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How To Recognize Fake Meditation Practices, Healers And Gurus

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In spirituality, as in any other field, there are people with intention of empowering others, and there are those taking advantage of the pain and struggle many people are seeking to escape. To me personally, it is easy to recognize a genuine master, guru, thought leader, healer, practitioner among those who are driven by money, whose higher purpose of assisting others is replaced by personal gain.

Spirituality is all about oneness, assisting one another, helping each other up, having a higher purpose in life than just enjoying materialistic goods. Any service provider in spirituality must, with no exception, be driven by the desire to be of service to humanity. Whenever, this is not the case, it is evident. Here is what to look out for when choosing a service, an app to install or a page to follow.

Fake meditation

Fake is a strong word, but I am using it to emphasize the practices that will not benefit you nearly as much as authentic ones, rooted in deep knowledge and understanding of our personal power. Large corporations and businesses occupy the top positions in search with their shallow applications, YouTube channels and such. With expensive marketing those platforms become most well-known and most chosen by people wishing to learn meditation. And that’s a shame.

The real power of meditation

As Colette Falchet, the founder of DreamWise app has told me: “meditation is so much more than just peaceful music on background with a calming voice and counting of your breathing.” In authentic, knowledgeable meditations stemming from ancient practices and deep understanding of the forces of life, every spoken word, brought up concept, thought, or image serves a purpose and has its own profound effect on the body and mind.

Meditation is not just about calmness, which is what mainstream apps, channels and names are selling you. Meditation is mind mastery, which through silence and stillness is meant to help you discover your power to regulate your mind, your experiences, feelings, and, thus, your life. Meditation helps you discover your true self. This is why it is an ongoing practice. Not because you keep coming back to it trying to repress the stress, but because there is so much to uncover, and the new skills you keep acquiring enable whole new methods of dealing with stressors.

When looking for meditation:

  • avoid the top brands you see in ads in every corner of your screen
  • choose meditation practices with a founder, a real person, who seems kind, sincere, and caring
  • hear their story and explanation of why they are doing what they are doing
  • try their meditation and notice if you feel something deeper than just relaxation.

Mainstream meditation “providers” are too faceless, dry and cold to share something like this. Look for trust and connection with your meditation guide or teacher. For me it was Brett Larkin on YouTube. She has taught me to love yoga, while a mainstream yoga app I have tried earlier felt soulless, as it was basically just exercise.

Fake healers

Besides endless inactive accounts offering their private readings on Instagram, there are also many legit-seeming practices out there. Be mindful of their energy, intentions, and effectiveness, as many have simply found a way of making money off people desperately needing someone to lessen their pain and confusion.

Your gut feeling and doubt

My aunt, a Reiki master, told me that you should always go with your gut when choosing a healer or a practitioner. It is possible to have doubts. I had doubts when paying for the quantum healing practice of my friend and my first biofield tuning session. However, I felt some inner pull and excitement towards it. My doubt was rational, but my desire and intention were coming from the heart. When it is vice versa, this is not a good choice. If they have not touched your heart, but have touched your mind with clever advertising, be careful. Some of those ads are designed to manipulate our cognitive processes and emotions.

Example of what I will never pay for

To me it is all about the energy I feel, that you approach me with. One lady, whom I’d been following from a different account, suddenly messaged me on Instagram with wishes of love and light. I felt it was very sweet. Then she started sending her standard messages offering readings. I replied that I am not interested, but she still continued sending me kind of automated responses, selling her services. This felt so unpleasant, disingenuous and pretty disappointing to me. I expected better from her. And once I stated very clearly that I will not purchase anything, I got “okay.” No more wishes of love and light for me, as that’s, apparently, only for potential clients. Needless to say if I would ever consider getting a reading from her.

What I call, “fake healers” checklist:

  • feel salesy, pushy
  • give you bad or weird vibes
  • don’t seem like they truly care, also when you don’t pay
  • create long-term dependency on them.

An authentic healer helps you grow and find your power, not just through them. It is okay to receive some practices regularly, but that practitioner should never become your main source of comfort and feeling better. Authentic healer empowers you, making you feel stronger on your own over time and need them less.

Fake Gurus

Following a page is less risky than paying for a service, but it is still a good idea to be selective with what lands on your social media timelines. When coming across a spiritual guru or a thought leader on social media, ask yourself:

  • How much is this page about making money versus sharing knowledge?
  • Does it feel materialistic, how intensively do they sell what they are selling?
  • Does the page change its feel over time, are there more and more sponsorships?

People whose intentions are purely selfish show it, by choosing income over integrity and benefit to their audience. Pages with a selfless goal of serving others and helping them better their lives stay solid, focused on their message and style. They reject most (if not all) brand deals and keep connecting with you in a way that feels personal, authentic, and real.

Should it be free?

Lastly, the sum of money a person charges is not an indicator of their level of concern for humanity. Everything is a transaction and energy exchange. Energy, healing, love, and attention provided by the healer and practitioner must be rewarded. Otherwise, one party is draining its resources and the other is gaining one-sidedly. This is not healthy. Reciprocated energy exchange delivers better results. It is for your own benefit and the quality of your connection and relationship on an energetic level. A healer is not meant to be draining themselves for the good of others. When it comes from the heart, the healing and assistance is charged with love, care, and intention. It is a powerful move to express gratitude in a form and amount comparable to the benefits you receive.

In conclusion

In spirituality choose businesses that have a soul, a purpose, that speak to you personally. Listen to your inner voice, it guides you towards your best teachers and helpers. Your mind can be doubting it, but your heart knows where to go and who to trust. I am wishing you to keep finding assistance and providing it to others. We are all in this together.

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Photo: Conscious Design via Unsplash

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How To Recognize Fake Meditation Practices, Healers And Gurus


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