This post first appeared on Hope, Health, And Happiness, please read the originial post: here

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(Video) Science and Practice of Gratitude; 3 Unique Ideas for a Gratitude Journal
