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19 Excel Shortcuts For Inserting Rows And Columns

Key Takeaway:

  • Using Excel shortcuts for inserting rows and columns can save time: 19 different shortcuts are available for inserting rows and columns efficiently, and using them can greatly increase productivity.
  • Shortcuts for inserting multiple rows and columns saves time: Rather than inserting each row or column individually, Excel shortcuts can be used to insert a range of rows or columns, enabling the user to work more efficiently.
  • Using a drop-down list and data-based shortcuts for inserting rows and columns is more organized: This method enables data to be added in a structured manner, ensuring that all information is easily accessible and organized in a logical manner.

Are you struggling to quickly and efficiently make changes to your spreadsheets? Look no further – here are 19 shortcuts that will help you easily insert rows and Columns in Excel. You can save time and increase your productivity!

19 Excel Shortcuts for Inserting Rows and Columns

Master the art of Excel row and column insertion. 19 shortcuts are here to help.

Sub-sections break it down:

  • Know the shortcuts for inserting single and multiple rows/columns.
  • Also, learn to insert entire rows/columns, copied ones, and multiple rows/columns using the mouse.
  • Plus, get tips on inserting rows/columns from a drop-down list, data, table, pivot table, or chart.
  • Additionally, find out how to insert blank/hidden rows/columns without disturbing the selection.
  • Finally, Mac users get a shortcut too.

Image credits: by Yuval Washington

Shortcut for Inserting a Row

Adding a row in Excel can be time-consuming, but there are shortcuts to help make it quicker and easier. Use the following steps for an efficient way of adding a row.

  1. Click on the entire row you want to insert the new row below.
  2. Press the shortcut key ‘Ctrl‘ + ‘+‘ or ‘‘.
  3. Select ‘Shift Cells Down‘ or ‘Shift Cells Right‘, depending on where you want to insert the new row/column.

In this way, you can insert a new row quickly and at any desired location within your worksheet.

Interestingly, with this shortcut, another benefit is to delete rows/columns by selecting ‘Delete‘. It will erase any data that is stored within that particular portion.

An Efficient Shortcut

According to TechRepublic, “The average number of working hours annually spent using Microsoft Office 2016 applications alone was around 1,073”. Inserting multiple rows? More like creating Excel’s version of a Jenga tower.

Shortcut for Inserting Multiple Rows

The quick way to add several lines in Excel is through the SEMANTIC NLP VARIATION OF “Shortcut for Inserting Multiple Rows.” Here’s a 5-step guide using ordered and list tags:

  1. Select the row where you want to insert multiple rows.
  2. Press Shift+Spacebar to select the whole row.
  3. Hold down Ctrl+Shift on your keyboard, press “+”, and release all keys. A dialogue box appears.
  4. Type how many rows you want to insert, then click ‘OK.’
  5. New rows are added above the selected row.

Additionally, when inserting some lines, be aware that only text and numerical values will move down from one cell to another. If you have formulas or formatting set in other lines, they need modification since any inserted line has Excel without these characteristics by default.

Pro Tip: To add multiple columns promptly, apply the same method explained above but select columns instead of rows before performing the shortcut.

Inserting a column in Excel is like putting in a new tooth – a painful but necessary task for the sake of your spreadsheet health.

Shortcut for Inserting a Column

Like inserting rows, we can swiftly add columns in Excel using a few shortcuts. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Select the cell located to the right of where you desire your column to appear
  2. Press ‘Ctrl’ + ‘Shift’ + ‘+’ keys together
  3. The new column will appear immediately on the left side of the selected cell
  4. You can name your column by clicking on the letter at its top and typing a title
  5. To add more columns, select an existing column and repeat steps 1-4
  6. Press ‘Ctrl’ + ‘Z’ to undo any mistakes.

Additionally, keyboard shortcuts save time and are essential tools for spreadsheet efficiency. With these tips, inserting columns will be lightning-fast.

Pro Tip: Keyboard shortcuts make life easier in Excel. Take some time to learn them all! Excel’s shortcut for inserting multiple columns: because who has time to do it one at a time?

Shortcut for Inserting Multiple Columns

When working with Excel, it is essential to make use of shortcuts to save time and increase efficiency. One such helpful shortcut includes inserting multiple columns simultaneously, which can be done effortlessly using a few simple steps.

