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Photobook Worldwide App Review (Philippines)

Photobook Worldwide App Review (Philippines)

Social media and mobile phones has taken over traditional photo albums and old fashioned scrapbooks when it comes to memory book and keepsakes. I bet kids today don’t know how fun it is to stick photographs on self-adhesive photo album covered with plastic sheets. Clearly, photo albums are out, and digital albums are in. Still, even though it’s the golden age, printing of photographs hasn’t totally ended. Personally, I think printing of photos is a safer way to preserve photos than just saving it on a device which could possibly get corrupted, broken or hacked anytime. Recently, I’ve been meaning to print our family photos and put it in an album but time constraints every time I try to. So, finally, a friend recommended me this app called Photobook Worldwide. Well, this app isn’t really new to me, for many instances I’ve tried using it but always ended up not being able to cart my order – basically because I’ve tried using it using a desktop and not the mobile app itself. I swear the mobile app is a lot more easier to use compared to the desktop version. Alsoooo, the price can be quite costly especially if you don’t have any discount vouchers.

Last week, I finally did my first photobook and had it printed. I carted 2 items: 1×1 hard cover photobook and 50 pieces of 4R pictures. After exactly 7 days, it arrived and this is how it looks like:

They’re amaziiiing. And you know what’s more amazing? I paid nothing but the shipping fee – which is about P500 or 10USD.

Photobook is so generous when it comes to discounts, you just have to check your Photobook app notifications or email updates to get them. If it’s your first time to use Photobook, you can simply use the voucher “WELCOME” to get a free 6×6 hard cover photobook.

Photobook is basically best for anyone who wish to have their photos printed without having to go to a printing shop – which is really a time-saver if you ask me.

Overall, the app is amazing. It has a 7-day guaranteed shipping, the app is self-explanatory, and only medium to high quality photos (at least 750×1050 pixels and no greater than 1500 to 2100 pixels) are accepted to avoid photos breaking up into pixels.

This service is really worth trying! Can’t wait to have more photobooks!

This post first appeared on Noelli, please read the originial post: here

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Photobook Worldwide App Review (Philippines)
