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Wismec EXO Skeleton ES300 Reviewed

Introduction – The EXO Skeleton ES300 Kit From Wismec

The Wismec Exo Skeleton ES300 is one of the most interesting looking devices from the vaping giant.

Wismec is a brand we all want to love, manufactured in china and designed in the US…their dedication to pushing the envelope in the vaping game is undeniable and they’ve come up with some pretty awesome gear.

The problem is that it seems to be largely a game of hit and miss for Wismec.

Strange devices like the Cylin Plus RTA have been an infuriating disappointment, while the Noisy Cricket, the Inderemix and the Reuleaux Series were wild successes and have become staples (or classics, at least) in our vaping lives.

Well, I was beside myself with excitement when I heard that the Wismec Exo Skeleton ES300 was on its way to me.

A slap in the face of all things run of the mill and, if you ask me, an absolute must-have for any collection…and that’s just aesthetically.

But the Exo Skeleton and Kage combo, as it comes in the kit, is a dream duo, jam packed with features that, while at times a little niggly and annoying, also set this kit apart from many of its peers.

I’ve got a serious crush on my EXO Skeleton, even though the battery door will send me to my grave prematurely. I’ve also got serious love for the preinstalled and spare coil heads that come with this odd looking tank and mod combo.

I can’t wait to tell you a little more about my experience sampling this tribute to being strange and generally hard core!

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What’s In The Box

  • 1*ES300 Mod, no cells with EXO Skeleton (cover designed by Sinuous)
  • 1*KAGE Atomizer designed by Jaybo
  • 1*WT H2 -0.4ohm Head
  • 1*WT V3-0.17 ohm Head
  • 1*QC USB Cable
  • 1*Manual
  • 1*Warning Card
  • 1*Spare Parts


    • Max output 200W (2 cells) and 300W (3 cells)
    • Colours: red blue and silver
    • Modes: VW/TCR/Temp control for Ni, Ti and SS 316
    • Dimensions: 50.7mm x 49.7mm x 86.0mm
    • Weight: 151.3g
    • Preheat Function
    • 2A Charge
    • Resistance Range: 0.05-1.5 Ohm in TC and 0.1-3.5 Ohm in VW
    • 2 or 3 cell capability
    • Input Voltage DC 5V
    • 2.8 ml Capacity on the KAGE tank with optional expansion to 5ml sold separately
    • Internal LEDs to light up your life
    • Unique Slide open, child (and some adult) proof top fill
    • Top Mounted OLED screen
    • Unique roll-cage design on tank and mod, with turning-cage detail on the tank
    • Exoskeleton roll cage is removable, revealing a see-through body with exposed circuitry and flashy lights

Build Quality & Design

ES300 EXO Skeleton Kit By Wismec

My first impression was, cool, see-through plastic boxing and a pre assembled mod, a little different from the norm already.

After that, dang, it’s sweet looking. Not the usual surprise of “well, it looks nicer in real life” or “it’s smaller than it looks in pics”, this one looks exactly like it does in pictures.

The completely unique, see-through plastic body is  covered in a roll-cage-esque exoskeleton that looks like it may have a serious protective effect but we’ll get to that. The cage doesn’t extend over the battery door.

The circuit board and battery chamber (triple 18650) is visible through the plastic and every aspect of the design seems to be slightly left of centre (figuratively speaking, of course).

I definitely noticed the extreme light weight of the mod, due to the plastic body. Putting the batteries in did provide a little reassurance on that front, I always prefer a noticeable weight in my hand.

The design is a triangular cylinder with rounded corners and the firing button is square with cut off corners, very unique, black with a shiny stainless frame. It’s magnificently clicky.

The tiny top mounted OLED display sits directly next to the very secure and very clean looking, sturdy, spring loaded 510 connection. It’s flanked by up and down adjustment buttons with the discreet silver Wismec logo politely placed beneath the screen.

What I like about this mod is that it’s nothing like anything else I own, the only thing it might remind you of is Smoant’s Rabox, purely on account of the cage and see through vibes, shape and design are chalk and cheese, of course.

I try ‘spinning’ the KAGE detail, no avail…it turns easily but buddy, it don’t spin: no ball bearings in sight so I don’t know why some folk insist that there’s a spinner on the tank, nevertheless, it’s a fiddly bit that will suffice as a fidgeter of sorts.

Thanks Wismec and thanks to crazy Sinuous Designs for this exoskeleton detail on all components, that really has the jury divided. Word of advice: if you don’t like the look of it don’t buy it.

I for one, am crazy about the look with and without the exoskeleton and what’s more exciting is the fact that different style cages are available and wam! I now have a completely changeable piece of functional art, sweet.

The tank looks small, capacity wise, luckily I hear there’s a tank expansion glass available. You drop the metal detail and you get a bulbous tank expansion that gives you a 5 ml capacity over 2ml, good one.

The tank overall is massive at 24mm, considering the unimpressive capacity of 2.8 ml.

I set about dismantling the tank to check out the coil head inside…I’ll get to that little miracle later!! Dismantling is easy as pie, what with great knurling on the top and bottom cap.

