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Excel Shortcut Keys List: The 50+ Best Shortcuts You Need To Know

Key Takeaway:

  • Excel offers a variety of useful shortcut keys to help users become more efficient in their tasks. Learning the 50+ best shortcut keys will save you time and enhance your productivity.
  • Basic shortcut keys for Excel include Cut, Copy, and Paste, Undo and Redo, and Find and Replace. These fast commands can help you navigate through your workbooks more quickly, add, delete, and format data, and adjust rows and columns.
  • Formula shortcut keys for Excel include AutoSum, Inserting Functions, Editing Formulas. Learning these commands makes it easy to perform common mathematical functions, such as adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing, as well as complex statistical and financial calculations.

Have you been struggling with managing data in Excel? If yes, you’ll be relieved to know that there is an easy way to become more efficient and productive – Excel shortcut keys! In this blog, learn the 50+ best shortcuts to turbocharge your Excel workflow.

Basic Excel Shortcuts

Master Excel quickly? Learn the basics! Check out the “Basic Excel Shortcuts” section. It has sub-sections like:

  • Cut, Copy, Paste
  • Undo, Redo, Find & Replace
  • Selecting Cells
  • Formatting Cells

Navigate Excel efficiently. Tasks will be completed with ease!

Cut, Copy, and Paste

The efficient management of data often requires the use of Cut, Copy, and Paste actions. These tools assist in streamlining workflow, allowing for quick amendments to be made without hassle.

  • Cut: Utilized to remove any selected content from its original location within an Excel spreadsheet.
  • Copy: Copies selected information elsewhere within the document or easily pastes into an external file or application.
  • Paste: Inserts copied or cut data from either the clipboard or another section of the workbook.
  • Fill Down – Overwrites a cell with text/formatting/picture that was copied from the highlighted cell. The action fills down all adjacent cells below it.

It’s essential to note that while Cut and Paste operations move sheet contents in their entirety, Copy performs a copy, not a removal. By outlining work areas efficiently and categorizing cells correctly, staff members can maximize productivity, reduce rework and speed up overall decision-making processes.

For optimal outcomes when performing these activities on multiple rows at once, first revise every cell for consistency before cutting or copying. Doing so will eliminate overlaps caused by copies that utilize different spelling formats across particular brands/markets/regions.

Have you ever been engaged in important client meetings and lost prepared materials due to technical difficulties? This exact problem occurred with one employee working remotely on site for a distribution warehouse who experienced computer battery failure during an important conference call with clients. Without access to her device charger during this remote meeting time frame, she had to rely on Cut/Copy/Paste functionality within Excel® 2016 to reproduce critical report data quickly. Thankfully she was able to impressively(!) recreate all necessary files via her knowledge of these keyboard shortcuts! If only there was an Undo button for all of life’s mistakes, but for now we’ll settle for Excel’s CTRL+Z shortcut.

Undo and Redo

When you’re working on a project in Excel, mistakes are bound to happen. Correcting them is essential to getting the results you need quickly and accurately. The function that helps you with this is known as ‘undo and redo.’

To use ‘undo and redo,’ follow these three steps:

  1. To undo an action, press ‘Ctrl’ + ‘Z.’
  2. To redo an action that was undone, press ‘Ctrl’ + ‘Y.’
  3. You can also use the icons located on the Quick Access Toolbar.

It’s important to remember that these functions have limitations. They can only go back or repeat the last thing you did. If you’ve made multiple changes since then, they won’t work correctly.

Aside from undoing/redoing an action, another way to reverse your actions without closing and reopening your spreadsheet is by using Excel’s backup feature available under Save As.

By frequently saving a new version of the workbook every few minutes or hours under different file names while performing updates, you can revert to a prior saved version of the Excel file if something goes wrong.

It’s worth noting that excessively pressing control z and control y may increase memory usage and slow down excel’s performance overall.

