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Dividend Payout Ratio | Top Examples | Formula | Analysis

Dividend Payout Ratio is an important indicator of how a company is doing financially. As we note from above, Colgate Dividend Payout Ratio was 61.78% in 2016-17. However, Amazon, Google, and Berkshire Hathway haven’t paid a penny to the shareholders via Dividends. What does this mean? Does dividend payout ratio say anything about the growth of the company? How would you compute dividend payout ratio?

In this article, we will look at the nitty-gritty of dividend payout ratio.

  • What is Dividend Payout Ratio?
  • Dividend Payout Ratio Formula
  • Dividend Payout Ratio Interpretation
  • Dividend Payout Ratio Example
    • Dividend Payout Ratio – Example # 1
    • Dividend Payout Ratio – Example # 2
    • Dividend Payout Ratio – Example # 3
  • Apple – Dividend Payout Ratio
  • Why Exxon’s Dividends Payout Ratio is Increasing?
  • Global Banks – Stable Dividend Payout Ratio
  • Internet Companies – No Dividend Payout
  • Oil & Gas E&P – Negative Dividends Payout Ratio
  • Limitations of Dividend Payout Ratio
  • Conclusion

What is Dividend Payout Ratio?

The primary motto of a company is to maximize the wealth of the shareholders. The company takes the money from the shareholders to finance its on-going projects/operations and then when these projects/operations make a profit, it becomes a duty and obligation for the company to share the profits with its shareholders. The amount of profit the company shares with the shareholders during a particular period is called “dividend”. And the percentage of the dividend that the company pays (out of the income they make), it’s called “dividend payout ratio”.

  • You may wonder – do companies pay all of the profit to shareholders? Sometimes they do. But in most cases, the companies keep a percentage of profit so that they can reinvest in their expansion. This percentage of profit is called “retained earnings”. And the act of keeping a portion of profit separately is called “plowing back of profits”.
  • If we look at start-up companies, we would see that dividend is not always paid out in the initial phases. Because whatever profits the organizations generate need to reinvest into their own operations for expanding their markets and customer reach. Other than start-ups, many tech giants rarely give away dividends to their shareholders. For example, Apple was established back in the 1970s. But Apple started giving dividends in 2012 to its shareholders. Amazon, Facebook, Google haven’t yet paid a penny in dividends.
  • Conversely, there are also many companies which give away dividend as if they don’t need to keep the money for operations at all. Thus, their percentage of dividend payout is unreasonably higher.
  • As an investor, you should look at all the aspects of a company to decide whether to invest into the company; not only the dividend payout ratio. For companies, they need to take a balanced approach to deal with their dividend payments, because keeping the money for the expansion of operations is equally important for the perpetuity of the company.

Dividend Payout Ratio Formula

Let’s look at the dividend payout ratio formula.

Dividend Payout Ratio Formula #1

First, we will talk about the most usual one and then explain other two to expand on the concept.

Dividend Payout Ratio Formula = Dividends / Net Income

In simple terms, dividend payout ratio is the percentage of net income that is paid to the shareholders as a dividend.

To practically apply this ratio, you need to go to the income statement of the company, look at the “net income” and find out if there is any “dividend payments”. In the example section, we will see how to compute dividend payout ratio using this formula.

Dividend Payout Ratio Formula #2

However, this is not the only formula to calculate dividend payout ratio. Let’s have a look at the next formula of dividend payout ratio –

Dividend Payout Ratio Formula = 1 – Retention Ratio

As mentioned above dividend is one portion of the profit. Another portion which the company keeps for reinvesting into the expansion of the company is called retained earnings. And when we compute the percentage of retained earnings out of net income, we would get retention ratio.

Retention Ratio = Retained Earnings / Net Income

So, in simple terms,

Dividend Payout Ratio Formula = 1 – (Retained Earnings / Net Income)

Or, Dividend Payout Ratio = (Net Income – Retained Earnings)/Net Income

If you know the Net Income and Retained Earnings, you would easily be able to find out the dividend pay-out ratio of the company (if any). Just deduct the retained earnings from the net income and the divide the figure by net income. And you will get the dividend payout ratio.

Dividend Payout Ratio Formula #3

But this is not it. There is another formula of dividend payout ratio which we should look into.

