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15-Minute Migraine Relief

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Frustrated by migraine attacks that ruin your plans, steal your time, and leave you feeling miserable? Read on to discover…

PLUS: one simple trick to eliminate them–for good

If you have ever suffered from a migraine or chronic headaches, you will know just one attack can cause your entire life to stop.

Forget about what you planned for the next few weeks…

Now, you just need to find somewhere quiet to lay down.

And since you can never tell when the next debilitating episode will strike…

It becomes almost impossible to enjoy life.

  • Will a throbbing pain level you right before a special event… leaving you no choice but to disappoint your loved ones –again?
  • Maybe a cluster headache cripples you during a make-or-break work presentation… costing you a sought-after project or deserved promotion?
  • Or perhaps an overwhelming feeling of nausea hits you when you’re driving… putting you and everyone else on the road in danger?

If that sounds like you, keep reading. This page could make a big difference in your life.

What you’re about to discover has helped thousands of people end their migraine and headache pain for good.

I’m going to show you

The #1 Reason So Many People Needlessly Suffer from Chronic Head Pain…

Fixing these overlooked problems is key to stopping migraines and headaches from happening.

Yet, most neurologists, doctors, and physical therapists completely miss it.

So if you’ve already tried just about everything to get relief from crippling, pounding headaches…

But nothing seems to work —

It’s probably because you haven’t been addressing the real root cause of your problem.

So keep reading because…

I created an easy 45-second test that tells you instantly whether this sneaky undiagnosed issue is what’s really behind your throbbing head pain.

I’ll tell you more about this simple test in a second. First, let me introduce myself…

Hello. I’m Rick Olderman, and I’ve been helping people fix debilitating migraines, headaches and other chronic pain for over 20 years.

For almost 10 years I ran a hugely successful physical therapy clinic in Denver, Colorado.

But now, through my bestselling books and by talking to patients on Zoom, I’m fortunate to be able to treat patients all over the world.

People tell me every day how my unique methods helped them get rid of chronic pain.

  • They thank me for giving them an escape route from surgery.
  • They send me gifts for helping them avoid addictive pain pills.
  • And they tell me I’ve transformed their lives.

But it wasn’t always this way…

There was a time I was so frustrated and ashamed of my results that I quit practicing physical therapy altogether…

Until I had an “aha” moment that changed everything – for me and my patients.

Let me explain…

See, when I first started practicing, I could help some people get better…

But, I felt like my patients were suffering from more complex pain issues.

I’d grab every tool in my arsenal… Use all the techniques they taught me at PT school… Even took continuing education courses to help me find more answers.

But nothing was helping these people.

They were still in pain and I felt like an awful failure.

It got to the stage where I told my receptionist that she should stop asking patients if their feelings were improving.

It was too difficult to hear their pain continue – or get any worse.

I felt awful. It was like I had let them down.

I was working in a small clinic and didn’t want to visit the grocery store anymore. Why?

Because I didn’t want anyone to recognize me.

I sank into a deep depression.

I thought maybe I was stupid or something so… I quit.

(Thankfully, I didn’t give up my license. )

I moved back to Denver, where I got a job at a health club.

What happened next led me to realize why I was trying so hard to help people.

It was not because I was stupid…

It was because traditional Physical Therapy Education is tragically flawed…

Once I figured this out, and began experimenting with methods they never teach you in PT school, I finally cracked the code to solving my client’s chronic pain.

If you still have “unfixable” headaches, I may be able help you.

My “lightbulb moment”, when I began working with a woman suffering from chronic migraines, was finally when it all came together.

Jane was her name and she suffered terrible headaches after a car accident.

I met Jane after my boss at a health club made me return to being a personal trainer.

For the first six months of my new job, I was so scared that I decided to only work at the front desk.

But since I was hired to do my physical therapy degree, my boss wouldn’t let me go.

So I reluctantly began working again with clients.

In the beginning, I would work from my home. This allowed me to explore new ideas and help others.

Pretty soon my schedule was filled with injured people.