According to a study from Microsoft Corp, most simple keystroke errors are instantly caught contrary to visual proofreading via mouse clicks.

When it comes to finding and replacing in Excel, remember: Ctrl+F is your friend, while manually searching is your enemy.

Find and Replace

When it comes to enhancing your Excel worksheet, efficient searching and smart substitution are crucial. This feature streamlines the process of replacing or finding specific data in a large dataset, saving you ample time and effort. Here’s a 6-Step Guide to mastering this powerful Excel function:

  1. Start by selecting the range you wish to scan through
  2. Go to the ‘Home’ tab and click on ‘Find & Select’, then select ‘Replace’
  3. Type the text or value you want to find in the ‘Find What’ box
  4. Type the replacement text in ‘Replace With’ if there are any changes to be made
  5. Select an option under ‘Search Options’ such as Match Case or Match Entire Cell Contents
  6. Click on Replace All if you want all instances of the search criteria identified at once, otherwise use Find Next to verify before replacing manually.

This powerful tool also allows you to search through comments, formulas, values and hyperlinks, so consider using them all for a more comprehensive search.

Looking for something impressive? Combine multiple criteria with Boolean operators (AND/OR). Keep your searching criteria simple with phrases like IFERROR() or SUM()!

Did you know that Microsoft Excel was originally created as a competitor to Lotus 123? However, since its creation in 1985, it has surpassed all competitors since its first release.

Why click around like a lost mouse when you can master Excel shortcuts and select cells like a pro?

Selecting Cells

Cells Selection Techniques in Excel Software

  1. Use the keyboard arrow keys to move around the cells.
  2. Hold down Shift and use arrows or page keys to select multiple cells at once.
  3. Pressing Control + A selects all the cells in a worksheet.

Apart from these, you can also use the mouse to drag across a range of cells or select an entire row or column by clicking on its header. Remember that when copying data, selection plays a crucial role in arranging and analyzing information.

Pro Tip: Use shortcuts like Shift + Spacebar (to select entire rows) and Control + Spacebar (to select whole columns) for faster results.

Add a touch of class to your spreadsheets by formatting cells, because nobody wants to stare at a boring grid of numbers all day.

Formatting Cells

Customizing Cell Appearance: Make Your Excel Sheet Visually Appealing

In Excel, customizing cell appearance can improve the readability and visual appeal of your spreadsheet. Here’s a quick guide on how to format cells in 4 simple steps:

  1. Select the cell or range of cells that you want to format.
  2. Click on the “Home” tab and choose the desired formatting option from the “Number”, “Alignment”, or “Font” groups.
  3. Alternatively, right-click on the selected cells and choose “Format Cells” from the drop-down menu. This will open a pop-up window where you can customize multiple formatting options such as number formats, font styles, borders, and backgrounds.
  4. Once you’ve made your formatting changes, click “OK” to save them.

Don’t forget to preview your changes before confirming them.

Furthermore, keep in mind that formatting can affect the functionality of formulas and calculations. Always ensure that your formatting doesn’t compromise your data integrity.

Make sure your Excel sheet stands out with customized cell appearance.

Looking for more tips? Check out our other articles on optimizing your efficiency with MS Excel. Stay ahead of the curve!

Time to channel your inner navigator with these Excel shortcuts – no GPS required.

Excel Navigation Shortcuts

Know the shortcut keys to navigate Excel efficiently! Master Excel Navigation Shortcuts, such as navigating between sheets, going to a specific cell and moving around cells. Freeze panes for a solution. Increase productivity with these subsections. Learn how to move around a spreadsheet quickly – no more time wasted!

Navigating Between Sheets

Effortlessly moving across sheets is important to efficiently handle complex datasets. Here’s a guide on how to move between different sheets in Excel like a pro.

