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Facts of Deobandi-ism

A rejoinder to a series of booklets entitled "Johannesburg to Brailley"

By Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi

Translated by S.G. Khawajah
Published by Maulana Okarvi Academy Al A'lami,
First edition 1991 - South Africa
Note:The Urdu edition is available from: Zia-ul-Qur'aan Publications, Daata Ganj Bakhsh Road, Lahore, Pakistan.

Book available at these addresses:
(1) P.O. Box 340, Durban, 4000 Natal
(2) P. O. B ox 42, Standerton, 2430 Tvl
(3) P.O. Box 91, Piet Retief, 2380 Tvl
(4) P.O. Box 12, Grassy Park, 7888 Cape Town

Readers are requested to please let us know about any spelling mistakes or any incorrectly translated words, which they may find in the book.

Further it is notified for the information of all those who may wish to publish this book that they are free to do so, provided no changes are allowed to creep in the book. Two copies of any such publication may please be forwarded to us for our records.
Ilmay Keh Rah Bahaq Na Numaa yad Jihaalatast.
(Knowledge that does not lead to the straight path is crass ignorance)
Sheikh Sa'di 

( May Allah have mercy on him )
Adab Peruaya-'e-Naduan-o-Danuast
Khush Aaan Ko Az Adab Khud Ra Beynaarast
Nadaaram Aaan Musalmaan Zaadah Ra Dost
Keh Dar Daaish Fuzood-o-Az Adab Kaast
Observing proper etiquette devolves on all, the ignorant as well as the knowing. But truly blessed are those who are saturated with a sense of proper etiquette. I do not hold as friends those born to Muslim parents who are adequate in intellect but remiss in observing proper etiquette.
Allamah Iqbaal
(May Allah have mercy on him)


Banda'e Parwur Digaaram Ummat-e-Ahmad Nabi Dost Daaram Chaar Yaar-o-Taabe' Aulaad-e Ali Mazhabe Hanfiyyah Daaram Millate Hazrat Khaleel Khaak Paa'e Ghaus-e-A'zam Zer-e-Saayah Har Wali
A slave of Rubb of all the worlds and a follower (Ummati) of Prophet Muhammad
(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam)
am I.

To all four Friends *
I give allegiance and an subservient to Ali's' progeny **
Hanafi is my creed. and I belong to Hazrat Ibraaheem Khaleel ul Laah's Millat
Dust from under the feet of Ghaus-e-Azam.
I am a devotee of all (Auliyaa) the friends of Allah. 
* Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Umar, Hazrat Usmaan, Hazrat Ali (Radiyallahu Anhum)
* Hazrat Imam Hasan, Imam Husain (Radiyallahu Anhuma) 


Shabhaaz-e-La Makaani,,
Hazrat Abu Muhammad Muhiyiud-deen
Sheikh Saiyid Abdul Qaadir
Hasani Husaini Jeelaani,
( Radiyal Laahu Anhu Wa Ardaahu Ahha )
Ae Khuda Taufeeq-e-lmaani Budeh Jaan-o-Dil Ra Bood Irfaani Budeh len ghulaam-e-Qaudiree Ra Az Kararn Daaman-e-Mabboob-e-Subhauni Budeh.
O Allah! Grant me Divine guidance! 

Grant to my heart and my soul knowledge that comes out of faith!
Grant out of Your mercy to this slave of Qaadiree
The ability to be a disciple of Mahboob-e-Subhaani.

Allah's Command

Allah, in whose name I begin, is the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful
You ( O Prophet' ) will not find a people who believe in Allah and the Day of Judgement loving those who fight against Allah and His Messenger, even though they be their fathers, or their sons, or their brothers, or their kindred. These are they on whose hearts He has inscribed faith and whom He has strengthened with a Spirit from Him, and whom He will admit into Gardens beneath which rivers flow to live there for ever. Allah is well pleased with them and they are well pleased with Allah. They are Allah's party, most surely, Allah's party, they will attain to eternal bliss.
( Al-Qur'aan; Chapter: Al-Mujuaadilah; Part 28 Verses 22 )


Al Humdu Lil Laah! The Maulana Okarvi Academy Al-A'lami of South Africa is indeed privileged to present to the Muslims of Southern Africa the most significant work ever to be marketed in this country. This book is intended to open the eyes, ears and minds of all our Muslim brothers and sisters whom Allah Ta'Aala has bestowed with a sense of justice, impartiality and the ability to discern truth from falsehood.

