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Superior Singing Method Online Singing Course

No matter how you look at it, if you feel you need singing lessons you are going to need to make a commitment and spend money. I don’t need to tell you how important it is to spend your money on making sure you get the right professional vocal teacher, who will deliver the highest quality coaching that will benefit you the most. You can buy and download superior singing method here.
So continuing with my commitment to review top quality online singing lessons and vocal coaching programs for you guys

Superior Singing Method Free Download Lessons

These are my own experiences putting the vocal training to use and benefiting from Aaron Anastasi’s professional attitude. While continuing my progress through the Superior Singing Method course, Aaron has always been there to answer any questions his students put to him.

First off, let me introduce you to … Aaron Anastasi, a professional singer and vocal coach. He is responsible for teaching and helping hundreds of people to improve their singing voice, and I now include myself in this bunch of people. Since this is a service product, and you are never likely to meet Aaron Anastasi it’s important for you to understand how Aaron teaches you to sing over the duration of the vocal lessons provided.
How Aaron teaches you:
Aaron teaches you through visual video and audible lessons. Each daily lesson consists of one video and several vocal audio exercises to be performed. Although Aaron is not there in the flesh the videos are extremely professional and Aaron visually explains and performs the exercises in great detail for that day’s lessons.
The vocal exercises are downloadable, one set for male vocalists and one set for female vocalists. Female vocalists in general usually don’t need to warm up as long as males, because the male voice has such a wide range in the chest voice, whereas the female voice switches over the head voice much sooner. So you need to download the required set of singing lessons for your gender. Once you have them downloaded, it’s much easier to follow along with Aaron in the video singing lessons. Aaron does a good job teaching you how to perform and perfect the lessons in the videos. It’s important to Aaron that you learn how to master the exercises correctly as you can transfer them to any portable device you own and practice them when you are away from your desktop computer.
Each audio exercise is of the highest quality and starts of with Aaron taking the lead. The first few seconds of the exercise you will be performing it with Aaron so you can be sure that you’re starting the vocal lesson using the right scale key. I have never come across this before taking online singing lessons. Having Aaron lead me into the exercise installed more confidence in me that I was performing it correctly.
It also installed confidence in me; that Aaron Anastasi is a true professional. If you have ever paid for singing lessons on the high street, you will know how important it is for your vocal teacher to make sure you perform the exercise accurately.
Everyone needs help at some time, my own experiences putting the vocal training to use and continuing my progress through the Superior Singing Method course is, Aaron is always there to help you. It’s just like communicating with Aaron on personal one to one bases. Under each daily lesson, there is a place you can ask questions. If you are not sure if you are mastering the lesson correctly. You can simply ask Aaron for help, and he will reply with the help you need…
The help system works well since you can read all the answers to the help questions Aaron has already replied back to, from his other students.
Now let’s take a look at the member’s area and how superior singing method is laid out and how each day’s lessons are organized.
The members area:

Each vocal session is organized into modules. One module = one week of singing lessons and consists of six lessons, one lesson for each day consists of more than one exercise. You will need one day of rest, hence the reason for only six day’s lessons in each module. There is 31 audio vocal lessons in total and 49 videos to get through. “Warning taking the bull by the horns, like I did is not recommended” I was well happy with what I found and immediately started trying to skip through the singing lessons and paid a high price for my rush to experience what superior singing method had to offer. Don’t do this if you want to talk the next day, I ended up with three days of soreness.
You start off lightly; however, if you are already a proficient singer, and you are accustomed to exercising your vocal muscles, you should be okay to push on without too many consequences.
Master class lessons in singingModule one; Day one lesson and Aaron’s introduction to the full singing lesson’s curriculum.
The first video to watch is Aaron’s introduction to Superior Singing Method. It’s important you watch as Aaron takes you through the singing lessons and explains how you should follow the timetable he has set out for you..
Buy and Download Superior Singing Method 

Module 1: Week 1: Warm Up Exercises
The first lessons in Module one, week one, concentrate on how to warm up your voice correctly. Like I said earlier it’s very easy to get impatient. At this point, you are most likely going to be excited and want to jump right in. You will want to skip through the first-week lessons and experience them all. Don’t do it. The first thing you must do is, view the video for each day’s lessons and listen to Aaron’s instructions. Follow Aaron’s instruction to master each exercise correctly. So as much as you will want to do lesson 1 and then skip right to lesson 2, try not to give in to your want’s and just practice the lessons for that particular day.

