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How Much Does a Controls Engineer Make: Explained

Curiosity is inherent in our nature. We’re always intrigued by what others earn, their chosen professions, and the possibilities it holds. Today, let’s uncover the realm of controls engineering—a field that may be unfamiliar to some. Have you ever wondered how much a controls engineer actually makes? Prepare to dive into a world of automation and innovation where skilled individuals navigate the complexities of technology to shape industries. In this brief exploration, we will shed some light on the potential earnings of a controls engineer and uncover why this career path may be more fascinating than you think.

Introduction to the field of controls engineering

Controls engineering is a branch of engineering that focuses on designing and implementing systems that regulate or control various processes. It encompasses a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, robotics, aerospace, and automotive. Controls engineers are responsible for developing, testing, and maintaining control systems that ensure efficient and optimized operation of machinery or equipment.

Controls engineers play a crucial role in integrating hardware and software components within a system to allow for precise control and automation. They utilize their expertise in areas such as electronics, computer science, and mechanical engineering to develop solutions that meet specific requirements and improve system performance.

Role and Responsibilities

Controls engineers typically work alongside other engineers and technicians to analyze system requirements and design control strategies. They may also be involved in troubleshooting and resolving issues related to system performance, safety, and reliability. Their responsibilities may include:

  • Developing control algorithms and software
  • Designing control panels and selecting appropriate hardware components
  • Conducting testing and simulation to ensure proper system functionality
  • Providing technical support and training to end-users
  • Collaborating with other departments, including electrical and mechanical engineering, to ensure seamless integration
  • Staying updated with the latest advancements in control systems and technologies
  • Importance of Controls Engineering

    Controls engineering is essential for industries that rely on machinery and automation. By implementing efficient control systems, companies can enhance productivity, reduce costs, and improve safety. Controls engineers also contribute to the development of advanced technologies such as robotics and artificial intelligence, driving innovation across industries.

    Factors influencing controls engineer salaries

    Several factors influence the salaries of controls engineers, including experience, education, industry, location, and job market conditions. Understanding these factors can provide insights into the earning potential in this field.


    Experience is a significant determinant of controls engineer salaries. As with most professions, controls engineers with more years of experience tend to earn higher salaries. This is because they have accumulated valuable knowledge, skills, and a track record of successful projects. Experienced controls engineers often take on more complex and demanding roles, which are often rewarded with higher compensation.


    Education also plays a vital role in determining controls engineer salaries. While a bachelor’s degree in controls engineering or a related field is typically the minimum requirement, advanced degrees such as a master’s or Ph.D. can significantly enhance earning potential. Higher education levels demonstrate a deeper understanding of the field and may open doors to higher-level positions or more specialized roles.


    The industry in which a controls engineer works can have a substantial impact on their salary. Certain industries, such as aerospace, oil and gas, and pharmaceuticals, often offer higher salaries due to the complex nature of their control systems and the criticality of their operations. Controls engineers working in these high-demand industries may enjoy greater earning potential compared to those in other industries.


    Geographical location is another key factor influencing controls engineer salaries. Salaries can vary significantly based on the cost of living, demand, and local economic conditions. For instance, controls engineers working in major metropolitan areas or regions with a high concentration of industries may command higher salaries compared to those in rural areas or regions with lower industrial activity.

    Job Market Conditions

    The overall job market conditions can also impact controls engineer salaries. In a highly competitive job market with a shortage of skilled controls engineers, employers may offer more attractive compensation packages to attract and retain talent. Conversely, in a saturated job market, salaries may be more standardized or subject to negotiation.

    Average salary range for controls engineers

    The average salary range for controls engineers can vary depending on multiple factors, including experience, education, industry, and location. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for electrical and electronics engineers, which includes controls engineers, was $101,250 as of May 2020. However, it is important to note that this data encompasses a broader category and may not specifically reflect the salaries of controls engineers alone.

    The salary range for controls engineers typically falls between $75,000 and $115,000 per year. Entry-level positions may start at the lower end of this range, while senior-level or highly experienced controls engineers may earn salaries exceeding $150,000 annually.

    It is crucial to consider that salary ranges can vary significantly depending on the factors mentioned earlier, including geographic location and industry sector.

    Geographical variations in controls engineer salaries

    Controls engineer salaries can vary greatly across different geographical regions due to differences in the cost of living, demand for skilled professionals, and industry concentrations. Here are some examples of how geographic location can impact controls engineer salaries:

    High-Cost Metropolitan Areas

    Controls engineers working in high-cost metropolitan areas, such as San Francisco, New York City, or Silicon Valley, often command higher salaries to offset the increased living expenses. These regions typically have a higher concentration of advanced technology companies and industries that rely on controls engineering expertise.

    Regional Industry Hubs

    Certain regions with a strong presence of specific industries may offer higher salaries for controls engineers. For example, locations with a significant aerospace or automotive industry presence, such as Seattle or Detroit, may offer better compensation due to the demand for controls engineers in these sectors.