I do not intend to delve into a deep and lengthy introduction to the subject matter you are about to encounter within the covers of this book, but will attempt to very briefly give the readers a condensed and sweeping background of the events that led to the publication of this block-buster work by our Academy, for the protection and preservation of the faith of the Muslims from the erstwhile enemies of Islam.

It must be recalled that a few years ago a group of ignoramus and misguided Mullas stationed at Lenasia in the Transvaal, concealing their identities under a fancy but fabricated organisation of "The Council for the Propagation of the Sunnats of Islam" published puny little booklets in three parts under a meaningless and ridiculous title of "From Johannesburg to Bareilly" for the explicit purpose of undermining the faith of the Muslims, and, for character-assassinating one of the greatest scholars and saints of Islam the world has ever produced in the last 200 years. The target of [heir vile abuse and perpetual attack was directed at none other than the world-acclaimed scholar and leader of the majority of the Muslims and the internationally acknowledged Mujaddid of Islam A'laa Hazrat Maulana Imam Ahmad Raza Khan—Alaihir Rahmah war Ridwaan
of Bareilly Shareef, India.

These booklets written by the perpetually mischievous Deobandi-Wahaabi Mullas of South Africa are so replete with lies, fabrications, misconceptions and distortions that they must have surely made their Murtadd leaders turn in their graves. The style, the language and the tone of their writings clearly suggests that the aforementioned books are the works of blatantly ignorant and half baked Mullas with twisted, perverted and warped minds, who can he found in abundance within the Deobandi-Wahaabi hierarchy in South Africa.

The allegations and attacks against Islam and the religiously-sacred beliefs and practices of the Ahle Sunnat wa Jama'at creed, as contained in those hooks are so wildly preposterous and unimaginably outrageous that some ulama of the Ahle Sunnat even refused to respond to all the load of unsubstantiated rubbish that was poured out from the insane minds and disease-infested hearts of the Deobandi-Wahaabi Mullas of South Africa.

But, Al Humdu Lil Laah, the Maulana Okarvi Academy Al-A'lami of South

Africa could not take this lying down and refused to allow those satanic books to go unchallenged, for fear that innocent and unwary Muslims with weak faith and gullible minds could be influenced by the "Satanic Verses" of the Rushdies of Deoband and our silence could be misconstrued as our inability to respond and refute the Deobandi-Wahaabi filth and vermin that was spewed from their fat bellies. Therefore, the Academy solicited the aid of its founder and patron, Hazrat Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi - the famous Pakistani research scholar and son of the equally famous personality the Khateeb-e-A'zam of Pakistan and the Mujaddid of the Maslak of Ahle Sunnat Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Shafee Okarvi — Alaihir Rahmah war Ridwaan. The distinguished Allamah Okarvi was handed three parts of those satanic books penned by the Deo-inspired ( devil-inspired ) Mullas of Deoband for his perusal and response.

Al Humdu Lil Laah! That through the initiative of our Academy the reader is presented with this work of great research value, scholarly discourse and of immense academic interest. The rebuttals to "From Johannesburg to Bareilly" is so brutally jaw-breaking and overwhelmingly devastating that it must surely cause a major tremor in the Deobandi-Wahaabi camp. Hazrat Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi, who incidentally holds a Doctorate in Literature, like a specialist surgeon, uses his pen like a scalpel to conduct the perfect post-mortem on a "decomposed Deobandi corpse" and has ripped open with great surgical skill the evil conspiracy, the shameless hypocrisy, the false allegations, the lies, distortions and misrepresentation of facts perpetrated in their satanic books by these beggars of Jewish petro-dollars and boot-lickers of the corrupt Wahaabi-regime of Najd.

This refutation entitled "White and Black,' (Deobandi-ism caught in its own trap) will turn the reader "pale and red". Pale through shock and red through anger. The Urdu version of this book has taken Pakistan by storm and the publisher was compelled to go into a second print. We urge every Muslim in South Africa to endeavour to obtain a copy of this invaluable book read it with objectivity and impartiality and then judge for themselves its truth or falsehood. The brilliant author, who holds five theological degrees (Asnaad), 3 from Pakistan and 2 from the Arab world, is also a qualified journalist and a research scholar of repute, comprehensively refutes in detail every single allegation against the great Imam and Mujad-did of Islam and the Sawaad-e-A'zam, i.e. the greatest majority of Muslims of the world.