Each day’s lessons will build on what you were learning the day before, like so. Day 1: One lesson, Day 2: First-day lesson and a new lesson to learn. By day six you will be practicing and mastering all the lessons learned in the previous five day’s lessons.

Module 2: Week 2: Breath Management
Week two you will learn how to control and manage your breath. There are several breathing techniques and exercisers to focus on and learn. Plus all the warm-up exercises from the previous week to continue to master. As the week progresses you will be introduced to new vocal exercisers and breath management techniques and exercises. I cannot emphasize how important it is to view each video and follow Aaron’s instructions. Each day the lessons can change. Something new is added or taken away so ignoring the videos will cause you some major confusion. You are going to learn 5 new breathing techniques and exercisers, four new vocal plus continue with last weeks vocal warm ups.

Module 3: Week 3: Vocal Tone
In week 3 of your superior singing method lessons you are going to be introduced to four new exercisers. These concentrate on controlling your soft pallet to eliminate nasal problems when you are singing. Your nose is a natural resonator and can cause you problems and affect your vocal tone. All of week 3 Aaron will be discussing how to over come sounding like you are singing with your nose clinched. It’s important you take onboard Aaron’s instructions and practice the exercisers for week 3 and continue with week 1 warm-ups.

Module 4: Week 4: Pitch
If you want to sing pro, semi-pro or just for fun, you will know how important it is to sing on pitch. So in week 4 Aaron rolls out some neat techniques and vocal lessons to master pitch perfect singing. Match and sliding along with muscle memory, bent flame and the lip roll slide are techniques you will learn. I will be the first to come clean and say I found these hard to get right. I’m way of pitch, so I’m expecting it to take a few weeks before I get better at singing on pitch. Furthermore, Aaron mentions that mumbling when you talk can be a big cause of singing of pitch, and I do tend to mumble when I talk. However, the new singing exercises are to deal with this type of problem, so they will help to get me on the right track.

Module 5: Week 5: Power and Resonance
Power, getting your voice out there. Having a powerful voice is not about volume. Power and resonance have a lot to do with your tongue and where its placement is in your mouth. So this week’s singing lessons are about tongue control placement and resonance. This week you will be introduced to 4 more singing exercisers to teach you how to take control and produce a powerful resonant singing voice. As usual, Aaron explains in considerable depth the reason for the vocal lessons and gives encouragement in the correct way to Perform them. I found these new methods and singing exercises to be of great help to me.

Module 6: Week 6: Singing Higher Notes & Mix
Wow! I’m at week six already and really enjoying Aaron’s coaching. This week you will get to learn more techniques to get your head and chest voice in sync. Blending your two voices, going from one to the other without any breaking takes a lot of practice. The first video is the most important to watch at the beginning of all the singing lessons on each module for each week. Week6 is no different from other weeks as usual you will be learning new vocal and exercise techniques to work on building a strong mixed head and chest voice.

Module 7: Week 7: Vocal Agility
Every singer needs the ability to jump from one note to the other seamlessly. So week7 lessons concentrate on mastering note and vocal run’s agility. Singers need to be able to bounce around and hit each note precisely on key. Aaron has put together several key vocal techniques to teach his students to hit the right notes perfectly on key.

Module 8: Week 8: Advanced Strengthening & Vocal Techniques
I’m in week8 and nearing the end of my singing lessons with Aaron. To be honest I want the lessons to go on for more weeks. However, all is not lost. Everyone gets lifetime access to superior singing method. So Aaron will always be there if I, or you need him. The final week has a mix of everything plus new vocal exercises to work on your vibrato, falsetto and strengthening your voice.

I’m extremely happy with my purchase of superior singing method. Cost in relation to the amount of singing lessons I experienced throughout the superior singing method vocal course has been very cost effective. I have saved myself thousands against taking person-to-person vocal lessons on the high street. I’m totally happy with the improvements in my voice after finishing first time around. However, not yet happy with my singing voice, I think this is more of a confidence thing with me. So I will continue to revisit each module and get better as time goes by.

Along with the singing lessons you also get the Superior Singing Manual and  bonus lessons.


Superior Singing Manual to compliment  the video and audio vocal course itself.
124 pages singing manual written by Aaron Anastasi that explains everything you ever need to know about becoming an excellent singer. I have read this from page1 to 124 and it compliments, runs alongside the course seamlessly. So if you want to go into more detail about a certain lesson, Aaron instructs in the videos, you can just pull up the manual and immerse yourself. Aaron covers all the lessons with great detail in the superior singing manual. It would not be prudent of me to start publishing extracts from Aaron’s book. So what I will do is lay out the contents from the index below.