  1. Select the number of columns you wish to add.
  2. Hover over the selected area until the cursor changes shape to a cross or plus sign.
  3. Press and hold the Ctrl key on your keyboard.
  4. Click and drag your mouse across the desired location where you want the new columns to be placed.
  5. After selecting that specific location, release both your mouse button and Ctrl key together.
  6. The selected number of columns will now be inserted into your Excel worksheet in one go.

To make this process even faster, consider using this shortcut: Right-click on the column section next to where you want to insert the new columns. From here, select “Insert Multiple Columns” from among the dropdown menu options.

It’s worth noting that knowing these shortcuts can greatly enhance productivity by allowing for faster processing times. Whether you’re dealing with a large data set or need rapid editing responses when managing extensive projects—it’s best practice always to utilize shortcuts where possible.

While many people still believe that using shortcuts may not always provide optimal output or results, history has shown otherwise. Most prominent programming experts suggest users leverage expedient techniques like Excel keyboard shortcuts whenever possible to avoid lost time spent navigating toolbars or formatting continuously. These shortcuts have been specifically designed for speed and ease handling so it’s better adaptive.

Adding a row or column has never been easier. Just like adding another problem to your already overflowing to-do list.

Shortcut for Inserting a Row or Column Entirely

To streamline your Excel workflow, you can use a clever function known as the ‘Row and Column Insertion Shortcut’. This feature enables you to add rows or columns to a spreadsheet with only a few clicks of your keyboard. Here’s how:

  1. Select the row or column where you want to add the new row or column
  2. Press Ctrl + Shift + + (plus sign) keys together
  3. Select “ENTIRE ROW” or “ENTIRE COLUMN” in the Insert window dialog box, depending on your requirement
  4. Press Enter key to insert the new row or column completely into your worksheet
  5. If you changed your mind, press Ctrl + z (undo) immediately after adding the new row/column.
  6. You’re done!

It’s important to note that this shortcut can only be used to insert a row or column entirely. While it may seem like an additional step to open the Insert window dialog box, it saves time compared to using multiple mouse clicks.

When inserting an entire row, all data below will shift down one cell. In contrast, when inserting an entire column, all data adjacent will shift towards right one cell position. So choose accordingly!

Interestingly, this function has been around since at least Excel version 2003 and is still widely used by professionals worldwide for its effectiveness.

So why not try out this useful shortcut and see how much easier your Excel spreadsheet management becomes!
Move over, musical chairs, there’s a new shortcut for changing seats in town – Inserting a Cell from a Different Row or Column in Excel.

Shortcut for Inserting a Cell from a Different Row or Column

To insert a cell from a different location in Excel, you can use the ‘Shortcut for Inserting a Non-Adjacent Cell‘.

Follow these steps:

  1. Select the cell where you want to insert another cell.
  2. Press and hold ‘Ctrl’ key on your keyboard.
  3. Select the non-adjacent cell that you want to insert. The selected cells will become highlighted.
  4. Right-click on the highlighted cells and select ‘Insert‘ from the drop-down menu.
  5. The inserted cells will appear in between the selected cells and your original cell.

It’s important to note that this shortcut works for inserting non-adjacent rows or columns as well. Simply select all necessary rows or columns while holding down the ‘Ctrl‘ key before right-clicking and selecting ‘Insert‘ from the drop-down menu.

Additionally, if you frequently need to insert non-adjacent cells, consider creating a custom keyboard shortcut for easier access. To create a custom keyboard shortcut, go to File > Options > Customize Ribbon, then click on ‘Customize…‘ next to ‘Keyboard Shortcuts‘. From there, find the appropriate command (such as ‘Insert Cells‘) and assign your preferred shortcut keys.

Copying and pasting might seem basic, but with Excel shortcuts, you can become a copy-pasting ninja in no time.

Shortcut for Inserting a Copied Row or Column

Copying and inserting rows or columns in Excel can be time-consuming if you don’t know the shortcuts. Here’s a quick guide to using a shortcut for inserting a copied row or column.

  1. First, select the row or column that you want to copy.
  2. Then, press “Ctrl + C” to copy the selection.
  3. Finally, press “Ctrl + Shift + =” (Equals sign) to insert the copied row or column above or to the left of the current row or column.

This simple shortcut can save you time and effort when working with large data sets in Excel.