May Allah Jalla Shaanuhu, in His infinite mercy shower his choicest blessings upon the author of this great work and prolong his life, so that his knowledge and guidance could be of prolonged service to all the Muslims of the world and his pen be wielded like a sword to destroy baatil wherever it raises its head. Ameen-Summa A' meen.
Muhammad Bana Shafi'ee Qaderi


Al Laahu Rabbu Muhammadin Salla Alaihi Wasallama.

That I have been selected for standing in the ranks of those defending the honour of the Prophethood (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) is a matter of such privilege for me that transcendents even sovereignty over several kingdoms. I feel it is only through selection that the Originator of Grace has chosen me for praising the Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam). It is an honour for which, howsoever much one might feel elated, he would still be inadequate in giving thanks. Praising the Prophet is the habit of my Merciful Rabb.

The tongue of the Prophet prays thus for his eulogist Hazrat Hassaan (Radiyal Laahu Ta'a'la Anhu): "O Allah! Help him with the Holy Spirit (with Jibra'eel), the trustworthy'" There is countless evidence that Jibra'eel, the trustworthy, has been created for adoring the Prophethood. That Holy Spirit (Jibra'eel) even today helps the defenders of the - Prophet. We have been told that Allah Almighty's pleasure is gained by doing good deeds and the Angels guard over those engaged in "good" acts. 

This humble self is grounded on the earth and yet, Allah be praised, he is heavenly by virtue of his beliefs, and holds the same belief, as do resplendent and holy beings. Ask those who are all the time engrossed in remembering and praising the Prophet how tranquil they feel at heart and how altogether happy they are. They are convinced that this very love will be the cause of their redemption and this one fact will intercede on their behalf with the eternal Being. This dust from under the feet of the Prophet's progeny has only one wish: he may be able to spend every moment of his life in remembering the king of Madinah, the true master (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam), and thus find a place in Paradise beside one of his slaves. I wish for nothing else.

Almighty Allah Himself says that He has made sublime the remembrance of the holy Prophet. When it is the Creator of the universe Himself who has made sublime the remembrance of His beloved, how can I dare contribute to the excellence of His beloved? Or what possible connection can my efforts have with the enhancement of the greatness of the Prophet? What possible addition

We humble beings can make to his honour and high stature? To do so is not within our power, the dwellers of the earth. This task is allotted to the dweller of the heavens, Jibr'eel, the trustworthy. And that is the way of the One and Only Creator of the earth and the heavens. Enough for us, his slaves, is the fact that we are the followers of the master. We can praise him only as much as it is possible for us to do so and only as we have been enabled to do so. And this humble self believes that why he should not dedicate to that personality for whom he has intense love and regard whatever capacity and capability for doing good has been endowed to him and that why he should not devote all his nights and all his days in the remembrance of him and in recounting his excellence. This little knowing person would like to be told if there could be a better duty to perform or any better way in which he could lead his life. He would also like to be told by Jaami and Roomi and Sa'di and Raazi why they dedicated all their lives to finding choicest words in praise of the Prophet.

Apart from always remembering the holy Prophet, this humble self has set before himself another duty: to wipe out the mischief-makers who commit acts of deviations and distortions while speaking about his master. I have only one tongue and only one pen, and I promise to myself, and to those who think like me that, Allah willing, I will devote, till my last breath, all the energy that has been given to me to wage an incessant war against all such wagging tongues who are unacceptably and unforgivably remiss in remembering my Prophet and in honouring his illustrious personality. He who doubts the greatness of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) is, surely, out of his senses and out of his perception. He who tries to find fault with his magnificence is, indeed, devoid of the essence of humanity. He does not know my Prophet at all.

The irony is that those who claim to be the supporters and followers of Islam have themselves levelled criticism against the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam). Their ways are like those of Shaitaan. It was Shaitaan himself who was the first to deny the status and greatness of Prophethood. Namrood, Fir'aun, Abu Jahl, Waleed bin Mugheerah, all of them, had been cast in the mould of Shaitaan.

