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A Fantastic Company: -Forever Business Testimonials by” Geeta & Paras Nath”


I joined this fantastic Company in the year 2005 as a consumer. At that time, I had no idea, that one day will change my life FOREVER. My future was completely in the Dark. Since I was a government employee and had taken to pay the educational fees for my children. I had no money for my children’s education, marriage etc. I was residing in a government quarter as I didn’t not have my own house. Besides that, I had no time for my family as I had to spend more time in my government job maintaining discipline as a person of the Delhi Police Force.

Initially, we had started to work in this company only for Rs5000- 10,000/- per month which seemed enough for us as a part time income. In the year 2011 – 2012. When we seriously started to work and put some more time to develop our team with this system, we achieved the Earned Incentive Level-1; Millionaire’s Club and also qualified for the Manager’s Retreat. We were very happy as the income was much more than our expectations and now we were looking at Forever as our future.

I compared my 25 years of service with this company on a scale with money, time health, future, etc. and found that this company can give much more. I thought that if I work full time in this company, I can put more time to learn, teach and develop our team. But the decision to leave my service was not so easy. I discussed the matter with my wife & children and finally, I decided to take a VRS as Sub- Inspector in Delhi Police and did it. And from March 2012 I started full time work in Forever. In one year, with hard work, we qualified as Eagle Managers, also achieved chairman’s Bonus and went to the 1st Global Rally in Hawaii.

We visited wonderful place like HAWAII (USA) and SARDANIA (ITALY) which we could not have dreamt of doing with my career in government service. It is not only our success; it is the success of our entire team. I want to thank my team, and my up-lines specially Mr. S.B Vats who have taught me the proper system of working and has motivated us from time to time so that we were able to achieve all these levels. I also want to thanks all the NET members, trainers, the staff at Delhi RDO and the Mumbai head office. Great thanks to Mr. Rex Maughan and Mr. Amerjit Ubhi for giving us this golden opportunity which has changed our life completely. I also want to give a message to all FLP Distributors or anyone who wants to achieve success in FLP- “Believe in the company, Fix long term targets and plan to achieve them with hard work and proper planning because this company can give you whatever you want, but remember that there are no shortcuts to achieve it.0

The post A Fantastic Company: -Forever Business Testimonials by” Geeta & Paras Nath” appeared first on Forever Living.

This post first appeared on Healthy Living With Forever, please read the originial post: here

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A Fantastic Company: -Forever Business Testimonials by” Geeta & Paras Nath”