Oh, the tank is full of moisture beads, not sure why but I did notice this when I opened her up.

Putting the tank back together, I set about trying to fill it. I spent a few minutes tugging and twisting in vain before reading the manual and discovering that I have to remove the drip tip to slide the attached cap to the side and fill through the non pliable opening.

Is it an inconvenience? Yes.

Does that non-pliable opening accommodate most juice bottle nozzles? No.

Grrr…pfft. I still like it, even though I find it’s a struggle to fill on the move.

Every component of the tank has a slightly thicker than the norm feel, and the slide open mechanism, as well as the drip tip removal and airflow adjust feel solid, strong and generally bad ass.

As I understand it, the exoskeleton detail on the mod is all removable and, from the pics I’ve seen, that see-through mod is a sex bomb of note but until I get a hold of tools of that caliber, I’ll content myself with the bad ass exoskeleton, which not only provides various finger leverage points but makes this device stand out like no other.

I think you could safely clobber someone with it and then still enjoy a celebratory vape.

Now, although many I’ve met have lamented the EXO Skeleton’s hand feel, I’m rather impressed.

I find the shape, button and screen position extremely ergonomic and, for me, what this metal cage actually amounts to is above average grip when you’re on the move with the device in hand.

Not for the mod cuddler and caresser, unless you take the cage off, then it’s smooth as…well, any other plastic surface.

The EXO Skeleton ES300 Mod

When I discovered that this was a dual or triple 18650 mod and that it had a 200W or 300W capacity depending, I thought to myself…that’s freaking genius!

I love that adjustable factor and it seems that adjustability is an all round theme on this device. There are clearly marked battery slots and if you want to use 2 batteries you just use slot 1 and 2, easy as that.

I slide in a clutch of 18650s and the device turns on automatically, five clicks switches it off.

I’m a huge fan of the top screen for convenient checking when the mod’s in hand and I’m instantly impressed by how much information is squeezed into that small screen.

Battery levels, wattage level, mode, voltage, amperage and resistance and the screen settings and logo are customizable.

Both the adjustment buttons, next to the screen, and the fire button on the side of the mod are well clicky…click-in click-out clicky.

Running down either side of the side of the mod, where the fire button is, I see a row of 5 ‘Close Encounters’ bright LEDs, 10 in total.

They light up on start, on fire and in coordination with wattage adjustments. They’re actually mounted on the circuit board, which is clearly visible through the plastic mod cover.

On the same side you’ll also find that USB port that’s good for firmware upgrades too.

I find the top base is perfectly designed for any tank up to 25mm but nothing looks as cool on this device as the KAGE! Matchy-matchy!

Now, Wismec never claimed that this cage was an impact protection feature. In fact, their website specially says that the cages are decorative so please, be safe! You may be inclined to want to drop this thing for fun but think of the delicacy of that circuit board and think again.

I’ve had a tough time with the hinged battery door…you have to be very sure that it’s clicked in properly.

I’ve picked my mod up twice where the battery door clicked open and out fell my batteries.

I find the pull and swing mechanism a little iffy so just get the hang of it, make sure you know what kind of stress to apply and what it actually looks like when closed.

The KAGE Tank

My overriding impression of the KAGE tank, with its fidgety turning skeleton, is that its solid, sturdy and will not break.

Knurling makes bottom airflow adjust and any break down very easy.

The 2.8 ml capacity is inadequate for the WT-V3 coil head…especially when you’re rocking 200W.

There is an expansion glass available but you’ll have to loose the skull cover.

Incredibly stable airflow with a comforting, fine vibration that really makes it a pleasure to vape on.

Once you get the hang of having to remove the drip tip to slide the cap to the side and fill, you’ll discover the added irritation of the opening creating that bubble seal effect, especially with a thick e-juice.

I find this tank to be a nightmare to fill but I do appreciate how solid and sturdy this design feels and I don’t think it looks half bad either. Perhaps I will get used to it over time.

Thanks Jaybo.

By the way, the skeleton is easy to remove from the tank, just break it down as you would for a coil change and you can remove that metal element.

I’ve experienced zero splutter, even with the tank full to the brim, absolutely no leaks and a consistent, smooth vape… the tank is a pleasure in every respect save the filling and standard juice capacity.

The Included Coil Heads

Oh my goodness. Happiness is the WT-H2 coil head that comes included and pre-installed in the KAGE.

When I first opened up the tank, to have a squizzeroo, I was delighted to see a pair of vertical coils and a nice wad of cotton there that’s sure to provide a solid flavor punch.

Damn, was I right.

This coil head not only looks like its an excellent home build on a dripper, it also vapes like one. Outstanding flavor, unrivalled flavor and a smooth and substantial vapor draw.

Most vapsters dream of a prebuilt coil head that captures the spirit of a dripper, in flavor and vapor production and this does exactly that…the only problem is that for heavy vapers like myself, it might as well be a dripper because I have to fill it so often…I’ll be ordering that expansion glass shortly.