The Holy Qur'aan itself testifies to the fact that to level criticism against the Prophet is the way of the idolaters and the hypocrites, and to speak of the innocence and the holiness, and the truthfulness and the greatness of the Prophet is in line with Allah's own tradition. It is said in the Qur'aan and reiterated in the Sunnat that concessions for certain considerations can be made in the performance of duties If for certain reasons Namaaz cannot be said in standing position, then it can be said while sitting or even through signs. But no concessions are allowed when it comes to paying due respect to the holy Prophet.

The Qur'aan is explicit on this. Almighty Allah Himself says to His beloved, "even if, because of your innate kind nature, you were to ask Me for forgiveness for those who are insolent to you, I will never forgive such men." The fault of insolence to His beloved is unforgivable in the sight of Allah.

Let us see how insolent have these people been Lo the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam). Allah forgive us for saying so, and again Allah forgive us for saying so, these people believe that knowledge given Lo the Prophet is less than that given to Shaitaan the accursed, and they liken the Prophet's knowledge to that given to the animals and the demented. Who are these people who recite the Kalimah of the Prophet and yet cast doubts on the Prophet's excellence and his absolute truthfulness? Leave alone outsiders who do not subscribe to the Kalimah, even those who ostensibly claim to be the adherents of Islam and who incessantly preach Deen-e-Muhammadi are very careless about their utterances, and their utterances are nearer to insolence. They should realise what the demands of reverence are, and how far are they justified in saying what they say. Those who claim to having truth on their side are, in fact, engaged in destroying its very foundations. They are trying to cut the very branch on which they happen to be perched.

These people say things, which are most hurtful and most distressing. Have they no realisation how they themselves would feel if any of the leaders of their faction were to be made the object of criticism? They will, in all probability, lose their senses. Have they no grasp of the indescribable hurt, which is caused to the slaves of Allah's beloved (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) when Allah's beloved is criticised and downgraded? It is a matter of total love and total adoration. Mention the faults of the beloved before the lover and he will, surely, smash the snout of such a foul-mouthed person.

Just as the infidels of old used to say, these insolent people say, "Allah's Prophet was a man like us'. Leave the Prophet alone; this humble self challenges these wretched and disgusting people to produce a Ghaus-e-Azam from amongst their faction of so-called divines who can claim to be the equal of my Shaah-e-Jeelaan
(Radiyal Laahu Anhu).

These people assert that Prophets commit the same kinds of mistakes as an ordinary man commits. And they also deny that he has any knowledge whatsoever. At the height of their insolence, these people do not spare even Allah Himself. They say: "Allah does not have knowledge of the unseen all the time. He acquires knowledge of the unseen only when He needs to know about it." They further assert "Allah speaks lies, and He has spoken lies." These men of self-proclaimed understanding and perception indulge in such "lofty" nonsensical talks!

It is my belief that no man can attain to Prophethood, and he upon whom Prophethood is bestowed no longer remains an ordinary being but rises to the rank of a Prophet. Allah sends down a Prophet and Allah is the Absolute Master. It is not given to any one in the entire universe to declare somebody a Prophet and it is not within the power of anybody from amongst mankind to proclaim one as a Prophet. A Prophet is only a Prophet, perfect and absolute, sent by Allah as His Messenger. Almighty Allah chose to bestow this position on him whom He made able, and fit, for receiving this position; not any and every body can attain to this chosen status. A person might have devoted his entire being to Allah, or he might have totally given himself to the remembrance of Allah, or he might have completely cut himself off from this world, or spent his entire life in the worship of Allah, but Almighty Allah may not bestow Prophethood even on such a person. He bestows the rank and status of Prophet only on him whom He has drawn near to Himself and made His chosen one. And after the appearance of Allah's Messenger and last of the Prophets (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam), Allah put an end to this process of sending Prophets. What greater proof can there be of Allah's special favour on my master, the beloved Mustafa, Muhammad-e-Arabi
(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam)'

