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Astragalus Benefits: Exploring Research-Backed Health Improvements

Key Highlights: 

  • Astragalus is a traditional Chinese medicine herb used for centuries 
  • Proposed to contain beneficial compounds that may boost the immune system, improve heart and kidney function, and more 
  • Research on astragalus is still limited and more human studies are needed 
  • Potential side effects are generally mild, but consult with a healthcare provider before taking it 
  • Dosage recommendations vary depending on the use  


The realm of traditional medicine is rich and inviting. There are remedies and herbs that have been used for ages. Astragalus is one of them. Used in traditional Chinese medicine, it’s admired for its healing traits. For many years, people have respected this amazing plant for its potential benefits. They believe it can boost the immune system, improve heart and kidney health, and ease chemotherapy side effects. 

In this blog, we’ll explore Astragalus. We will look at its history, nutritional value, and suggested health perks. We’ll also look at its precautions and side effects. Plus, we’ll talk about dosage tips for safety and effectiveness. So, let us journey through the captivating world of Astragalus! 

What is Astragalus? 

Astragalus comes from the roots of its parent plant. It belongs to the pea family, with over 2,000 species all over the world. The two main types used for medicinal benefits are Astragalus membranaceus and Astragalus mongholicus. Found in China, Mongolia, and Korea, this perennial herb can grow up to 16 to 36 inches high. It has hairy stems and leaves with 12 to 18 pairs of leaflets. 

Dating back over 2,000 years, Astragalus has deep roots in Chinese medicine. Its Chinese name, huáng qí means “yellow life energy”. It shows its standing as a potent herb. People use it traditionally to make their bodies stronger against diseases. Often, they mix it with other herbs to enhance the effect. 

While there are over 2,000 species of Astragalus, only two are used for their medicinal value. These are Astragalus membranaceus and Astragalus mongholicus. They grow in China, Korea, and Japan. The dried root is reaped from the mature plants (aged four to seven years). It is then used in dietary supplements, extracts, and remedies. 

Nutritional Profile of Astragalus 

Astragalus carries many active plant compounds that are suggested to give it its health perks. The three key active compounds in the Astragalus species are: 

  1. Polysaccharides: Complex carbs linked to boosting the immune system and antioxidant effects. 
  1. Flavonoids: Plant chemicals known for health perks seen in fruits and veggies. They may have anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, and antioxidant traits. 
  1. Saponins: Compounds that could lower cholesterol and fight cancer. 

Researchers have also found other compounds in the Astragalus plant. These include sterols, amino acids, volatile oils, and trace minerals like zinc, iron, copper, manganese, vanadium, and tin. 

Potential Health Benefits of Astragalus 

1. Boosting Immune System with Astragalus 

Astragalus is said to be great for boosting the immune system. Its active compounds, especially polysaccharides, flavonoids, and saponins, have shown this ability in research. 

Let’s understand the proposed mechanisms by which Astragalus may boost our immune system.  

  • Supporting immune cells 

Studies have shown that Astragalus may help make more white blood cells. Also, It has been proposed to aid in the formation and functioning of other immune cells such as macrophages, natural killer cells, and T-helper cells. All these cells help our body defend against harmful invaders and boost our immune system. 

  • Antiviral properties 

Astragalus has antiviral and antibacterial traits as per some studies. It may help lower the risk of encountering infections like the common cold and flu and also get rid of them sooner. 

  • Research-based evidence for immune support potential 

Despite its long use in traditional medicine to bolster immune health, there isn’t solid science to back it up. More studies are needed to see how much Astragalus improves immunity. 

  • Suggested dosage for immune support 

Since no standard dosage guidelines exist for Astragalus, each person’s dose can differ. However, some studies have used doses from 9 to 30 grams per day. But before starting to use Astragalus for immune support, you must talk to a healthcare expert. 

2. Improving Heart Function 

Astragalus is proposed to have possible benefits for heart health. Studies have looked at how it may affect blood vessels, heart muscle function, and heart disease damage. 

  • Effects on blood vessels 

Astragalus might widen blood vessels, boosting blood flow and reducing blood pressure. This could possibly help handle high blood pressure and better our overall heart health. 

  • Cardioprotective properties 

Recent studies show Astragalus might protect the heart. It could lessen inflammation and stress in the heart. This might shield the heart from damage linked to heart disease or other heart issues. 