And there were many of them!

I had no idea that these people would change my life.


By showing me what I had been missing all along.

All of these clients were insured by the best doctors, the best physical therapists and chiropractors and every other professional you can imagine.

Yet they still suffered from chronic pain.

So it’s not that I was stupid.

The problem was Physical Therapists aren’t trained to look at pain holistically…

Here’s why:

In PT school we spend a lot time learning anatomy and physiological theory.

Next, we learn which exercises can be used to solve specific problems in a different class.

But these two things are not connected.

There’s a big black box in the middle that no one explains: how does this anatomy become pain?

We’re never taught WHY pain exists in the first place…

So I took a step back and started to observe.

I started to listen to my clients and watch how they move.

After I noticed patterns in the movements of my client, I started to experiment with some unorthodox methods.

A lot if it went against everything we were taught in PT school but – lo and behold – people started getting better!

As I helped more people to become pain-free I gained my confidence again.

I started Physical Therapy again and that’s how Jane came to my rescue.

Jane experienced one to two migraine attacks per week after her car accident.

She told me how terrifying the randomness of these attacks was.

She said her migraines were like a ticking time bomb… she never knew when one would go off!

If you have chronic headaches, you may be able to relate.

Sometimes, the attacks would strike when she was at home.

Sometimes she’d hit while driving.

When they hit, she was forced to put her life on hold and lay down.

Jane, a high-ranking type A person, found it torture to suddenly have to stop everything.

I was determined to find out why Jane was so miserable.

And then one day, I had that lightbulb moment…

It happened after I tried to reproduce Jane’s accident.

I thought about her seatbelt and it just clicked.

I saw her anatomy, neck, and shoulder girdle instantly and had an epiphany.

For the first time I realized what was causing Jane’s migraines.

The problem was not in her neck or head.

The problem was coming from her shoulder!

It all seemed so simple.

Jane suffered from what I now refer to as a “girdle root” or depressed shoulder blade.

You can see , that your shoulder girdle has a floating system.

It’s connected to your ribcage only by a small bone called clavicle. There isn’t much support for the bones.

Instead, your shoulder muscles should be used to support your arms and shoulder blades.

Usually, that’s about 15-20 pounds of weight.

Now, 15-20 pounds isn’t alot for a healthy shoulder girdle to bear.

But if your girdle system is out of whack, you’re in for some BIG problems – including migraines and chronic headaches.

This is because if your girdle system is misaligned, the big shoulder muscles become overworked.

When this happens, all that extra weight begins to slide off of tiny muscles.

Imagine a bowling ball suspended from a string. You’ll get the idea.

How does this trigger migraines?

Well, some of these tiny little muscles are connected directly to your neck and skull!

Here’s a better example…

The trapezius muscle begins at the base of the skull and runs down to the lower back. It has many functions.

I refer to it as the “big hand” muscle because it looks almost like a large hand.

But, if your trapezius is not working properly, your levator capula (a small muscle) will take over.

This muscle runs from the corner your shoulder blade to your vertebrae in your neck.

Think about that muscle as your pinky finger.

Imagine holding a 15 pound weight in your hand. Doable, right?

Now imagine holding that same 15 pound weight with just your pinky finger.

It doesn’t even seem possible!

This is the best recipe for chronic migraines and throbbing headaches as well as neck pain.

Once you solve this problem, the pulling on your neck or head will instantly stop.

The tension vanishes. And POOF! So do chronic migraines and headaches…

When you discover how to unload your levator scapulae, all those overworked little muscles can finally rest and heal.

It’s simple to do, as long as your muscles are strong and you know where you should stretch.

It seems so simple, right?

This isn’t even something that most Physical Therapy Schools teach.

In fact, doctors, PTs and other healers spend so many time looking for problems in your neck that they completely overlook the shoulder girdle.

But once you solve the root problem? You can get instant relief.

I’ve seen it work in the lives of many people who were almost giving up on hope that their migraines would ever disappear.

I’m sure it can work for you too.