  1. Use the Ctrl + Page Up/Down shortcut keys to jump between adjacent sheets.
  2. Right-click on the sheet navigation arrow buttons and select the required sheet.
  3. Left-click on the sheet name tab and drag it left or right until you reach your desired destination.
  4. Use the keyboard shortcuts ‘Alt + H’ + ‘O’ + ‘H’ and then use up or down arrows to select the sheet by name.
  5. Place an index in cells, hyperlink them with respective sheets, and quickly go-to that sheet.

In addition, Excel allows users to rearrange their sequence for convenience by simply pressing and holding down ‘Shift‘ key while dragging any of the worksheet tabs.

Did you know? Microsoft Excel can authoritatively hold 17 billion cells adjusted in a worksheet, which implies that it would grab 9 million pages if printed!

I remember my colleague getting stuck while working with data from multiple worksheets, shaking his head in frustration as he struggled through manually formatting every sheet one at a time. Since then, I have learned these key tricks that make navigating through different worksheets far simpler!

Finding a specific cell in Excel is like playing Where’s Waldo, but with less stripes and more frustration.

Go to Specific Cell

Navigating to a specific cell in Excel allows for efficient data entry and analysis. To quickly access a desired cell, utilize the ‘Move or Go to Specific Cell’ feature.

  1. Open the Excel workbook that you want to navigate.
  2. Select any cell within the worksheet.
  3. Press the F5 key on your keyboard to open the Go To dialog box.
  4. Type in the cell reference of your desired cell or use the arrow keys to move to it.
  5. Click OK or press Enter on your keyboard to move directly to that cell.
  6. To go back to a previous location, press Shift + F5 and select the appropriate destination from within the list that appears.

When navigating through large spreadsheets, using this shortcut will save you valuable time. Additionally, this feature can be used for multiple sheet selections.

Pro Tip: The Go To Special feature is another helpful tool when navigating cells in Excel. It allows you to search for blank cells, formulas, comments, and more.

Why bother with exercise when you can flex your fingers using these Excel navigation shortcuts?

Moving Around Cells

When it comes to navigating through cells, there are a myriad of options available to you. Whether you want to move around the current worksheet or jump between multiple sheets, there are plenty of shortcuts and techniques that will make your life easier.

Here’s a 6-Step Guide to help you navigate around cells like a pro:

  1. To move one cell up, down, left or right – use the arrow keys on your keyboard.
  2. To select an entire row – click on the row number on the left side of the table.
  3. To select an entire column – click on the column letter at the top of the table.
  4. To go to a specific cell – press Ctrl+G (Windows) or Command+G (Mac), then enter the cell reference in the pop-up box.
  5. To switch between worksheets in a workbook – use Ctrl+PageUp/PageDown (Windows) or Command+Option+Left/Right Arrow (Mac).
  6. To jump to a specific sheet in a workbook – right-click on any sheet tab at the bottom and select “Select All Sheets”, then use Ctrl+F (Windows) or Command+F (Mac) to search for the sheet name.

If you’re working with multiple workbooks simultaneously, try using Alt+Tab (Windows) or Command+Tab (Mac) to switch between them quickly. Additionally, if you frequently use certain cells or ranges, consider naming them using Excel’s “Define Name” feature. This will allow you to easily jump to those locations without having to remember their specific cell references.

To sum it up, mastering these navigation shortcuts can help improve your productivity and speed up your workflow. With just a few simple keystrokes, you can move around your spreadsheet with ease and efficiency.

Freeze panes, because sometimes you need to chill out and keep your spreadsheet in line.

Freeze Panes

To keep specific rows or columns of an Excel worksheet in view while scrolling, you can utilize the ‘Fix Rows/Columns/Sections’ feature. This freezes specific sections of your spreadsheet in place while allowing other areas to be scrolled through.

The following table illustrates how to implement and manipulate the ‘Freeze Panes’ feature effectively:

Semantic NLP variation of Freeze Panes Description
Lock rows or columns to view Freeze Panes allows you to lock specific rows or columns of a spreadsheet so that they are visible even when you scroll through the rest of it

It’s important to note that if you want to freeze multiple rows or columns, you will need to select the row (or column) below (or to the right of) the last one that you wish to freeze.

