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Tired of Acne Problems? Check Out Our Ultimate Homeopathic Treatment Guide

Imagine waking up one morning and noticing some unsightly bumps and marks on your face! In the age of selfies and social media, when most people are preoccupied with their appearance and looks, such Skin conditions are a nightmare, especially for millennials. Unfortunately, most teenagers and a large number of adults are all too familiar with this scenario but very few realize that it’s a naturally occurring problem due to the body’s hormonal transition. We’re talking about Acne and pimples.

Acne is a common skin disorder treated by healthcare providers and dermatologists in India. Despite being a skin disease, the condition often leads to severe psychological and emotional problems. According to a December 2017 report, approximately 23 million Indian individuals will be affected by acne by 2026. Women are more prone to this disease than males in the country.

So let’s start off with why we develop these facial marks in the first place. For starters, our growth hormones become highly activated after a certain age – usually around puberty – and our oil glands start producing more sebum, a natural lubricant, to maintain the elasticity of our skin. More often than not, these glands get infected and inflamed when dirt, bacteria, and debris clog the pores. Aside from these internal factors, different external stimuli induce acne formation, including unhealthy lifestyle and food choices, hormonal imbalances, menstrual cycle, and stress, just to name a few.

Although acne is mainly associated with teens, it can occur among all age groups. Depending on the severity of the condition, the eruptions may be of different shapes, sizes, and colours. Acne itself is not harmful to your health and well-being, but if left untreated for a long time, it could lead to scarring. To avoid permanent blemishes, you need proper treatment. We will be covering the following questions:

  1. Understanding the Differences between Acne and Pimples
  2. What Makes Homeopathy Your Best Defense Against Acne?
  3. Which Homeopathic Tablet Helps Treat Acne?
  4. How to Treat Scar Tissue Post Acne With Homeopathic Medication?
  5. Recommended Homeopathic Drugs to treat Acne
  6. How Safe are Homeopathic Cures for Acne Treatment?
  7. Switching From Allopathy to Homeopathy for Acne Treatment
  8. Lifestyle Changes During the Course of Homeopathic Acne Treatment

Understanding the Differences between Acne and Pimples

While the terms “pimple” and “acne” are often used interchangeably for describing the nasty breakouts that affect our skin, they do not mean the same thing. People who suffer regularly from acne problems will notice separate parts exhibiting separate types of pimples and acne that they’d wish would go away altogether.

Both pimples and acne are the result of clogged pores. But pimples normally occur when the individual attains puberty. Their skin begins to thicken and their sebaceous glands begin pumping out more oil via the pores. While the purpose of the excess oil is to keep the skin healthy and hydrated, it sometimes mixes with the debris and dirt in the environment and gives rise to pimples and acne. Generally, a pimple is a singular infected bump but acne indicates the presence of multiple pus-filled breakouts throughout the surface of the skin. If you suffer from persistent bouts of rashes and breakouts, you’re probably suffering from acne. Thankfully, numerous effective remedies are available in homeopathy to help rein in the condition.

What Makes Homeopathy Your Best Defense Against Acne?

Curing acne is no easy feat, and individuals affected by this skin disease resort to various creams and lotions without any viable results. The book Healing with Homeopathy reveals that Indians spend more than 1,500 million rupees on traditional OTC (over-the-counter) acne products annually despite the results being not entirely satisfactory and several side-effects being reported as well. On the contrary, numerous cases of successful treatment have been attributed to homeopathy. Why? Because unlike modern medicine, homeopathy treats the root cause and promotes healthier skin.

India ranks first when it comes to the number of medical patients opting for homeopathy. According to the report ‘Homeopathy booming in India’, 100 million Indian citizens depend exclusively on Homeopathic remedies to fulfil their healthcare needs. What’s more, as per the report titled ‘A short history of the development of homeopathy in India’ there are more than 200,000 registered homeopaths in the country right now, with nearly 12,000 more being added annually.

Homeopathy does not attempt to quick-fix pimple and acne problems. Instead, the objective is the correction of inner symptoms by treating the primary triggers and causes of this condition. Homeopathy is based on the principle of customised or individualised treatment. Different remedies are available for different kinds of acne based on the presentation and subtleties.

It is a common misconception that acne is a mere skin disorder. In reality, the condition is an external expression of some internal imbalance in your body, which you need to address on a constitutional or deeper level. Homeopathy considers the individuality of the patient along with the symptoms, temperament and personality without restricting itself to treating only the outwardly visible symptoms. As mentioned above, homeopathy targets the root case while eliminating the external manifestation of the internal disease – in this instance, acne. Homeopathic remedies meant to treat acne also boost the immunity of the individual from within, providing a permanent solution to the acne problem.