This is why I wanted to tell you about the targeted training program that toned and strengthened your shoulder girdle system. It will instantly reduce muscle strain that can lead to chronic headaches and migraines.

After spending 10 years in a clinic figuring out pain patterns, I was able to whittle down a scientific program made up of the fewest number of exercises that still create the greatest impact.

This simple method is easy to use and can be used anywhere, anytime.

You don’t require a lot space or fancy equipment.

Best of all, it only takes about 15 minutes!

It’s called…

Fix your girdle root system and banish migraines and headaches–for good.

15 Minutes to Migraine Relief is a comprehensive program that shows you how to take healing into your own hands.

You’ll get 10 videos – in your choice of DVD or digital copy – that give you everything you need to fix your girdle root system so migraines and headaches vanish for good.

With instant digital access you can start right away–getting immediate relief from pain and nipping future attacks in the bud.

This healing package includes my core program and 6 videos to eliminate headaches and migraines at the source:

  • Find out WHY you’re having pain in the first place. Learn more about the anatomy of chronic migraine pain and your girdle system so that you can get the root cause.
  • My Pain Reduction Video Series. Learn simple movements that will reduce pain and make it easier to relieve your headaches.
  • A detailed session with step-by-step instruction and visual references so you feel confident you’re doing each exercise correctly.
  • The simple way to start each session so you can easily track your progress and stay encouraged by your results.
  • My Restoration Series. Once your pain is lessened, you can begin to heal the root cause of migraines.
  • Customized to you: Modifications allow you to adjust the program for your unique body and ability…
  • Special “express video” lets you complete the entire healing protocol in just 15 minutes.

PLUS, you get 4 special bonus videos that show you…

  • 30-second test pinpoints root cause of chronic headaches. This simple test will confirm that this treatment works for you.
  • Simple trick for immediate pain relief. With one simple drugstore item, you can instantly stop chronic pain and prevent future headaches.
  • Which everyday habits could be making your headaches worse. What can you do instead?
  • Bonus treatments you can easily teach your family, friends, or body workers. Simple massages and support techniques will make you feel better than ever.

You’ll also discover…

  • The “Netflix Trick” that helps stop a migraine before it even starts. Get rid of your migraines while you watch TV tonight.
  • Simple technique pinpoints the exact moves migraine sufferers should avoid. This will help you avoid another severe migraine attack.
  • Why migraine sufferers with tendonitis, bulged discs, or arthritis almost always get misdiagnosed.
  • Can the wrong fitness instructor do more damage to your body than a car wreck? Experts say that if they tell you to do this, it is a good idea.
  • Is how you sleep aggravating your migraines or headaches? 4 Tips to Avoid Pain-Triggering Sleep – No matter where you sleep.
  • Rolling your shoulders back fixes your posture, right? WRONG! This is why you should immediately stop doing it. What to do instead. )
  • What any migraine or headache sufferer MUST do before they buy another piece of furniture.
  • BEWARE: Yogis, gymnasts, dancers, and pilates practitioners. This common movement can lead to neck pain, tension headaches, chronic migraines and even tension headaches.
  • NEVER skip this simple 3-minute exercise if you want to get rid of migraines and headaches for good.
  • Everyday habits that lead to debilitating headaches. Plus: Two proven ways to get rid of these unhealthy habits.
  • Simple breathing trick instantly improves posture and reduces shoulder strain. Use this whenever you feel the onset of a headache or migraine.
  • Is this common office tool causing your head to throb? How to make your work environment more comfortable.
  • And much more…

I am now without what had been near chronic pain. I am most grateful.” – Myda Ray

” Totally solved my headaches, neck pain, and shoulder pain. I would recommend it to everyone.” – JP

“It Works! It worked! I was pain-free the first time I tried the simple exercises. Amazing. Amazing.