Before I wrote the book now before you, this humble person had, in his booklet "From Deoband to Bareilly: the truth", talked of the reality of the Ahle-Sunnat-Wa-Jama'at's differences with those who are insolent towards the holy Prophet, and had, also, suggested ways of resolving the differences. That booklet was published by Maulana Okarvi Academy Al'A'lami in South Africa, in English, and, by Allah's grace, had been very popular amongst the general public and had corrected their beliefs.
During his second tour of South Africa, a set of booklets called "Johannesburg to Bareilly" was presented to this humble self with a request to explain the implications of the things mentioned in the booklets. Because of my preoccupation with my tour itinerary, I was not able to concentrate fully on the contents of the booklets, yet the perusal of a few of its pages made it abundantly clear to me that all three booklets contained a diatribe against the Ahle-Sunnat-Wa-Jama'at couched in a very superficial and a very slanderous language. In fact, all three of them were a bundle of slanders and accusations.

I had promised my friends in South Africa that I would give a fitting reply to these booklets. By the grace of Almighty Allah and the kindness of His venerated Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam), I have succeeded in getting published the first part of a rejoinder to these booklets.

It has been my constant endeavour to let the authors of "Johannesburg to Bareilly" and the adherents of Deobandi-ism see their faces in the mirror of their own writings. Readers will notice that answers to all the accusations have, in most part, been given through the writings of the ulama of Deoband.

During my second visit to South Africa, I had, by way of clinching the issue, personally gone to "Mia's Farm", the largest centre of the Deobandi Wahaabi propagandists, and submitted to them that this humble person was prepared to substantiate the beliefs and actions of the Ahle-Sunnat-Wa-Jama'at, which have prompted the Deobandi-Wahaabis to accuse them of being "associators" and "innovators", through books written by the ulama of Deoband and present in my library.

It must be explained that this humble self advocates neither disruption nor disunity. I am forever prepared to lay down my life for the sake of the solidarity of the Islamic world. But solidarity does not mean silence by way of appeasement and hypocrisy. When attitudes opposed to us are being given vent to with abandon, when facts are being distorted, when efforts are going on to mislead the people and the very foundations of the faith are under heavy attack, then I hold that in times like this silence is sin, even worse than sin. Only politicians indulge in such behaviour and it behaves them only. If there is a conspiracy, it is a duty incumbent upon me to uncover such conspiracy.

The purpose of giving references from the writings of the ulama of Deoband is to make it abundantly clear through "White and Black" to all those seeking reality as to how much those making false accusations against us are themselves involved in acts of similar nature and how much at odds are their sayings and actions. The present book is not a detailed answer to things mentioned in the booklets "Johannesburg to Bareilly", line by line and word for word. But this humble self has, by the grace of Allah, encompassed replies to all the accusations as a whole.

It is a matter of honour and dignity of our holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam). It is our faith that he excels all the worlds, all the creations. Love of him brings everlasting life to us. We are prepared to sacrifice our lives for the sake of his honour and dignity. In our view, to speak before him in a loud voice is the height of irreverence and to us uncovering their foul deeds and breaking their heads is of the essence of a holy war.

It is hoped that, by the grace of Almighty Allah, my efforts will provide food for thought to the advocates of Deobandi-ism and, also, be of help to the Ahl-e-Sunnat-Wa-Jama'at in remaining steadfast on the right beliefs and right acts in accordance with the dictates of the Qur'aan and the Sunnat.

Readers are requested to please pray for me so that the Merciful Allah may accept my humble efforts towards propagation and publicising the Deen of His beloved, the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam), and that He may grant me beneficial knowledge and open up my heart so that I may be able to take a stand in defence of the dignity and honour of my master, and that He may grant me success in my efforts to expose and combat falsehood. A'meen.

Kaukab Noorani Okarvi
(Ghufira Lahu)

Al Laahu Rabbu Muhammadin Sallal Alaihi Wasallama

This servant of the Ahl-e-Sunnat-Wa-Jama'at has already presented to his readers a brief booklet entitled "From Deoband to Bareilly: the truth". Among the contents of the booklet was an account of the true import of the basic difference between the Sunni (Bareilvi) and the Deobandi Wahaabis, and, also, of a possible end to all the differences between the two.