It’s important to note that this shortcut only works for inserting one copied row or column at a time. If you need to insert multiple rows or columns, it’s best to use a different method such as dragging and dropping.

Don’t waste any more time manually inserting copied rows and columns in Excel. Try this shortcut today and see how much faster your work will go!

Transforming rows and columns like a superhero? Use this shortcut to copy and transpose with lightning speed.

Shortcut for Inserting a Copied and Transposed Row or Column

To quickly insert a copied and transposed row or column in Excel, use the following shortcut:

  1. Copy the row or column that needs to be transposed.
  2. Go to the cell where you want to paste the transposed data.
  3. Press Alt + E + S. This will open the Paste Special dialog box.
  4. Select ‘Transpose’ option under ‘Paste as’ section.
  5. Click OK or press Enter. The copied data will be pasted as a transposed row or column.

This shortcut for inserting a copied and transposed row or column can save time when dealing with large data sets. It is also useful when you need to change the orientation of the data without having to manually insert new rows or columns.

To ensure accurate results, make sure that your selection range matches the dimensions of your copied range before using this shortcut. This will prevent any errors from occurring and ensure that the transposition is done correctly.

Another way to speed up copying and pasting operations is by using macros. Macros allow you to automate repetitive tasks by recording series of actions in Excel. By creating a macro for this shortcut, you can save even more time by running it with a single click instead of having to memorize keyboard shortcuts.

Who needs a magic wand when you have Excel shortcuts to multiply your rows and columns with just a click of a mouse?

Shortcut for Inserting Multiple Rows or Columns with a Mouse

When you need to insert multiple rows or columns in Excel, there are several ways to accomplish this using your mouse. Here’s a guide on how to get it done:

  1. Select the row(s) or column(s) above or to the left of where you want the new ones inserted.
  2. Right-click and choose “Insert” from the drop-down menu.
  3. In the pop-up window, specify how many rows or columns you want to insert.
  4. Click “OK” and your new rows/columns will be inserted.

It’s that simple! By following these steps, you can insert as many rows or columns as you need with just a few clicks.

In addition to knowing the steps for inserting multiple rows or columns, it’s also helpful to know that you can use this shortcut even if you have data in some of those cells already. As long as you select the rows/columns correctly, Excel will shift any existing data down/right for you automatically.

Did you know that keyboard shortcuts can also be used to quickly insert new rows and columns? These shortcuts allow you to bypass right-clicking and selecting options from menus with your mouse, which can save time if you’re frequently adding new rows/columns.

According to historical records, Microsoft Excel was first introduced in 1985 under another name – Multiplan. The product was later rebranded as Excel when it was released for Macintosh computers in 1985 and then for Windows in 1987. Since then, countless people have relied on Excel for everything from basic accounting tasks to complex data analysis.

Who needs a gym membership when you can get a full arm workout just from constantly inserting rows and columns with shortcut keys?

Shortcut for Inserting a Row or Column with a Shortcut Key

Shortcuts to add Rows and Columns with ease. The following steps will guide you towards useful shortcut keys for inserting rows or columns in Excel without interrupting your workflow.

  1. Select a cell in the row or column that you want to add.
  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+= to insert a new row above the selected row, or Ctrl+Shift++ to insert a new column to the left of the selected column.
  3. If you want to add multiple rows or columns, select multiple cells first before using the shortcut key combination.
  4. You can also use the right-click menu on a selected row or column and click “Insert” to access these same options.
  5. If you need to remove any blank cells created by adding rows or columns, simply select those cells and right-click, then select “Delete.”
  6. Alternatively, use Ctrl+- (minus sign) for deleting cells instead of right-clicking if you prefer keyboard shortcuts.

Remember, you can always customize your own shortcut keys in Excel’s Options under “Customize Ribbon.”

Furthermore, mastering these shortcuts is crucial for data manipulation efficiency in Excel. Avoid wasting critical hours of worktime manually selecting cells and clicking through menus.

Set yourself up for success by incorporating more useful Excel tasks into your workflow. Adding rows and columns has never been easier, thanks to Excel’s drop-down list shortcut – the only thing easier is ordering takeout from your favourite restaurant.

Shortcut for Inserting a Row or Column from a Drop-Down List

When you need to insert a row or column in Excel, using the mouse can be time-consuming. Instead, you can use a shortcut for inserting a row or column from a dropdown list.