Keep in mind that acne does not disappear as soon as you start the homeopathic course. Being influenced by your hormonal levels, the breakouts tend to vary in terms of severity and intensity during the course of the treatment. Still, with consistent medication, you can gradually bring this condition under control and finally make it disappear. People who suffer from severe acne also benefit from homeopathy as the medication reduces the severity of the eruptions and limits scarring.

Over time, regular intake of homeopathic medicine enables acne to heal gradually on its own without relying on drugs of high dose. Eruptions are noticeably decreased within a month or two, and further outbreaks are prevented, gradually paving the way for healthier-looking, glowing skin. Not only does homeopathy treat hormonal fluctuations but it also decreases the acute acne symptoms, such as inflammation, pain, and swelling. If that’s not all, homeopathy also heals scars from past eruptions permanently. So, there’s little doubt that this form of medicine is the best way to eliminate acne problems in both juveniles and adults alike.

Which Homeopathic Tablet Helps Treat Acne?

Of course, nothing beats visiting a qualified homeopath who understands your precise dermatological needs. A professionally trained homeopathic physician will never inspect your skin symptoms for a few seconds and recommend medicine. They will ask several questions to know you better, and then prescribe one or more substances to match your “miasma”. Thus, homeopathy for acne differs from conventional remedies considerably as the tablets are individualized to the person. Since each person is unique, no single homeopathic medicine will work for al. However, if you have trouble locating a reliable homeopath in the vicinity, always select the cure that most closely matches the complete range of symptoms. That remedy will be the most effective one when administered consistently over the course of a month or so.

Start by taking one pill and then waiting a day. Then repeat the process a second day. In case your symptoms show any sign of improvement, start taking two pills every day. You will probably experience improvement in non-skin-related symptoms before you see improvement in your acne. Besides taking homeopathic medication regularly, you’ll still need to clean your skin regularly through toning and exfoliation.

Below are some possible remedies prescribed by homeopaths for curing acne:

  • Hepar sulph: Hepar sulph, or Hepar sulphuris calcareum, is a remedy derived from oyster shells treated in sulphuric acid. This medicine works wonder when used to treat pustular acne made worse by cold weather and producing discharge that is foul-smelling like old cheese. In many cases, blood is mixed with the pus. Such acne tends to cluster in crops on the forehead and create whiteheads and pustules easily in teenagers. If you suffer from painful pimples or lesions that are sensitive to cold and touch, Hepar sulph brings relief by minimizing the sensation of a splinter in your skin.

    According to a case study titled ‘Impetigo and Homeopathy – A Case Study’, Hepar sulphuris is mainly used to eliminate Staphylococcus aureus, the bacteria responsible for acne, by inhibiting its growth.

    Patients who suddenly feel chilly and oversensitive to cold, pain, touch, and slight cases are benefitted by taking this compound without dilution. Hepar sulph is also recommended to patients who develop breakouts overnight or experience impetigo, boils, and folliculitis. If you are a perfectionist or someone who has a long fuse before an angry outburst, chances are you will be suggested this homeopathic remedy to cure acne.

