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The Beneficial Effect of Fenugreek on Your Low Test Levels

Spice Up Your Sex Hormone And Add Flavors To Your Life With A T-Booster SuperFood!!!

Does Fenugreek Really Increase Testosterone or It’s Mere To Hype This Botanical Supplement?

Fenugreek or Trigonella foenum-graecum is a leafy green legume that is a staple spice of many African and Asian dishes.

Apart from enhancing the taste, fenugreek is also known for its medicinal properties.

With its anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, and antioxidant properties fenugreek or methi treats digestive issues, stomach problems, and lactation in pregnant women.

Adding to it, if you are into muscle building and health supplements, you might be aware of the fact that, fenugreek is also a common ingredient of many testosterone boosters.

This is also the reason why the relationship between fenugreek and testosterone is generating a lot of interest in men dealing with Testosterone Decline Syndrome and other health issues related to low-T.

So, Does Fenugreek Increase Testosterone?

Well, researchers have been thinking about it lately too.

This blog discusses all the arguments related to does fenugreek raises testosterone and what do the researchers have to say about it.

Does Fenugreek Increase Testosterone?

Testosterone is a male sex hormone. It is primarily responsible for manly features like beard, muscle mass, deep voice, and sperm production.

It is also associated with the regulation of better sex drive.

Fenugreek, on the other hand, is a natural aphrodisiac.

Moreover, along with its other medicinal properties, there are high chances that it may show positive signs when it comes to boosting testosterone.

The other fenugreek benefits for men like treating sexual dysfunction, increasing lean muscle mass, and burning excess body fat also direct towards the positive relationship between fenugreek and testosterone.

But this doesn’t clearly answer does fenugreek increases testosterone.

So, let’s see what the research has to say about it.

Fenugreek And Testosterone: Scientific Evidence

Indeed, Does fenugreek seeds increase testosterone is a hot topic among men and women dealing with the side effects of low T-levels.

Interestingly, it is also a trending topic among researchers.

As a result, there are numerous scientific researches on does fenugreek boost testosterone level.

Let’s have a look at what do researchers have to say about it.

#Study 1

Aim: To determine the effect of aromatase and α reductase inhibitor (AI) on the hormones, body composition, and strength of resistance-trained men.

Method: 3 groups of healthy trained men consumed 500 mg of fenugreek extract every day for 2, 4, and 8 weeks.

Result: There was a significant improvement in androgenic activity and testosterone level and reduction in reduction in body fat.

The study further concluded that fenugreek extract can improve testosterone levels by blocking enzymes that break testosterone.

#Study 2

Aim: Effect Of Fenugreek Extract Supplementation On Testosterone Levels In Men.

Method: Randomized clinical trials compared the Intake of fenugreek seeds with a closed group.

Results: After identifying a total of 4 trials, it was evident from the study that fenugreek extract has a significant effect on serum testosterone levels in men.

#Study 3

Aim: To evaluate the effect of Testofen, a standardized fenugreek extract and mineral formulation on male libido.

Method: 60 men of age between 25 to 52 years were given 2 tablets of Testofen (600mg) per day.

Result: In a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled study it was clearly found that Testofen has a positive effect on physiological aspects of libido.

The study also concluded that it may assist in “maintaining” a healthy testosterone level.

#Study 4

Aim: Efficacy and safety of a mixed extract of Trigonella foenum-graecum seed and Lespedeza cuneata (TFGL) in treating testosterone deficiency syndrome.

Method: Patients consumed a placebo or 200mg of TFGL capsule twice every day for 8 weeks.

Results: The study exhibited a significant increase in total testosterone in 8 weeks and free testosterone in 4-8 weeks.

The study further concluded that there was a notable improvement in TDS (Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome).

Phew! That’s a lot of studies and a lot of evidence.

Depending on the research, it’s quite evident that fenugreek has all the abilities that can lift your dripping testosterone level.

It’s now proven that fenugreek has endless benefits and is more than just a little herb.

It is even beneficial for those looking for natural ways to increase testosterone.

But the question still remains how does fenugreek increase testosterone level?

How does it actually work?

How Does Fenugreek Increase Testosterone?

Fenugreek is a ruling ancient medicine and can treat a lot of health issues.

It might be hard to believe, but fenugreek by treating other medical issues can affect the level of declining testosterone.

Adding to it, the nutritional value of fenugreek works like a cherry on the cake.

Its active ingredients act like magic on improving masculine sexuality by affecting the primary sex hormone i.e. testosterone.

#1. Boosts Sex Hormones

Fenugreek is a natural aphrodisiac and contains Fenuside. It is a type of glucoside which is responsible for producing male hormones in the testes.

According to research, men dealing with hypogonadism (testes not secreting enough testosterone) were recommended 600mg of fenugreek per day.

Fenugreek acts as an aphrodisiac for both men and women.

#2. Regulates Insulin Level

Insulin can negatively affect the testosterone level and act as a barrier to the production of sex hormones.

Fenugreek on the other hand can lower the insulin level and can even be of great help in treating type 2 diabetes.

Fenugreek=Lower Insulin=High T-Level

This way fenugreek by regulating the insulin level can increase the declining testosterone.

#3. Burns Excess Body Fat

Obesity and low testosterone are inversely related. That is to say, the higher the obesity, the lower the testosterone level.

Excess body fat comes with the downside of high sugar levels in the bloodstream leading to low testosterone.

Being obese and dealing with low testosterone feels like a never-ending cycle. But adding fenugreek to your diet can help you come out of it.

To elaborate, by enhancing the metabolism, fenugreek can kick start your weight loss and help revive your t-level.

#4. Improves Lean Muscles

The more the lean muscles, the more the testosterone. It is true that increasing your lean muscles can help produce more testosterone.