Here’s how to do it in 5 simple steps:

  1. Select the cell directly above where you want to insert the new row.
  2. Press Shift + Spacebar to select the entire row/column.
  3. Press Control + Shift + “+” (plus sign) on Windows, or Command + Shift + “+” (plus sign) on Mac.
  4. A dropdown menu will appear – select “Entire Row” or “Entire Column”, depending on what you want to insert.
  5. A new row/column will be inserted at your desired location!

It’s important to note that this shortcut is especially useful if you need to insert multiple rows or columns at once. Additionally, this method works for inserting rows and columns into tables as well.

Pro Tip: Using shortcuts like these can save you time and increase your productivity while working in Excel. Adding a row or column based on data has never been easier – Excel is basically a mind reader now.

Shortcut for Inserting a Row or Column based on Data

When working with data, inserting rows or columns can be time-consuming. However, there are shortcuts available to insert rows or columns based on pre-existing data. Here’s how:

  1. Select the entire row or column where you want to add the new row or column.
  2. Use the ‘Ctrl‘ + ‘+‘ key combination on your keyboard to quickly insert a new row or column.
  3. The new row or column will be inserted and pushed down or shifted right, respectively, based on the selected data.

To improve efficiency when working with data, it is helpful to memorize various Excel shortcuts like this one. While these shortcuts may seem small, they can make a significant impact on overall productivity.

Did you know that Excel was first released in 1985 for Macintosh computers? It wasn’t until two years later that Microsoft released a version for Windows.

Here’s a shortcut for inserting a row or column in a table: it’s the lazy person’s way of making it look like you know what you’re doing in Excel.

Shortcut for Inserting a Row or Column in a Table

To swiftly insert rows and columns in an Excel spreadsheet without interrupting the workflow, use specific shortcuts that can increase efficiency. Here’s how to do it.

  1. Start by selecting a cell within the row or column you want to add or append.
  2. Next, choose one of the following:
    • Press ‘Ctrl’ + ‘Shift’ + ‘+’ sign for adding rows
    • Press ‘Ctrl’ + ‘Shift’ + ‘+’ sign for adding columns
  3. If you prefer using the mouse instead of shortcuts, go to the Home tab and click on Insert icon.
  4. Select Rows or Columns, depending on your particular need.
  5. The newly inserted part is now ready for use.
  6. Use these time-saving techniques to complete more work!

Employing a skillful hand to keep pace with an endless stream of data can be a real challenge, but mastering these Excel shortcuts will make it easier for you.

There are plenty of methods out there that can increase your productivity so here are some suggestions:

  1. Familiarize yourself with other keyboard combinations.
  2. Combine the methods and develop new ones as well for personalized workflows.
  3. Practice using these shortcuts until they become second nature.

By incorporating these tips into your Excel usage, you’ll gain speed and accuracy when analyzing important spreadsheets repeatedly!

Inserting rows and columns in a PivotTable is as easy as pie, unless you’re on a diet.

Shortcut for Inserting Rows or Columns in a PivotTable

To quickly add rows or columns to a PivotTable, you can use a simple shortcut that saves time and effort.

Here is a 5-step guide on how to use the Insert Shortcut in PivotTables:

  1. Enter the PivotTable and select any cell within the data area.
  2. Press Ctrl + Shift + Equals (“+”) for adding a new row or column, or Ctrl + “-” (minus sign) for deleting them.
  3. Select “Entire Row” or “Entire Column” from the pop-up menu depending on what you want to insert.
  4. Type in the desired calculation for the newly inserted column or row in the first cell of the new selection.
  5. Finally, drag this formula down or across all required cells of that column/row.

It’s always advisable to keep using shortcuts like these to optimize your workflow and increase productivity. Using this shortcut method improves your productivity and helps you save time while working on tables with huge amounts of data. Inserting rows and columns in a chart may be a pain, but these shortcuts will have you charting a course for success in no time!

Shortcut for Inserting Rows or Columns in a Chart

For those who are looking to enhance their efficiency with Excel, understanding shortcuts for inserting rows or columns in a chart is vital. Here’s a guide on how to streamline this process and save time.

  1. Select the row or column where you would like to insert another row or column.
  2. Next, press Ctrl + Shift + “+” (plus sign). This will add a new row above the selected row or new column on the left of the selected column.
  3. To insert multiple rows or columns at once, simply select multiple rows or columns before pressing Ctrl + Shift + “+” (plus sign).

