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COVID-19 risks explained with new calculator

COVID-19 Risks Explained With New Calculator

A calculator to help people understand their risk factors for COVID-19 infection and vaccination has been launched by the Immunisation Coalition in collaboration with Australian researchers. The tool’s three co-lead researchers are University of Queensland virologist Dr Kirsty Short, CoRiCal instigator from Flinders University Associate Professor John Litt and GP Dr Andrew Baird. Dr Kirsty Short said the Immunisation Coalition COVID-19 Risk Calculator (CoRiCal) was an online tool to support GPs and community members in their discussions about the benefits and risks of COVID-19 vaccines. “This tool is really designed to help people make an informed decision around vaccination based on their current circumstances and also see

COVID-19 risks explained with new calculator as seen on The Hippocratic Post.

This post first appeared on The Hippocratic Post, please read the originial post: here

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COVID-19 risks explained with new calculator
