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Top Natural Antioxidants Foods

Top Natural Antioxidants Foods

Understanding Anti-oxidants

You must have heard about anti-oxidants from health experts, food articles, or on food nutrition pieces of information. The doctor always recommends eating anti-oxidant rich foods as they are good for your heart and stomach. Although every single individual naturally contains free radicals and antioxidants inside their body due to toxic level exposure, poor nutrition the antioxidant level in the body has been severely affected.Natural Antioxidants Foods help to increase antioxidant level in our body. In the cells of an individual human body biochemical processes occurs with the help of energy that is produced with the help of oxygen in the body. This process is generally termed as oxidation which also generates waste products known as free radicals that are harmful to the body. Therefore, antioxidants are very important in a human body in order to tackle oxidation. Natural Antioxidants can be naturally found in certain vegetables and fruits. A compound called as flavanols in found in chocolates, lycopene in tomato, resveratrol is found in red wine and beta-carotene is found in carrots.  

How do Antioxidants keep us healthy?

Source Antioxidants are useful for keeping a track on the oxidant level in the body and to protect the cells from any oxidants damage. Oxidants are free radicals that protect and helps the body to fight with viruses and bacteria but when the number of oxidants in the body exceeds it limit it starts harming and attacking the cells of the body which can lead to serious problems such as cancer and heart illness. Oxidants can also be encountered from external factors such as smoke, alcohol, pollution etc. Antioxidants help to eliminate these oxidants and neutralize the bloodstream It is always good to maintain the balance between the oxidants and antioxidant level in the body. Therefore, it is usually suggested to include the antioxidant-rich source in your regular diet.
  • Youthful, healthier and glowing skin
  • Slower the signs of ageing
  • Supports detoxification
  • Reduces cancer-related risks
  • Provides protection against stroke and heart diseases
  • Increases the lifespan ratio
  • Reduces the risk of vision disorder or vision loss such as cataracts etc.
  • Reduces the risk of cognitive problems such as dementia

Natural Antioxidants Foods- Kidney beans

Source Beans are rich octane source of antioxidants. It also contains muscle-boosting protein and contains little to no fat and no cholesterol. Kidney beans can be used in sandwiches, salads or even Punjabi rajma. Drink lots of fluid if you find it difficult to digest. Types of beans include pinto, black, red and kidney beans.  

Natural Antioxidants Foods- Dark chocolate

Source Dark Chocolates and cocoa are quite healthy as they are packed with anti-oxidant such as polyphenols and flavanols. Chocolates containing 70% cocoa is very good for health and body and especially the heart. It contains a high concentration of alkaloid known as theobromine which is found in coffee and it helps in relaxing and stimulating body process. It also helps to lower blood pressure and dilate blood vessels. Dark chocolates are a rich source of zinc, manganese, fibre, iron, antioxidants, potassium etc. Related Post: How to lose your weight by eating chocolate

Natural Antioxidants Foods- Barley

Source Barley is known for its high antioxidant properties that help your body to grow stronger. Barley, when soaked in water, increases their antioxidant properties. Sprouted barley is also rich in antioxidants. Sprouted barley is easily digestible which boosts the body to absorb the nutrients quickly.

Natural Antioxidants Foods- Raisins

Source Even a bowl full of raisins contains a load of antioxidants. Dark raisins contain a high number of anthocyanins that provide your body with energy. Adding raisins in your salad or blending some of them into smoothie will be beneficial. An unknown fact about raisins is that it contains 3 times more antioxidants in them as compared to grapes.

Natural Antioxidants Foods- Sweet Potatoes and Orange Vegetables

Source Sweet potatoes are high in nutrients and vitamins. Sweet potato is used in making traditional fries which are quite famous across America. Potatoes are packed with nutrients, vitamin B6 and C. But sweet potatoes contains much more nutrients as compared to normal white potatoes.  They contain good amount of calcium and vitamin A Orange coloured vegetables are high on phytochemicals and are nutrient packed. Butternut and acorn are rich in vitamin C and A. Carrots are high in vitamin A.  

Natural Antioxidants Foods- Broccoli

Broccoli has been a lot of trends lately all thanks to its cancer-fighting antioxidants. Broccoli is considered to be the best external source to obtain antioxidant such as zeaxanthin, carotenoids etc. The best way to consume broccoli is to steam it and consume it. Some antioxidants such as vitamin c could be destroyed if it gets boiled or heated whereas beta-carotene becomes more efficient after cooking the vegetables. Related Post: Benefits of eating broccoli  

 Natural Antioxidants Foods- Walnuts

Source Walnuts are rich in antioxidants. It is advisable to have at least 30 grams of walnuts daily as it contains the low level of sodium in them and also is cholesterol- free. Walnuts contain a good number of polyphenols, therefore, it is considered super healthy.

The post Top Natural Antioxidants Foods appeared first on Health Indian.

This post first appeared on 101 Ways To Stay Healthy Naturally, please read the originial post: here

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Top Natural Antioxidants Foods