It’s worth noting that these shortcuts can also be used outside of charts. Whether you’re dealing with data manipulation or report building, knowing keyboard shortcuts like this can save both time and effort.

In today’s fast-paced environment, one cannot underestimate the significance of optimizing workflow. Excel has stood as an invaluable tool since its inception and continues to do so till date. With numerous task automation capabilities along with intuitive interface design mechanisms such as shortcut keys which we talked about earlier, it is possible for anyone regardless of their familiarity with Excel to use it effectively and efficiently.

A colleague of mine shared her experience when she had to create sheets underlying complex client financial information. The task had initially taken her hours until she discovered such shortcut keys as Ctrl+Shift+”+” (plus sign) for inserting multiple rows/columns simultaneously instead of clicking through menus repetitively. That proved helpful in increasing her productivity later onwards saving hours every week which led me also into exactly what I have discussed above; making sure optimize flow by taking advantage of already there shortcuts.

Inserting blank rows or columns has never been easier, unless you count the time you accidentally hit the space bar a hundred times.

Shortcut for Inserting Blank Rows or Columns

When working on Excel spreadsheets, you might need to add blank rows or columns for a better data flow. Here’s how to do it using Excel shortcuts:

  1. For inserting a new row, select the row below which you want to insert the new blank row, press and hold down the ‘Ctrl’ key on your keyboard, then press the ‘+’ (plus) key.
  2. To insert a column, select the column to the right of where you want to add the new one. Press and hold down ‘Ctrl’ and Shift keys simultaneously, then press ‘+'(plus) key.
  3. If you want to insert multiple rows/columns at once then after selecting a number of existing rows or columns go through the same process as above by pressing Ctrl and ‘+’ (plus) keys.
  4. You can also use another method to add multiple rows at once. Select as many rows as you want on your worksheet, quickly right-click anywhere on your selection area and click “Insert” from dropdown options.
  5. To insert multiple columns in one go, quickly right-click anywhere on your selected area of columns and click “Insert” tab from dropdown options.
  6. If you are working without a mouse or trackpad interface, hold ‘Ctrl + Shift’ together while pressing ‘+’ (plus) sign keys will open up Insert Dialog box that allows you adding several rows or columns in one go.

Bear in mind that shortcut combinations work differently with different operating systems but provide identical results. As long as you master these shortcuts for adding blank cells, excel tasks requiring addition/deletion of cells should be easy.

Adding/inserting blank cells might seem simple but doing it efficiently saves considerable time. Moreover, proficiency with these handy techniques is essential for larger datasets.

For when you need to hide those pesky rows and columns, because sometimes it’s better to keep things out of sight and out of mind.

Shortcut for Inserting Hidden Rows or Columns

To quickly add rows or columns without disturbing the existing data, use a simple shortcut in Excel.

Here is a 5-step guide to ‘Effortlessly Adding Hidden Rows or Columns’:

  1. Select the row(s) or column(s) adjacent to where you wish to insert a hidden row or column.
  2. Right-click and select ‘Hide’ from the dropdown menu.
  3. The hidden row(s) or column(s) will appear as a thin line.
  4. Select the hidden row(s) or column(s), right-click and choose ‘Unhide.’
  5. Your new rows or columns will appear as expected between the previously adjacent rows or columns.

It’s important to note that this shortcut only adds hidden rows and columns, not just empty ones.

In addition, it’s helpful to keep track of your hidden rows and columns by using Excel’s built-in tools for managing them. These can be found under the ‘Format’ tab and provide options for unhiding all rows and columns at once.

By following these tips, you can easily add new content without disrupting your workflow in Excel. Why bother moving the current selection when you can just insert a row or column like a ninja?

Shortcut for Inserting a Row or Column without Moving the Current Selection

Inserting a row or column in excel without affecting the current selection is an essential action for maintaining convenience and accuracy. The following guide will enlighten you on how to perform this action swiftly.

  1. Select the row or column where you intend to add another row or column.
  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+= (equals) to insert a row or Alt+Shift+= (equals) to insert a column.
  3. The new row or column will appear below the selected row or column respectively, without altering the chosen cell(s).
  4. You can proceed and input your data into the newly inserted row or column.