Here’s the formula –

Dividend Payout Ratio Formula = Dividends per Share (DPS) / Earnings per Share (EPS)

This formula is useful when you don’t have an immediate access to the income statement of the company and you only have DPS and EPS. Simply divide DPS by EPS and you would get the dividend payout ratio.

If you know the dividends and earnings, there is no way you should use this formula. But if you want to know the “per share” basis, here’s what you should do. Divide the dividend by the number of shares and you would get DPS. Then divide the net income by the number of shares and you would get EPS.

Most people use the first formula. But in cases where you can’t access to the income statement, the alternative methods can be used.

Also, have a look at Dividend Yield Ratio

Dividend Payout Ratio Interpretation

To interpret dividend payout ratio, we need to consider few things –

  • The maturity of the Organization- First of all, by dividend payout ratio, one can understand the level of maturity of an organization. For example, if an organization is growth-oriented and new in the market, chances are that most of the profits it would reinvest into the expansion of its operations. Rarely these new, growth-oriented companies pay dividends because to be able to pay dividends they first need to go beyond its initial stage of business. Think of Amazon here.
  • Reinvestment Opportunities – In some cases, established companies always don’t pay a lot of dividends to the shareholders. In that case, it’s really a test of shareholders’ patience as with time they would expect more and more benefits to being returned to them. But many established companies justify their 0% payout ratio by reinvesting more and more money into the operation to ensure that the shareholders’ money gets utilized properly and generates a better return for them in near future. Think of Berkshire Hathaway here.
  • Maintaining Dividend Payout Each Year – There are other aspects of dividend payout ratio should also be considered. If a company has started giving dividend for few years, it should ensure that it gives away dividend every year without any downward trend. Maintenance of dividend payout every year helps the company doing good in the stock market and more and more investors get attracted to invest into the company. Think of Colgate here.
  • Upward Trend in Dividends – Every company which pays a dividend should aim to pay a higher dividend each year to the shareholders than the previous year. A long upward trend ensures that the company is financially healthy and doing great in terms of generating revenue. Higher payout of dividends is not applicable for every company but there are exceptions. For example, REITs (Real Estate Investment Trust) are legally obligated to pay 90% of their earnings to shareholders. In the case of MLPs (Master Limited Partnership), though not mandatory, dividend payout ratio is usually higher.

Dividend Payout Ratio Example

Let’s see few examples to analyze Dividend Payout Ratio from all angles.

Dividend Payout Ratio – Example # 1

Let’s look at the Income Statement of ABC Company for the year 2015 and 2016 –

Details 2016 (In US $) 2015 (In US $)
Sales 30,00,000 28,00,000
(-) Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) (21,00,000) (20,00,000)
Gross Profit 900,000 800,000
General Expenses 180,000 120,000
Selling Expenses 220,000 230,000
Total Operating Expenses (400,000) (350,000)
Operating Income 500,000 450,000
Interest expenses (50,000) (50,000)
Profit before Income Tax 450,000 400,000
Income Tax (125,000) (100,000)
Net Income 325,000 300,000

It is also reported that the dividend payment for the year 2016 was US $50,000 and for the year 2015 was US $40,000.

Perform Dividend Payout Ratio Analysis

First of all, there are two things to consider here.

First, dividend payment for the year would not come in the Income statement of the company. As dividend payment is not an expense, it should not reduce the earnings by any means.

Second, how much dividend was paid for the year would be taken into account in the financing section of the cash flow statement. So if you want to find dividend pay-out ratio in the usual way, you need to have access to both income statement and cash flow statement.

Now, let’s calculate the dividend payout ratio by using the usual ratio.

Details 2016 (In US $) 2015 (In US $)
Dividend Payment (1) 50,000 40,000
Net Income (2) 325,000 300,000
Dividend Pay-out Ratio (1/2) 15.38% 13.33%

If we compare the dividend payout ratio for both the years, we would see that in 2016, the dividend payout is more than the previous year. Depending on where the company stands in the level of maturity as a business, we would interpret it. If ABC Company is beyond the initial stages of development, this is a healthy sign.

In the next example, we will see an extension of the previous example. But the computation method of dividend payout ratio would be different.

