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Do You Know Which Three Daily Habits are Aging Your Brain?

A study of Einstein’s Brain found the “genius chemical” that could be the secret to reversing  mental decline

Do you ever walk into a room but can’t remember why?

Or forget someone’s name within five minutes of meeting them?

We may chuckle in situations like this.

But the reason why it happens is no laughing matter.

You see, your brain is no different to any other part of your body.

Over time, it breaks down.

But instead of cartilage and muscle fiber, its membranes and nerve cells that weaken and decay. And as neuroscientists are discovering, ‘age’ isn’t the only reason our brains deteriorate as we get older.

Short term memory loss can be a warning sign of cognitive decay

Until recently, having a slower, weaker brain was accepted as a natural part of aging. That worsening brain fog, being more scatter brained and unable to concentrate for long periods is ‘what happens’ as we get old.

But countless studies are now revealing that rates of cognitive decline are worse now than at any time in history, and getting worse every year. More alarmingly, research has found that the main culprits are common habits that millions of people do every day.

Why everybody’s wrong about mental aging

My name is Danny Murphy and I am not a doctor, a neuroscientist or a brain expert of any kind.

Who I am is someone who has researched natural health for the last ten years. I’ve seen the studies and read the reports which explain why current approaches to treating mental aging are doomed to fail (and may even be making the problem worse).

The scary reality we all face is that rates of dementia, Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline are going through the roof, and are far higher than at any time in history. And the world’s best scientists are scratching their heads at how we can avert an incoming tsunami of mental health problems.

But there is hope.

There is still time to save today’s baby boomers from moving into nursing homes en mass. But to succeed, it will need a  sea change in how we look after out brains. A holistic solution that encompasses the food we eat, how we exercise and avoiding ingesting substances that make our brains worse.

But until now, all the money and resources are being thrown at treating the SYMPTOMS of cognitive decline. When we should be focusing on the CAUSE.

This is the only way we can delay or prevent the widespread cognitive decline people aged over 50 now face. Otherwise we risk becoming a nation of over medicated zombies, with no hope for the future.

The surprising truth about mental health

Just like your muscles, heart and other organs, your brain needs nutrition to stay fit, healthy and functioning properly.

When you can supply your brain with the key nutrients it needs, it can clean itself of mental plaque, repair membranes and nerve cells and even perform at a higher level than it does now.

The link between nutrition and brain function is well researched and understood. Neuroscientists even know what is the brain’s #1 driving force of optimum cognitive performance: Acetylcholine.

Acetylcholine is a naturally occurring chemical in the brain and an essential neurotransmitter for learning, memory and mood.

Neurotransmitters are like tiny messengers. They pass information between nerves, muscles and other microbiological structures so they can function properly, and your body relies on acetylcholine more than any other neurotransmitter.(1)

When your body produces enough acetylcholine your memories, focus and clarity of thought all work as they should. But if your acetylcholine levels drop, your mental performance suffers.

If you’re already forgetting where you left your keys or cant remember what you did last Tuesday, depleted acetylcholine is likely the cause. In fact, research has revealed that people with dementia nearly always have a deficiency of acetylcholine in their brain.(2)

Steer clear of these 3 daily habits

While our bodies naturally produce acetylcholine when we are young, as we get older our bodies produce less and less.(3) This is just a fact of life. But there are three common daily habits that could be making your depletion of acetylcholine and subsequent mental aging worse:

1. Prescription drugs

If you take medication for allergies, insomnia, pain relief, high blood pressure, depression or your bladder then you may be also depleting your stores of acetylcholine.

Many of the drugs for these conditions are known as ‘anticholinergics’. And as the name suggests, these drugs have been found to block and destroy acetylcholine in the brain. This includes a study by the Harvard Medical School, which linked drugs like Benadryl to increased dementia risk.(4)

If you are currently taking any prescription medications ask your doctor if they are ‘anticholinergics’. If so, you may wish to take steps to restore your acetylcholine stores to a healthy level.

Glycation from sugar could be rotting your brain

2. Eating too much processed sugar

Our modern diet of food loaded with processed sugar is blamed for the massive rise in obesity rates and 60% increase in type 2 diabetes in the last decade. Recent research is revealing that eating food laden with fructose, corn syrup and other processed sugars could be rotting our brains too.