    Rural or Lower-Cost Areas

    In contrast, controls engineers working in rural areas or regions with a lower cost of living may experience lower average salaries. Industries may not be as prevalent in these areas, leading to fewer job opportunities and potentially lower compensation.

    It is essential to research salary trends and factors specific to the desired location when assessing earning potential in controls engineering.

    Educational and experience requirements for higher-paying positions

    To increase earning potential and qualify for higher-paying positions in controls engineering, certain educational and experiential requirements are often sought after by employers. These requirements may vary depending on the industry, company, or specific role. Here are some of the common qualifications that can lead to higher-paying positions:

    Advanced Degrees

    While a bachelor’s degree is typically the minimum requirement for entry-level positions, pursuing advanced degrees such as a master’s or Ph.D. can enhance career prospects and potentially lead to higher-paying roles. Advanced degrees demonstrate a higher level of expertise and specialization, making candidates more desirable to employers.

    Industry Certifications

    Obtaining industry certifications can also contribute to career advancement and increased earning potential. Certifications specific to controls engineering, such as the Certified Automation Professional (CAP) or Certified Control Systems Technician (CCST) credentials, can showcase advanced knowledge and expertise in the field. These certifications can often lead to higher-paying positions or job opportunities with industry leaders.

    Experience and Skill Development

    Gaining relevant experience and continuously improving skills can significantly impact earning potential. Employers often offer higher salaries to controls engineers with a proven track record of successful projects, advanced problem-solving skills, and expertise in specific control systems or technologies. Pursuing internships, cooperative education programs, and professional development opportunities can help build a solid foundation for career progression and open doors to higher-paying positions.

    Industry sectors offering competitive salaries for controls engineers

    While controls engineers can find employment in various industries, certain sectors tend to offer more competitive salaries due to the complexity and criticality of their control systems. Here are some industry sectors known for offering competitive salaries for controls engineers:

    Aerospace and Defense

    The aerospace and defense industry places a high premium on controls engineering expertise due to the intricate control systems required for aircraft, missiles, and satellites. These industries often offer competitive salaries to attract top talent and ensure the safety and performance of their systems.


    The automotive industry relies heavily on controls engineers to develop cutting-edge technologies for vehicle automation, fuel efficiency, and driver assistance systems. As the automotive industry continues to evolve with advancements in electric and autonomous vehicles, controls engineers with expertise in these areas are in high demand and often enjoy competitive salaries.

    Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology

    Controls engineers working in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors play a vital role in ensuring the safety, efficiency, and compliance of manufacturing processes. The stringent control requirements and regulatory standards in these industries drive the demand for skilled controls engineers and often result in competitive compensation packages.

    Additional benefits and perks for controls engineers

    In addition to base salaries, controls engineers often receive various benefits and perks as part of their compensation packages. These additional benefits can further enhance the overall value of their remuneration. Here are some common benefits and perks offered to controls engineers:

  • Health insurance coverage, including medical, dental, and vision
  • Retirement savings plans, such as 401(k) or pension plans
  • Bonuses and performance-based incentives
  • Paid time off, including vacation days and holidays
  • Flexible work arrangements, such as remote work or flexible hours
  • Professional development opportunities, including training programs and conferences
  • Employee assistance programs for personal and professional support
  • Stock options or equity grants for companies with employee ownership plans
  • The specific benefits and perks offered can vary depending on the employer, industry, and job level. Controls engineers should consider these additional factors when assessing their overall compensation package.

    Career growth opportunities and potential impact on salary

    Controls engineering provides numerous career growth opportunities, which can have a significant impact on salary progression. As controls engineers gain experience, develop specialized skills, and take on additional responsibilities, they often advance into higher-level positions with increased earning potential. Some of the career growth opportunities in controls engineering include:

    Senior Controls Engineer

    Experienced controls engineers may progress to senior roles, where they oversee complex projects, manage teams, and provide technical leadership. Senior controls engineers often command higher salaries due to their added responsibilities and expertise.

    Project Management

    Controls engineers who demonstrate strong project management skills and business acumen may pursue careers as project managers. In this role, they are responsible for overseeing the planning, execution, and successful completion of control system projects. Project managers often enjoy higher salaries and bonuses commensurate with their increased responsibilities.


    Experienced controls engineers may choose to transition into consulting roles, either within a consulting firm or as independent consultants. Consulting can provide opportunities to work on diverse projects, collaborate with different industries, and command higher hourly rates or project-based fees.

    Research and Development

    Controls engineers interested in pushing the boundaries of the field may pursue research and development roles. These positions involve exploring new technologies, methodologies, and innovations to drive advancements in controls engineering. Research and development positions in leading organizations often offer competitive salaries and access to state-of-the-art resources.


    Controls engineering is a dynamic and rewarding field that influences numerous industries and plays a crucial role in advancing automation and efficiency. While salaries for controls engineers can vary based on factors such as experience, education, industry, and location, they generally fall within the range of $75,000 to $115,000 per year. By pursuing advanced education, gaining relevant experience, and staying abreast of industry trends, controls engineers can continually enhance their earning potential and unlock exciting career opportunities.

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