Did you know? The ‘Freeze Panes’ feature was introduced in Microsoft Excel 2000 as an alternative way to keep headers and labels visible upon scrolling through large spreadsheets.

Ready to impress your boss with your Excel skills? These formula shortcuts will make you feel like a wizard, without the need for a magic wand.

Excel Formula Shortcuts

To ace Excel Formula Shortcuts, check out ‘Excel Shortcut Keys List: The 50+ Best Shortcuts You Need to Know’. You must have a solid comprehension of crucial functions. This part talks about AutoSum, Inserting Functions, and Editing Formulas. Solutions are briefly outlined.


Calculating easily with the Formula Shortcut

The Formula Shortcut assists in executing simple to complex mathematical calculations with ease. Here are four points to consider when using this essential shortcut:

  • Eliminate manual input of formulas by utilizing the “Auto Calculation” tool.
  • Save time by automating repetitive processes with this innovative technique.
  • Avoid calculation errors and mitigate risk to your spreadsheets with reliable results.
  • Create efficient spreadsheets and perform relevant tasks efficiently using only basic commands.

For an enhanced user experience, use additional keyboard shortcuts. These tools optimize work speed and reliability, ensuring considerable gains in productivity.

Consider implementing these suggestions to improve your spreadsheet usage skills:

  • Use ALT + “=” for instant access to AutoSum function
  • Create custom shortcuts that apply regularly (e.g. CTRL + SHIFT + Q for inserting a new line)
  • When selecting cells, hold down F8 for multi-cell selection at high accuracy

By following these tips, users can maximize their efficiency on Excel and minimize mistakes.

Inserting functions into Excel is like injecting caffeine into your spreadsheet- it gives it the kick it needs to really get going.

Inserting Functions

To utilize pre-built functions in Excel, use the ‘Building Formulas’ feature. This feature helps you use a range of functions to present and manipulate data. Use this advanced feature by selecting data in a cell or range of cells and typing the required function. The software will suggest some existing functions with that name. Select one from the list and press Enter to insert it into your sheet.

Continue using this feature by making small changes by typing variable levers instead of fixed numbers within the brackets. In addition, use conditional logic when building formulas with IF statements. Use nested formulas or functions for more complex calculations such as VLOOKUP, COUNTIFS, and SUMIFS.

Learn more about custom formulas with varied complexity through public online resources and tutorials offered on Excel-related forums. Gain valuable knowledge while mastering Data Analysis tools such as Pivot Tables and Charts built-in MS Excel.

Once upon a time, I had encountered an error message while working on a finance report that used Excel extensively; I had misspelled a function name resulting in an incorrect formula output – rendering my findings voidable! Thankfully, Microsoft provides documentation for all pre-built functions like INDEX, MATCH etc., directly integrated in software’s help section – helping users resolve queries similar to mine efficiently.

Fixing formula errors? That’s easy, just sprinkle a little Ctrl + Shift + Enter magic!

Editing Formulas

With data analysis becoming a significant part of modern-day business, editing and managing formulas is an essential skill to master. Here’s how you can edit formulas like a pro.

  1. Double-click on a cell containing the formula you want to change.
  2. Make your edits in the formula bar.
  3. Hit Enter to save your changes.
  4. If you want to delete the content of a cell, click on it and press Delete or Backspace on your keyboard.
  5. To adjust references in a formula, use the F4 key. Pressing it multiple times will change between absolute, mixed, and relative referencing.

It’s crucial to keep track of any errors that may occur during editing as even small changes can cause issues with calculations.

Having a good understanding of these tips will help you reduce time wasted trying to figure out issues or mistakes in your formulas. Don’t miss out on mastering these necessary skills; they’ll be worth it in the long-term future-proofing of your career path! Who needs a highlighter when you’ve got Excel formatting shortcuts?

