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Juggling Mommyhood + 2 Careers


When I got pregnant, almost every mother I know expressed how hard it is to be a mom – the sleep deprivation, the post partum depression, breast-feeding, and whatnot – I shrugged it all off and thought motherhood is over-rated. The joke’s on me because it turned out to be a lot harder than what they said!!! Honestly, ever since I gave birth, I never had uninterrupted straight hours of sleep! Hah!  Nevertheless, all these motherhood struggles cannot compare to the joy my little one brings me, so I really am not complaining

Being a working momma has its ups and downs. Little known to many, I have been juggling mommyhood with 2 careers for almost a year now. Ain’t I a super mom? Haha.  By day, I work in a bank, and then spend 3 hours at night working as a Research Analyst and Writer for I write about various financial topics such as Selling on Etsy,  Finding the Right Product on Amazon FBA and many other.

So, how do I even carry on from this setup? The answer is simple: I love what I do. My heart has always been into writing, and working in a bank simply secures me a stable job.  And honestly, both basically pay me well.

Do I make time for my little one? Certainly! For every possible minute, I make sure I spend time with her. These careers didn’t stop me to breast-feed my little one for almost a year, didn’t stop me from not missing every doctor appointments and it didn’t stop me from being the best momma I could be, because apparently, my little girl is the main reason why I even work hard.

Juggling 2 careers and mommyhood ain’t easy, but there’s simply something about mommyhood that pushes you to do things like this.

What’s my husband’s take on this? Well, my husband didn’t like the idea at first, but being the stubborn wife that I am, he started appreciating me more rather than being against it. He supports what I like to do and that’s all I need to keep going.

When will I stop? Honestly, if I have to choose between these careers, I’d certainly choose writing. Aside from being paid well, there’s no greater feeling than working home-based and spend more time with the ones you love.

How did I find this job? Well, I started working online when I was in college. Back then, web-designing was really my thing and I offered my service to almost any bloggers I know. One of the bloggers I asked fortunately hired me and I started working for him way back 2011. 6 years later, we’re still friends, one day, I just bluntly asked him if there’s a vacant position in his company – annnnd the rest is history.  Today I’ve written over 60 articles for GlobalfromAsia and I am proud I became part of the team

The post Juggling Mommyhood + 2 Careers appeared first on Noelli.

This post first appeared on Noelli, please read the originial post: here

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Juggling Mommyhood + 2 Careers