Eating too much sugar creates toxic compounds in the body known as ‘Advanced Glycation End-products’ or AGEs. AGEs can age your skin and cause inflammation to your joints and other organs. They can also cause artery damage and reduced blood flow to the brain. This in turn leads to long-term brain damage.

It’s feared that AGEs from processed sugar could be what’s driving the huge rise in Alzheimer’s. So if you’ve been considering replacing soda with a glass of water, you now have a very good reason.(5)

3. Not enough daily exercise

Your brain uses three times more oxygen than your muscles.. Oxygen is vital for getting rid of brain plaque, repairing damaged membranes and helping the brain to function properly.

Getting 30 minutes of exercise a day is the only way to ensure your brain gets the blood flow it needs to stay fit and healthy. If you don’t exercise regularly, start light with stretching, going for a walk and taking the stairs instead of the lift. Then gradually build up to jogging, cycling and other activities that get the blood pumping.

If you are currently taking prescription medications daily, eat too much processed food and aren’t getting at least 30 minutes of exercise a day, it’s understandable if you now feel worried. However, the good news is that if you start making healthy lifestyle changes and feed your brain with the nutrition it needs then it is possible to repair the damage and get a leaner, fitter and faster brain than you may have now.

The ‘Genius Chemical’ Found in Abundance in Einstein’s Brain

Will increasing your levels of acetylcholine turn you into a genius? A study of Albert Einstein’s brain suggests it can. A postmortem revealed that he had an exceptionally high number of acetylcholine receptors, suggesting he enjoyed high levels of acetylcholine too.

So if you’ve dreamed of having the brain power to ponder the nature of man, push the boundaries of science and gaze upon the stars with a newfound reverence, increasing your acetylcholine levels may be the key to discovering your own genius.

So how can you boost your levels of acetylcholine naturally?

Modern scientists may be scratching their heads at how to treat the symptoms of mental decline. But natural healers have known which herbs, plants and gifts from mother nature can act as cognitive enhancers for thousands of years.

There are seven natural supplements in particular that have been found to help increase levels of acetylcholine, to help protect the brain from mental decay and to take the mind to new heights of performance.

ASA Restrictions on Health Claims

There are a lot of snake oil salesmen in the supplements world. They’ll happily tell you that their supplement can turn you into Einstein, give you biceps like Schwarzenegger and a mane of hair that would make Sansom jealous.

Because of all the quackery, the authorities are clamping down on disingenuous claims made about supplements. In my case, it’s the Advertising Standards Authority’s (ASA) key guidelines I have to satisfy, summarized by the following:

Nutrition claims are only permitted if they are listed in the Annex of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006, lastly amended by Regulation (EU) No 1047/2012.

Unfortunately, few natural supplements carry approved claims in the EU Register. For this reason, I can not make any specific health claims as to how effective any of the following ingredients will be at improving your memory or enhancing your concentration. I also can not claim or imply that they will prevent, treat or cure any diseases, like dementia or Alzheimer’s.

All I can do is provide you with the results of human studies (wherever possible selected from the US National Library of Medicine Institute of Health) and allow you to make up your own mind.

When to consult your doctor

Many supplement companies will claim their product has ZERO side effects. Unless they are literally selling a sugar pill, this is unlikely to be true. While they carry fewer dangers than pharmaceutical drugs, in rare cases natural supplements can cause side effects. This includes stomach pain, nausea, sleep disturbances, headaches, dizziness, nervousness and flushing of the face. If you experience any of these symptoms then you should stop taking the supplement and consult your doctor.

You should also consult your doctor before taking supplements if you have an existing medical condition, are pregnant or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician.

Vinpocetine – Viagra for the Mind

Vinpocetine is extracted from the seeds of the periwinkle plant and has been widely used as a cognitive enhancer since the 1980s. Dubbed ‘Viagra for the Mind’, vinpocetine has been referenced in over 600 studies for its health benefits.

In Japan vinpocetine is prescribed by doctors to help improve memory, cognition, concentration and to improve blood flow to the brain. Japan is one of the most scientifically advanced nations in the world, with one of the oldest average lifespan on Earth at 83.10 years (nearly 5 years more than the US).