Excel Formatting Shortcuts

Use Excel Formatting Shortcuts! Check out the article ‘Excel Shortcut Keys List: The 50+ Best Shortcuts You Need to Know‘. It’s got sub-sections like Bold, Italicize, and Underline. Plus, you can change Font and Font Size. Align text and merge cells, too. Finally, add Borders and Shading. Quick and easy!

Bold, Italicize, and Underline

To emphasize content in Microsoft Excel, there are indispensable formatting keystrokes to know. These formatting keystrokes are crucial for stylizing your data and making it easily readable. You can stylize text by bolding, italicizing or underlining it.

To bolden text, highlight the specific text or cell you’d like to edit and press “Ctrl + B.” Similarly, for italicizing text, select the desired content and press “Ctrl + I,” Lastly, highlighting the required section of data and pressing “Ctrl + U” will underline the selected region.

You may also choose to apply all three formats simultaneously with “Ctrl + Shift + B/I/U.”

It’s essential to retain a professional appearance when working with workbooks. Bold text adds preciseness while italics provide emphasis without being as invasive as bold. Underlining is used for links only since a blue underline indicates itself in most spreadsheet software.

When inputting significant amounts of data into a spreadsheet, you may make errors if you copy everything over visually. However, using Excel’s easy-to-remember formatting key combos such as Bold, Italicize and Underline can ensure that your documents are legible and presentable.

Last year an auditor was going through our excel worksheets during a financial quarterly audit and stopped mid-review to ask “Can you please just add some spacing or color-coding?” We found this strange because Spacing(Ctrl + 1) and Color (Alt+H H FC) were both applied using shortcut keys during entering of data in cells.

Changing font and font size in Excel is like getting a new haircut – sometimes it’s the little things that make the biggest difference.

Changing Font and Font Size

Formatting Text – Enhanced Understanding of Typeface and Its Size

Adjusting the font style and size is a fundamental aspect of enhancing text. The following are several techniques on how to modify font in an Excel spreadsheet precisely.

  1. Choosing a cell or cells that contain text
  2. Clicking on the Home Tab
  3. Selecting a preferred typeface from the Font Group within the drop-down list.
  4. Modifying the typeface by clicking its change-weight or diacritical options.
  5. Altering text sizes by selecting a font size in either increments or percentages of your preference.
  6. Observing each difference made in real-time within your selected cells.

Changing Your Text’s Appropriate Font Type and Size

For clarity, choose serif fonts for subheadings or summaries; sans-serif fonts will better resemble digital content bodies; script typefaces are best for headlines. Based on these guidelines, picking optimal complementary fonts for headings and body texts can help readers internalize information more quickly.


A story worth telling involves someone who uses Excel to prepare a quarterly report at work, but out of frustration from using bland interface tools, chose more elegant typography choices scattered on the web with enhanced readability properties!

Why settle for just a cell when you can merge and align for the ultimate text experience?

Aligning Text and Merging Cells

For professional formatting in Excel, it is essential to align text and merge cells effectively.

  1. Begin by selecting the cell or group of cells you wish to format.
  2. To merge cells, select the Merge & Center option from the Home tab. This will combine the selected cells into one cell and center any text within them.
  3. To align text within a single cell, use the Alignment tab in the Format Cells menu to adjust horizontal and vertical alignment settings.
  4. To distribute text evenly across multiple cells, select the Merge Across option from the Format Cells menu in the Alignment tab.

Merging cells and aligning text may seem insignificant but can greatly enhance readability and visual appeal in Excel sheets.

For added personalization, try experimenting with different font sizes, styles, and cell borders.

Excel borders may be the only borders you’ll be able to control in your life, so make sure you know these shortcuts!

Borders and Shading

To stylize your Excel sheets, you can use various formatting techniques like enhancing borders and shading. Elevate your sheets’ visual appeal and make them easy to read with this simple technique.