Breath Management: The Appoggio Breathing Technique (Part 1) – pg. 5
Breath Management: The Appoggio Breathing Technique (Part 2) – pg. 7
Breath Management: The Appoggio Breathing Technique (Part 3) – pg. 10
Breath Management: The Appoggio Breathing Technique (Part 4) – pg. 12
Breath Management: Normal Breathing – pg. 15
Breath Management: La Lotta Vocale – pg. 17
Breath Management: Silent Breath Management (Part 1) – pg. 19
Breath Management: Silent Breath Management (Part 2) – pg. 21
Breath Management: Breathy Singing – pg. 23
Breath Management: Abdominal-wall Action – pg. 25
Breath Management: Breath Retention Vs. Quick Expulsion – pg. 27
Breath Management: Overcrowding the Lungs – pg. 29
Breath Management: Checking Airflow Levels – pg. 31
Breath Management: Holding The Breath – pg. 33
Breath Management: Tension Vs. Flexibility – pg. 35
Posture: Proper Body Position (Part 1) – pg. 37
Posture: Proper Body Position (Part 2) – pg. 39
Posture: Proper Body Position (Part 3) – pg. 41
Posture: The Neck – pg. 43
Resonance: The Tongue (Intro) – pg. 45
Resonance: The Tongue (Part 1) – pg. 47
Resonance: The Tongue (Part 2) – pg. 49
Resonance: The Tongue (Part 4) – pg. 52
Resonance: The Tongue (Part 5) – pg. 54
Resonance: IPA – pg. 56
Resonance: The Face – pg. 58
Resonance: The Jaw (Part 1) – pg. 60
Resonance: The Jaw – pg. 62
Resonance: Vowels (Intro) – pg. 64
Resonance: Back Vowels (Part 1) – pg. 66
Resonance: Back Vowels (Part 2) – pg. 68
Resonance: Back Vowels (Part 3) – pg. 71
Nasality: Eliminating Nasality (Part 1) – pg. 73
Nasality: Eliminating Nasality (Part 2) – pg. 74
Vibrato: Emerging Vibrato (Part 1) – pg. 77
Vibrato: Correcting Vibrato (Part 2) – pg. 79
Vocal Registers: Breaks and Cracks – pg. 81
Vocal Registers: The Mixed, or Blended Voice – pg. 83
Vocal Registers: Extending the Upper Range (Part 1) – pg. 85
Vocal Registers: Extending the Upper Range (Part 2) – pg. 90
Vocal Registers: What Is Falsetto? – pg. 93
Vocal Registers: Falsetto, Pop Music and Head Voice – pg. 95
Vocal Registers: Falsetto To Ease Strain – pg. 97
Vocal Registers: Falsetto To Ease Strain (Part 2) – pg. 101
Breath Management:
Messa Di Voce  – pg. 103
Vocal Health: How Long To Warm Up – pg. 105
Vocal Health: Protecting The Voice (Part 1) – pg. 107
Vocal Health: Protecting The Voice (Part 2) – pg. 110
Vocal Health: Protecting The Voice (Part 3) – pg. 112
Vocal Health: The Singer’s Diet – pg. 114
Intonation (Pitch): What Causes Pitch Problems? (Part 1) – pg. 116
Intonation (Pitch): What Causes Pitch Problems? (Part 2) – pg. 118
Intonation (Pitch): What Causes Pitch Problems? (Part 3) – pg. 120
Intonation (Pitch): What Causes Pitch Problems? (Part 4) – pg. 122
Conclusion – pg. 124

The bonus stuff you get with superior singing method.

Bonus Module 9: Performing
How To Overcome Stage Fright And Perform Your Best
Everyone gets nervous, even the accustomed pros. So chances are so will you be anxious even if you are just singing to family. Therefore, Aaron has written out some strategies to help you overcome any problems you may encounter. An 18 page pdf full of tips to help you out of any sticky situation you may be feeling.

Bonus Module 10: Music Marketing
Okay so now you’re singing, what about getting your music out in front of the public? In this bonus, Aaron gives you some advice on promoting your music and making some money from it. It’s helpful advice but not very long. Well, we are here to learn to sing or sing better than we already do. So all is forgiven and there are products out there that cover this sort of stuff exclusively like .

This post first appeared on Yu Feiyang Huoli, please read the originial post: here

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Superior Singing Method Online Singing Course


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