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The Inspiration Behind Sam Wood's 'Dream Big' Mattress

The Inspiration Behind Sam Wood's 'Dream Big' Mattress

Reality TV alumni and personal trainer Sam Wood proved he's more than just a handsome face when he teamed up with Sealy earlier this year for our Bed Art 4 Kids campaign. Along with five other celebrity ambassadors, Sam created a one-of-a-kind mattress design to be auctioned off to raise funds for Ronald McDonald House Charities Australia. 

Sam's passion for helping children has always been a constant in his life, exampled in his founding of children's health and fitness company, Gecko Kids in 2006, with the mission of helping children improve in all areas of fitness, confidence and self-esteem. And for him, positive change and mindset is everything. 

His 'Dream' mattress design was inspired by "the simple notion that we shouldn't take anything for granted and when we are given the opportunity we should follow our dreams while remembering how fortunate we are.

Sam, who now also runs online fitness program 28 by Sam Wood, knows all about the importance of balancing sleep. Having a supportive, quality mattress is integral to a restorative sleep and improving general well-being, especially for fitness fanatics and those with a busy schedule.

After designing the mattress to reflect his own personality, Sam's daughter Eve has been sleeping on her own copy of Sam's personalised Sealy. According to Sam, she absolutely loves the mattress and how comfy it is!

To learn more about our partnership with Ronald McDonald House Charities Australia, check out this link. 

You can find Sam on Instagram at @samjameswood

This post first appeared on Let's Talk About Sleep, please read the originial post: here

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The Inspiration Behind Sam Wood's 'Dream Big' Mattress