” The stretching exercises significantly reduced my migraines within days after I started the routine.” – Don

“I’ve suffered from migraines and tension headaches for about 10 years now. Over the past five to six years, I have been to many chiropractors and massage therapists. But the problem has not completely disappeared. No one ever suggested that my shoulders could be the root cause of the problem. Rick’s exercises work and I’m impressed. He cares deeply and wants everyone pain-free. – Jessica

“Life Saver! We are so grateful! You’re my hero… fixed 80% of my issues and has taken my headaches to almost none.” – Tina L. Miller

If you are plagued with chronic migraines…

Kneaded by debilitating heachaches…

Or constantly deal with pain in your neck or shoulders…

This program is for you.

If you’ve been to specialist after specialist…

Seen orthopedic surgeons… neurologists… and physical therapists…

But none could help –

This program is for you.

If you were told that you have …

…tight scalenes

…decreased curvature of your neck vertebrae

…Or arthritic modifications in your neck

This program is for you.

If you were in a car wreck and now have nagging, throbbing headaches…

This program is for you.

100% Cast Iron 60-Day Money Back Guarantee

I’m so confident this program will help you finally put an end to chronic migraines and headaches, that I’m offering a 60-day full money back guarantee.

If you commit just 15 minutes a day to my simple, easy-to-follow program, then 60 days is more than enough time to know that this will absolutely work for you.

In fact, I’ll show you a specific way to instantly tell if your shoulder girdle is what’s really causing your head pain.

If you have a problem with your girdle root, this program can finally provide the relief that you need.

If not, let me know immediately and I’ll issue a full refund.

You’re 15 Minutes Away From Being Migraine-Free…

You have nothing to lose, except the days wasted on debilitating headaches and migraines.

These exercises are so easy to follow that even if it’s your first time, you will not have any trouble sticking with them.

These simple steps work quickly and you’ll feel inspired to keep going so that your migraines stop for good.

I recommend that you use the video for detailed, step-by, instruction before you begin.

This will ensure that you learn the exercises correctly and get the best results.

I’ve removed all the guesswork from my program so that you can feel confident in your ability to do these simple steps correctly.

Then, once you know the exercises, use the “express video” that takes you through the whole program in just 15 minutes. It’s that simple! It’s simple to fit migraine prevention into your busy schedule.

Mornings won’t work for me? These exercises can be done at any time that suits you.

What’s It Worth To You To Get Your Life Back?

Now, I already know chronic migraine and headache sufferers would pay just about anything to get their life back and finally experience pain-free days again.

Not only would most happily shell out a lot of money…

A person suffering from chronic headaches or migraines will often go to great lengths to relieve their pain.

  • They’re willing to endure painful, expensive surgeries…
  • They’re willing to risk dangerous, addictive drugs…
  • They’re even willing to get zapped by magnetic pulses…

Now, you can avoid all that and get relief right in your own home.

And while most migraine and chronic headache sufferers would pay any price for relief…

My program is just $67.

Imagine your “bad days” disappearing for good…

Imagine going to the beach or pool without worrying the sun might trigger an episode…

Imagine never having to bow out of another commitment because of an unexpected attack…

All that could easily be yours, all in 15 minutes a day.

All you need to do is click on the big button below.

I hope you give my program another chance.

The truth is that your head pain will only get worse if you don’t do anything.

The longer your girdle muscles are weak, the more structural problems you will create in your neck.

This can cause more arthritic problems, disc degeneration and nerve pinching, tighter muscles, calcification, and many other problems.

Did you know that chronic migraines and headaches can increase your risk of stroke and dementia?

Why let another debilitating migraine keep you from living your best life?

Why let a chronic headache take your time, your purpose, and your joy?

Especially when your results are covered by my 100% money-back guarantee.

Join the many others who have taken their healing in their own hands and successfully treated their chronic head pain.

Click this button now and you will be pain-free in less than an hour.

Order Today Risk Free

Instant Online Access

  • Complete program for migraine relief in just 15 minutes per day

  • Instant online access

  • Simple 60-day guarantee


Regular Price: 99. 95

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100% Money Back Guarantee

Thanks for reading,

Rick Olderman

This post first appeared on Acupuncuture, please read the originial post: here

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15-Minute Migraine Relief


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