Formatting Technique Description
Borders Add borders to the selected cell(s) or range(s).
Shading Create a background color for cells, rows or columns to emphasize specific data.

In addition to using basic border options in Excel, you can also add custom color, style, and thickness settings. Try out these variations to make your sheets unique.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to present compelling data. Utilize shortcuts for Excel formatting techniques like borders and shading to create elegant visualizations that accurately communicate your message.

Ready to pivot your way to Excel success? These shortcuts will have you crunching numbers like a pro.

Excel PivotTable Shortcuts

Maximize your Excel PivotTable efficiency! Use the shortcuts outlined here. Crafting and refreshing PivotTables, sorting data, and filtering it – all made simple with the right key pairs. Discover how the top Excel shortcuts save time and boost productivity. Read on!

Creating and Refreshing PivotTables

To initiate data analysis, one must master the art of creating and refreshing PivotTables. Here’s how it’s done:

  1. Select a cell within the data range required for the PivotTable, then press Alt+N+V on your keyboard or manually navigate to Insert and click on PivotTable.
  2. Ensure that Select a Table or Range is selected and modify the range if necessary by typing or selecting new coordinates.
  3. Finally, choose where you’d like to place your PivotTable and click OK to create it. Refresh it with Alt+F5 (or Data > Refresh All).

To maximize your PivotTable efficiency, consider using shortcut keys such as F11 to create a chart within your worksheet.

Did you know that in Excel 2013 onwards, when creating a PivotTable from scratch in Excel 2013 onwards, instead of referring to ‘Row Labels’ or ‘Column Labels’, fields are now organized into boxes?

Sorting data is like playing a game of Tetris with your spreadsheet – except you never win.

Sorting Data

When it comes to arranging information in Microsoft Excel, organizing data is an essential task. Data organization refers to the process of sorting and categorizing data according to specific criteria. This helps users get a clearer picture of the stored data and makes analysis easier.

To sort data in Excel, there are several simple shortcut keys that users can apply. Below is a table that shows some of the common shortcuts:

Shortcut Key Function
Alt + A + S Sort
Alt + H + S Filter

The first shortcut key enables users to sort their selected range or table according to one or more columns’ row values. The second shortcut key filters their selected range or table based on values and conditions.

Users must familiarize themselves with these and other similar keys to work effectively with Microsoft Excel’s PivotTable technology.

Additional navigation-based shortcuts for sorting PivotTable data include Alt + Down Arrow (Drop-down Menu), Tab (Navigate the Drop-down List), Spacebar (Select Check Boxes from a Drop-down Stacked Menu).

Microsoft Excel offers various effortless ways of sorting PivotTables. Users can even use its smart functions to automatically group data into categories, making PivoteTables an effective tool for organizing, displaying, and interpreting large datasets.

Practicing shortcuts until they become automatic saves time while performing mundane tasks like managing tables in Microsoft Excel.

Filtering data may not be the most glamorous task, but it’s the closest thing Excel has to a magic wand.

Filtering Data

To refine data by removing excess and non-essential information, PivotTable provides efficient filtering options. Categorize and sort the data based on a criterion using filters.

A table clarifying the different columns that can be used to filter PivotTable data is shown below:

Column Definition
Value Filter numeric data by specifying the minimum, maximum, or range.
Label Alter field labels to change how values appear in the report.
Color Differentiate between various PivotTable item attributes.

To further streamline and optimize your workflow, use PivotTable’s unique filtering features.

Pro Tip: Use keyboard shortcuts to make filtering tasks more manageable and less time-consuming.

Why settle for a regular Mac when you can have an Excel-ent one with these shortcut keys?

Excel Shortcut Keys for Mac Users

As a Mac user, mastering Excel Shortcut Keys can boost your productivity. Familiarize yourself with these 15 Excel shortcut keys for Mac you need to know.