  • Antimonium tartaricum: This homeopathic remedy is useful for treating acne with big pustules that are tender to the touch and leave bluish-red marks on the skin even when the active infection is gone. The patient is usually irritable with reduced tolerance to illness. Hydroquinone treatment may also cause bluish marks to form on the skin, which is curable with this tablet.
  • Antimonium crudum: Patients who are easily irritable due to the formation of small red pimples across their face, arthritic pain in their fingers, loss of appetite, and a thick white coating on their tongue will find relief from using Antimonium crudum.
  • Calcarea sulph: Calcarea sulph, or Calcarea sulphurica, is a medicine used for treating juvenile acne that festers and eventually forms boils. The tablet is extremely effective against severe cystic acne. Ask your homeopath for this remedy if the lesions persist in a single location for multiple weeks and do not heal fast. Patients are normally warm-blooded and experience discomfort in warm rooms. Pimples form on the face and close to the hairline and ears with yellow, creamy pus that drains for a long time. The skin looks unhealthy and yellow scabs form on top. The infection may spread to the ears, sinuses, and tonsils and last a long time without timely treatment.
  • Chrysarobinum: This medicine is used to treat acne rosacea that results in crusty formations on the skin and itches violently.
  • Eugeina jambosia: Recommended for painful and indurated skin with comedones. This medicine also treats painful pimples and acne rosacea.
  • Calcarea carbonica: A homeopathic rendering of chalk dust, Calcarea carbonica contains the energy of trapped sweat. With consistent treatment, your body starts to understand that this energy is not produced naturally, and decreases the formation of body acne under athletic gear and tight garments. If you’re chilly and experience symptoms like skin eruptions and frequent pimples with clammy feet and hands, obesity, and exhaustion by exertion, then Calcarea carbonica improves your skin’s resistance to infection. Patients who rely on this treatment usually have an anxious disposition when they are overworked, and crave eggs and sweets.
  • Calendula Gel: This topical remedy is applied locally to promote the healing of pustules and prevent super infection.
  • Kali bromatum: This is a multi-purpose homeopathic remedy that treats acne on the face, chest, and shoulders. If you suffered from acne all throughout your teen years and the problem persisted into adulthood, then this tablet is for you. Kali bromatum cures bluish, red pustules on the chest, face, and shoulders that cause scarring, depression, and the formation of purple spots on the skin. The pimples are normally painful with a depressed center and resemble big, red cysts with a yellow or white center. The acne itches constantly and grows worse in females during the menstrual period. Kali bromatum is also useful for treating scar forming acne and symptoms like restless sleep, bad dreams, teeth grinding, and fidgety feet and hands.
  • Kali muriaticum: Another name for potassium chloride, Kali muriaticum is extremely effective for treating skin conditions like eczema. The National Center for Homeopathy also found it highly useful against acne. This medicine was introduced to the field of homeopathy by Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler, a German doctor. According to him, the loss of this element is the reason why the top layer of our skin – also called the epidermis – gets affected by diseases and experiences irritation.
  • Pulsatilla: The homeopathic drug Pulsatilla is derived from a flowering plant of the same name that’s native to Finland and Sweden. Also called silverweed, this plant grows purple flowers with silver-tinted leaves during the summer and spring season. Used to cure eye infections for more than 2,000 years, Pulsatilla is a common component in homeopathic medicine for patients who are emotional, prefer sweets but dislike fatty or spicy food, and people who need people. Pulsatilla targets premenstrual acne in women along with blackheads and whiteheads in men. It is also used for curing acne in young girls that develop with puberty. Patients are normally fair-skinned and feel thirsty and weepy, seeking comfort and consolation. Even though they feel chilly, they prefer cool, open spaces with lots of fresh air and gentle motions instead of warm, stuffy rooms.
  • Arnica: Arnica is a great homeopathic remedy for painful acne that leaves a sore, bruised sensation in the skin. The patient’s face turns sunken and red and they experience a heat sensation on the lips along with itchy, burning pimples and lesions. In such cases, the problem occurs in crops, meaning when one lesion heals, a new breakout emerges close to that part of your skin.
  • Silica: Silica, or silicea as it is more commonly known in homeopathy, is a mineral in the sand. Sand is dry during the day but becomes wet overnight. When used in homeopathic remedies, silica cures different skin conditions that lead to nighttime leakage. Silica is also used for strengthening weak hair, skin, and nails. Patients with deep-seated acne and generally weak immune systems, swollen lymph nodes, and susceptible to nervousness and fatigue benefit from this remedy. Silicea is a great cure for acne that affects the forehead. Even pustular acne heals fast with this medicine. Infected spots, however, develop slowly over time and disappear slowly as well, leading to pitting scars. The patient suffers from infections often. They experience chills with sweaty hands and feet, especially during the night. The general disposition of patients recommended Silicea is lacking in confidence and strength and fatigued while also being preoccupied with some fixed ideas.
  • Dulcamara: Dulcamara is a homeopathic remedy derived from plants that cures acne along with any remaining marks on the skin. If your whole face is covered with acne and you’re also susceptible to allergic rash when the climate changes from dry to humid, then Dulcamara is the preferred course of treatment.
  • Natrum muriaticum: Processed homeopathically from simple salt (NaCl) through the potentization process, Natrum muriaticum is a homeopathic remedy that treats various cases of acne. Hormonal problems like menstrual irregularities and PCOD often cause acne breakouts that are treated with this medicine. The tablet is also used for curing excess oiliness from the face, hypertrophied acne and deep scars in young boys and girls. Patients being recommended this medicine are normally self-centered, guarded while displaying emotions, kind-hearted but egoistical, reserved, brooding over the past, and failing to forgive and forget.
  • Juglans regia: Juglans regia heals acne and comedones on the face that itch violently and form thick crusts when the acne bursts. Acne are related to menstrual irregularities, eruptions and itching of tiny red pustules.
  • Sulphur: Sulphur is a pungent, yellow substance that releases fumes. Used for treating highly itchy acne, Sulphur also helps people with dirty and unhealthy looking skin. The itch may aggravate during the night or when subjected to warmth. If you’ve tried different topical ointments and medicines without any positive results, Sulphur has shown extremely impressive results by eliminating all signs of acne.