  • Research-based evidence for improving heart function 

There’s limited research on how Astragalus affects heart function. Few small studies suggest it might help heart failure patients when used with regular treatment. But we need bigger, better research to find out more about its potential heart benefits. 

  • Dosage for heart health benefits 

As with immune support, the best dosage for heart health is still unclear. Always talk to a health expert before starting to take any supplement. 

3. Alleviating Chemotherapy Side Effects 

Chemotherapy is a key treatment for many cancer patients. But it can lead to severe side effects. Astragalus may help reduce effects like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and fatigue. 

  • Potential benefits for cancer patients 

Astragalus is found to reduce nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea in a study. Also, in another study, it was found to help lessen extreme tiredness during the first week of chemotherapy. 

It’s not clear how Astragalus may help lower chemotherapy side effects. However the plant’s active compounds like polysaccharides and saponins might be beneficial. 

  • Research-based evidence for reducing chemotherapy side effects 

Even though these studies show promise, we need more research. We need to confirm these findings and to know the right dosage. 

4. Controlling Blood Sugar Levels 

Scientists are looking at whether Astragalus affects blood sugar levels, especially in managing type 2 diabetes. The plant’s active compounds like polysaccharides and flavonoids might aid insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism. 

  • Anti-diabetic properties 

Research says that astragalus supplements might help manage blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetics. In animal and lab studies, Astragalus improved sugar metabolism and lowered blood sugar levels. 

  • Insulin sensitivity and resistance 

Astragalus might improve insulin sensitivity and lower insulin resistance, which are key to managing type 2 diabetes. By improving these factors, Astragalus might offer another option for diabetics. 

  • Research-based Evidence in Diabetes Management  

Some studies hint Astragalus might help in managing diabetes. It could improve the effects of usual treatments. However we need more research to confirm these early findings and find out the best dosage. 

5. Improving Kidney Function 

Researchers are studying Astragalus for its potential benefits for kidney health and function, especially in managing kidney disease. 

  • Chronic kidney disease management 

Studies suggest astragalus might improve blood flow and signs of kidney function like protein in urine. So, astragalus might offer support for people managing chronic kidney disease. 

  • Research-based Evidence in Improving Kidney Function 

Though there’s some clinical evidence about Astragalus and kidney health, more research is needed to confirm these findings. Also, we need to know the right dosage. 

Other Potential Health Benefits 

Apart from the main potential health perks we discussed, Astragalus might affect other aspects of human health too. 

1. Liver health improvements 

Limited proof hints that Astragalus might support liver health. It does so by improving blood flow and signs of liver function. But we need more studies to confirm these. 

2. Nerve injury and neuroprotection 

Astragalus is also being studied for its possible benefits in nerve regeneration and neuroprotection. Though some early research shows promise, we need more studies to confirm these findings.  

3. Anti-aging properties 

Traditional Chinese medicine regards Astragalus as a powerful anti-aging solution. Some experts believe the plant’s compounds might help fight oxidative stress and inflammation. These factors are thought to play a major part in aging, although there’s limited evidence to back this and more investigations are needed. 

4. Respiratory health and COPD management 

Experts are also looking at Astragalus for better respiratory health and managing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Initial studies suggest that the herb might improve breathing and immune function in individuals with COPD. But we need more research to confirm this. 

Here’s a summary of the potential benefits mentioned above. 

Potential Health Benefit Mechanism of Action Research Level Suggested Dosage 
Boosting Immune System Stimulating white blood cell production Limited, inconclusive 9 to 30 grams per day 
Improving Heart Function Widening blood vessels Limited, inconclusive Consult a healthcare professional 
Alleviating Chemotherapy Side Effects Active compounds in Astragalus Limited clinical trials Consult a healthcare professional 
Controlling Blood Sugar Levels Improving insulin sensitivity Limited, inconclusive Consult a healthcare professional 
Improving Kidney Function Renoprotective properties Limited, inconclusive Consult a healthcare professional 
Liver health improvements Improving blood flow and liver function Limited, inconclusive Consult a healthcare professional 
Nerve injury and neuroprotection Promoting nerve regeneration and neuroprotection Limited, inconclusive Consult a healthcare professional 
Anti-aging properties Combat oxidative stress and inflammation Limited, inconclusive Consult a healthcare professional 
Respiratory health and COPD management Improving breathing parameters and immune function Limited, inconclusive Consult a healthcare professional 

Precautions, Side Effects, and Interactions 

While astragalus is usually safe for most people when taken in proper dosages, we need to keep some precautions, side effects, and interactions in mind. 