I find the pre-installed coil far superior to the other included, lower resistance coil for this reason…it’s novel, it allows me to enjoy a 60W vape although I’m a high wattage vaper and it has a seriously long life span…and the flavor’s off the hook.

That’s not to say that the the WT-V3 0.17 Ohm head isn’t awesome. It provides an ass-kicking vape between 80 and 220W with the sweet spot sitting at 160-180W for me and although the flavor isn’t bad, it doesn’t rival the horizontal build on the H2.

However, cloud production is superb on the spare coil…a sweet cloud chasing coil head with a super smooth vape quality.


Along with all the necessary spare parts and that powerful WT-V3 coil head, you’ll find that the charge cable, also good for firmware upgrades, provides an awesome 2A charge that’ll fill up 3 x 18650s in the blink of an eye, well…almost.

How Does The Wismec EXO Skeleton ES300 Kit Perform?

Now, the board seems highly responsive, any loose atomizer or no atomizer, any coil change and I get instant and accurate readings for the new coil and a flashy light accompaniment, along with a warning when there’s no atomizer or when anything else is amiss.

Of course, there’s no automatic wattage adjustment with a coil change so be careful of that.

I find the fire to be instantaneous and the preheat functions are a winner for even the highest wattage vape…all buttons and adjusts work superbly, highly responsive.

I’ve tested the stainless steel temp control mode and it seems accurate and the controls are simple.

I’m very impressed by the ramp time, having tested various coils and tanks on the device I enjoyed a super fast ramp time and serious power delivery in even the highest wattages between 200 and 280W.

I never like to touch the actual upper limit of a vape mod, although chances are it will hit 300 W just fine, since it purrs at 280W.


    • Okay, 5 clicks will start you up and response is excellent on all buttons.
    • TCR mode is entered with 3 clicks on fire , right adjust to change modes and fire to confirm.
    • + and – simultaneously when off will flip your screen
    • When In VW, right or left to adjust
    • Fire and + from power off will take you into TCR

There are numerous controls, too many to list here but the manual is above average clear, concise and very easy to follow.

Battery Life and Charging

2 A charging on this device makes for a very quick charge, even when you’re using three cells.

Of course the speed depends on your 18650 specs but I will say that the battery charge rate and the battery life on this device are well above average.

How To Fill The KAGE Tank

  • Pull out the drip tip.
  • Push the top cap from the place where you see the drip marking
  • Fill through the opening
  • Replace the top cap and drip tip

How To Change the Coil on The KAGE Tank

  • Grab ahold of the tank by the bottom knurling and twist the glass tank section, with the cage, to the left
  • Unscrew the coil from the base and replace


I love the airflow on this device, It’s smooth, perfect and easy to adjust with a comforting texture, if that makes any sense at all.

E-Juice Consumption

Let’s face it, with coils as good as these, consumption becomes an issue. Plus, 2.8ml is just not enough, better buy the extension glass ASAP.

What I Liked

Out of the box design. I Love the look and I actually also enjoy the grip provided by the Wismec EXO skeleton.

Great performance from coils and tank providing outstanding flavor on the preinstalled WT-H2 head.

The sweet LED’s to entertain me and the great Ramp and above average responsiveness leads to a super all round vape.

Operating the EXO Skeleton is easy, I love the screen position and the fact that I can use 2 or 3 cells. The 2A charge is a plus.

While the mod feels fairly impact resistant I wouldn’t push it, the buttons are nice and clicky and there is even a fidgety turner on the tank, how odd!

Finally I love being able to see inside mod!

What I Dislike

The battery door is a bit iffy as is refilling the tank and it’s meagre capacity.

It would also be nice if there were more color options.

Final Review Verdict

Well, in spite of the fact that many reviews are coming out sour for this edgy device, I’m someone who welcomes change and as a collector, its great to have such a unique looking vape device join the ranks.

That said, I must add that while these looks aren’t for everyone, the impressive performance on both the EXO Skeleton ES300 mod and the KAGE tank with these beautiful coil heads simply cannot be denied.

This is a unique, stand out, high performance bit of gear for mid to high level vapers who want to go against the grain..but I must advise that you invest in either a juice bottle with a fine nozzle or the tank capacity extension.

I think Sinuous did a great job on the exoskeletal design element and for me this actually has no negative effect on ergonomics, it just feels different is all.

Jaybo designed an awesome tank with solid features and the only reason I struggle with the refill is because of the thick nozzles on my DIY juice bottles and my 90VG juice that gets stuck in the opening.

Beyond those factors, I recommend this KIT for sure.

I would undoubtedly buy the Wismec EXO Skeleton ES300 kit again if I lost mine.


  • Good ergonomics with great grip due to the exoskeleton
  • Easy break down
  • Great, responsive performance and above average ramp
  • Excellent flavor and vapor on both coil heads
  • Adjustable tank glass and skeletons
  • Great battery life and fast change with a 2 or 3 cell option


  • Standard tank capacity is too low, especially for the WT-V3 head.
  • Battery door troubles
  • Difficult refill
  • No tool included for the skeleton removal

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Wismec EXO Skeleton ES300 Reviewed


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