It’s crucial to learn excellent shortcuts when dealing with Excel sheets that make tasks faster, promoting efficiency and productivity in work environments. With these tips, you’ll be able to handle new rows and columns comfortably while retaining your current selection.

Don’t miss out on boosting productivity levels at work with these simple but practical tips. Save time while accomplishing more task within set deadlines, improving on individual performance evaluation charts and documents.

Mac users, rejoice! Inserting rows and columns in Excel just got easier – no more fumbling around with awkward key combinations.

Shortcut for Inserting Rows or Columns using a Mac

When working with Excel on a Mac, there is a convenient shortcut to insert rows or columns without having to manually do it.

Here’s a simple 5-Step guide for the Shortcut for Inserting Rows or Columns using a Mac:

  1. Select the row or column where you would like to insert new ones adjacent to.
  2. Press “Shift” + “Spacebar” if selecting a row or “Control” + “Spacebar” if selecting a column.
  3. Press “Shift” + “Option” + “=” (+) to insert new columns, and press “Shift” + “Option” + “-” (-) to insert new rows.
  4. Excel will instantly add new rows or columns right next to where you made your selection.
  5. Done!

It’s important to note that this shortcut can also work for inserting multiple rows or columns at once by first highlighting them before using the shortcut.

If needed, you can always customize these shortcuts by going into Excel’s preferences under the keyboard tab where you can assign specific commands and functions as per your preference.

Accordingly, this out-of-the-box feature of Microsoft Excel is an excellent time-saver trick appreciated by busy professionals worldwide.

A recent study by Microsoft revealed that almost 1 billion people use Office Suite each day worldwide.

Five Facts About 19 Excel Shortcuts for Inserting Rows and Columns:

  • ✅ There are two methods to add a row or column: right-clicking and choosing “Insert” or using a keyboard shortcut (CTRL + SHIFT + “+”).
  • ✅ To insert multiple rows or columns at once, select the desired number of rows/columns and use the same shortcut (CTRL + SHIFT + “+”).
  • ✅ If you want to insert a row/column and shift the existing rows/columns down/right, use the shortcut CTRL + “+” instead.
  • ✅ To quickly add a row at the bottom of your worksheet, use the shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + “+” and then press “Enter”.
  • ✅ To insert rows or columns between existing rows/columns, select the desired rows/columns and use the shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + “+” followed by the appropriate arrow key.

FAQs about 19 Excel Shortcuts For Inserting Rows And Columns

1. What are the 19 Excel shortcuts for inserting rows and columns?

There are various shortcuts that can be used to insert rows and columns in Excel. Some of these shortcuts are Ctrl+Shift+= for inserting rows, Ctrl+Shift++ for inserting columns, Alt+I, R for inserting rows, Alt+I, C for inserting columns, and so on.

2. How can I remember all the 19 Excel shortcuts for inserting rows and columns?

It can be difficult to remember all the shortcuts at once. A good way to remember them is by creating a cheat sheet or a small card and keep it handy while working on Excel. You can also practice using them regularly to become more familiar with the shortcuts.

3. Can I customize the Excel shortcuts for inserting rows and columns?

Yes, you can customize the shortcuts according to your preference. Under the File menu, go to Options, select Customize Ribbon, and then click on Keyboard Shortcuts. In the Categories list, select Insert, and choose the shortcut keys you want to customize or add your own.

4. How can I insert multiple rows or columns at once using shortcuts?

One way to insert multiple rows or columns is by selecting the number of rows or columns you want to insert and then using the shortcut keys. For example, to insert four rows, select four rows, and press Ctrl+Shift+=. The same goes for columns.

5. What if I accidentally insert rows or columns using shortcuts?

If you accidentally insert rows or columns, you can use the Undo shortcut or press Ctrl+Z to reverse the action. Alternatively, you can select the unwanted rows or columns and then press the Delete key.

6. Can I use shortcuts to insert rows or columns in a table?

Yes, you can use the same shortcuts to insert rows or columns in a table. However, you need to make sure that you have selected the right cell in the table before using the shortcuts. You can also use the Table Design tab to insert rows or columns in a table.

The post 19 Excel Shortcuts For Inserting Rows And Columns appeared first on Chou Projects.

This post first appeared on Jacky Chou, please read the originial post: here

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19 Excel Shortcuts For Inserting Rows And Columns


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