To say to every thing 'I will not accept it' is an incurable disease All the same, every wise, realistic and just person would have, through the booklet, become fully aware of the truth and also that whatever differences that exist between the two groups are total and principled. By the grace of Allah this booklet by this humble person became popular and, because of it, thousands of people got the opportunity to correct their beliefs and to be steadfast on the truth. This did not happen because of the effectiveness of the words I used or the way I presented them. All this happened because of the power of truth and the grace of the holy Prophet
(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam). 

Adversaries and opponents, also, said that what I was doing was no service to Islam. Instead, they advised me to work against non-Muslims or for the betterment of society. It is amazing that they become angry if the same advice is given to them. Yet the first thing I would say by way of reply is that such advice is never effective if the enmity of the adversaries and the opponents is founded merely on opposition for opposition sake and on adamancy, and because the real motive behind them is that they should not be exposed and their nefarious activities are not taken notice of, and people may not become disgusted with them. Secondly, I would like to point out that perhaps our adversaries are used to seeing only one aspect of a thing and because of their short sightedness they do not see right. If they were to see both aspects, then there would be no cause for differences to creep up because it is difficult to deny truth. The third thing is that they usually are dependent upon their masters and arc their yes men and they are devoid of all wisdom, perception and good conduct. Even if they have these things in small measure, they are not allowed to make use of them because after selling oneself to somebody else there is no occasion to use one's own knowledge and his own volition. Fourthly, it would be foolish to expect positive thinking from persons who have become used to negative thinking. Fifthly, it would be futile to expect opinion based on reality from him who has become habituated to seeing things in other's mirror and to avoid reality.

It is a pity that these Deobandi Wahaabis do not have the heart to acknowledge exemplary services rendered by the right-guided ulama of the Ahle-Sunnat-Wa-Jama'at even when they are fully aware of these. The writings and the speeches of the ulama of Deoband bear testimony to the fact that they have no connection with good conduct. As it is, we of the Ahl-e-Sunnat are not -at all harmed by what they do or say. Actually, we are pleased at heart when they choose us for slandering. This, because so long as they are engaged in upbraiding us then for that period we prevent them at least from being insolent to the unblemished personality of the holy Prophet, the beloved of Allah. This is a good enough success. But as far as I am concerned, I wish they may say whatever they may have to say about me but they should desist from being insolent to the lofty personality of the beloved of the Creator (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) and thus throwing a challenge to my Islamic spirit.

What to speak of this insignificant being, there is no one in the whole universe who is fully aware of the greatness of beloved Mustafa (`Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam). Those who choose to call Allah's beloved Prophet who is the object desired by the entire Universe a mortal like themselves, such foul-mouthed cannot have a full comprehension of the powers, capabilities and special traits of one such, much less set limits to the excellence of the Allah's beloved (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam). Divines like the venerated Baayazeed Bistaami, Maulana Room, Sheikh Sa'di, Sheikh Abdul Haq Muhaddis Dehlvi, Maulana Jaami (may Allah have mercy on them) have acknowledged their humbleness before him, but these slandering Mullas openly say that "the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) was a mortal like us". May Allah forgive us!

We of the Ahle-Sunnat-Wa-Jama'at know only this much:

" Wo Khuda Naheen Ba Khuda Naheen, Wo Magar Khuda Se Juda Naheen,
Wo Hein Keya Magar Wo Hein Keya Naheen, Ye Muhib Habeeb Ki Baat Het'

(He is not Allah, by Allah he is not, and yet he is not separate from Allah. What he is and what he is not, the matter is entirely between the Lover and the beloved.)

"Tum Zaat-e-Khuda Se Na Juda Ho Na Khuda Ho
Allah Hi Ko Ma' loom He Keya Jaaniye Keya He"
(You are not separated from Allah yet you are not is known only to Allah. Whatever you are.)
How can these short-sighed people know of the splendid deeds of the ulama of the Ahl-e-Sunnat ?
A famous Persian couplet aptly describes their condition
"Gar Na Beenad Barooz-e-Shapparah Chashm Chashma'e Aaftuab Ra cheh Gunaah"
(If a bat cannot see the brightness of the day The blame for this cannot be put upon the sun)
Had I not been blessed by the teachings of my valued teachers and divines I also would have fouled up my tongue and my pen to the same degree as those belonging to the Deoband school of thought have done theirs But it is a great blessing of Almighty Allah that He has saved me from committing this foul deed I pray to Almighty Allah that He may allow me Lo attain to the highest degree of faith and good conduct'