Common side effects 

Common side effects of astragalus include rash, itching, belly discomfort, and nasal symptoms. 

Severe side effects 

Serious side effects from astragalus are likely rare, but it’s key to share any concerns with your healthcare provider. If serious side effects do occur, you must get medical attention right away. 


Certain people should stay away from Astragalus. These include: 

  • Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding as there’s little info on astragalus safety during these times 
  • Those with autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis or lupus as astragalus might stimulate the immune system 
  • Those on drugs that dampen the immune system as Astragalus might clash with these drugs 

Drug and supplement interactions 

Astragalus can interact with certain medicines and supplements. These include antiviral drugs, blood pressure drugs, cancer treatments, diuretics, and immunomodulators. Consult your doctor, if you have any worries about possible interactions between astragalus and any medicines or supplements you’re taking. 

On the whole, if you suffer from any medical conditions or are on any medication, you must speak to your healthcare provider before incorporating any herbal supplement into your diet. Here’s a quick summary of risks and issues, 

Type Specific Issues & Concerns 
Common side effects Rash, itching, abdominal discomfort, nasal symptoms 
Severe side effects Rare; discuss any concerns with your healthcare provider 
Contraindications Pregnancy, breastfeeding, autoimmune diseases, immunosuppressant users 
Interactions Antiviral medications, blood pressure medications, cancer treatments, diuretics, immunomodulators 

Dosage Recommendations 

There are no standard dosage tips for Astragalus yet, so recommendations can vary. Always consult a healthcare expert for the right dose before starting to use Astragalus. 

General usage guidelines 

Some studies suggest dosages between 9 and 30 grams per day with the best dosage varying based on the person and the intended use. However, without standard dosage tips, it’s key to talk to a healthcare provider. This will help find out the safest and most effective dosage for your particular needs and health conditions. 

Dosage adjustments for specific health conditions 

Like any supplement, it’s key to adjust dosage tips based on personal health issues and any ongoing treatments or medicines. Speak to a healthcare provider to discuss suitable dosage adjustments for your specific situation. 


Astragalus is an ancient herb that has piqued the interest of modern science due to its potential health benefits. It’s been linked to boosting immunity and also has been proposed to improve heart and kidney function. This makes Astragalus a buzzing area of research in our quest to uncover natural solutions for common health woes. 

Yet, it’s key to use Astragalus wisely as sturdy scientific proof of its efficacy is still limited and we need more human studies. Always speak to a healthcare provider first before starting to take Astragalus. This is necessary if you have health conditions, are on medications, or are pregnant or breastfeeding. With strong roots in centuries of tradition, the future of Astragalus might hold fruitful answers for those seeking other paths toward health and wellness. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 

Is it safe to take Astragalus every day? 

Astragalus is usually safe for most people when taken in proper dosages. However it’s key to consult a healthcare provider before using it regularly due to any underlying health issues and potential interactions with medications. 

Can Astragalus cause liver damage? 

There’s no evidence to suggest that Astragalus causes liver damage when used properly. However, there is a case where reversible liver cysts formed after daily usage of Astragalus. It is best to always consult with a healthcare provider before taking any herbal supplement. 

Are Astragalus and Ashwagandha the same? 

No, they aren’t the same. Astragalus and Ashwagandha are two different herbs. Even though both are used traditionally for health benefits, they belong to different plant families and have different attributes. 

What does Astragalus do for the kidneys? 

Studies show that Astragalus might have kidney-protective (or renoprotective) properties and improve blood flow and kidney function markers. These could help individuals manage chronic kidney disease. Still, we need more research. 

How to choose a high-quality Astragalus supplement? 

Choose Astragalus supplements from trusted makers. These should be tested for quality, purity, and potency by third-party firms. Always read the label thoroughly and consult with a healthcare provider before starting any supplement. 


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This post first appeared on Latest News & Informative Articles - Medical Advice, please read the originial post: here

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Astragalus Benefits: Exploring Research-Backed Health Improvements


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