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Brown Egg Vs White Eggs: Decoding Nutritional Facts and Myths


Key Highlights:

  • Brown and white eggs differ only in their shell colour; the nutritional content is the same
  • The shell colour is determined by the chicken breed and genetics.
  • Shell colour doesn’t affect the egg’s taste; the hen’s diet, environment, and freshness can impact it.
  • Brown eggs are more expensive because brown egg–laying hens require more feed.
  • Factors such as organic, free-range, and nutrient-enriched labels matter more than shell colour.


Ever found yourself confused at the grocery store, not sure if you should go for brown or white eggs? No need to feel alone, most people are in the same boat. Some folks think that one kind of egg might be a better pick health-wise or have a better flavour over the other. This piece aims to wipe away such confusion by breaking down the facts about brown and white eggs. We’ll delve into what affects the colour of an eggshell, compare the nutritional values of brown and white eggs, and talk about how they influence taste, cooking and cost. In the end, you’ll be able to make a wise choice when buying eggs and know what truly sets brown eggs apart from white ones.

Understanding the Difference Between Brown and White Eggs

Many people believe that the colour of an egg determines its health benefits or nutrients. But the colour of an egg essentially comes down to the type of chicken that lays it; thus, it is determined by the chicken breed and its genes. The primary pigment in brown eggshells is something called protoporphyrin IX, and blue eggshells get their colour from the pigment biliverdin. While factors like the chicken’s feed or environment might bring in shade variations, they don’t change the eggshell’s main colour.

Debunking Common Myths About Egg Colour

Several myths about egg colour have been circulating for quite some time. Time to bring the truth to light:

  1. If you think brown eggs pack more nutrients than white ones, you’re wrong! The colour of the shell doesn’t impact an egg’s nutritional value. Brown or white, all eggs deliver the same amount of vitamins, minerals, and protein.
  2. Ever thought brown eggs taste better than white ones? The truth is that an egg’s taste doesn’t come from its shell colour. It all boils down to factors like the chicken’s diet, environment, how fresh the egg is, and how it’s cooked.
  3. If you’ve heard that brown eggs have thicker shells compared to white ones, that’s false too. Shell thickness might vary within the same breed due to things like chicken genes or age, but it is unrelated to eggshell colour.

After debunking these misconceptions, let’s look at how brown and white eggs stack up nutritionally.

Brown and White Eggs: Nutrition

Comparing Nutrient Content in Brown and White Eggs

It is important to note here that brown and white eggs have the same nutritional value. The only difference lies in the eggshell colour, with the chicken breed and genes calling the shots on that.

Macronutrients: Protein, Fat, and Carbohydrates

Both brown and white eggs are rich in high-quality protein and healthy fats and have trace amounts of carbs. Regardless of the egg size, grade, and colour, they will provide all the vital nutrients your body needs.

Micronutrients: Vitamins and Minerals

Eggs, both brown and white, are loaded with essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins D, B12, A, and E, as well as iron, calcium, and phosphorus. These nutrients are key to various body functions like boosting immunity, improving brain function, and strengthening the bones.

Cholesterol Content

Cholesterol is crucial for our cells and also helps provide vital hormones. Don’t fret about cholesterol in eggs, studies have shown that dietary cholesterol doesn’t affect blood cholesterol levels for most people. So, whether you eat brown eggs or white, the chances of them hurting your heart’s health are low.

Are Brown Eggs Healthier Than White Eggs?

We’ve seen that brown eggs and white eggs offer the same nutritional value. Hence, both types of eggs have the essential macronutrients (protein, fat, and carbohydrates) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) required for good health.

The Impact of Egg Colour on Taste and Cooking

You now know that there’s no nutritional difference between brown and white eggs. But does the colour of the eggshell matter when it comes to taste and cooking?

Do Brown and White Eggs Taste Different?

Whether an egg is tasty or not isn’t determined by its outer shell. It all depends on things like the hen’s diet, the environment it was raised in, and how fresh the egg is. Therefore, brown and white eggs don’t have any inherent taste differences.

Guidelines for Cooking With White and Brown Eggs

You can use white or brown eggs interchangeably in almost all recipes without noticing any changes in flavor, texture, or appearance. Please note that minor differences might come up during cooking based on egg freshness and size.

Baking Considerations

Baking with brown or white eggs brings the same results. Just make sure to use eggs of the same size as mentioned in the recipe, regardless of shell colour, and you’ll be fine.

Scrambled, Fried, and Hard-Boiled Eggs

Whether your eggs are scrambled, fried, or hard-boiled, you won’t taste or feel any difference based on egg colour. You can switch between brown and white eggs when making these dishes without altering the final outcome.

From my observations, it appears that both white and brown eggs, regardless of their shell colour, may offer a consistent nutritional profile. Each egg, whether white or brown, may offer a substantial 6 grams of protein while containing only around 70 calories!

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

The Factors Behind the Difference in Egg Colour

By now we know that eggshell colour mainly depends on the chicken breed and its genes. Let’s delve more into how chicken breeds, eggshell pigments, and a chicken’s living conditions and diet determine the egg colour.

The Role of Chicken Breed in Determining Egg Colour

Different chicken breeds lay different coloured eggs. For instance, White Leghorn chickens lay white-shelled eggs, while chickens like Plymouth Rocks and Rhode Island Reds lay brown-shelled eggs. It all comes down to chicken breed genetics.

