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How To Build A Web Developer Portfolio Website That Will Attract Clients?

Thanks to the internet, the money and work being flowed into the area of web development and marketing is growing at a rapid pace on a daily basis. However, so is the competition level, as more freelancers and agencies continue to cater to the needs of tech-focused businesses and brands throughout the world.

 The good news is, there are plenty of ways to stand out from the crowd — no matter how competitive and fierce it might get. Businesses and brands of all sizes are always looking for freelancers and web developers to get the job done right, while also not blowing through a huge budget in the process.

One of the best ways to cater to the needs of such an industry is to make sure you have a professional website that showcases your expertise, services, and previous work to the rest of the world.

Let’s get started on this topic now, while also highlighting the many key aspects when creating a portfolio site to best present your business.

Key Elements and Factors of a Great Looking Website

In the world of tech services and web development, it’s extremely important to have a website that not only represents your brand properly but also works efficiently and provides a great first impression.

After all, if you are offering any type of web services and your site isn’t fully operational or running at max speed… what’s the client going to think?

In order to have a professional-looking site that works across all web browsers and mobile devices, it’s important to use a trusted hosting solution that also provides web support and design templates as well.

A perfect example of site features, customizations, and support that you should be looking for can be seen in this free portfolio website builder. Of the many different features and customizations recommended on this page, they mention the following:

  •     Create a professional design for your site
  •     Display your best work for others to see
  •     Utilize built-in features and customization options
  •     Connect with others through social media
  •     Monetize the content on your site
  •     Make it easy for users to navigate your site and contact you

With all of these key factors in mind, we can now dive deeper into each of them and why they are so important when building a professional website, portfolio, and contact pages for your site.

Content that Will Capture Potential Client Attention

With the basics of creating a website out of the way, now it’s time to focus on the meat of your site — which is its content.

Without quality content and visuals on your site, it will be hard to convince your audience that your services or agency is worth pursuing work.

Here is our top list of areas you should be focusing your efforts on.


On the internet, it’s easy to send an email and never have to actually talk to someone on the phone or even connect with them over video chat or jump on a call. While this is ideal for some, it’s a disadvantage for others.

Through the use of an “About Me” page, this is your opportunity to not only showcase your expertise and skills but also to make yourself more human and relatable. And there are several things you can do to make sure your About Me page gets the job done time and time again.

For someone to visit your site and consider purchasing your services, that’s just the first step. For them to read through your About Me page and learn more about you, that’s just an extra added benefit in the process.


When ordering any type of web design, coloring, or marketing services online, it’s important to know not only who you are working with, but who your potential hire has worked with and what their actual work looks like.

Way too many freelancers and agencies have online portfolio pages that simply don’t deliver. This is one of the absolute best ways to leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Make sure your portfolio displays extremely high-quality work and a variation of examples for the many different services and design work you provide.


Just as important as the visuals and real-work examples that should be displayed within your portfolio, are the testimonials from previous clients and businesses you’ve worked with.

For many potential clients, seeing a portfolio and previous work is great, but having testimonials and feedback from the individuals associated with each of those projects is even better.

If you can provide video testimonials, even better! The more realistic and trustworthy your testimonials look, the better they will work for you.

And a step further would be to have your previous client info handy for any follow-up requests from new and future clients looking for feedback on the experience.


Making sure your site has a professional-looking feel, along with all of the necessary content on your About Me, Portfolio, and Testimonials pages are important– but what good are they if site visitors can’t get in touch with you?

This leaves us with our last key factor to create a successful portfolio site, which is to not only have a contact form and page on your site but to make it extremely easy for users to find it and get in contact with you.

Clients want to see that it’s easy to get in touch with their potential new higher, and if you respond to your contact forms responses in a timely manner, it is a great way to improve your chances of getting the job.

Another last recommended tip would be to include your social profiles, company address, and a phone number on the site as well. The more options for contact, the better.

How to Grow Your Web Developer Business with a Professional Website?

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, there is an endless supply of work that needs to be done when it comes to web services. And there are millions of freelancers, agencies, and marketing companies out there looking to get the job done.

In order to make sure your web developer skills and past work stand out from the crowd, you need to make sure you have a professional portfolio site that represents your brand and is working for you 24/7.

To get started, run through each of the highlighted points mentioned above, and then get started with the site creation process. The sooner you do, the more work you will soon have coming your way!

Also Read: How To Create A Visually Appealing Yet Responsive Website?

The post How To Build A Web Developer Portfolio Website That Will Attract Clients? appeared first on Web Development & Technology Resources.

This post first appeared on Web Development & Technology Resources - CodeCondo, please read the originial post: here

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How To Build A Web Developer Portfolio Website That Will Attract Clients?


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