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Ten Marvels in Danger


In various parts of the world, there are treasures in danger by climate change, environmental pollution or human greed

It is no longer possible to admire Malta’s famous “Blue Window” live. This bow was toppled by a storm that caused a strong surge. Already a part of the rocky formation, which was one of the main natural attractions of the island, had been released.

This was confirmed by the Maltese Prime Minister, Joseph Muscat, in a message on Twitter, where he showed a photograph of the area after the collapse, an image he described as “heartbreaking.”

The Maltese leader also confirmed that the latest reports made at this rock monument indicated that “it would be hard hit by the inevitable natural corrosion.” 

Danger of collapse


This rock formation known as “Lange Anna”, symbol of the island of Helgoland, is also in danger. The column of porous sandstone, 47 meters high, has already been significantly thinned by effects of wind and other climatic factors. Experts predict it will collapse. Taking measures to protect it would cost millions.

Underwater world in trouble


The Great Barrier Reef is a paradise for diving. Marine biologists estimate that half the coral reefs are dead and dying. The cause: global warming. The excessive warmth of the waters causes the corals to calcify and die. In 2015, UNESCO urged Australia to take better care of this important ecosystem.

Looks are deceiving


In 2012, the Global Nature Fund declared to Titicaca “Threatened Lake of the Year”. Its flow drains and garbage accumulates on its banks. In many parts, Lake Titicaca no longer looks as beautiful as in tourist brochures.

Too many tourists


Machu Picchu is the main tourist destination of Peru. And that is precisely the problem: about 4,000 visitors travel daily the ruins of the city in which, at the time of the Incas, lived at most 300 people. The footsteps of tourists make the walls tremble and cracks in which the water enters. This magical place is also in danger.



The Amazon, with 5.5 million square kilometers, is the largest tropical rainforest in the world. But its surface is continuously reduced due to the deforestation. According to the WWF, in 2014 a jungle surface equivalent to 2.5 soccer fields disappeared … every minute.

No snow on Kilimanjaro


The snowy summit is the feature of the highest mountain in Africa. But the snow recedes in Kilimanjaro, 5895 meters high. In the 20th century, the icy surface was reduced by 85 percent. Environmentalists fear it will completely disappear by 2033. To see the Kilimajaro dressed in white, one must hurry to travel to Tanzania.

The dying sea


The riparian countries draw water from their main tributary, the Jordan. And some companies evaporate the waters of the Dead Sea in search of access to valuable minerals. The Dead Sea, bordering Israel, Jordan and the West Bank, is drying up. The level of its waters falls approximately 1 meter per year.

To melt

(AP Photo/Natacha Pisarenko)

It is considered that a trip to Antarctica is one of the last great adventures that can be undertaken in our days. But it is not known how long it will be possible to navigate among the majestic ice floes. The surface covered with ice is reduced. The icy continent melts.

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Ten Marvels in Danger