The Science Behind Eggshell Pigmentation

The chicken produces pigments that colour the eggshell. For instance, brown eggshells get their colour from protoporphyrin IX, while blue eggshells owe their colour to biliverdin. Both pigments come from compounds known as porphyrins that form when heme breaks down – heme is a hemoglobin precursor found in red blood cells.

The Impact of Chickens’ Environment and Diet on Eggshell Colour

The chicken’s diet, environment, and stress level can slightly alter the eggshell colour. However, these factors cannot fundamentally change the colour of the eggshell.

Additional Eggshell Colours and Their Origins

Eggshells can have various other colours, like blue, green, and even pink! Different chicken breeds, e.g., Araucana, Lushi, Dongxiang, and Ameraucana, produce these uniquely coloured eggs. The porphyrins – the same family of compounds that give the pigments in brown and blue eggshells – are responsible for these colour variations.

Based on my years of experience, I’ve come to believe that when it comes to nutritional value, both brown and white eggs might offer similar benefits. Notably, both types of eggs contain a significant amount of choline per 100g, potentially surpassing many other common food options. So, including brown or white eggs in your diet might be a simple and effective way to enhance your choline intake and promote good health.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Costs and Pricing of Brown and White Eggs

Ever wondered why brown eggs cost more than white eggs at the grocery store? Let’s dissect the reasons behind this price difference.

Reasons for Brown Eggs Being More Expensive

As we mentioned earlier, brown eggs usually cost more because the hens that lay them eat more – all because of their larger size. This increased cost of feed gets passed onto consumers through higher prices for brown eggs.

Additionally, consumer perception influences pricing. As brown eggs gain popularity, producers may raise their prices, taking advantage of the common belief that brown eggs are healthier or tastier than white ones, even though no scientific evidence supports these ideas.

Breeding, Feeding, and Rearing Costs

Brown egg–laying hens might have slightly higher breeding, rearing, and feeding costs because of their larger size. Even so, these costs are not dramatically different and probably do not entirely explain the price disparity we see in supermarkets.

Market Perception and Demand

Brown eggs have become more popular recently; therefore, the demand for brown eggs has shot up, leading to potential price adjustments by producers. Increased consumer preference for brown eggs affects their pricing, despite no clear-cut differences in taste or nutritional value between white and brown eggs.

I may emphasise that if you have any heart-related condition or high cholesterol levels, it is important to be cautious about consuming brown or white eggs. In such cases, it may be advisable to limit your intake to three to four whole brown or white eggs per week. This precautionary approach might help manage the potential risk of adverse effects on your cardiovascular health.

Dr. Smita barode, B.A.M.S, M.S.

Choosing the Best Quality Eggs

So, how do we decide which eggs to buy since brown and white eggs are equally nutritious and differ only in appearance?

Factors That Matter More Than Colour

When shopping for eggs, it is best to look beyond the colour. Think about other factors that truly affect the taste and nutritional value of the eggs. Things to consider include:

  • Organic or conventional production methods
  • Cage-free, free-range, and pasture-raised hens
  • Omega-3 enriched eggs
  • Local or backyard chickens

These factors can have a significant effect on the quality and taste of the eggs you eat. They are more relevant to your health than the colour of the eggshell.


Based on the multifactorial comparison between brown and white eggs, we’ve concluded that there is hardly any difference between the two in nutrition, taste, or even cooking.

The True Differences Between Brown and White Eggs

The main thing that sets brown and white eggs apart is eggshell colour, determined by the breed and genetic makeup of the laying hen. On the other hand, things like the hen’s diet and environment can greatly affect the nutritional goodness and taste of eggs – explaining any perceived differences between them.

Making an Informed Decision on Egg Purchasing

To make the best choice when buying eggs, focus on aspects that really influence egg quality and taste. Pay attention to organic farming techniques, whether the hens are cage-free or free-range, and if the eggs are omega-3 enriched. This approach will ensure that you not only consider the eggshell colour but also the aspects that really matter.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Do Brown Eggs Have Thicker Shells Than White Eggs?

There may be minor shell thickness variation within the same breed due to factors like chicken genes or age. Still, the colour of the eggshell doesn’t determine shell thickness.

Can You Tell the Colour of an Egg by the Chicken’s Earlobes?

Usually, chickens with white earlobes lay white eggs, and those with red earlobes lay brown eggs. However, there are exceptions, and earlobe colour isn’t a foolproof way to tell what colour eggs a chicken will lay.

Are Brown Eggs More Environment-Friendly Than White Eggs?

Brown and white eggs have similar environmental footprints. The production method (organic, cage-free, free-range, etc.), rather than the colour, influences the environmental impact of eggs.

Can You Raise Chickens That Lay Both Brown and White Eggs?

A single chicken can’t lay both brown and white eggs. But, you can have a mixed flock of chickens that lays both brown and white eggs. The chicken breed and genetics determine the colour of the eggs they lay.

Will the Colour of the Egg Affect the Colour of the Yolk?

No, the colour of the eggshell doesn’t influence the yolk colour. The chicken’s diet plays a major role in determining the yolk colour. For instance, a diet loaded with carotenoids (found in leafy greens and some yellow and orange fruits and vegetables) can make the yolk deep orange.


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This post first appeared on Latest News & Informative Articles - Medical Advice, please read the originial post: here

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Brown Egg Vs White Eggs: Decoding Nutritional Facts and Myths