    Sulphur is normally prescribed to acne patients with oily skin and a lot of blackheads. They have large whiteheads and pimples that are not too deep. The face, particularly the nose, is affected by acne and turns red. Pimples are generally painless but can itch from time to time. Your skin becomes worse and rough from washing. Heat is not good for this acne, nor are fatty foods and menstrual periods. Sulphur is suggested to people suffering from rosacea, which makes the face turn red and leads to acne-like eruptions.

    Homeopathic Sulphur is prescribed to individuals who are unmotivated but generous, disorganized but intellectual, and who give off fumes and perspire. Not only does this medicine treat acne and flaking skin, but it shows positive results even when other treatments are resisted by the skin.

  • Sulphur iodatum: This substance is used to minimize ace on the back and forehead, which get aggravated by heat and humidity and develop periodically.
  • Thuja occidentalis: Patients suffering from dilated pores and oily skin who are ashamed of their condition require treatment with Thuja occidentalis. If you suffer from pimples on the face, mainly on the upper lip, forehead, chin and nose, then your homeopath will probably recommend Thuja. The drug also works great on symptoms like sweating and hot flushes, which leaves the face glowing red and burning with a fine network of blood vessels. The eruptions burn painfully when washed with cold water.
  • Oophorinum: This medicine heals acne rosacea stemming from cutaneous disorders and ovarian dysfunction.
  • Bovista lycoperdon: Bovista is used to treat acne stemming from cosmetic use, primarily during the summer season. The acne is papular in nature and becomes aggravated with the use of makeup. The patient feels restless, and symptoms range from itchy skin to paleness to the swelling up of cheeks.
  • Tuberculinum: This remedy targets people with acne simplex. Patients are prone to cold and violent outbursts. They crave sweets or cold milk. Their skin is sensitive, harsh, dry, gets easily tanned, and itches when exposed to cold air. Even though they feel chilly, they need fresh air as they experience flushes of heat.
  • Psorinum: This homeopathic medicine helps treat different types of acne, including pustular acne, acne simplex, and acne indurate. People with hyperactive sebaceous glands suffer greasy and acne-prone skin. Psorinum reduces the secretion of oil, thereby treating the main reason behind acne outbreaks. This drug is also great for treating acne that deteriorates when meats, fat, chocolates, and sweets are consumed. Psorinum is also effective against itchy winter acne.
  • Nux vomica: When acne problems occur due to gastric disruptions or the intake of too many spicy dishes, Nux vomica is recommended to decrease the redness and blotchiness of the skin as well as alleviate symptoms like over sensitiveness to cold and constipation.

How to Treat Scar Tissue Post Acne With Homeopathic Medication?

In many cases, homeopathic treatment cures your skin of acne but leaves behind nasty scars. You should use Thiosinaminum in low potency to repair the scar tissue. Although the medicine has no effect on acne, it is beneficial for individuals who suffer from scarring. Another common homeopathic treatment for acne scars involves the use of Berberis aquifolium. Consistent application of this medicine clears off acne marks quickly and easily.

Acne patients have also benefitted from dabbing their face two to four times each day with pot marigold or Calendula mother tincture. Dilute the substance one part in 15 with distilled water, and apply it directly to your skin. Very soon, you should notice a drastic improvement in the tone and texture. Calendula is extremely effective due to its inflammation reduction properties as well as its antiseptic towers. The tincture lowers the duration of the outbreaks and boosts your body’s natural healing powers to reduce scar tissue formation.

  • Natrabio Acne Relief is a quick-dissolving tablet that treats existing pimples and deters new acne breakout using a combination of belladonna and other homeopathic remedies.
  • The ClearAc tablets frm Hyland blend homeopathics like sulphur to clear blackheads and blemishes.
  • Clearin from Växa International works wonders when it comes to removing harmful toxins from the skin, scavenging free radicals, and balancing pH to clear up the skin naturally. This formula is comprised of Calcarea sulph and other homeopathic solutions.

