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Microsoft Cements Its Gaming Future with Activision Blizzard Acquisition


After almost twenty-one months of waiting amidst regulatory complications, Microsoft has at last finalized its acquisition of Activision Blizzard. This $68.7 billion deal marks a pivotal chapter in the gaming world, despite the US Federal Trade Commission’s ongoing efforts to undo this merger. The odds, however, seem to favor Microsoft. Satya Nadella, Microsoft’s CEO, discussed the company’s visions post-acquisition, emphasizing a reinforced focus on game development and publishing.

Nadella’s Vision for Gaming at Microsoft

  • Nadella, in interviews with both Axel Springer via and Business Insider, expressed that Microsoft’s commitment to gaming traces back to its earliest days.
  • Identifying developer tools, proprietary software, and gaming as Microsoft’s foundational pillars, Nadella sees gaming as a prime avenue for significant contributions in the consumer market.
  • He acknowledged the transformative shifts in the gaming world, citing the evolution in game production, delivery methods, and the platforms being used. From mobiles to PCs, consoles, and the expanding cloud, gaming is undergoing a revolution.
  • Nadella’s strategic vision doesn’t hint at Xbox’s decline. Instead, it echoes the “games-first” approach, a sentiment earlier voiced by Xbox chief, Phil Spencer.

Gaming: A Long-standing Pillar for Microsoft

Nadella’s recent remarks resonate with Microsoft’s history in the gaming domain. The company launched its first game back in 1979, showcasing a passion for gaming that has endured for decades. In his words, Nadella illustrated how gaming, especially among the Gen Z demographic, is gaining traction. The time devoted to gaming is surging, and this provides an opportune moment for Microsoft to enhance its mark in the consumer sector.

Microsoft’s Game Plan: Past and Future

Microsoft’s dedication to gaming isn’t just a recent phenomenon. Nadella played a pivotal role in prioritizing gaming within the company. His decision in September 2017 to include Phil Spencer, the head of Xbox, into Microsoft’s Senior Leadership Team was a testament to this commitment. Shortly after, Nadella shared the company’s ambition of devising a Netflix-like game subscription service through Game Pass.

  • In 2018, Microsoft began its strategic acquisition journey, starting with gaming studios such as Ninja Theory, Playground Games, Undead Labs, Compulsion Games, Obsidian, and inXile.
  • Progressing on this path, 2019 saw the acquisition of Double Fine Productions, followed by a whopping $7.5 billion deal for ZeniMax Media in 2021.
  • The recent Activision Blizzard acquisition, priced at $68.7 billion, is not just a continuation of this trend but perhaps a pinnacle, positioning Microsoft among the most prominent game publishers globally.
  • Given Nadella’s statements, the industry can likely anticipate more investments from Microsoft in the gaming segment.

Post-acquisition Speculations and Expectations

With such a significant consolidation in the gaming industry, there are a few critical questions and speculations making rounds:

  • Integration with Game Pass: One of the immediate expectations is the integration of Activision Blizzard’s titles into Microsoft’s Game Pass subscription service. This move could significantly bolster the Game Pass library, making it an even more attractive proposition for gamers globally.
  • Cloud Gaming Expansion: Microsoft’s push towards cloud gaming via Project xCloud could benefit immensely from the acquisition. Popular titles from Activision Blizzard could be optimized for cloud streaming, making high-end gaming experiences more accessible to a broader audience.
  • Cross-platform Enhancements: Given Microsoft’s expertise in developing cross-platform systems and Activision Blizzard’s broad game titles, there’s anticipation for improved cross-platform play, allowing gamers to compete or cooperate across different devices seamlessly.


With the successful completion of the Activision Blizzard deal, Microsoft stands on the brink of a new gaming era. The acquisition, while monumental, seems to be just the beginning. As the gaming landscape continues to evolve, Microsoft, with its history and renewed vision, is poised to lead the industry into the future. The message from Nadella is clear: Microsoft is doubling down on its commitment to gaming, and the world can expect more innovations, acquisitions, and advancements in the coming years.

As the dust settles on this landmark acquisition, industry experts and gaming enthusiasts alike are keenly observing Microsoft’s next steps. The fusion of Activision Blizzard’s rich portfolio with Microsoft’s technological prowess signals the potential onset of innovative gaming experiences that could redefine user engagement and game mechanics.

This post first appeared on Iphone 6 Archives - The Tech Bulletin, please read the originial post: here

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Microsoft Cements Its Gaming Future with Activision Blizzard Acquisition