It is again a cycle. To elaborate, a higher t-level requires more lean muscles and more lean muscles require higher testosterone.

The study of the journal of sports science and nutrition showed that fenugreek extract when combined with creatine showed positive changes in overall body composition and increased lean muscles.

Henceforth, if you are dealing with low t-level, try building lean muscles.

#5. Contains Active Components

Fenugreek contains active ingredients like saponins, Trigonelline, and antioxidants.

Saponin works as a weapon against high cholesterol, fat, and sugar in the blood.

According to the research, their steroid-like saponins are responsible for increasing testosterone as well.

Trigonelline on the other hand has anti-sugar and fat-lowering proper both of which are vital for better testosterone.

Lowering the sugar and regulating the insulin level is also how does fenugreek increase estrogen.

So, does fenugreek increase testosterone?

The answer is yes! Directly or indirectly fenugreek does increase testosterone levels.

However, a lot of research is still needed to establish a better connection between testosterone and fenugreek seeds/extract.

While the benefits of fenugreek cannot be denied, one cannot also ignore the fact that the quantity of the ingredient enhances the quality of its results.

To explain, only learning about how does fenugreek increases testosterone will certainly not help you completely to boost your t-levels.

You must also be aware of how to take fenugreek seeds for testosterone.

How To Take Fenugreek Seeds For Testosterone?

You can consume around 500-2000mg of testosterone per day.

Numerous studies have shown the positive effect of 600mg of fenugreek supplementation on testosterone level.

However, you must combine it with an active lifestyle, and a healthy diet.

Moving on, there are numerous ways to include fenugreek in your diet.

  • Health Supplements
  • Home-Made Recipes

There are numerous health supplements that include the benefits of fenugreek. You can include one of those dietary supplements of your trusted brand and avail of its benefits.

However, you must keep in mind to consume it according to the recommended dosage only.

Nevertheless, if you are not into health supplements, you can also try homemade fenugreek recipes to increase your testosterone level naturally and safely.

Here are some of the recipes that will help you include fenugreek in your diet easily.

#1. Soaked Fenugreek Seeds

This is one of the easiest ways to consume fenugreek seeds.

  • All you have to do is take a cup of fenugreek seeds and let them soak overnight in water.
  • The next day, strain the water and separate the fenugreek seeds.
  • You can consume these fenugreek seeds anytime during the day or whenever you feel hungry.

Fenugreek seeds have the ability to curb your appetite and this way it helps you stop munching on the junks and keep your weight in check and testosterone level.

#2. Fenugreek Tea

Fenugreek tea is a great way to add it to your diet and start your day if you are dealing with declining testosterone.

  • Mix fenugreek seed powder with water and make a paste.
  • Add it to a cup of boiling water along with your favorite tea flavors
  • Cover it for 5 minutes at low flame.

Drink it empty stomach and give a boost to your testosterone.

#3. Fenugreek Powder

  • Roast the fenugreek seeds in a pan until you can feel the aroma.
  • Grind it until it becomes a fine powder.

You can use this fenugreek powder as seasonings, mix it with your curries, or simply drink it with plain water.

These were some of the easiest ways to add fenugreek to your diet and shoot up your testosterone level.

Now that you know how to take fenugreek to increase testosterone, you must be wondering how long does it take to increase testosterone with fenugreek.

Well, we got you covered mate!

How Long Does It Take To Increase Testosterone With Fenugreek?

Rome was not built in a day!

If you are trying something natural, the time it’ll take will also be natural.

It takes around 12-15 weeks to witness the results of fenugreek on your t-levels.

On the contrary, its results may vary from person to person depending upon their body function.

By the same token, it also depends on your way of consuming it i.e. whether you are taking health supplements or drinking fenugreek tea.

Also, the fenugreek dosage has a lot to contribute when it comes to witnessing results.

To conclude, it depends on how you take it and how much you take it.

Notwithstanding, there are certain things you should keep in mind before apart from its dosage, for instance, fenugreek side effects.

Let’s discuss it in detail.

Are There Any Side Effects Of Using Fenugreek for Testosterones?

This is an unwritten rule that before you add anything new to your diet, you must have a piece of complete knowledge about its possible side effects.

In the same context, when it comes to fenugreek, you must know about it and the effects it can have on your body.

Although fenugreek is mostly considered safe, it may be a problematic ingredient for a few.

Some of the common side effects of fenugreek are:

  • Dizziness
  • Diarrhea
  • Drop-in blood sugar
  • Gas

Furthermore, these fenugreek male side effects are particularly in high doses of fenugreek.

Notably, if you are allergic to chickpeas, peanuts, or coriander, you need to be a little careful in the case of fenugreek as well.

Also, if you are taking blood thinners, it may cause excessive bleeding and bruising.

Not forget to mention, if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or dealing with any underlying health issues, it’s highly recommended to consult a dietician or professional health personnel before you add any fenugreek health supplement into your diet.

Final Words

Fenugreek could be a natural addition to your diet that can help boost your testosterone levels.

It encourages a healthy weight, controls your appetite, works as a natural aphrodisiac, regulates the insulin level, and hence, increases your testosterone level.

However, just like the two sides of a coin, it has its own pros and cons. In the meantime, fenugreek alone cannot shoot up the testosterone to another level.

It must be nicely combined with a healthy and active lifestyle.

If you are looking to increase your testosterone level naturally and safely, fenugreek is a great way to start.

Who knew fenugreek a kitchen staple could spice up your sex hormone and add flavors to your life!

If you know someone looking for a natural way to boost t-level, share this blog with them and help them educate.

Also, if you find this blog informative, feel free to share your views in the comment section below.

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