Dividend Payout Ratio – Example # 2

Let’s look at the Income Statement and Balance Sheet of ABC Company for the year 2015 and 2016 –

Details 2016 (In US $) 2015 (In US $)
Sales 30,00,000 28,00,000
(-) Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) (21,00,000) (20,00,000)
Gross Profit 900,000 800,000
General Expenses 180,000 120,000
Selling Expenses 220,000 230,000
Total Operating Expenses (400,000) (350,000)
Operating Income 500,000 450,000
Interest expenses (50,000) (50,000)
Profit before Income Tax 450,000 400,000
Income Tax (125,000) (100,000)
Net Income 325,000 300,000

Balance Sheet of ABC Company

2016 (In US $) 2015 (In US $)
Current Assets 300,000 400,000
Investments 45,00,000 41,00,000
Plant & Machinery 13,00,000 16,00,000
Intangible Assets 15,000 10,000
Total Assets 61,15,000 61,10,000
Current Liabilities 200,000 2,70,000
Long term Liabilities 1,15,000 1,40,000
Total Liabilities 3,15,000 4,10,000
Stockholders’ Equity
Preferred Stock 550,000 550,000
Common Stock 50,00,000 50,00,000
Retained Earnings 250,000 150,000
Total Stockholders’ Equity 58,00,000 57,00,000
Total liabilities & Stockholders’ Equity 61,15,000 61,10,000

Note: It is assumed that all the earnings (except the retained earnings) are paid out in the form of the dividend is both the years.

In this example, we need to calculate the dividend payout ratio where we don’t know exactly how much dividend is given.

We will follow the alternative formula of ascertaining dividend payout ratio –

Dividend Payout Ratio Formula = 1 – (Retained Earnings / Net Income)

Or, Dividend Payout Ratio Formula = (Net Income – Retained Earnings)/Net Income

Since we made an assumption here that no earnings were paid for debt, we can compute the dividend pay-out ratio easily.

Details 2016 (In US $) 2015 (In US $)
Retained Earnings (1) 250,000 150,000
Net Income (2) 325,000 300,000
N.I. – R.E. (3 = 2 -1 ) 75,000 150,000
Dividend Payout Ratio (3/2) 23.08% 50%

Let’s look at the last example. In this example, we will find the dividend payout ratio by using another alternative formula.

Dividend Payout Ratio – Example # 3

MNC Company has distributed a dividend of US $20 per share in the year 2016. The earning per share for MNC in the same year is the US $250 per share. Compute the Dividend Payout Ratio of MNC Company.

In this case, we would use this alternative formula –

Dividend Payout Ratio Formula = Dividends per Share (DPS) / Earnings per Share (EPS)

Let’s calculate the Dividend Payout Ratio –

Details 2016 (In US $)
Dividend per share (1) 20
Earnings per share (2) 250
Dividend Pay-out Ratio (1/2) 8%

Apple – Dividend Payout Ratio Analysis

Let’s look at a practical example to understand dividend payout ratio better –

source: ycharts

Items 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Dividends ($ bn) 2.49 10.56 11.13 11.56 12.15
Net Income ($bn) 41.73 37.04 39.51 53.39 45.69
Dividends Payout Ratio 5.97% 28.51% 28.17% 21.65% 26.59%

Till 2011, Apple didn’t pay any dividend to its investors. Because they believed that if they would reinvest the earnings, they would be able to generate better returns for the investors which they did eventually.

Why Exxon’s Dividends Payout Ratio is Increasing?

Let us now perform Dividend Payout Ratio Analysis of Exxon. We note that Exxon’s Dividend Payout ratio has been increasing since 2015. Why is that so? Is the company doing great and hence, increasing its Dividends disproportionately?

source: ycharts

There could be various reasons for the increase. 1) Increase in Dividends 2) Decrease in Net Income 3) Both 1 and 2

# 1 – Increase in Dividends

Below is the trend in Exxon’s Dividends –

source: ycharts

We note from above that Exxon’s dividend outflow has increased from $8.02 billion in 2010 to $12.45 billion in 2016.

# 2 – Decrease in Net Income

Let us now have a look at the trend in Net Income of Exxon.

source: ycharts

We note that Exxon’s Income decreased 82.5% from $44.88 billion in 2012 to $7.84 billion in 2016. This decrease is substantial and has led to the jump in Dividends Payout Ratio.

We can conclude that Exxon’s Dividend Payout Ratio increased due to both the Increase in Dividends Paid as well as the decrease in Net Income.

Global Banks – Stable Dividend Payout Ratio Analysis

Global banks are large market capitalization banks that are mature and growing at a stable growth rate. We note that such banks have an optimal Dividend Payout Ratio. Below is the list of Global Banks along with their Market Capitalization and Dividend Payout Ratio.

