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5 Amazing Water-Rich Fruits For Your Skin In Summer

5 Amazing Water-Rich Fruits For Your Skin In Summer

It is extremely important to protect our skin during summer. Our skin may easily get dehydrated, resulting in the dry, tight, and flaky skin. The effects of dehydration will be even more prominent if the skin is naturally dry and sensitive. According to nutritionist Christine Bailey, our bodies are roughly 60% water, therefore proper hydration is significantly important for our health, especially for the skin. To meet our hydration needs, in addition to drinking several glasses of water like most experts suggest, we can also obtain a large amount of water through our diet.

Here are 5 amazing water-rich fruits that will help your skin stay hydrated as well as improving your overall skin health.


Water content: 92%

Watermelon is one of the most hydrating fruits you can eat, especially in summer. A cup of watermelon (approximately 154g) contains more than a half cup (118ml) of water. Moreover, watermelon is rich in Vitamin A, B6, and C and packed with lycopene and amino acids, all combining to contribute towards the healthy skin, aiding the immune system, and benefitting from antioxidants.

Why not freeze a few slices of watermelon in your fridge and enjoy them later today?


Water content: 91%

Kind of surprising? Strawberries are actually a very hydrating food and about 91% weight of strawberries comes from water. Eating them will definitely contribute to your daily water intake. Moreover, strawberries are a rich source of vitamin C, dietary fiber, and folic acid, which makes them a great fruit for anti-aging, UV skin protection, and skin lightening.

You can include strawberries in your diet by adding them into salads, overnight cereals, or smoothies.


Water content: 90%

90% of Cantaloupe is actually water, which means one cup (177g) of cantaloup delivers a half cup (118ml) of water. Also, cantaloupe is very nutritious –– one cup of cantaloupe contains 2 grams of fiber and provides 120% of your daily needs for vitamin A. In addition to keeping our skin hydrated and moisturizing, it is a great food for anti-aging, skin rejuvenation, and skin regeneration.

You can simply make cantaloupe your side dish or blend it into your smoothie in order to include it in your diet.


Water content: 89%

Peaches are a very hydrating and nutrient-dense fruit. Peaches contain 89% of water and are a great source of vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, and antioxidants, which makes peaches an amazing fruit to hydrate your skin, regenerate your skin tissue, and reduce wrinkles. Furthermore, peaches usually do not have too many calories and are very filling, which makes them a good food choice for weight loss.

Try to combine peaches with plain yogurt. It tastes awesome!


Water content: 88%

Oranges contain 88% of water, therefore they are very beneficial to skin hydration and moisturization, providing healthier looking skin. Also, oranges are rich in antioxidants, calcium, fiber, and vitamin C, which helps to slow down the aging-process and aids in skin exfoliation.

Eating a fresh orange at breakfast or combining one with plain yogurt are all good ideas to include oranges in your diet.

Try to add a few water-rich fruits in your diet for your skin health and you will see results gradually.

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For all data about every food listed above, reference:

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5 Amazing Water-Rich Fruits For Your Skin In Summer
