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How to Find an Online Job (Philippines)


The world is dominated by various technology, and one of the most compelling shares of technology to the world is the Internet. So amazing how the Internet changes the way people socialize, shop, find entertainment and even make money from it. Way back 2009, I started my first blog in Tumblr, and then bought my own domain name called, and Hah! I basically got addicted to buying a lot of domain names, I think I may have bought a hundred :)) So anyway, back in the day, you’ll need to get a good page rank to get a paid sponsored posts. A page rank is an algorithm used by Google to determine your website’s worth – 10 is the highest while 0 is the lowest.  The more traffic your blog gets, the higher chance to get a good rank, hence the bigger chance to get someone pay you to write about their products or services. However, Social Media seems to have taken over the Internet today, there are now people called Social Media Influencers – these people have thousands of followers, some even have millions. Advertisers nowadays prefer these people to promote their products. Basically, blogging isn’t really a permanent money-making career, opportunities here come and go. I guess it’s just not for everybody. It could take years to get a good page rank and a n optimized web page to get stable amount of traffic. Honestly, this blog doesn’t even earn a dime, but that’s okay, this blog is really just intended to vent out our thoughts.

Moving on, there are many jobs you can do to earn money online besides blogging. Today, there are a lot of websites wherein you can look for a job. There’s,, and You only need to sign up, create an impressive profile or portfolio and start applying to jobs you are qualified for.

There are many types of jobs you can apply depending on what field you are most qualified for, including the following:

Writer: Filipinos can write and speak English so well that many foreign companies hire them to write. There are many writing jobs you can apply to, depending on what genre you preferred. There are companies that hire people to write about short stories, product reviews, blog contents and many other. A writer must be English-proficient, creative and able to do research well. A writer is typically paid depending on the number of words written, how many hours spent or it could be project-based. For starters, you can charge $5/hour. As per Indeed, a content writer can earn up to 18,00 – 28,000 per month.

Virtual Assistant: a VA is basically an online secretary hired to do certain tasks – be it to make appointments, call certain people, bookkeeping, data entry, arrange travels and schedules, and a lot more administrative tasks. They are usually hired by small business owners who wish to focus on running the business rather than spending a lot of time trying to do admin tasks which can be delegated to a VA. A virtual assistant is paid by hour, or with a fixed monthly amount. For starters, a VA can get paid $3 – $5 per hour.

English Teacher: This has always been an in-demand job in the Philippines. BBC even addressed Filipinos as the “World’s Budget English Teacher”.Without a doubt, Filipinos have the edge when it comes to speaking and writing the English language, and foreign countries leverage from offshore outsourcing by hiring Filipinos to learn the universal language. An English teacher is typically paid per hour- usually $5 to $10 per hour.

Graphic Designer: If you’re creative, artistic, and have a passion in designing, then this job may be the best for you. This can be a good part-time or full-time paying job, as long as you are backed up with skills and knowledge. Companies who hire graphic designers are usually publishers, advertisers and computer design companies. To get started, you must have a good portfolio in order to show people your skills. It will also be nicer if you have a website to show off your works. A graphic designer is typically paid per-project, some are paid per hour and some get a fixed monthly salary. For starters, a graphic designer can be paid 18,000 to 30,000 per month.

Customer Service Representative: a CSR typically helps resolve customer complaints or queries via call, email, live chat or via social media. A CSR must have good communication skills, knowledgeable of the offered product/service, able to handle difficult situations and can surpass expectations. This job is usually for full-timers that are fluent in English and have stable Internet connection. A CSR is most typically paid on a monthly basis that ranges from 15,000 up to 35,000.

I guess the main skill to have in order to easily get an online job is to be English-proficient. Foreign companies today leverage from offshore outsourcing and typically hire Filipinos not only because the labor cost is a lot cheaper compared to others but also because we are able to speak and write English so well.

The Internet offers a lot of opportunities, there’s e-commerce, online services and online market trading. You just only need to figure out where you’re good at and dig a little more to find that job that suits you. Good luck on job hunting!

The post How to Find an Online Job (Philippines) appeared first on Noelli.

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How to Find an Online Job (Philippines)
