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101 Ways To Stay Healthy Naturally Blog

Health Indian is a health blog for daily health tips, natural remedies, herbal treatments, home remedies, sex and romance, pregnancy and baby care
Fatty Liverफैटी लिवर/ Liver Disorder लिवर डिसऑर्डर: कारण, लक्षण, हर्बल एवं आयुर्वेदिक उपचार Fatty Liver Treatment In Hindi
Fatty liverफैटी लिवर/ liver diseases लीवर सम्बन्धी बी… Read More
प्रोस्टेट वृद्धि, प्रोस्टेट कैंसर, प्रोस्टेट के कारण व लक्षण, प्रोस्टेट का प्राकृतिक व आयुर्वेदिक उपचार – Prostate Treatment
प्रोस्टेट वृद्धि, प्रोस्टेट कै… Read More
प्रोस्टेट वृद्धि, प्रोस्टेट कै… Read More
Our Top 10 Smart Kitchen Gadgets
Our Top 10 Smart Kitchen Gadgets: There are a number of kitchen essentials in the market that promise to be life-changing. The sad truth is that a lot of them takes up space and time leaving… Read More
प्राकृतिक उपचार द्वारा हार्ट ब्लॉकेज और कोलेस्ट्रॉल से छुटकारा पाये- Remove Cholesterol And Open Blockages In Hindi
प्राकृतिक उपचार द्वारा  ब्लॉकí… Read More
20 Feng Shui Tips For Healthy Living
Feng Shui Tips for Healthy Living When it comes to health, there are so many things that can influence the way we feel. All the money and diamonds in the world cannot buy good health. Hap… Read More
Herbal Daily 5 for Review Heart Blockages - Apple Cider Vinegar, Honey, Lemon, Ginger & Garlic Drink - Home Remedy for Heart Disease - Herbal Daily 5 Review THIS HEART TONIC IS MADE WITH… Read More
Ayurvedic Treatment For Tuberculosis
Understanding TB Tb is also called as Tuberculosis. It causes due to tubercle bacillus bacteria in the body. It is a very infectious disease that mainly affects the lungs. It can affect ano… Read More
Our body converts all the food that we consume into sugar, glucose etc which our body uses to produce energy.  The pancreas produces hormones known as insulin which helps glucose to ent… Read More
6 Ayurvedic Herbs To Treat Diseases
Understanding Herbs and Its Benefits Source Herbs and spices are being used for ages as a natural remedy and have been proven beneficial with minimal negative side effects. A lot of herb… Read More
Top Natural Antioxidants Foods
Understanding Anti-oxidants You must have heard about anti-oxidants from health experts, food articles, or on food nutrition pieces of information. The doctor always recommends eating anti… Read More
Vaastu Tips For Your Home
Vaastu Shastra is a mixture of art, astrology, science and astronomy. From ancient ages, it is known for its mystic science that helps in designing the structure of your home to keep it fill… Read More
Home Remedies For Dandruff
Dandruff is a most common problem faced by many people young as well as old. Dandruff targets the scalp of people which can also lead to skin issues like acne, pimple etc. Dandruff is usuall… Read More
Home Remedies For Cold And Flu
Understanding Cold and Flu? Flu or influenza is a respiratory illness caused due to viruses. It is a highly contagious illness which spreads with a cough, a sneeze of an infected person. Fl… Read More
Best Top 6 Herbs That Can Treat Cancer
Understanding Cancer? Cancer doesn’t have a specific symptom, so it is advisable to prevent its risk factors that can cause Cancer. Cancer is an uncontrollable growth of cancer cells… Read More
Bipasha Basu Weight Loss Diet Plan
Bipasha Basu is well-known for her well-sculpted physique and hourglass figure. She has even won in Ford Models Supermodel of the world contest which gave her a kick to her Bollywood career… Read More
Natural Herbs That Can Treat Asthma
What is Asthma? Asthma is a chronic disease which involves blockage in the airways. These airways are bronchial tubes which allow air to pass in and out of lungs. The airway gets swollen an… Read More
Brahmi Benefits | Dosage | Side Effects
What is Brahmi? Brahmi is used as a nerve tonic from the ancient times. It is used to improve the mental health, memory, and intellect, and to promote vitality and longevity. Brahmi has min… Read More
‘Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder,’ is what we have been listening to. The question: How many people on earth are Beholders? A worldwide research has concluded that the ge… Read More
As a source tells me, ‘There is this one director who was making ten films a year. Almost every aspiring actor, actress or writer came knocking at his door. Casting coordinators and as… Read More
One of the most common mistakes women make is that they speak ill of the ex-company. Just as you bitch about the company you worked for, the interviewers soon realize that you are very much… Read More
While we fight for equal rights on one side, a part of us also likes to be the ‘weaker sex’. Being weak means being a victim.  And most women would rather choose to be an &l… Read More
If a girl has to succeed professionally, she needs to be very assertive at the workplace. This is to keep sexual proposals at bay. Cunning comments and straight-on-the-face answers makes men… Read More
When a woman fails to do a job, people don’t say, ‘She couldn’t do it.’ People say, ‘Women do not have what it takes! When a man gets up to speak, people listen… Read More
Today, women are trying to achieve what men have achieved all along. Most don’t understand that when men went out to work, they had the support of a woman at home who took care of all… Read More

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101 Ways to Stay Healthy Naturally
