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Mother’s Day Wish


It’s that time of the year again where your newsfeed is flooded with Mother’s day-related articles, videos and memes. Today I stumbled upon a question asked by a fellow mom: If you could have 1 day for yourself, what would you do?

Hmm, if sky’s the limit and we live in a perfect world, I would be staying at one of New York’s famous hotels -maybe The Plaza, since we’re feeling extra, lol. I kind of feel embarrassed writing this wild imagination of mine, haha. So anyway, I’ll start the day drinking a good cup of joe while wearing a cozy robe made of silk. I’d take a shower without rushing – because there would be no toddler knocking on the door calling mommy a thousand times or more, lol. I’d go out and eat Manhattan’s streetfood for breakfast. Because I’m a tired momma who prefers binge-watching at home rather than taking a walk at Central Park, I would just grab some enormous ginger bread and hotdogs and go back to my cozy room. I would watch movies while munching a lot of junks til I fell asleep. The end. Lol.

Kidding aside, being a working momma that I am, I don’t really spend that much time with my daughter, so if I do get a chance to have a day for myself, I will most likely to spend it with her and her dad. Some might say it’s so ~cheezy~ but it’s that cheezy thing that makes my life complete – funny that it sounded even more cheezier haha.

Mommyhood ain’t easy – as they say, it’s a journey that evolves everyday. There are times I lose my mind a little bit but it only takes one deep breathe and a kiss from my little gal to switch back the good mood on. I’m still very new at parenting and I’m quite excited and a bit scared of what may happen in the coming years.
Wish me luck?

And oh, here’s a totally on point mommy-meme :


Happy mother’s day!

The post Mother’s Day Wish appeared first on Noelli.

This post first appeared on Noelli, please read the originial post: here

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Mother’s Day Wish