S. No Name Market Cap ($ million) Dividend Payout Ratio (Annual)
1 JPMorgan Chase 312895.4 34.3%
2 Wells Fargo 271054.5 41.2%
3 Bank of America 237949.9027 23.4%
4 Citigroup 177530.0 15.3%
5 HSBC Holdings 177155.6 369.4%
6 Royal Bank of Canada 103992.2 48.0%
7 Banco Santander 97118.3 37.2%
8 The Toronto-Dominion Bank 91322.0 43.2%
9 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial 88234.7 31.3%
10 Westpac Banking 78430.5 72.6%
11 Bank of Nova Scotia 71475.7 50.6%
12 ING Groep 66593.5 50.7%
13 UBS Group 60503.3 98.8%
14 BBVA 54568.5 46.0%
15 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial 54215.5 29.0%
  • JPMorgan Chase with Market Capitalization of $312 billion has a dividend payout ratio of 34.3%
  • Citigroup has the lowest Dividend Payout Ratio at 15.3% in the above group
  • HSBC Holding here is an outlier with Dividends Payout Ratio of 369.4%

Internet Companies – No Dividend Payout

Most of the Tech Companies do not give any Dividends as they have greater reinvestment potential as compared to mature Global Banks. Below is the list of Top Internet-based companies along with their Market Capitalization and Dividend Payout Ratio.

S. No Name  Market Cap ($ million) Dividend Payout Ratio (Annual)
1 Alphabet    674,607 0.0%
2 Facebook   443,044 0.0%
3 Baidu   61,442 0.0%
4   56,408 0.0%
5 Altaba   52,184 0.0%
6 Snap   21,083 0.0%
7 Weibo   16,306 0.0%
8 Twitter  12,468 0.0%
9 VeriSign  9,503 0.0%
10 Yandex   8,609 0.0%
11 IAC/InterActive  8,212 0.0%
12 Momo   7,433 0.0%

Despite of having large market cap, Alphabet, Facebook and others do not intend to pay any dividends in the near future. They believe that they can reinvest profits and generate higher returns for the shareholders.

Oil & Gas E&P – Negative Dividends Payout Ratio

Negative dividends Payout Ratio happens when the company pays dividends even when the company made a loss. This is certainly not a healthy sign as the company will have to use the existing cash or raise further capital to pay dividends to the shareholders.

Below is the list of Oil & Gas Exploration & Production companies that are facing a similar situation.

S. No Name  Market Cap ($ million) Dividend Payout Ratio (Annual)
1 ConocoPhillips   57,352 -34.7%
2 EOG Resources   50,840 -34.0%
3 Occidental Petroleum   47,427 -402.3%
4 Canadian Natural   34,573 -371.6%
5 Pioneer Natural Resources    27,009 -2.3%
6 Anadarko Petroleum    26,168 -3.4%
7 Apache   18,953 -27.0%
8 Devon Energy    16,465 -6.7%
9 Hess   13,657 -5.7%
10 Noble Energy   12,597 -17.2%
11 Marathon Oil  10,616 -7.6%
12 Cabot Oil & Gas  10,516 -8.7%
13 EQT   9,274 -4.4%
14 Cimarex Energy   8,888 -9.3%

Limitations of Dividend Payout Ratio

Dividend pay-out ratio always doesn’t give clarity to the investors about the company. There are couple of things that can be called as disadvantages. Let’s have a look at them –

  • First of all, dividend payments are not always similar every year. It depends on many factors which are highly volatile. And dividend payment also changes with the available investment opportunities.
  • In the investment world, the investors want quick fruits. Their desire for instant gratification results in a lower valuation of a company if the company is unable to pay dividends to its investors.


It can be said that dividend payout ratio is a good indicator of how a company is doing in terms of its earnings considering few factors like volatility in the market, in which stage of business cycle the company is in, the need for reinvestment because of expansion of the organization, how a company is being perceived in the stock market and so on and so forth. So as an investor, you need to have a holistic view of the company instead of just judging the company on the basis of dividend payout ratio.


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The post Dividend Payout Ratio | Top Examples | Formula | Analysis appeared first on Free Investment Banking Tutorials | WallStreetMojo.

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Dividend Payout Ratio | Top Examples | Formula | Analysis


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