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Vrischikasana | Scorpion Pose Steps | Benefits

Vrischikasana is an advanced yoga pose described in Yoga, which can be quite challenging. It’s a combination of backbends and inversions balance. Flexibility, balance, arm and shoulder strength are required to successfully perform this yoga posture asana.

Eventually, practicing this demanding pose can begin to be explored after developing sufficient core strength and shoulder mobility. This inversion is a forceful backbend that balances on your forearms, where the practitioner is required to maintain the body in an inverted position along with the back bending action and mimics the scorpion position.

Vrischikasana, one of the advanced Ashtanga postures, has been labeled by some as one of the hardest yoga poses, as it requires intense balancing power and persistence to practice.

Before attempting this pose, you should perform some. To give your body the final stance of Vrischikasana, you must understand Pincha Mayurasana (Forward Balance) very well, for the challenge ahead. In Vrishikasana, the practitioner also needs regular practice with urdhva dhanurasana and Dwi pada viparita dandasana.

Vrischikasana Meaning

“Vrischika” in Sanskrit refers to the “scorpion” and is the asana is “pose”. When the body is inverted to perform this pose, it is followed by landing the feet on the knees.

It resembles a scorpion with its tail, which is ready to sting its prey. Hence what is known as Vrischikasana or Scorpion pose.

Vrischikasana Quick Facts

Origin: Modern
Sanskrit: Vrischikasana
Meaning: “Vrischik” refers to “scorpion” and “asana” is “pose”
English Name: Scorpion Pose
IAST: vṛścikāsana
Level: Advanced
Position: Prone
Type: Strength, Back-Bend, Inversion, Balance
Targets: Flexibility, upper body, and core strength, balance
Chakras: Crown Chakra (Sahasrara Chakra), Third Eye Chakra (Ajna Chakra)

Vrischikasana Procedure

Preparatory Poses

  • Downward Facing (Adho Mukha Vrikshasana)
  • Headstand (Sirsasana)
  • Dolphin Pose (Catur Svanasana)
  • Camel Pose (Ustrasana)
  • Feathered Peacock Pose (Pincha Mayurasana)
  • Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)
  • Wheel Pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana)

How to Do Vrischikasana (Scorpion Pose)

  • To do Scorpio pose, first, sit on the ground and keep the hands from elbow to toe on the ground.
  • Keep the palms of the hands on the ground and keep the fingers spread.
  • Keeping the weight of the whole body on the hands, raise the feet slowly.
  • While bending the waist, try to keep the legs bent at the knees.
  • By raising the cervix, the breath remains in.
  • The shape of the body should become like that of a scorpion carrying a sting.
  • Lie down with the front part of the body on the ground.
  • Extend the hands along the feet.
  • After that, do this asana on the chest, that is, bring the feet from above and rest them on the head or on the ground. This is called ‘Pasrat Hasta Vrischikasana’.
  • Some people do it only on the fingers of the hands.
  • Either way, the benefits are often the same.
  • Lifting the feet up a little, move the face down, and at the same time the feet also come down. Then rise up, do the same over and over again. This is called “Scorpio Dandasana”.

Beginner’s Tips

  • Beginners should not practice this asana.
  • The best decision is to resort to a wall when practicing it for the first time.
  • This asana can give difficulty to those people who are suffering from fat or obesity. To be proficient in this, the spine must be flexible and strong.
  • To avoid injury while practicing, you can place a soft blanket under you.
  • Before starting the practice of Vrischikasana, one should master the Sirsasana.

Follow-up Poses

  • Downward-Facing Dog Pose
  • Shashankasana
  • Dolphin Pose

Vrischikasana Benefits

  • In Vrischikasana, the weight of the body is balanced on the arms that work the muscles of the shoulders, arms and wrists. Also, the leg muscles get a deep stretch along the hip flexors chest and spine. This increases their flexibility and makes them strong and stable.
  • Regular practice of this asana is useful in improving the stamina of the body.
  • While doing this asana, the balance of the body has to be created, due to which there is tension in every part of the body, due to which the parts of the body get stronger.
  • It is a an inverted pose. Here the head is located below the heart which increases the blood flow to the brain.
  • Its practice is beneficial in the problem related to the neck, by practicing Vrischikasana, the risk of spondylitis can be reduced.
  • The chest is also extended while fully holding the pose. It helps in expansion of the lungs and improves the efficiency of oxygen intake.
  • Scorpion Pose stretches and tones the abdominal muscles. It strengthens core muscles and promotes stamina.
  • Regular practice of Vrischikasana helps in activating and balancing the Crown (Sahasrara) Chakra, Third Eye (Ajna) Chakra, Throat (Vishuddha) Chakra and Heart (Anahata) Chakra.


Vrischikasana, one of the advanced poses of Ashtanga yoga, is a difficult yoga pose, which is an important part of the Rocket Yoga sequence. Vrischikasana is a combination of a backbend and forearm balance pose and balance, flexibility and strength of hands are essential to perform this yoga pose or asana with ease.

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