Nurtured by the British and the Hindus these Deobandi Wahaabi propagandists can only adore and praise an idolateress Indira Gandhi; they can hold dear every enemy of Almighty Allah; hut they arc by nature hateful of every person dear to Almighty Allah Every man gets what kit' is destined to have. I am thankful to our Creator and Master that He has made me able to bear utmost love for Himself and for His dear ones This is not an ordinary honour, and all this is due to His blessings I pray to Almighty Allah that He may let me be saturated with the love of His dear ones and accept my service in the cause of the defence of the honour of His dear ones and He m may allow me to end my life while being wholly devoted to those He holds dear.

Allah has blessed man with right sort of intellect and this intellect is to be used for pondering things Every man of faith knows that a companion (Sahaabi) is he who during his life upon this earth had embraced Islam and had been blessed with setting his eyes upon or an audience with the holy Prophet And the result of such a meeting was that no non-companion despite all his accomplishments can attain to the status of a companion It is apparent that it such a status falls to the lot of a person who only had the good for-tune of casting his looks on the Prophet what station and status would be that of the Prophet himself. But this is beyond the grasp of those whom; such faculty has not been given Deprived of faith they arc. Also devoid of all thinking As the poet has said:
When Allah deprives one of faith he surely becomes an embodiment of foolishness

This servant of the Ahl-e-Sunnat has visited South Africa twice so for while their friends in Lenasia, Johannesburg gave me three parts of the pamphlet "Johannesburg to Bareilly" published on behalf of the "Council for the Propagation of the Sunnats of Islam,
(P.O. Box 749, Lenasia-1820, South Africa). These pamphlets bear no names as their author or authors.* But on the last page of the booklet a name that of Suleman Cassim, of course, appears.
*The writer of these pamphlets would, surely, have been a so-called scholar of the Deobandi Wahaabi school who did not have faith in his own beliefs and. so, did not disclose his name. He surely would have been a hypocrite and had tried to hide his real face.

Who wrote those pamphlets is not known, but on top of the front page it is mentioned that "this booklet is by way of reply to the earlier pamphlet issued by the Bareilvis holding the beliefs of the ulama of Deoband to be erroneous." I went through all three pamphlets, at the end of which I found myself wondering as to why these Deobandi-Wahaabi propagandists who proclaim themselves to be the right-guided ulama do not fear Allah or care about their ultimate fate, and, thus, adopt other ways for themselves.

Here, I must confess that I have not 'been able to lay my hands upon any such pamphlet by the Bareilvis which is said to have prompted the issuance of the pamphlet called "Johannesburg to Bareilly". All the same, it was not necessary to study the pamphlet allegedly issued by the Bareilvis after I had gone through the contents of the pamphlet `'Johannesburg to Bareilly". This, for the simple reason that I have become fully conversant with the ways as well as the writings and the speeches of the self-proclaimed "right-guided" ulama of Deoband during my contacts with them for well over two decades.

Those who have perused the series of booklets called "Johannesburg to Bareilly" would have noticed the tone and tenor of its authors. The things for which they have been critical of A'laa Hazrat Imam of Ahl-e-Sunnat, Allamah Maulana Shah Mujad-did-i-Deen-o-Millat and Ahmad Raza Khan of Bareilly are, unfortunately for the Deobandeis, those that have come from the pens of the self-proclaimed right-guided ulama regarding the Deobandeis themselves. The only difference is that when the same is said by Imam Ahl-e-Sunnat Bareilvi he is upbraided and when the same things are said by the ulama of Deoband themselves then the Deobandeis forget all about equity and justice. If they really regard their ulama as so-called right-guided ulama, why do not they compare the IWO writings and pronounce an honest verdict in consonance with the demands of equity and justice, why they do not accept the verdict of their own elders.

I can, if I so choose, present all the passages with which books by the great ulama of Deoband are full. But my love for the faith does not permit me to reproduce such filthy passages. Readers themselves should know what such passages could be. You must have heard about the term "pornography", but pornography pales into insignificance before the writings of the so-called sole pornography pales into insignificance before the writings of the so-called sole guardians of Deen and religion of Deoband.

This post first appeared on 786 Qurani Wazaif, please read the originial post: here

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