How Safe are Homeopathic Cures for Acne Treatment?

One of the major reasons for the growing popularity of homeopathic remedies has been the lack of side-effects, which means it can be taken safely for a long period. Homeopathy is safe; in fact, this mode of treatment is a lot safer than modern synthetic drugs or allopathy. According to homeopathic experts, the reason why this medication is safe is the presence of key ingredients in minimal quantities. Rarely will you come across a specific disease or symptom that has been aggravated by the consumption of homeopathic tablets. However, you should keep in mind that this is the body’s initial reaction to the medication and is a key aspect of the remedial measures.

Switching From Allopathy to Homeopathy for Acne Treatment

Like we said earlier, don’t expect the acne symptoms to disappear like magic the moment you switch from conventional allopathic medicine to homeopathic remedies. The problem is normally quite deep-seated and acne is just the surface manifestation of the underlying problem in the gut. Acne is often associated with the body’s ability to metabolise carbohydrates and fats. When it fails to do this effectively, the skin gets aggravated and develops acne. It doesn’t help if the patient has a history of antibiotic abuse trying to cure this active tubercular miasmatic condition.

In most cases, people suffering from acne switch to homeopathy when it’s too late. By then, their key organs – the liver and the colon – have been trashed, thanks to the various courses of synthetic hormones, like Dinette, and antibiotics, such as Retin-A or Tetracycline gel. These drugs affect the body in two ways – they build up toxicity in the liver and reduce the body’s helpful bacteria. You need to address these issues first before you even contemplate any skin remedies.

Homeopaths treat the skin as a living, dynamic organ tied closely to the body’s internal organs. They understand the causes and eliminate obstacles to the cure before looking up remedies to heal the acne itself. During the process, the skin symptoms grow worse – especially if the patient has lived with the condition a long time – before they get better. But persevere with the treatment if you want positive end results. Remember, the more chronic your internal imbalances, the more time it takes to achieve the proper outcome.

According to homeopathy, our skin is prone to toxins absorbed via the colon and affected by a congested liver. The liver directly impacts hormone secretion, which means without proper elimination, more acne develops on our skin. Homeopathy takes a comprehensive approach towards detoxification, addressing the critical issues, and supporting the key organs, like the colon, liver, and pancreas. Clean your bowels using fibre supplements like flaxseeds, or Lepicol. If the patient has abused antibiotics in the past or they’ve been on dinette, they must take acidophilus to replenish the body’s supply of healthy bacteria.

You should support your bowels, lungs, and liver with medicine like Thuja, Sulphur, Morgan, and Nux vomica before starting the recommended homeopathy treatment. If the patient is using Retin-A creams, slowly reduce the application as their skin improves. Do not stop applying the cream all of a sudden before your liver has sufficient support from Morgan and Nux vomica. As soon as you end the suppressive topical application of this product, the skin flares up while it attempts to eliminate toxins and restore the natural healing properties. The flare-up often turns out to be rather severe. Once you’ve addressed the issues of drug depletion and toxicity, you can choose the ideal homeopathic treatment for acne.

Lifestyle Changes During the Course of Homeopathic Acne Treatment

When you’re starting homeopathic treatment, the medicine as well as its positive effects tend to get absorbed directly by your tongue. Patients are normally requested to avoid the intake of sour foods, camphor, coffee, raw onions, and others.

Try to take it easy to avoid worsening your condition and preventing a remission. Some of the common triggers of acne include chronic stress, steroid use, excess sun exposure, climatic heat and humidity, intake of oral contraceptives, regular use of oil-based haircare products and moisturisers, changes in the patient’s menstrual cycle, application of heavy pore-clogging makeup items, picking or squeezing of acne spots, and the use of some prescription drugs and steroid creams for treating eczema.

Concluding Remarks

Acne breakouts often leave people feeling embarrassed and distraught by their appearance. After all, nobody wants blemishes and marks on their complexion, especially not teenagers and millennials. But instead of relying on daily antibiotics and facial scrubs – and even birth control pills in extreme cases – homeopathic remedies offer a more reliable approach when it comes to removing recalcitrant acne. Homeopathy strengthens the body and unearths the propensity for acne, despite lifestyle or diet. This branch of medicine is safe, gentle, and void of any side-effects or habit-forming properties. So opt for homeopathy treatment and see the difference for yourself!

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Tired of Acne Problems? Check Out Our Ultimate Homeopathic Treatment Guide


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