So the western world would be wise to take notes from Japan’s doctors on who we can protect our aging population from mental decline. One country that has taken notice is Germany, where vinpocetine is sold as a prescription drug under the brand name Cavinton.(6)


While vinpocetine has been taken as a natural cognitive enhancer for decades and is prescribed in Japan and Germany, more clinical research is needed to verify its benefits as a treatment for mental aging,

However, one recent study, reported on in the US National Library of Medicine Institute of Health, of 56 cognitively impaired patients who were given a dose of 5 mg of vinpocetine twice a day found that “there were significant improvements in memory and concentration with vinpocetine therapy” and that “vinpocetine was effective in improving memory and concentration of patients with epilepsy and dementia although the efficacy was minimal in demented patients.”(7)

Ginkgo Bilboa is revered in Asia for its mental boosting abilities

Ginkgo Biloba – The Brain Herb

Ginkgo Bilboa is popularly known as the ‘’brain herb’’ and comes from a tree revered in South Korea, China and Japan for its mental boosting abilities. Referred to as yín xìng in Chinese medicine, the leaves of the ginkgo tree have long been used by herbalists as a brain tonic for improving memory, concentration and as a natural antidepressant.

Ginkgo Bilboa is believed to help increase blood flow to the brain and to protect the membranes that surround the delicate nerve cells from damage.

Some studies have found that in healthy people, ginkgo might modestly boost memory and cognitive speed. Other studies have not found a benefit or the results were mixed.

According to WebMD:

“Several ginkgo studies have shown that it can help with memory problems caused by dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. It seems to help prevent the progression of dementia symptoms, especially if the dementia is thought to be the result of atherosclerotic vascular disease. It does not seem to prevent dementia or Alzheimer’s, however.”(8)

A study entitled “A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Ginkgo biloba in Neuropsychiatric Disorders: From Ancient Tradition to Modern-Day Medicine” conducted in 2012 compiled the results from multiple medical databases and then selected 113 controlled randomized trials that had at least 10 participants and  ran for at least 6 weeks.

They assessed that:

“[the] available evidence is sufficient to support the use of Gb in patients with dementia and as an adjunctive therapy in schizophrenic patients. Despite the promising results, broad recommendations for the use of Gb in other neuropsychiatric conditions, such as ADHD, autism, and AD are still premature.”(9)

Huperzine A – Chinese Club Moss

Huperzine comes from Chinese club moss and has been widely used in traditional medicine for treating age related memory impairment as well as to enhance existing memory. It is believed to increase levels of acetylcholine in the brain, the key to healthy cognitive function.

L-Tyrosine – Natural Mood Lifter

L-Tyrosine is an amino acid that helps feed the body with protein. It is found naturally in eggs, nuts and wheat and is widely used in protein supplements for muscle growth. L-Tyrosine is also taken for depression, stress and improving concentration and alertness.

Huperzine Club Moss is believed to increase levels of acetylcholine in the brain

GABA (Gamma-Aminobutvric Acid) – Blocker of Bad Vibes

GABA is a neurotransmitter that can help block negative nerve impulses. This includes the nerves related to anxiety, mood disorders and chronic pain. For this reason, GABA is often taken as a natural supplement for improving the mood, relieving anxiety, getting better sleep and to improve attention and focus.

There is not yet conclusive evidence that GABA can pass through the blood-brain barrier in sufficient quantities to be effective at halting age related mental decline. A recent study, conducted in 2015, concluded that “there is some evidence for the claims made by hundreds of consumers online concerning the calming effects of GABA food supplements, but evidence from independent studies is needed. In addition, even if a calming effect of GABA can be reliably demonstrated, the mechanism through which these supplements work is unclear.”(10)

Alpha GPC is found naturally in soy

Alpha GPC – Growth Hormone for the Mind

Alpha GPC is found naturally in soy. Until recently it was mainly taken by athletes as it was believed to help increase strength, stimulate the release of growth hormones and provide explosive gains in performance. It is now also a popular supplement for improving memory. In Europe Alpha GPC is sold as a prescription drug for treatment of Alzheimer’s because it seems to increase acetylcholine in the brain.(11)

Bacopa Monnieri – Indian Aphrodisiac

Bacopa Monnieri is a creeping herb used in traditional Indian medicine for a wide range of conditions. This includes backache, joint pain and sexual performance, along with improving memory and reducing anxiety.

