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Fitness And Performance Blog Blog

We’re about the journey not just the destination. We empower people to live healthier, happier, fitter lives so that they can enjoy life to the fullest and live to the peak of their potential.
Have you noticed tightness or limited mobility in your hips?  Hip tightness is typically a build up of tension, and can be due to a variety of causes such as lack of hip mobility and… Read More
Field And Court Athlete Agility
Knee Injury Prevention So why am I getting hurt? Welcome back, nerds. This blog will focus on the agility field/court athletes with lateral movements that include (but are not limited to) so… Read More
… So why am I getting hurt? Welcome back, nerds. This blog will focus on athletes that do an overhead (throwing) motion, which include (but are not limited to) baseball, softball, soc… Read More
Basics of Injury Prevention Do you know the caution signs? If you listen well enough, your body typically alerts you when an injury is imminent, giving you a window of time for prevention. T… Read More
Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) tears are one of the most common knee injuries among the young athletic population, with the highest incidence affecting males and females ages 14-25. ACL in… Read More
Depth Jump: Start by standing on a box with one foot forward and arms up in preparation to snap them back with the hips. Allow yourself to fall toward the ground, and on impact, immediately… Read More
Common Kettlebell Workout Mistakes
The Kettlebell can be one of the best exercise tools available when done correctly and when done incorrectly the Kettlebell could be one the most hated exercise tools available. Like an… Read More
Medicine Balls, the go-to tool for developing power for centuries!!  If it was good enough for gladiators, why aren’t you using it; they are simple to use, great for getting out t… Read More

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Fitness and Performance Blog
