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What to get a 1 year old for his/her birthday?

What To Get A 1 Year Old For His/her Birthday?

There is no greater feeling than seeing your child happy especially on his/her birthday. Picking the best gift for a little kid turning one is pretty tough though, because a typical 1 year old kid can hardly tell what she/he wants. You may have already ideas what he/she is into, what are the colours your child likes, what his/her interests are, but still confused what gift to purchase?

Well, there are many birthday gift ideas for a 1 year old you can find online or at the mall but not all of them may be suitable. Most toys claim to give your little kid developmental skills, but how factual are these claims? First off, skills for a 1 year old could be developed thru sensory exploration where she/he can touch, see, hear, play, create and explore things. To sum it all up, she/he will need a toy that is interesting to your toddler’s eyes (colourful, perhaps something eye-candy or eye-catchy), loud! (Maybe something that plays music), something that is movable and explore-able (like a robot or a set of Lego blocks). These toys not only bring fun to your little kiddo but also develop his skills as it will stimulate his young senses. A toy should be both for fun and learning. Wouldn’t it be nice to hit 2 birds with 1 stone?

1 year olds are naturally curious, they like to explore and cruise around. By 12 months, this little bee has more developed pincer grasp and can hold small objects, therefore you must also consider the size of the toy you may want to purchase as your little guy/gal must be fond of putting stuff in his/her mouth that could cause choking. Another thing is that little kids at this age like to throw things, so you better not buy toys that are fragile and can get easily broken. Moreover, at this age, your little kid may start to develop pretty limited vocabulary, some can even try to imitate sounds, for that reason you may want to buy a toy that plays music or something that creates sounds he/she could imitate, or can stimulate his/her hearing senses.

Toddlerhood starts at 1 year old, and you will be surprised with differences a year would make. Remember that toys should be both fun and educative. Make the first days your little one’s toddlerhood joyful and fun with toys worth buying!

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What to get a 1 year old for his/her birthday?