Feed your brain with seven ‘cognitive enhancers’ in one

If you are concerned that you may not be giving your brain the nutrition it needs from your daily diet, natural supplements are the smart way to go. And the supplements listed above have been used for generations in natural medicine to help clean mental plague, repair damage and to enhance cognitive performance. But if the idea of swallowing seven different pills each morning doesn’t fill you with joy, there is a convenient, quick and cost effective alternative. 

Adderin is a new cognitive enhancement supplement that combines Ginkgo Biloba, GABA, Huperzine A, Alpha GPC, L-Tyrosine and Bacopa Monnieri in one easy to swallow pill. Each ingredient is included in the recommended amounts for optimum mental health and by combining all seven Adderin provides a convenient way of giving your brain the nutrition it needs to enhance short term memory, improve concentration and to look after your mind as you get older.

However, if you are looking for a magic pill that can turn you into Einstein you need to look elsewhere. On its own Adderin will do very little to halt or reverse your cognitive decline. There are two key daily habits you need to adopt as well:

1. Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day

You don’t need to do triathlons or sweat buckets on a treadmill. But you DO need to get at least 30 minutes exercise a day.

Go for a walk around the park. Get your bicycle out of the garage and do a few laps of your block. Go for a light jog. Swim. Just do SOMETHING that gets the blood flowing and feeding your brain with essential oxygen.

2. Eat a balanced and wholesome diet

While Adderin is packed with natural nutrients that can feed your brain, it is NOT a replacement for a healthy diet. It is meant as a booster to a healthy, brain enhancing lifestyle, not to counter a diet of junk food and being a couch potato.

You will only gain the full benefits of Adderin by making healthy lifestyle choices

Why is it so expensive?

On first inspection, Adderin can appear expensive. It does indeed cost more than the average supplement you’d pick up at your local drug store. However, if you do the sums you can see that it actually saves you money.

When purchased individually, the key nutrients listed can be purchased on Amazon at the following prices for 60 tablets:

Bacopa Monnieri – $16
L-Tyrosine – $3.75
Alpha GPC – $20
Huperzine A – $10
GABA – $6
Ginkgo Biloba – $3.50
Vinpocetine – $9

This amounts to $68.25

But when purchased as a multi-pack, Adderin equates to just $35.99, saving you over $20. It also works out at a little over $1 per day to feed your brain with seven key dietary supplements that can help to repair, protect and enhance your cognitive performance.

What 99 out of 100 people don’t understand about natural supplements

When many people start taking natural cognitive supplements they are often disappointed. They expect to get an instant buzz or jolt in their concentration levels, like in the movie Limitless. But natural supplements don’t work like that.

You will only get sudden and noticeable change from pharmaceutical drugs classed as ‘stimulants’, such as Ritalin or Adderall (which are infamous for being taken as study drugs by students). These work by artificially causing your brain to release certain chemicals that provide a short-term boost in concentration. But these stimulants also have pretty unpleasant side effects.

Natural supplements, on the other hand, are designed to provide a LONG-TERM improvement to cognitive performance. They are like giving your brain a suit of armor against mental decay and deep rooted daily nutrition that helps foster a healthier, more accomplished and, dare I say it, erudite lifestyle.

It can take up to 30 days for you to notice enhanced mental clarity, greater memory recall and the ability to focus on tasks for hours from Adderin. However, if you notice no improvement at all then you can get your purchase refunded within the first 30 days.

What kind of results can you expect?

Your brain needs nutrition in exactly the same way as your body. If you don’t feed it with the key nutrients it needs to produce acetylcholine and maintain healthy blood flow then brain fog, memory loss, poor concentration and all mental decay can set it in as you get older.

Studies have found that vinpocetin alone can provide “significant improvements in memory and concentration”

On the other hand, if you feed your brain daily with the nutrition it needs to repair itself, to get rid of plaque and to streamline its cognitive pathways, you can look forward to all manner of improvements in how you think, feel and behave.

You may notice that:

  • Your brain fog disappears and in its place you gain a mental clarity that’s sharp as a die
  • You can recall people’s names, important dates and specific details in an instant
  • Your mood improves and you find yourself getting on with the people around you
  • Your enhanced ways of thinking help you to be quicker witted and a better conversationalist
  • You regain the all day productivity you enjoyed in your youth
  • You can perform at a higher level that helps you make breakthroughs in your career

When you can think more clearly and more focused for long periods, it’s amazing what changes this can bring to your life.