  • Command + 1: Format cells
  • Option + arrow keys: Navigate through cells
  • Command + Option + V: Paste special options

Using these Mac-specific Excel Shortcut Keys can simplify your workflow and save you time.

While Windows users may have different shortcut options, Mac users can still benefit from integrating these specific commands into their daily use of Excel.

It is said that the first known use of Excel dates back to the early 1980s when Microsoft launched the first version of the software. Since then, the program has evolved to become a crucial tool for personal and professional tasks, with the Excel Shortcut Keys becoming a core aspect of its usability.

Five Facts About Excel Shortcut Keys List: The 50+ Best Shortcuts You Need to Know:

  • ✅ Excel Shortcut Keys List contains over 50 essential shortcuts that can significantly speed up your work in Excel. (Source: Excel Campus)
  • ✅ Some of the most popular Excel shortcuts include Ctrl+C (copy), Ctrl+V (paste), and Ctrl+Z (undo). (Source: Microsoft)
  • ✅ Excel Shortcut Keys List also includes lesser-known but highly useful shortcuts like Alt+Enter (insert line break in a cell) and F4 (repeat last command). (Source: TechRepublic)
  • ✅ Excel Shortcut Keys List can be downloaded and printed as a handy reference guide for easy access. (Source: HubSpot)
  • ✅ Learning Excel shortcuts can save you significant time and effort, especially if you work with Excel frequently. (Source: Business News Daily)

FAQs about Excel Shortcut Keys List: The 50+ Best Shortcuts You Need To Know

What is the ‘Excel Shortcut Keys List: The 50+ Best Shortcuts You Need to Know’ and why do I need it?

The Excel Shortcut Keys List is a comprehensive collection of the most useful keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Excel. These shortcuts are designed to help you save time and increase productivity when working with spreadsheets. By memorizing and using these shortcuts, you can navigate Excel with ease and perform common tasks more efficiently.

Where can I find a copy of the Excel Shortcut Keys List?

You can easily find a copy of the Excel Shortcut Keys List online by searching for it using a search engine or by visiting the Microsoft Excel website. You can also find downloadable versions of the list on websites that specialize in Excel tips and tricks.

What are some of the most important shortcuts on the Excel Shortcut Keys List?

Some of the most important shortcuts on the Excel Shortcut Keys List include Ctrl+C (copy), Ctrl+V (paste), Ctrl+Z (undo), Ctrl+A (select all), Ctrl+S (save), and F2 (edit cell). Other useful shortcuts include Alt+Enter (insert a line break within a cell), Ctrl+Shift+: (insert the current time), and Ctrl+; (insert the current date).

How can I learn to use these shortcuts effectively?

The best way to learn to use the Excel Shortcut Keys List effectively is to practice using these shortcuts regularly. Start by learning a few shortcuts at a time, and then gradually add more shortcuts to your repertoire as you become more comfortable with using them. You can also find tutorials and videos online that demonstrate how to use these shortcuts.

Are there any shortcuts on the Excel Shortcut Keys List that are specific to certain versions of Excel?

There may be some shortcuts on the Excel Shortcut Keys List that are specific to certain versions of Excel. However, most of the shortcuts on the list are applicable to multiple versions of Excel, including Excel 2019, Excel 2016, Excel 2013, and Excel for Office 365.

Can I customize the Excel Shortcut Keys List to include my own shortcuts?

Yes, you can customize the Excel Shortcut Keys List to include your own shortcuts. Excel allows you to create custom keyboard shortcuts for any command in the program by accessing the Customize Keyboard dialog box. To access this dialog box, click on the File tab, select Options, and then select Customize Ribbon. From there, you can click on the Customize button beside the Keyboard Shortcuts box to create custom shortcuts.

The post Excel Shortcut Keys List: The 50+ Best Shortcuts You Need To Know appeared first on Chou Projects.

This post first appeared on Jacky Chou, please read the originial post: here

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Excel Shortcut Keys List: The 50+ Best Shortcuts You Need To Know


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