But lets be clear, you cannot expect to gain any of these benefits by taking Adderin on its OWN. Adderin is not a magic pill but a complement to a healthy, brain enriching lifestyle.

That being said, if you do commit to getting 30 minutes exercise a day, eat right and take Adderin daily, then a big change in your cognitive performance, health and happiness in life is a real possibility. 

So why not give Adderin a try?

If you notice no improvement within 30 days you can get a refund. So you have nothing to lose but your brain fog.

>>>Find out how Adderin can feed your brain with seven cognitive enhancers in one

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes Adderin better than other brain supplements?

There’s no shortage of supplements to choose from, so it’s wise to question why Adderin is better than the others. There are three key reasons:

1) Optimum amounts of each ingredient – The amount of each ingredient in Adderin has been carefully selected to provide the optimum benefits in cognitive health. Cheaper supplements often cut back on the quantities of each ingredient to reduce their costs. Whereas with Adderin the focus is on efficacy rather than keeping the price as low as possible.

2) Tablets don’t dissolve in your stomach acid – Cheap supplements are often made from a material that dissolves as soon as it reaches your stomach. This makes them little better than sugar pills. Adderin, however, is made from a material that keeps it intact until it can release its natural ingredients into the blood stream so they can reach the brain.

3) Easy to swallow – The alternative to taking Adderin is to swallow seven supplements individually. If swallowing a handful of pills every morning doesn’t fill you with delight, Adderin provides a convenient, safe and easy way of giving your brain the nutrition it needs in just a few seconds.

What is the best way to take Adderin?

Simply swallow one tablet once a day one hour before or after mealtimes. That way its ingredients can provide the maximum benefit to your brain and not be digested with the rest of your food.

How long does it take to work?

Pharmaceutical drugs work quickly because they are ‘stimulants’. This means that they artificially cause the brain to release or produce certain chemicals so it behaves differently for a short period of time. The downside is that this means they can also cause unpleasant side effects when the brain rebalances itself.

Adderin, however, is made from natural ingredients. Rather than provide a short-term jolt of increased focus and concentration, Adderin feeds your brain with the nutrition it needs to repair and enhance itself over the long-term. For this reason, it can take several weeks before you notice that your memory recall, clarity and mind is much sharper than before. The added benefit is that these improvements become hardwired into how your brain performs over the long-term, and with fewer side effects. 

Does Adderin contain caffeine or any other stimulants?

Absolutely not. Adderin is made from natural ingredients rather than artificial stimulants, such as caffeine.

Are there any allergy concerns with this product?

Adderin is made from natural ingredients that should not cause any side effects. However, if you do suffer from allergies you should consult your physician before use.

Is Adderin safe to take if I have a medical condition or if I'm pregnant?

You should always consult your doctor if you have or think you may have a medical condition before taking supplements. While it is safe for healthy people over the age of 18 to take, Adderin may interfere with any medications you are taking. If you do notice any side effects from Adderin then immediately stop taking it and consult your doctor.

Is it safe to order online from Adderin's website?

Adderin’s website uses a 256-bit secure shopping cart where 100% of your data is encrypted, safe, and secure. It is also verified by the Safe Purchase scheme and Go Daddy Verified & Secure security.

What if it doesn't work?

Adderin is supplied with a 30 day money back guarantee. So if it doesn’t work for any reason, you simply need to contact Adderin’s customer support team for a refund of the purchase price. 



Earnings disclaimer – Erudite Lifestyle Magazine has a monetary relationship with the manufacturers of Adderin. We will be compensated for purchases made via this article.
Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using our products.
The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician.
Results featured on this web site are atypical. As individuals differ, so will results. Erudite Lifestyle distributes a product line made with natural ingredients. Always check with your doctor for risks associated with dietary supplements and your specific health conditions and/or allergies.

The post Do You Know Which Three Daily Habits are Aging Your Brain? appeared first on Erudite Lifestyle.

This post first appeared on Erudite Lifestyle, please read the originial post: here

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Do You Know Which Three Daily Habits are Aging Your Brain?


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